Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************************* * * ', in plugin ummisco.gama.ui.modeling, is part of the source code of the GAMA modeling and * simulation platform. (c) 2007-2016 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/UPMC & Partners * * Visit for license information and developers contact. * * **********************************************************************************************/ package msi.gama.lang.gaml.ui.labeling; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.provider.AdapterFactoryLabelProvider; import; import org.eclipse.xtext.naming.IQualifiedNameProvider; import org.eclipse.xtext.naming.QualifiedName; import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.label.DefaultEObjectLabelProvider; import; import; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IGamlLabelProvider; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.EGaml; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Expression; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Facet; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.HeadlessExperiment; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Import; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Model; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.S_Declaration; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.S_Definition; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.S_Experiment; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Statement; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.StringLiteral; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.VarDefinition; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.VariableRef; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.ui.outline.GamlOutlineTreeProvider; import msi.gaml.compilation.ast.ISyntacticElement; /** * Provides labels for a EObjects. * * see */ @Singleton public class GamlLabelProvider extends DefaultEObjectLabelProvider implements IGamlLabelProvider { @Inject private IQualifiedNameProvider nameProvider; @Inject public GamlLabelProvider(final AdapterFactoryLabelProvider delegate) { super(delegate); } @Override public Image convertToImage(final Object imageDescription) { return super.convertToImage(imageDescription); } String image(final Model ele) { return "_model.png"; } // Import String text(final Import ele) { String display = ele.getImportURI(); final int index = display.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index >= 0) { display = display.substring(index + 1); } return "import " + display; } String text(final HeadlessExperiment e) { return "Experiment " + e.getName(); } String text(final EObject ele) { String text; String key = EGaml.getKeyOf(ele); if (key == null) { key = ""; } text = key; key = null; if (ele instanceof Statement) { if (text.equals(IKeyword.PARAMETER)) { return parameterText((Statement) ele); } if (GamlOutlineTreeProvider.isAttribute((Statement) ele)) { return attributeText((S_Definition) ele); } if (GamlOutlineTreeProvider.isAction((Statement) ele)) { return actionText((Statement) ele); } String name = EGaml.getNameOf((Statement) ele); if (name == null) { final Expression expr = ((Statement) ele).getExpr(); if (expr != null) { name = EGaml.getKeyOf(expr); } } if (name == null) { QualifiedName qn = null; try { qn = nameProvider.getFullyQualifiedName(ele); name = qn == null ? null : qn.toString(); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { name = null; } } text += " " + (name == null ? "" : name); } // } else { // text = key + " " + qn.toString(); // } return StringUtils.capitalize(text); } /** * @param ele * @return */ private String attributeText(final S_Definition ele) { String type = EGaml.getKeyOf(ele); String key = type.equals(IKeyword.CONST) ? type : null; final Map<String, Facet> map = EGaml.getFacetsMapOf(ele); if (ele.getBlock() != null /* && ele.getBlock().getFunction() != null */) { key = "function"; } else { if (map.containsKey(IKeyword.FUNCTION) || map.containsKey("->")) { type = "function"; } } if (type.equals(IKeyword.VAR) || type.equals(IKeyword.CONST)) { final Facet f = map.get(IKeyword.TYPE); if (f != null) { type = EGaml.getKeyOf(f.getExpr()); } } String name = EGaml.getNameOf(ele); if (name == null) { final Expression expr = ((Statement) ele).getExpr(); if (expr != null) { name = EGaml.getKeyOf(expr); } } if (name == null) { QualifiedName qn = null; try { qn = nameProvider.getFullyQualifiedName(ele); name = qn == null ? null : qn.toString(); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { name = null; } } return "Attribute " + (name == null ? "" : name) + (type == null ? "" : " (" + type + ") " + (key == null ? "" : "(" + key + ") ")); } /** * @param ele * @return */ private String actionText(final Statement ele) { final String type = EGaml.getKeyOf(ele); final String name = EGaml.getNameOf(ele); return "Action " + name + " " + (type.equals(IKeyword.ACTION) ? "" : " (" + type + ")"); } String text(final Model obj) { return "Model " + obj.getName(); } protected String parameterText(final Statement p) { String type = null; String var = null; final Map<String, Facet> map = EGaml.getFacetsMapOf(p); Facet f = map.get(IKeyword.VAR); if (f != null) { final Expression vr = f.getExpr(); if (vr instanceof VariableRef) { final VarDefinition vd = ((VariableRef) vr).getRef(); if (vd instanceof S_Declaration) { type = EGaml.getKeyOf(vd); var = EGaml.getNameOf((S_Declaration) vd); } } } // if ( type == null ) { // type = "parameter"; // } String name = null; f = map.get(IKeyword.NAME); if (f == null) { final Expression e = p.getExpr(); if (e instanceof StringLiteral) { name = ((StringLiteral) e).getOp(); } } else { final Expression e = f.getExpr(); if (e instanceof StringLiteral) { name = ((StringLiteral) e).getOp(); } } return "Parameter " + "\"" + name + "\"" + (var == null ? "" : " (" + var + ")" + (type == null ? "" : " (" + type + ")")); } String image(final Import ele) { return "_include.png"; } String image(final S_Experiment ele) { final List<Facet> facets = EGaml.getFacetsOf(ele); Facet type = null; for (final Facet f : facets) { if (f.getKey().startsWith(IKeyword.TYPE)) { type = f; break; } } if (type == null) { return "_gui.png"; } return typeImage(EGaml.toString(type.getExpr())); } String image(final HeadlessExperiment ele) { final List<Facet> facets = EGaml.getFacetsOf(ele); Facet type = null; for (final Facet f : facets) { if (f.getKey().startsWith(IKeyword.TYPE)) { type = f; break; } } if (type == null) { return "_batch.png"; } return typeImage(EGaml.toString(type.getExpr())); } // Statement : keyword.value public String image(final Statement ele) { final String kw = EGaml.getKeyOf(ele); if (kw == null) { return null; } if (kw.equals(IKeyword.PARAMETER)) { return parameterImage(ele); } if (kw.equals(IKeyword.VAR) || kw.equals(IKeyword.CONST)) { for (final Facet f : EGaml.getFacetsOf(ele)) { if (EGaml.getKeyOf(f).startsWith(IKeyword.TYPE)) { return typeImage(EGaml.getKeyOf(f.getExpr())); } } } return typeImage(kw); } protected String parameterImage(final Statement p) { if (IKeyword.PARAMETER.equals(p.getKey())) { String var = null; final Facet f = EGaml.getFacetsMapOf(p).get(IKeyword.VAR); if (f != null) { final Expression vr = f.getExpr(); if (vr instanceof VariableRef) { final VarDefinition vd = ((VariableRef) vr).getRef(); if (vd instanceof S_Declaration) { var = EGaml.getKeyOf(vd); } } } if (var == null) { return "_parameter.png"; } return "_" + var + ".png"; } else { return "_parameter.png"; } } public String typeImage(final String string) { return "_" + string + ".png"; } /** * @see msi.gama.common.interfaces.IGamlLabelProvider#getText(msi.gaml.compilation.ast.ISyntacticElement) */ @Override public String getText(final ISyntacticElement element) { return this.getText(element.getElement()); } /** * @see msi.gama.common.interfaces.IGamlLabelProvider#getImage(msi.gaml.compilation.ast.ISyntacticElement) */ @Override public Object getImage(final ISyntacticElement element) { return this.getImage(element.getElement()); } }