Java tutorial
package moskitt4me.repositoryClient.core.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import moskitt4me.repositoryClient.core.views.RepositoriesView; import; import; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ICommand; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.ui.IViewPart; import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI; import org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateProjectOperation; import org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.WorkspaceUndoUtil; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * A set of utility methods for the repository client of MOSKitt4ME * * @author Mario Cervera */ public class RepositoryClientUtil { /* * This method establishes a connection with a given FTP repository location. * The method uses a client that is provided by the Apache Commons project */ public static FTPClient connect(RepositoryLocation location, boolean showErrors) { FTPClient client = new FTPClient(); String errorMessage = ""; try { client.connect(location.getHost()); boolean ok = client.login(location.getUser(), location.getPassword()); if (ok) { boolean ok2 = client.changeWorkingDirectory(location.getRepositoryPath()); if (!ok2) { client = null; errorMessage = "Incorrect repository path"; } } else { client = null; errorMessage = "Incorrect user name and password"; } } catch (Exception e) { client = null; errorMessage = "Unknown host"; } if (!errorMessage.equals("") && showErrors) { MessageDialog.openError(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(), "Connection failed", errorMessage); } return client; } /* * This method disconnects the repository client from the repository */ public static void disconnect(FTPClient client) { try { client.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { } } /* * This method creates a folder in a given path. */ public static String createFolder(String path, int index) { String newPath = path + index; String createdFolderPath = ""; File folder = new File(newPath); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); createdFolderPath = newPath; } else { createdFolderPath = createFolder(path, index + 1); } return createdFolderPath; } /* * This method removes a folder (given the object that points to it) */ public static void removeFolder(File f) { if (f.isDirectory()) { File[] files = f.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { removeFolder(files[i]); } else { files[i].delete(); } } } f.delete(); } /* * This method downloads a method fragment (that is, a file) from a repository. * The fragment is stored in a temporal folder * Input: the repository location and the name of the file that stores the fragment */ public static String downloadFragment(RepositoryLocation location, String fileName) throws IOException { FTPClient client = RepositoryClientUtil.connect(location, false); String tempDir = ""; if (client != null) { String eclipseInstallationDirectory = Platform.getInstallLocation().getURL().getPath(); tempDir = RepositoryClientUtil.createFolder(eclipseInstallationDirectory + "tmp", 0); //Download the file String destination = tempDir + "/" + fileName; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destination); client.retrieveFile(fileName, fos); fos.close(); //Disconnect the client RepositoryClientUtil.disconnect(client); } return tempDir; } /* * This method downloads a method fragment (that is, a file) from a repository. * Input: the repository location, the name of the file that stores the fragment, and * the target directory */ public static void downloadFragment(RepositoryLocation location, String fileName, String folder) throws IOException { FTPClient client = RepositoryClientUtil.connect(location, false); if (client != null) { //Download the file String destination = folder + "/" + fileName; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destination); client.retrieveFile(fileName, fos); fos.close(); //Disconnect the client RepositoryClientUtil.disconnect(client); } } /* * This method returns whether a given fragment type corresponds to a technical fragment */ public static boolean isTechnicalFragment(String type) { return (type.equals("Graphical Editor") || type.equals("Meta-Model") || type.equals("Form-based Editor") || type.equals("Model transformation") || type.equals("Guidance") || type.equals("External Tool") || type.equals("Internal Tool") || type.equals("Others")); } /* * This method extracts the content of a given zip file. This funcionality is used * to extract the content of method fragments */ public static void extractZipFile(String folder, String zipName) throws Exception { ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(new File(folder + "/" + zipName)); Enumeration entries = zipFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { Object obj = entries.nextElement(); if (obj instanceof ZipEntry) { ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) obj; InputStream eis = zipFile.getInputStream(entry); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int bytesRead = 0; File f = new File(folder + "/" + entry.getName()); if (entry.isDirectory()) { f.mkdirs(); eis.close(); continue; } else { f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); f.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); while ((bytesRead = != -1) { fos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } if (eis != null) { eis.close(); } if (fos != null) { fos.close(); } } } zipFile.close(); } /* * This method adds a new entry (file) to a zip file. This functionality is used to add content to * method fragments */ public static void addFileToZip(File file, ZipOutputStream zos) throws Exception { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(file.getName())); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); long bytesRead = 0; byte[] bytesIn = new byte[1024]; int read = 0; while ((read = != -1) { zos.write(bytesIn, 0, read); bytesRead += read; } zos.closeEntry(); bis.close(); } /* * This method adds a new entry (folder) to a zip file. This functionality is used to add content to * method fragments */ public static void addFolderToZip(File folder, String parentFolder, ZipOutputStream zos) throws Exception { for (File file : folder.listFiles()) { if (file.isDirectory()) { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(parentFolder + file.getName() + "/")); zos.closeEntry(); addFolderToZip(file, parentFolder + file.getName() + "/", zos); continue; } else { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(parentFolder + file.getName())); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); long bytesRead = 0; byte[] bytesIn = new byte[1024]; int read = 0; while ((read = != -1) { zos.write(bytesIn, 0, read); bytesRead += read; } zos.closeEntry(); bis.close(); } } } /* * This method duplicates a folder by copying it into a new location */ public static void copyDirectory(File sourceLocation, File targetLocation) throws Exception { if (sourceLocation.isDirectory()) { if (!targetLocation.exists()) { targetLocation.mkdirs(); String[] children = sourceLocation.list(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { File source = new File(sourceLocation, children[i]); File target = new File(targetLocation, children[i]); copyDirectory(source, target); } } } else { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(sourceLocation); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(targetLocation); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } in.close(); out.close(); } } /* * This method returns the Repositories View of MOSKitt4ME */ public static RepositoriesView getRepositoriesView() { try { IViewPart viewPart = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage() .findView(RepositoriesView.RepositoriesViewId); if (viewPart instanceof RepositoriesView) { return (RepositoriesView) viewPart; } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } return null; } /* * This method creates a Feature Project grouping the plug-ins that are contained in a * given technical fragment */ public static IProject createFeatureProject(TechnicalFragment tf) throws Exception { String featureName = tf.getName() + ".feature"; IProjectDescription description = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().newProjectDescription(featureName); description.setName(featureName); //Natures String[] natures = description.getNatureIds(); String[] newNatures = new String[natures.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(natures, 0, newNatures, 0, natures.length); newNatures[natures.length] = "org.eclipse.pde.FeatureNature"; description.setNatureIds(newNatures); //Builders ICommand builderCommand = description.newCommand(); builderCommand.setBuilderName("org.eclipse.pde.FeatureBuilder"); ICommand[] oldCommands = description.getBuildSpec(); ICommand[] newCommands = new ICommand[oldCommands.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(oldCommands, 0, newCommands, 0, oldCommands.length); newCommands[oldCommands.length] = builderCommand; description.setBuildSpec(newCommands); //Project creation CreateProjectOperation op = new CreateProjectOperation(description, "New Feature Project"); Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(); PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getOperationSupport().getOperationHistory().execute(op, new NullProgressMonitor(), WorkspaceUndoUtil.getUIInfoAdapter(shell)); Object[] objects = op.getAffectedObjects(); if (objects.length == 1 && objects[0] instanceof IProject) { IProject feature = (IProject) objects[0]; addBuildProperties(feature); addFeatureXML(feature, tf); feature.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new NullProgressMonitor()); return feature; } return null; } private static void addBuildProperties(IProject feature) throws Exception { String featureLocation = feature.getLocation().toString(); File f = new File(featureLocation + "/"); if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)); output.write("bin.includes = feature.xml\n"); output.close(); } } private static void addFeatureXML(IProject feature, TechnicalFragment tf) throws Exception { String featureLocation = feature.getLocation().toString(); List<IProject> plugins = tf.getPlugins(); File f = new File(featureLocation + "/feature.xml"); if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)); output.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); output.write( "<feature id=\"" + feature.getName() + "\" label=\"Feature\" version=\"1.0.0.qualifier\">\n"); output.write( "<description url=\"\"> [Enter Feature Description here.] </description>\n"); output.write( "<copyright url=\"\"> [Enter Copyright Description here.] </copyright>\n"); output.write( "<license url=\"\"> [Enter License Description here.] </license>\n"); for (IProject project : plugins) { output.write("<plugin id=\"" + project.getName() + "\" download-size=\"0\" install-size=\"0\" version=\"0.0.0\" unpack=\"false\"/>\n"); } output.write("</feature>\n"); output.close(); } } /* * This method creates the rasset.xml file of a given technical fragment. This file represent the manifest * file of the fragment: it stores the fragment properties and its dependencies with other technical fragments */ public static String createRassetXMLFile(TechnicalFragment tf, String folder) throws Exception { String manifestPath = folder + "/rasset.xml"; File f = new File(manifestPath); if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); String type = tf.getType(); String origin = type.equals("Others") ? "no origin" : tf.getOrigin(); String objective = type.equals("Others") ? "no objective" : tf.getObjective(); String input = type.equals("Others") ? "no input" : tf.getInput(); String output = type.equals("Others") ? "no output" : tf.getOutput(); String toolId = getToolId(tf); String description = ""; if (type.equals("External Tool")) { description = ((ExternalToolFragment) tf).getDescription(); } else if (type.equals("Internal Tool")) { description = ((InternalToolFragment) tf).getDescription(); } else { description = "no description"; } BufferedWriter bwriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)); bwriter.write("<asset xsi:schemaLocation=\"DefaultprofileXML.xsd\" name=\"" + tf.getName() + "\" id=\"1\">\n"); bwriter.write("<type value=\"" + type + "\"></type>\n"); bwriter.write("<origin value=\"" + origin + "\"></origin>\n"); bwriter.write("<objective value=\"" + objective + "\"></objective>\n"); bwriter.write("<input value=\"" + input + "\"></input>\n"); bwriter.write("<output value=\"" + output + "\"></output>\n"); if (toolId != null && !toolId.equals("")) { bwriter.write("<toolID value=\"" + toolId + "\"></toolID>\n"); } bwriter.write("<description>" + description + "</description>\n"); List<TechnicalFragment> dependencies = tf.getDependencies(); for (TechnicalFragment dependency : dependencies) { bwriter.write("<dependency value=\"" + dependency.getName() + "\"></dependency>\n"); } if (type.equals("Internal Tool")) { List<String> pluginIds = ((InternalToolFragment) tf).getPluginIds(); for (String pluginId : pluginIds) { bwriter.write("<plugin value=\"" + pluginId + "\"></plugin>\n"); } } bwriter.write("</asset>\n"); bwriter.close(); } return manifestPath; } /* * This method returns the id of the tool stored in a technical fragment. */ private static String getToolId(TechnicalFragment tf) { String type = tf.getType(); if (type.equals("Others") || type.equals("Internal Tool")) { return ""; } if (type.equals("External Tool")) { ExternalToolFragment etf = (ExternalToolFragment) tf; String fileExtension = etf.getFileExtension(); if (!fileExtension.startsWith(".")) { fileExtension = "." + fileExtension; } return fileExtension; } List<IProject> plugins = tf.getPlugins(); for (IProject plugin : plugins) { String pluginLocation = plugin.getLocation().toString(); String pluginXMLLocation = pluginLocation + "/plugin.xml"; Document pluginXMLDocument = getDocument(pluginXMLLocation); if (pluginXMLDocument != null) { String extensionPointId = ""; String elementId = ""; String attribute = ""; if (type.equals("Graphical Editor") || type.equals("Meta-Model") || type.equals("Form-based Editor")) { extensionPointId = "org.eclipse.ui.newWizards"; elementId = "wizard"; attribute = "id"; } else if (type.equals("Model transformation")) { extensionPointId = ""; elementId = "transformation"; attribute = "id"; } else if (type.equals("Guidance")) { extensionPointId = "org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.helpcontextprovider"; elementId = "helpContextProviderDesc"; attribute = "idContext"; } if (!extensionPointId.equals("")) { NodeList extension = pluginXMLDocument.getElementsByTagName("extension"); int length = extension.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Node extensionNode = extension.item(i); if (extensionNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("point").getNodeValue() .equals(extensionPointId) && extensionNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element extensionElement = (Element) extensionNode; NodeList elements = extensionElement.getElementsByTagName(elementId); if (elements.getLength() > 0) { Node element = elements.item(0); String attValue = element.getAttributes().getNamedItem(attribute).getNodeValue(); if (type.equals("Guidance")) { return plugin.getName() + "." + attValue; } else { return attValue; } } } } } } } return ""; } public static Document getDocument(String path) { Document document = null; try { File f = new File(path); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); document = db.parse(f); } catch (Exception e) { } return document; } /* * This method returns a Plug-in Project given its name */ public static IProject getPluginProject(String projectName) { List<IProject> plugins = getPluginProjects(); for (IProject plugin : plugins) { if (plugin.getName().equals(projectName)) { return plugin; } } return null; } /* * This method returns the Plug-in Projects of the MOSKitt4ME workspace */ private static List<IProject> getPluginProjects() { List<IProject> pluginProjects = new ArrayList<IProject>(); IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); IProject[] projects = root.getProjects(); for (IProject project : projects) { try { if (project.hasNature("org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature")) { pluginProjects.add(project); } } catch (CoreException e) { } } return pluginProjects; } /* * This method takes a set of projects from a source path and imports them in the MOSKitt4ME workspace */ public static IProject importProjectIntoWorkspace(String path) throws Exception { IProjectDescription description = null; try { description = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().loadProjectDescription(new Path(path + "/.project")); } catch (Exception e) { } if (description != null) { IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(description.getName()); project.create(description, null);; return project; } return null; } /* * This method reads a rasset.xml file and loads the information into a technical fragment object (tf). * It returns the dependencies of the technical fragment. */ public static List<TechnicalFragment> parseRassetXML(String path, TechnicalFragment tf) { List<TechnicalFragment> dependencies = new ArrayList<TechnicalFragment>(); Document doc = getDocument(path); if (doc != null) { if (doc != null) { Node type = doc.getElementsByTagName("type").item(0); Node origin = doc.getElementsByTagName("origin").item(0); Node objective = doc.getElementsByTagName("objective").item(0); Node input = doc.getElementsByTagName("input").item(0); Node output = doc.getElementsByTagName("output").item(0); tf.setType(type.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue()); tf.setOrigin(origin.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue()); tf.setObjective(objective.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue()); tf.setInput(input.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue()); tf.setOutput(output.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue()); NodeList deps = doc.getElementsByTagName("dependency"); int length = deps.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Node depNode = deps.item(i); String depName = depNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue(); String extension = ""; String assetName = depName.substring(0, depName.length() - extension.length()); TechnicalFragment asset = new TechnicalFragment(assetName, "", "", "", "", ""); dependencies.add(asset); } } } return dependencies; } public static void setInitialLocationType(RepositoryLocation location) { FTPClient client = RepositoryClientUtil.connect(location, false); if (client != null) { String tempDir = ""; try { String eclipseInstallationDirectory = Platform.getInstallLocation().getURL().getPath(); tempDir = RepositoryClientUtil.createFolder(eclipseInstallationDirectory + "tmp", 0); FTPFile[] files = client.listFiles(); if (files.length > 0) { String fileName = files[0].getName(); String destination = tempDir + "/" + fileName; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destination); client.retrieveFile(fileName, fos); fos.close(); extractZipFile(tempDir, fileName); Document doc = getDocument(tempDir + "/rasset.xml"); if (doc != null) { Node ntype = doc.getElementsByTagName("type").item(0); String type = ntype.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue(); if (type != null) { if (isTechnicalFragment(type)) { location.setType("Technical"); } else { location.setType("Conceptual"); } } } } else { location.setType("Empty"); } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { RepositoryClientUtil.disconnect(client); if (location.getType().equals("")) { location.setType("Empty"); } if (!tempDir.equals("")) { RepositoryClientUtil.removeFolder(new File(tempDir)); } } } } }