Java tutorial
/* * Morphy Open Source Chess Server * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package morphy.user; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; //import morphy.service.GameService; import static*; public class Formula { protected static final String[] validKeywords = { "abuser", "assessdraw", "assessloss", "assesswin", "black", "blitz", "bughouse", "computer", "crazyhouse", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9", "inc", "lightning", "losers", "maxtime", "mymaxtime", "myrating", "nocolor", "nonstandard", "private", "ratingdiff", "rating", "rated", "registered", "suicide", "standard", "time", "timeseal", "unrated", "untimed", "white", "wild" }; // some parsing guidelines: // there are some expressions that are booleans, eg: !abuser , timeseal, 1 , 0 // there are some expressions that require comparisons, eg: assesswin >= 5 // all comparisons need to work, eg: >, >=, =, ==, <=, <, !=, <> // note that boolean variables (eg registered) still need to work with ALL COMPARISIONS!! (eg according to FICS, "registered < 5" is valid.) // we should convert all boolean variable values into integers (n>1 [use 1] being true, 0 being false) // (try to make the logic smart to where something like "assesswin <= 0" will be ignored) // when it comes to parsing f1-f9, these should be evaluated first // "|", "||", "or" should all mean the same thing (lenient parsing) // "&", "&&", "and" should all the mean the same thing (lenient parsing) // text in parenthesis "()" should always be evaluated first, even as according to order of operations. /*public static boolean isValidFormula(String formula) { // if any word outside of formula is not in validKeywords, (except comment) it is a bad formula. // if two variants are &&'d together (blitz && bughouse) it is invalid. // comment symbol is #. // also look for stupid things like rated && !rated. // things like !> is not valid. <= should be used instead. // if formula starts with #, or always will evaluate to true (e.g. '1') allow anything. // if formula is something that will always evaluate to false (e.g. rating>9999) disallow everything. return false; }*/ public static void main(String[] args) { java.util.Arrays.sort(validKeywords); String formula = "(time >= 3 & inc = 0) || 1"; Formula f = new Formula(formula); NewMatchParams m = new NewMatchParams(); m.setParam(Key.time, 3); m.setParam(, 0); m.setParam(Key.rated, true); f.matches(m); //System.out.println(); } public boolean matches(NewMatchParams params) { String[][] patternfixes = { /*{"\\s+",""}, {"(\\s+and\\s+)"," && "}, {"(\\s+&\\s+)"," && "}, {"(\\s+\\|\\s+)"," || "}, {"(\\s+or\\s+)"," || "}*/ { "\\s+", "" }, { "&", " && " }, { "and", " && " }, { "\\s*?\\|\\s*?", " || " }, { "or", " || " } }; String tmpformula = formula.toLowerCase(); for (int i = 0; i < patternfixes.length; i++) { tmpformula = tmpformula.replaceAll(patternfixes[i][0], patternfixes[i][1]); } System.out.println(tmpformula); String[] operators = { ">=", "<=", ">", "<", "!=", "<>", "=" }; int parenCount = 0; String[] arr = tmpformula.split(" "); System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(arr)); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { String s = arr[i]; if (s.startsWith("(")) parenCount++; for (int j = 0; j < operators.length; j++) { if (s.contains(operators[j])) { s = s.replace(operators[j], " " + operators[j] + " "); break; } } String[] tmp = s.split(" "); //System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(tmp)); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(tmp[0]) && tmp.length == 1) { //int k = Integer.parseInt(tmp[0]); //boolean b = k>0?true:false; } else if (tmp.length == 3) { // this has to a variable comparison expression String variable = tmp[0].replace("(", ""); String cmpoper = tmp[1]; String value = tmp[2].replace(")", ""); Key k = Key.valueOf(variable); System.out.println( variable + " " + cmpoper + " " + value + ": " + cmp(params.getParam(k), cmpoper, value)); s = "" + cmp(params.getParam(k), cmpoper, value); } else if (tmp.length == 1) { // this has be a boolean expression } else { System.out.println("invalid expression: " + s); } //s = s.replace("(","").replace(")",""); arr[i] = s; if (s.endsWith(")")) parenCount--; } System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(arr)); //MorphyStringTokenizer tok = new MorphyStringTokenizer(this.formula,"", isEatingBlocksOfDelimiters) return false; } private boolean cmp(Object o, String cmpoper, String value) { // String[] operators = { ">=","<=",">","<","!=","<>","=" }; int intobj = 0; int intval = 0; if (o instanceof Integer) intobj = objToInt(o); if (o instanceof Boolean) intobj = objToBoolean(o) ? 1 : 0; if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value)) intval = Integer.parseInt(value); if (cmpoper.equals(">=")) return intobj >= intval; if (cmpoper.equals(">")) return intobj > intval; if (cmpoper.equals("<=")) return intobj <= intval; if (cmpoper.equals("<")) return intobj < intval; if (cmpoper.equals("=")) return intobj == intval; if (cmpoper.equals("!=") || cmpoper.equals("<>")) return intobj >= intval; return false; } public String formula; public Formula() { } public Formula(String formula) { this.formula = formula; } }