Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************************* * * ', in plugin msi.gama.lang.gaml, is part of the source code of the GAMA modeling and * simulation platform. (c) 2007-2016 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/UPMC & Partners * * Visit for license information and developers contact. * * **********************************************************************************************/ package msi.gama.lang.gaml.expression; import static; import static; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.AS; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.EACH; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.IS; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.IS_SKILL; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.MY; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.MYSELF; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.NULL; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.OF; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.POINT; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.SELF; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.SPECIES; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.SUPER; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.TRUE; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword.UNKNOWN; import static msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword._DOT; import static msi.gaml.expressions.IExpressionFactory.FALSE_EXPR; import static msi.gaml.expressions.IExpressionFactory.TRUE_EXPR; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import; import; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IGamlIssue; import msi.gama.common.interfaces.IKeyword; import msi.gama.common.util.StringUtils; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.EGaml; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Access; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.ActionRef; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.ArgumentPair; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Array; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.BinaryOperator; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.BooleanLiteral; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.ColorLiteral; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.DoubleLiteral; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.EquationRef; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Expression; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.ExpressionList; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Facet; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Function; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.If; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.IntLiteral; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Parameter; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Point; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.ReservedLiteral; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.SkillFakeDefinition; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.SkillRef; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.StringEvaluator; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.StringLiteral; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.TerminalExpression; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.TypeDefinition; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.TypeInfo; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.TypeRef; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Unary; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.Unit; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.UnitName; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.VarDefinition; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.VariableRef; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.gaml.util.GamlSwitch; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.resource.GamlResource; import msi.gama.lang.gaml.resource.GamlResourceServices; import msi.gama.runtime.GAMA; import msi.gama.runtime.IExecutionContext; import msi.gama.runtime.exceptions.GamaRuntimeException; import msi.gama.util.GAML; import msi.gaml.compilation.ast.SyntacticFactory; import msi.gaml.compilation.ast.SyntacticModelElement; import msi.gaml.compilation.kernel.GamaSkillRegistry; import msi.gaml.descriptions.ActionDescription; import msi.gaml.descriptions.ExperimentDescription; import msi.gaml.descriptions.IDescription; import msi.gaml.descriptions.IExpressionDescription; import msi.gaml.descriptions.IVarDescriptionProvider; import msi.gaml.descriptions.ModelDescription; import msi.gaml.descriptions.OperatorProto; import msi.gaml.descriptions.PlatformSpeciesDescription; import msi.gaml.descriptions.SpeciesDescription; import msi.gaml.descriptions.StatementDescription; import msi.gaml.descriptions.StringBasedExpressionDescription; import msi.gaml.descriptions.TypeDescription; import msi.gaml.descriptions.ValidationContext; import msi.gaml.expressions.ConstantExpression; import msi.gaml.expressions.DenotedActionExpression; import msi.gaml.expressions.EachExpression; import msi.gaml.expressions.IExpression; import msi.gaml.expressions.IExpressionCompiler; import msi.gaml.expressions.IExpressionFactory; import msi.gaml.expressions.IVarExpression; import msi.gaml.expressions.TimeUnitConstantExpression; import msi.gaml.expressions.TypeFieldExpression; import msi.gaml.expressions.UnitConstantExpression; import msi.gaml.factories.DescriptionFactory; import msi.gaml.operators.Dates; import msi.gaml.operators.IUnits; import msi.gaml.statements.Arguments; import msi.gaml.types.GamaType; import msi.gaml.types.IType; import msi.gaml.types.ITypesManager; import msi.gaml.types.ParametricType; import msi.gaml.types.Types; /** * The Class GamlExpressionCompiler. Transforms Strings or XText Expressions into GAML IExpressions. Normally invoked by * an IExpressionFactory (the default being GAML.getExpressionFactory()) */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class GamlExpressionCompiler extends GamlSwitch<IExpression> implements IExpressionCompiler<Expression> { private final Deque<IVarExpression> iteratorContexts = new LinkedList(); // To disable reentrant parsing (Issue 782) private IExpressionDescription currentExpressionDescription; private ITypesManager currentTypesManager; private final static Map<String, IExpression> constantSyntheticExpressions = new THashMap<>(); private static final ExpressionDescriptionBuilder builder = new ExpressionDescriptionBuilder(); /* * The context (IDescription) in which the parser operates. If none is given, the global context of the current * simulation is returned (via simulation.getModel().getDescription()) if it is available. Otherwise, only simple * expressions (that contain constants) can be parsed. */ private IDescription currentContext; static { IExpressionCompiler.OPERATORS.put(MY, new THashMap<>()); } @Override public IExpression compile(final IExpressionDescription s, final IDescription parsingContext) { // Cf. Issue 782. Returns the expression if an expression needs its // compiled version to be compiled. if (s.isConst() || s == getCurrentExpressionDescription()) { return s.getExpression(); } setCurrentExpressionDescription(s); final EObject o = s.getTarget(); if (o == null && s instanceof StringBasedExpressionDescription) { final IExecutionContext context = GAMA.getExperiment() == null ? null : GAMA.getRuntimeScope().getExecutionContext(); return compile(s.toString(), parsingContext, context); } final IDescription previous = setContext(parsingContext); try { final IExpression result = compile(o); return result; } finally { setContext(previous); setCurrentExpressionDescription(null); } } @Override public IExpression compile(final String expression, final IDescription parsingContext, final IExecutionContext tempContext) { final IDescription previous = setContext(parsingContext); try { IExpression result = constantSyntheticExpressions.get(expression); if (result != null) { return result; } final EObject o = getEObjectOf(expression, tempContext); result = compile(o); if (result != null && result.isContextIndependant()) { constantSyntheticExpressions.put(expression, result); } return result; } finally { setContext(previous); setCurrentExpressionDescription(null); } } private IExpression compile(final EObject s) { if (s == null) { // No error, since the null expressions come from previous (more // focused) errors and not from the parser itself. return null; } final IExpression expr = doSwitch(s); if (expr != null && getContext() != null) { getContext().document(s, expr); } return expr; } private IExpression skill(final String name) { return getFactory().createConst(name, Types.SKILL); } // KEEP private IExpression unary(final String op, final Expression e) { if (op == null) { return null; } final IExpression expr = compile(e); if (expr == null) { return null; } if (op.equals(MY)) { final IVarDescriptionProvider desc = getContext().getDescriptionDeclaringVar(MYSELF); if (desc instanceof IDescription) { // We are in a remote context, so 'my' refers to the calling // agent final IExpression myself = desc.getVarExpr(MYSELF, false); final IDescription species = myself.getGamlType().getSpecies(); final IExpression var = species.getVarExpr(EGaml.getKeyOf(e), true); return getFactory().createOperator(_DOT, (IDescription) desc, e, myself, var); } // Otherwise, we ignore 'my' since it refers to 'self' return expr; } // The unary "unit" operator should let the value of its child pass // through if (op.equals("") || op.equals("#")) { return expr; } if (op.equals("every") && expr instanceof ConstantExpression && expr.getGamlType() == Types.INT) { getContext().warning( "No unit provided. If this frequency concerns cycles, please use the #cycle unit. Otherwise use one of the temporal unit (#ms, #s, #mn, #h, #day, #week, #month, #year)", IGamlIssue.DEPRECATED, e); } if (isSpeciesName(op)) { return getFactory().createAs(getContext(), expr, getSpeciesContext(op).getSpeciesExpr()); } // if ( isSkillName(op) ) { return factory.createOperator(AS, context, // e, expr, skill(op)); } return getFactory().createOperator(op, getContext(), e, expr); } private IExpression casting(final String type, final IExpression toCast, final Expression typeObject) { if (toCast == null) { return null; } final IType castingType = currentTypesManager.get(type).typeIfCasting(toCast); final boolean isSuperType = castingType.isAssignableFrom(toCast.getGamlType()); TypeInfo typeInfo = null; if (typeObject instanceof TypeRef) { typeInfo = ((TypeRef) typeObject).getParameter(); } else if (typeObject instanceof Function) { typeInfo = ((Function) typeObject).getType(); } if (isSuperType && typeInfo == null) { getContext().info("Unneeded casting: '" + toCast.serialize(true) + "' is already of type " + type, IGamlIssue.UNUSED, typeObject); // Issue #2521: indicate but don't skip the casting // return toCast; } IType keyType = castingType.getKeyType(); IType contentsType = castingType.getContentType(); if (typeInfo != null) { IType kt = fromTypeRef((TypeRef) typeInfo.getFirst()); IType ct = fromTypeRef((TypeRef) typeInfo.getSecond()); if (ct == null || ct == Types.NO_TYPE) { ct = kt; kt = null; } if (ct != null && ct != Types.NO_TYPE) { contentsType = ct; } if (kt != null && kt != Types.NO_TYPE) { keyType = kt; } } final IType result = GamaType.from(castingType, keyType, contentsType); // If there is no casting to do, just return the expression unchanged. if (result.isAssignableFrom(toCast.getGamlType())) { getContext().info("Unneeded casting: '" + toCast.serialize(true) + "' is already of type " + type, IGamlIssue.UNUSED, typeObject); // Issue #2521: indicate but don't skip the casting // return toCast; } return getFactory().createAs(getContext().getSpeciesContext(), toCast, getFactory().createTypeExpression(result)); } IType fromTypeRef(final TypeRef object) { if (object == null) { return null; } String primary = EGaml.getKeyOf(object); if (primary == null) { primary = object.getRef().getName(); } else if (primary.equals(SyntacticFactory.SPECIES_VAR)) { primary = SPECIES; } final IType t = currentTypesManager.get(primary); if (t == Types.NO_TYPE && !UNKNOWN.equals(primary)) { getContext().error(primary + " is not a valid type name", IGamlIssue.NOT_A_TYPE, object, primary); return t; } // case of model_alias<species> if (t.isAgentType() && t.getSpecies().isModel()) { final TypeInfo parameter = object.getParameter(); if (parameter == null) { return t; } final TypeRef first = (TypeRef) parameter.getFirst(); if (first == null) { return t; } else { final ITypesManager savedTypesManager = currentTypesManager; try { currentTypesManager = t.getSpecies().getModelDescription().getTypesManager(); return fromTypeRef(first); } finally { currentTypesManager = savedTypesManager; } } } if (t.isAgentType()) { return t; } // / final TypeInfo parameter = object.getParameter(); if (parameter == null || !t.isContainer()) { return t; } final TypeRef first = (TypeRef) parameter.getFirst(); if (first == null) { return t; } final TypeRef second = (TypeRef) parameter.getSecond(); if (second == null) { return GamaType.from(t, t.getKeyType(), fromTypeRef(first)); } return GamaType.from(t, fromTypeRef(first), fromTypeRef(second)); } private IExpression binary(final String op, final IExpression left, final Expression originalExpression) { if (left == null) { return null; } Expression rightMember = originalExpression; // if the operator is "as", the right-hand expression should be a // casting type if (AS.equals(op)) { return binaryAs(left, rightMember); } // if the operator is "is", the right-hand expression should be a type if (IS.equals(op)) { return binaryIs(left, rightMember); } // we verify and compile apart the calls to actions as operators final TypeDescription sd = left.getGamlType().getSpecies(); if (sd != null) { final ActionDescription action = sd.getAction(op); if (action != null) { final IExpression result = action(op, left, rightMember, action); if (result != null) { return result; } } } // It is not an action, it must be an operator. We emit an error and // stop compiling if not if (!OPERATORS.containsKey(op)) { getContext().error("Unknown action or operator: " + op, IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_ACTION, rightMember.eContainer(), op); return null; } // if the operator is an iterator, we must initialize the context // sensitive "each" variable final boolean isIterator = ITERATORS.contains(op); if (isIterator) { final IType t = left.getGamlType().getContentType(); final String argName = findIteratorArgName(rightMember); rightMember = findIteratorExpr(rightMember); iteratorContexts.push(new EachExpression(argName, t)); } // If the right-hand expression is a list of expression, then we have a // n-ary operator if (rightMember instanceof ExpressionList) { final ExpressionList el = (ExpressionList) rightMember; final List<Expression> list = EGaml.getExprsOf(el); final int size = list.size(); if (size > 1) { final IExpression[] compiledArgs = new IExpression[size + 1]; compiledArgs[0] = left; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { compiledArgs[i + 1] = compile(list.get(i)); } final IExpression result = getFactory().createOperator(op, getContext(), rightMember, compiledArgs); return result; } } // Otherwise we can now safely compile the right-hand expression final IExpression right = compile(rightMember); // We make sure to remove any mention of the each expression after the // right member has been compiled if (isIterator) { iteratorContexts.pop(); } // and we return the operator expression return getFactory().createOperator(op, getContext(), originalExpression.eContainer(), left, right); } private String findIteratorArgName(final Expression e2) { if (!(e2 instanceof ExpressionList)) { return IKeyword.EACH; } final ExpressionList params = (ExpressionList) e2; final List<Expression> exprs = EGaml.getExprsOf(params); if (exprs == null || exprs.isEmpty()) { return IKeyword.EACH; } final Expression arg = exprs.get(0); if (!(arg instanceof Parameter)) { return IKeyword.EACH; } final Parameter p = (Parameter) arg; return EGaml.getKeyOf(p); } private Expression findIteratorExpr(final Expression e2) { if (!(e2 instanceof ExpressionList)) { return e2; } final ExpressionList params = (ExpressionList) e2; final List<Expression> exprs = EGaml.getExprsOf(params); if (exprs == null || exprs.isEmpty()) { return e2; } final Expression arg = exprs.get(0); if (!(arg instanceof Parameter)) { return arg; } final Parameter p = (Parameter) arg; return p.getRight(); } private IExpression binaryIs(final IExpression left, final Expression e2) { final String type = EGaml.getKeyOf(e2); if (isTypeName(type)) { return getFactory().createOperator(IS, getContext(), e2.eContainer(), left, getFactory().createConst(type, Types.STRING)); } if (isSkillName(type)) { return getFactory().createOperator(IS_SKILL, getContext(), e2.eContainer(), left, getFactory().createConst(type, Types.SKILL)); } getContext().error( "'is' must be followed by a type, species or skill name. " + type + " is neither of these.", IGamlIssue.NOT_A_TYPE, e2, type); return null; } private IExpression binaryAs(final IExpression left, final Expression e2) { final String type = EGaml.getKeyOf(e2); // if ( isSpeciesName(type) ) { return factory.createOperator(op, // context, e2, left, species(type)); } // if ( isSkillName(type) ) { return // factory.createOperator(AS_SKILL, context, e2, left, skill(type)); // } if (isTypeName(type)) { return casting(type, left, e2); } getContext().error( "'as' must be followed by a type, species or skill name. " + type + " is neither of these.", IGamlIssue.NOT_A_TYPE, e2, type); // if (isTypeName(type)) { return casting(type, left, e2); } return null; } private IExpression action(final String name, final IExpression callee, final EObject args, final ActionDescription action) { final Arguments arguments = parseArguments(action, args, getContext(), true); return getFactory().createAction(name, getContext(), action, callee, arguments); } // KEEP private IExpression binary(final String op, final Expression e1, final Expression right) { // if the expression is " var of agents ", we must compile it apart if (OF.equals(op)) { return compileFieldExpr(right, e1); } // we can now safely compile the left-hand expression final IExpression left = compile(e1); return binary(op, left, right); } private SpeciesDescription getSpeciesContext(final String e) { return getContext().getSpeciesDescription(e); } private boolean isSpeciesName(final String s) { final ModelDescription m = getContext().getModelDescription(); if (m == null) { // can occur when building the kernel return false; } final SpeciesDescription sd = m.getSpeciesDescription(s); return sd != null && !(sd instanceof ExperimentDescription); } private boolean isSkillName(final String s) { return GamaSkillRegistry.INSTANCE.hasSkill(s); } private boolean isTypeName(final String s) { if (!currentTypesManager.containsType(s)) { return false; } final IType t = currentTypesManager.get(s); final SpeciesDescription sd = t.getSpecies(); if (sd != null && sd.isExperiment()) { return false; } return true; } private IExpression compileNamedExperimentFieldExpr(final Expression leftExpr, final String name) { final IExpression owner = compile(leftExpr); if (owner == null) { return null; } final IType type = owner.getGamlType(); if (type.isParametricFormOf(Types.SPECIES)) { final SpeciesDescription sd = type.getContentType().getSpecies(); if (sd instanceof ModelDescription) { final ModelDescription md = (ModelDescription) sd; if (md.hasExperiment(name)) { return getFactory().createConst(name, GamaType.from(md.getExperiment(name))); } } } getContext().error("Only experiments can be accessed using their plain name", IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_FIELD); return null; } private IExpression compileFieldExpr(final Expression leftExpr, final Expression fieldExpr) { final IExpression owner = compile(leftExpr); if (owner == null) { return null; } final IType type = owner.getGamlType(); final TypeDescription species = type.getSpecies(); // hqnghi 28-05-14 search input variable from model, not experiment if (type instanceof ParametricType && type.getGamlType().id() == IType.SPECIES) { if (type.getContentType().getSpecies() instanceof ModelDescription) { final ModelDescription sd = (ModelDescription) type.getContentType().getSpecies(); final String var = EGaml.getKeyOf(fieldExpr); if (sd.hasExperiment(var)) { return getFactory().createConst(var, GamaType.from(sd.getExperiment(var))); } } } // end-hqnghi if (species == null) { // It can only be a variable as 'actions' are not defined on simple // objects, except for matrices, where it // can also represent the dot product final String var = EGaml.getKeyOf(fieldExpr); final OperatorProto proto = type.getGetter(var); // Special case for matrices if ( == IType.MATRIX && proto == null) { return binary(".", owner, fieldExpr); } if (proto == null) { getContext().error("Unknown field '" + var + "' for type " + type, IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_FIELD, leftExpr, var, type.toString()); return null; } final TypeFieldExpression expr = (TypeFieldExpression) proto.create(getContext(), fieldExpr, owner); if (getContext() != null) { getContext().document(fieldExpr, expr); } return expr; } // We are now dealing with an agent. In that case, it can be either an // attribute or an // action call if (fieldExpr instanceof VariableRef) { final String var = EGaml.getKeyOf(fieldExpr); IExpression expr = species.getVarExpr(var, true); if (expr == null) { if (species instanceof ModelDescription && ((ModelDescription) species).hasExperiment(var)) { final IType t = Types.get(IKeyword.SPECIES); expr = getFactory() .createTypeExpression(GamaType.from(t, Types.INT, species.getTypeNamed(var))); } else if (species.getName().equals(IKeyword.PLATFORM) && GAMA.isInHeadLessMode()) { // Special case (see #2259 for headless validation of GUI preferences) return ((PlatformSpeciesDescription) species).getFakePrefExpression(var); } else { getContext().error("Unknown variable '" + var + "' for species " + species.getName(), IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_VAR, fieldExpr.eContainer(), var, species.getName()); return null; } } getContext().document(fieldExpr, expr); return getFactory().createOperator(_DOT, getContext(), fieldExpr, owner, expr); } else if (fieldExpr instanceof Function) { final String name = EGaml.getKeyOf(fieldExpr); final ActionDescription action = species.getAction(name); if (action != null) { final ExpressionList list = ((Function) fieldExpr).getRight(); final IExpression call = action(name, owner, list, action); getContext().document(fieldExpr, call); // ?? return call; } } return null; } // KEEP // private IExpression getWorldExpr() { // // if (world == null) { // final IType tt = getContext().getModelDescription() // ./* getWorldSpecies(). */getType(); // final IExpression world = getFactory().createVar(WORLD_AGENT_NAME, tt, // true, IVarExpression.WORLD, // getContext().getModelDescription()); // // } // return world; // } private IDescription setContext(final IDescription context) { final IDescription previous = currentContext; currentContext = context == null ? GAML.getModelContext() : context; currentTypesManager = Types.builtInTypes; if (currentContext != null) { final ModelDescription md = currentContext.getModelDescription(); if (md != null) { final ITypesManager tm = md.getTypesManager(); if (tm != null) { currentTypesManager = tm; } } } return previous; } private IDescription getContext() { return currentContext; } private ValidationContext getValidationContext() { if (currentContext == null) { return null; } return currentContext.getValidationContext(); } /** * @see msi.gaml.expressions.IExpressionParser#parseArguments(msi.gaml.descriptions.ExpressionDescription, * msi.gaml.descriptions.IDescription) */ @Override public Arguments parseArguments(final ActionDescription action, final EObject o, final IDescription command, final boolean compileArgValue) { if (o == null) { return null; } boolean completeArgs = false; List<Expression> parameters = null; if (o instanceof Array) { parameters = EGaml.getExprsOf(((Array) o).getExprs()); } else if (o instanceof ExpressionList) { parameters = EGaml.getExprsOf(o); completeArgs = true; } else { command.error("Arguments must be written [a1::v1, a2::v2], (a1:v1, a2:v2) or (v1, v2)"); return null; } final Arguments argMap = new Arguments(); int index = 0; for (final Expression exp : parameters) { String arg = null; IExpressionDescription ed = null; if (exp instanceof ArgumentPair) { arg = EGaml.getKeyOf(exp); ed = builder.create(((ArgumentPair) exp).getRight()/* , errors */); } else if (exp instanceof Parameter) { arg = EGaml.getKeyOf(exp); ed = builder.create(((Parameter) exp).getRight()/* , errors */); } else if (exp instanceof BinaryOperator && "::".equals(EGaml.getKeyOf(exp))) { arg = EGaml.getKeyOf(((BinaryOperator) exp).getLeft()); ed = builder.create(((BinaryOperator) exp).getRight()/* , errors */); } else if (completeArgs) { final List<String> args = action == null ? null : action.getArgNames(); if (args != null && action != null && index == args.size()) { command.error("Wrong number of arguments. Action " + action.getName() + " expects " + args); return argMap; } arg = args == null ? String.valueOf(index++) : args.get(index++); ed = builder.create(exp/* , errors */); } if (ed != null && compileArgValue) { ed.compile(command); } // if (!errors.isEmpty()) { // for (final Diagnostic d : errors) { // getContext().warning(d.getMessage(), "", exp); // } // } argMap.put(arg, ed); // errors.clear(); } return argMap; } // @Override // public IExpression caseCast(final Cast object) { // return binary(AS, object.getLeft(), object.getRight()); // } @Override public IExpression caseSkillRef(final SkillRef object) { // final String s = EGaml.getKeyOf(object); return skill(EGaml.getKeyOf(object)); } @Override public IExpression caseActionRef(final ActionRef object) { final String s = EGaml.getKeyOf(object); final SpeciesDescription sd = getContext().getSpeciesContext(); ActionDescription ad = sd.getAction(s); if (ad == null) { ad = sd.getModelDescription().getAction(s); if (ad == null) { getContext().error("Unknown action", IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_ACTION, object); return null; } } if (ad.getArgNames().size() > 0) { getContext().error("Impossible to call an action that requires arguments", IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT, object); return null; } return new DenotedActionExpression(ad); } @Override public IExpression caseExpression(final Expression object) { return null; // // If an error already exists, we discard the case // final ValidationContext vc = getValidationContext(); // final Expression left = object.getLeft(); // final Expression right = object.getRight(); // if (vc == null || vc.hasErrorOn(object, left, right)) { return null; } // // in the general case, we try to return a binary expression // final IExpression result = binary(EGaml.getKeyOf(object), object.getLeft(), object.getRight()); // return result; } @Override public IExpression caseVariableRef(final VariableRef object) { final String s = EGaml.getKeyOf(object); if (s == null) { return caseVarDefinition(object.getRef()); } return caseVar(s, object); } @Override public IExpression caseTypeRef(final TypeRef object) { final IType t = fromTypeRef(object); // / SEE IF IT WORKS // 2 erreurs : // - type inconnu n'est pas mentionn (electors ??) // - lors d'une affectation de nil warning sur le type (candidate) if (t.isAgentType()) { return t.getSpecies().getSpeciesExpr(); } return getFactory().createTypeExpression(t); } @Override public IExpression caseEquationRef(final EquationRef object) { return getFactory().createConst(EGaml.getKeyOf(object), Types.STRING); } @Override public IExpression caseUnitName(final UnitName object) { final String s = EGaml.getKeyOf(object); if (IUnits.UNITS_EXPR.containsKey(s)) { final UnitConstantExpression exp = getFactory().getUnitExpr(s); if (exp.isDeprecated()) { getContext().warning(s + " is deprecated.", IGamlIssue.NOT_A_UNIT, object, (String[]) null); } return exp; } getContext().error(s + " is not a unit name.", IGamlIssue.NOT_A_UNIT, object, (String[]) null); return null; } @Override public IExpression caseVarDefinition(final VarDefinition object) { return skill(object.getName()); } @Override public IExpression caseTypeDefinition(final TypeDefinition object) { return caseVar(object.getName(), object); } @Override public IExpression caseSkillFakeDefinition(final SkillFakeDefinition object) { return caseVar(object.getName(), object); } @Override public IExpression caseReservedLiteral(final ReservedLiteral object) { return caseVar(EGaml.getKeyOf(object), object); } @Override public IExpression caseIf(final If object) { final IExpression ifFalse = compile(object.getIfFalse()); final IExpression alt = getFactory().createOperator(":", getContext(), object, compile(object.getRight()), ifFalse); return getFactory().createOperator("?", getContext(), object, compile(object.getLeft()), alt); } @Override public IExpression caseArgumentPair(final ArgumentPair object) { final IExpression result = binary("::", caseVar(EGaml.getKeyOf(object), object), object.getRight()); return result; } @Override public IExpression caseUnit(final Unit object) { // We simply return a multiplication, since the right member (the // "unit") will be // translated into its float value // Case of dates: #month and #year final String name = EGaml.toString(object.getRight()); if (TimeUnitConstantExpression.UNCOMPUTABLE_DURATIONS.contains(name)) { return binary(Dates.APPROXIMATE_TEMPORAL_QUERY, object.getLeft(), object.getRight()); } // AD: Hack to address Issue 387. If the unit is a pixel, we add +1 to // the whole expression. // final IExpression right = compile(object.getRight()); final IExpression result = binary("*", object.getLeft(), object.getRight()); // AD: removal of the hack to address #1325 -- needs to be tested in // OpenGL // if ( result != null && ((BinaryOperator) result).arg(1) instanceof // PixelUnitExpression ) { // result = factory.createOperator("+", getContext(), object, // factory.createConst(1, Types.INT), result); // } return result; } @Override public IExpression caseUnary(final Unary object) { return unary(EGaml.getKeyOf(object), object.getRight()); } public IExpression caseDot(final Access object) { final Expression right = object.getRight(); if (right instanceof StringLiteral) { return compileNamedExperimentFieldExpr(object.getLeft(), EGaml.getKeyOf(right)); } else if (right != null) { return compileFieldExpr(object.getLeft(), object.getRight()); } return null; } @Override public IExpression caseAccess(final Access object) { if (object.getOp().equals(".")) { return caseDot(object); } final IExpression container = compile(object.getLeft()); // If no container is defined, return a null expression if (container == null) { return null; } final IType contType = container.getGamlType(); final boolean isMatrix = == IType.MATRIX; final IType keyType = contType.getKeyType(); final List<? extends Expression> list = EGaml.getExprsOf(object.getRight()); final List<IExpression> result = new ArrayList<>(); final int size = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final Expression eExpr = list.get(i); final IExpression e = compile(eExpr); if (e != null) { final IType elementType = e.getGamlType(); if (keyType != Types.NO_TYPE && !keyType.isAssignableFrom(e.getGamlType())) { if (!(isMatrix && == IType.INT && size > 1)) { getContext().warning("a " + contType.toString() + " cannot be accessed using a " + elementType.toString() + " index", IGamlIssue.WRONG_TYPE, eExpr); } } result.add(e); } } if (size > 2) { final String end = !isMatrix ? " only 1 index" : " 1 or 2 indices"; getContext().warning("a " + contType.toString() + " should be accessed using" + end, IGamlIssue.DIFFERENT_ARGUMENTS, object); } final IExpression indices = getFactory().createList(result); IVarExpression varDiff = null; if (container instanceof IVarExpression.Agent && ((IVarExpression.Agent) container).getOwner() != null) { varDiff = ((IVarExpression.Agent) container).getVar(); final SpeciesDescription species = ((IVarExpression.Agent) varDiff).getDefinitionDescription() .getSpeciesContext(); if (species != null) { final Iterable<IDescription> equations = species.getChildrenWithKeyword(IKeyword.EQUATION); for (final IDescription equation : equations) { if (equation.manipulatesVar(varDiff.getName())) { return getFactory().createOperator("internal_integrated_value", getContext(), object, ((IVarExpression.Agent) container).getOwner(), varDiff); } } } } return getFactory().createOperator("internal_at", getContext(), object, container, indices); } @Override public IExpression caseArray(final Array object) { final List<? extends Expression> list = EGaml.getExprsOf(object.getExprs()); final boolean allPairs = !list.isEmpty() && Iterables.all(list, each -> "::".equals(EGaml.getKeyOf(each))); final Iterable<IExpression> result = Iterables.transform(list, input -> compile(input)); return allPairs ? getFactory().createMap(result) : getFactory().createList(result); } @Override public IExpression casePoint(final Point object) { final Expression z = object.getZ(); if (z == null) { return binary(POINT, object.getLeft(), object.getRight()); } final IExpression[] exprs = new IExpression[3]; exprs[0] = compile(object.getLeft()); exprs[1] = compile(object.getRight()); exprs[2] = compile(z); return getFactory().createOperator(POINT, getContext(), object, exprs); } // // @Override // public IExpression caseParameters(final Parameters object) { // final Iterable it = Iterables.transform(EGaml.getExprsOf(object.getParams()), input -> binary("::", // getFactory().createConst(EGaml.getKeyOf(input.getLeft()), Types.STRING), input.getRight())); // return getFactory().createMap(it); // } @Override public IExpression caseExpressionList(final ExpressionList object) { final List<Expression> list = EGaml.getExprsOf(object); if (list.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (list.size() > 1) { getContext().warning( "A sequence of expressions is not expected here. Only the first expression will be evaluated", IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT, object); } final IExpression expr = compile(list.get(0)); return expr; } @Override public IExpression caseFunction(final Function object) { final String op = EGaml.getKeyOf(object); IExpression result = tryCastingFunction(op, object); if (result != null) { return result; } result = tryActionCall(op, object); if (result != null) { return result; } final List<Expression> args = EGaml.getExprsOf(object.getRight()); switch (args.size()) { case 0: getContext().error("Unknown operator or action: " + op, IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_ACTION, object); return null; case 1: return unary(op, args.get(0)); case 2: return binary(op, args.get(0), args.get(1)); default: return getFactory().createOperator(op, getContext(), object, toArray(transform(args, a -> compile(a)), IExpression.class)); } } private IExpression tryCastingFunction(final String op, final Function object) { if (!isCastingFunction(op, object)) { return null; } final List<Expression> args = EGaml.getExprsOf(object.getRight()); final int size = args.size(); IExpression toCast; if (size == 1) { toCast = compile(args.get(0)); } else { toCast = getFactory().createList(transform(args, a -> compile(a))); } return binaryAs(toCast, object); } private IExpression tryActionCall(final String op, final Function object) { final SpeciesDescription sd = getContext().getSpeciesContext(); if (sd == null) { return null; } final boolean isSuper = getContext() instanceof StatementDescription && ((StatementDescription) getContext()).isSuperInvocation(); final ActionDescription action = isSuper ? sd.getParent().getAction(op) : sd.getAction(op); if (action == null) { return null; } final EObject params = object.getRight(); return action(op, caseVar(isSuper ? SUPER : SELF, object), params, action); } private boolean isCastingFunction(final String op, final Function object) { // If the operator is not a type name, no match if (!isTypeName(op)) { // We nevertheless emit a warning if the operator name contains parametric type information if (object.getType() != null) { getContext().warning(op + " is not a type name: key and contents types are not expected and will not be evaluated", IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT, object.getType()); } return false; } // We look at the arguments of the operator final List<Expression> args = EGaml.getExprsOf(object.getRight()); final int size = args.size(); // If there is none, it can't be a casting if (size == 0) { return false; } // If there is one, we match if (size == 1) { return true; } // If more than one, we need to check if there are operators that match. If yes, we return false return !getFactory().hasOperator(op, getContext(), object, toArray(transform(args, a -> compile(a)), IExpression.class)); } @Override public IExpression caseIntLiteral(final IntLiteral object) { try { final Integer val = Integer.parseInt(EGaml.getKeyOf(object), 10); return getFactory().createConst(val, Types.INT); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { getContext().error("Malformed integer: " + EGaml.getKeyOf(object), IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_NUMBER, object); return null; } } @Override public IExpression caseDoubleLiteral(final DoubleLiteral object) { String s = EGaml.getKeyOf(object); if (s == null) { return null; } try { return getFactory().createConst(Double.parseDouble(s), Types.FLOAT); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { try { final NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US); // More robust, but slower parsing used in case // Double.parseDouble() cannot handle it // See Issue 1025. Exponent notation is capitalized, and '+' is // removed beforehand s = s.replace('e', 'E').replace("+", ""); return getFactory().createConst(nf.parse(s).doubleValue(), Types.FLOAT); } catch (final ParseException ex) { getContext().error("Malformed float: " + s, IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_NUMBER, object); return null; } } } @Override public IExpression caseColorLiteral(final ColorLiteral object) { try { final Integer val = Integer.parseInt(EGaml.getKeyOf(object).substring(1), 16); return getFactory().createConst(val, Types.INT); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { getContext().error("Malformed integer: " + EGaml.getKeyOf(object), IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_NUMBER, object); return null; } } @Override public IExpression caseStringLiteral(final StringLiteral object) { return getFactory().createConst(StringUtils.unescapeJava(EGaml.getKeyOf(object)), Types.STRING); } @Override public IExpression caseBooleanLiteral(final BooleanLiteral object) { final String s = EGaml.getKeyOf(object); if (s == null) { return null; } return s.equalsIgnoreCase(TRUE) ? TRUE_EXPR : FALSE_EXPR; } @Override public IExpression defaultCase(final EObject object) { final ValidationContext vc = getValidationContext(); if (vc != null && !vc.hasErrors()) { // In order to avoid too many "useless errors" getContext().error("Cannot compile: " + object, IGamlIssue.GENERAL, object); } return null; } private IExpression caseVar(final String varName, final EObject object) { if (varName == null) { getContext().error("Unknown variable", IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_VAR, object); return null; } switch (varName) { case IKeyword.GAMA: return GAMA.getPlatformAgent(); case EACH: return getEachExpr(object); case NULL: return IExpressionFactory.NIL_EXPR; case SELF: final IDescription temp_sd = getContext().getSpeciesContext(); if (temp_sd == null) { getContext().error("Unable to determine the species of self", IGamlIssue.GENERAL, object); return null; } final IType tt = temp_sd.getGamlType(); return getFactory().createVar(SELF, tt, true, IVarExpression.SELF, null); case SUPER: SpeciesDescription sd = getContext().getSpeciesContext(); if (sd != null) { sd = sd.getParent(); } if (sd == null) { getContext().error("Unable to determine the species of super", IGamlIssue.GENERAL, object); return null; } final IType t = sd.getGamlType(); return getFactory().createVar(SUPER, t, true, IVarExpression.SUPER, null); // case WORLD_AGENT_NAME: // return getWorldExpr(); } // check if the var has been declared in an iterator context for (final IVarExpression it : iteratorContexts) { if (it.getName().equals(varName)) { return it; } } if (isSpeciesName(varName)) { final SpeciesDescription sd = getSpeciesContext(varName); return sd == null ? null : sd.getSpeciesExpr(); } final IVarDescriptionProvider temp_sd = getContext() == null ? null : getContext().getDescriptionDeclaringVar(varName); if (temp_sd != null) { if (temp_sd instanceof SpeciesDescription) { final SpeciesDescription remote_sd = getContext().getSpeciesContext(); if (remote_sd != null) { final SpeciesDescription found_sd = (SpeciesDescription) temp_sd; if (remote_sd != temp_sd && !remote_sd.isBuiltIn() && !remote_sd.hasMacroSpecies(found_sd)) { getContext().error( "The variable " + varName + " is not accessible in this context (" + remote_sd.getName() + "), but in the context of " + found_sd.getName() + ". It should be preceded by 'myself.'", IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_VAR, object, varName); } } } return temp_sd.getVarExpr(varName, false); } if (isTypeName(varName)) { return getFactory().createTypeExpression(currentTypesManager.get(varName)); } if (isSkillName(varName)) { return skill(varName); } if (getContext() != null) { // Finally, a last possibility (enabled in rare occasions, like in // the "elevation" facet of grid layers), is that the variable // belongs to the species denoted by the // current statement if (getContext() instanceof StatementDescription) { final SpeciesDescription denotedSpecies = getContext().getGamlType().getDenotedSpecies(); if (denotedSpecies != null) { if (denotedSpecies.hasAttribute(varName)) { return denotedSpecies.getVarExpr(varName, false); } } } // An experimental possibility is that the variable refers to a // an action (used like a variable, see Issue 853) or also any // behavior or aspect final SpeciesDescription sd = getContext().getSpeciesContext(); if (sd.hasAction(varName, false)) { return new DenotedActionExpression(sd.getAction(varName)); } if (sd.hasBehavior(varName)) { return new DenotedActionExpression(sd.getBehavior(varName)); } if (sd.hasAspect(varName)) { return new DenotedActionExpression(sd.getAspect(varName)); } getContext().error( "The variable " + varName + " is not defined or accessible in this context. Check its name or declare it", IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_VAR, object, varName); } return null; } private EObject getEObjectOf(final String string, final IExecutionContext tempContext) throws GamaRuntimeException { EObject result = null; final String s = "dummy <- " + string; final GamlResource resource = GamlResourceServices.getTemporaryResource(getContext()); try { final InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes()); try { resource.loadSynthetic(is, tempContext); } catch (final Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return null; } if (!resource.hasErrors()) { final EObject e = resource.getContents().get(0); if (e instanceof StringEvaluator) { result = ((StringEvaluator) e).getExpr(); } } else { final Resource.Diagnostic d = resource.getErrors().get(0); throw GamaRuntimeException.error(d.getMessage(), tempContext.getScope()); } return result; } finally { GamlResourceServices.discardTemporaryResource(resource); } } @Override public List<IDescription> compileBlock(final String string, final IDescription actionContext, final IExecutionContext tempContext) throws GamaRuntimeException { final List<IDescription> result = new ArrayList<>(); final String s = "__synthetic__ {" + string + "}"; final GamlResource resource = GamlResourceServices.getTemporaryResource(getContext()); try { final InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes()); try { resource.loadSynthetic(is, tempContext); } catch (final Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { } if (!resource.hasErrors()) { final SyntacticModelElement elt = (SyntacticModelElement) resource.getSyntacticContents(); // We have a problem -- can be simply an empty block or an expression if (!elt.hasChildren()) { if (elt.hasFacet(IKeyword.FUNCTION)) { // Compile the expression is the best way to know if this expression is correct elt.getExpressionAt(IKeyword.FUNCTION).compile(actionContext); } } elt.visitChildren(e -> { final IDescription desc = DescriptionFactory.create(e, actionContext, null); result.add(desc); }); } else { final Resource.Diagnostic d = resource.getErrors().get(0); throw GamaRuntimeException.error(d.getMessage(), tempContext.getScope()); } return result; } finally { GamlResourceServices.discardTemporaryResource(resource); } } /** * Method getFacetExpression() * * @see msi.gaml.expressions.IExpressionCompiler#getFacetExpression(msi.gaml.descriptions.IDescription, * java.lang.Object) */ @Override public EObject getFacetExpression(final IDescription context, final EObject target) { if (target.eContainer() instanceof Facet) { return target.eContainer(); } return target; } // // end-hqnghi // public IVarExpression getEachExpr(final EObject object) { final IVarExpression p = iteratorContexts.peek(); if (p == null) { getContext().error("'each' is not accessible in this context", IGamlIssue.UNKNOWN_VAR, object); return null; } return p; } private IExpressionDescription getCurrentExpressionDescription() { return currentExpressionDescription; } private void setCurrentExpressionDescription(final IExpressionDescription currentExpressionDescription) { this.currentExpressionDescription = currentExpressionDescription; } private IExpressionFactory getFactory() { return GAML.getExpressionFactory(); } @Override public void dispose() { this.currentContext = null; this.currentTypesManager = null; this.currentExpressionDescription = null; this.iteratorContexts.clear(); } @Override public IExpression caseTerminalExpression(final TerminalExpression object) { return null; } @Override public IExpression caseBinaryOperator(final BinaryOperator object) { return binary(object.getOp(), object.getLeft(), object.getRight()); } }