Java tutorial
/* // This software is subject to the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 // Agreement, available at the following URL: // // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software. // // Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Pentaho and others // All Rights Reserved. */ package mondrian.olap; import mondrian.mdx.*; import org.apache.commons.collections.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.*; import static org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils.filter; /** * Used to collect and resolve identifiers in groups of children * where possible. For example, if an enumerated set within an MDX * query includes references to 10 stores under the parent * * [USA].[CA].[San Francisco] * * the class will attempt to identify those 10 identifiers * and issue a single lookup, resulting in fewer and more efficient * SQL queries. * The resulting collection of resolved identifiers is returned in a * map of <QueryPart, QueryPart>, where the unresolved Exp object acts * as the key. * * This class makes no assurances that all identifiers will be resolved. * The map returned by .resolve() will include only those identifiers * successfully resolved. * */ public final class IdBatchResolver { static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(IdBatchResolver.class); private final Query query; private final Formula[] formulas; private final QueryAxis[] axes; private final Cube cube; // dimension and hierarchy unique names are collected during init // to assist in classifying Ids as potentially resolvable to members. private final Collection<String> dimensionUniqueNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private final Collection<String> hierarchyUniqueNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // level names are checked against the identifiers to avoid incorrectly // interpreting a Dimension.Level reference as Dimension.Member. private final Collection<String> levelNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // Set of identifiers, sorted via IdComparator, which orders based // first on segment length (shortest to longest), then alphabetically. private SortedSet<Id> identifiers = new TreeSet<Id>(new IdComparator()); public IdBatchResolver(Query query) { this.query = query; formulas = query.getFormulas(); axes = query.getAxes(); cube = query.getCube(); initOlapElementNames(); initIdentifiers(); } /** * Initializes the dimensionUniqueNames, hierarchyUniqueNames and * levelNames collections based on the contents of cube. These collections * will be used to help determine whether identifiers correspond to * a dimension/hierarchy/level. */ private void initOlapElementNames() { dimensionUniqueNames.addAll(getOlapElementNames(cube.getDimensions(), true)); for (Dimension dim : cube.getDimensions()) { hierarchyUniqueNames.addAll(getOlapElementNames(dim.getHierarchies(), true)); for (Hierarchy hier : dim.getHierarchies()) { levelNames.addAll(getOlapElementNames(hier.getLevels(), false)); } } } /** * Initializes the identifiers collection by walking the axes * and formulas in the query and adding each encountered Id. * Finally, expands the set of identifiers to include parents. E.g. * if the identifier * [Store].[All Store].[USA].[CA] * is encountered, this will be expanded to include * [Store].[All Store].[USA] * [Store].[All Store] */ private void initIdentifiers() { MdxVisitor identifierVisitor = new IdentifierVisitor(identifiers); for (QueryAxis axis : axes) { axis.accept(identifierVisitor); } if (query.getSlicerAxis() != null) { query.getSlicerAxis().accept(identifierVisitor); } for (Formula formula : formulas) { formula.accept(identifierVisitor); } expandIdentifiers(identifiers); } /** * Attempts to resolve the identifiers contained in the query in * batches based on the parent, e.g. looking up and resolving the * states in the set: * { [Store].[USA].[CA], [Store].[USA].[OR] } * together rather than individually. * Note that there is no guarantee that all identifiers will be * resolved. Calculated members, for example, are explicitly not * handled here. The purpose of this class is to improve efficiency * of resolution of non-calculated members, but must be followed * by more thorough expression resolution. * * @return a Map of the expressions Id elements mapped to their * respective resolved Exp. */ public Map<QueryPart, QueryPart> resolve() { return resolveInParentGroupings(identifiers); } /** * Loops through the SortedSet of Ids, attempting to load sets of * children of parent Ids. * The loop below assumes the the SortedSet is ordered by segment * size from smallest to largest, such that parent identifiers will * occur before their children. */ private Map<QueryPart, QueryPart> resolveInParentGroupings(SortedSet<Id> identifiers) { final Map<QueryPart, QueryPart> resolvedIdentifiers = new HashMap<QueryPart, QueryPart>(); while (identifiers.size() > 0) { Id parent = identifiers.first(); identifiers.remove(parent); if (!supportedIdentifier(parent)) { continue; } Exp exp = (Exp) resolvedIdentifiers.get(parent); if (exp == null) { exp = lookupExp(resolvedIdentifiers, parent); } Member parentMember = getMemberFromExp(exp); if (!supportedMember(parentMember)) { continue; } batchResolveChildren(parent, parentMember, identifiers, resolvedIdentifiers); } return resolvedIdentifiers; } /** * Find the children of Id parent in the identifiers set and resolves * all supported children together, adding them to the resolvedIdentifiers * map. */ private void batchResolveChildren(Id parent, Member parentMember, SortedSet<Id> identifiers, Map<QueryPart, QueryPart> resolvedIdentifiers) { final List<Id> children = findChildIds(parent, identifiers); final List<Id.NameSegment> childNameSegments = collectChildrenNameSegments(parentMember, children); if (childNameSegments.size() > 0) { List<Member> childMembers = lookupChildrenByNames(parentMember, childNameSegments); addChildrenToResolvedMap(resolvedIdentifiers, children, childMembers); } } private Exp lookupExp(Map<QueryPart, QueryPart> resolvedIdentifiers, Id parent) { try { Exp exp = Util.lookup(query, parent.getSegments(), false); resolvedIdentifiers.put(parent, (QueryPart) exp); return exp; } catch (Exception exception) {"Failed to resolve '%s' during batch ID " + "resolution.", parent)); } return null; } /** * Correlates each child Id we started with to it's associated * Member, if present. Updates the resolvedIdentifiers map with * the association. */ private void addChildrenToResolvedMap(Map<QueryPart, QueryPart> resolvedIdentifiers, List<Id> children, List<Member> childMembers) { for (Member child : childMembers) { for (Id childId : children) { if (!resolvedIdentifiers.containsKey(childId) && getLastSegment(childId).matches(child.getName())) { resolvedIdentifiers.put(childId, (QueryPart) Util.createExpr(child)); } } } } /** * Performs a lookup of a set of children under parentMember. */ private List<Member> lookupChildrenByNames(Member parentMember, List<Id.NameSegment> childNameSegments) { try { return query.getSchemaReader(true).lookupMemberChildrenByNames(parentMember, childNameSegments, MatchType.EXACT); } catch (Exception e) { "Failure while looking up children of '%s' during " + "batch member resolution. Child member refs: %s", parentMember, Arrays.toString(childNameSegments.toArray())), e); } // don't want to fail at this point. Member resolution still has // another chance to succeed. return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Filters the children list to those that contain identifiers * we think we can batch resolve, then transforms the Id list * to the corresponding NameSegment. */ private List<Id.NameSegment> collectChildrenNameSegments(final Member parentMember, List<Id> children) { filter(children, new Predicate() { // remove children we can't support public boolean evaluate(Object theId) { Id id = (Id) theId; return !Util.matches(parentMember, id.getSegments()) && supportedIdentifier(id); } }); return new ArrayList(CollectionUtils.collect(children, new Transformer() { // convert the collection to a list of NameSegments public Object transform(Object theId) { Id id = (Id) theId; return getLastSegment(id); } })); } private Id.Segment getLastSegment(Id id) { int segSize = id.getSegments().size(); return id.getSegments().get(segSize - 1); } /** * Checks various conditions to determine whether * the given identifier is likely to be resolvable at this point. */ private boolean supportedIdentifier(Id id) { Id.Segment seg = getLastSegment(id); if (!(seg instanceof Id.NameSegment)) { // we can't batch resolve members identified by key return false; } return (isPossibleMemberRef(id)) && !segmentIsCalcMember(id.getSegments()) && !id.getSegments().get(0).matches("Measures"); } private boolean supportedMember(Member member) { return !(member == null || member.equals(member.getHierarchy().getNullMember()) || member.isMeasure()); } /** * Returns the [All] member from HierarchyExpr and DimensionExpr * associated with hierarchies that have an All member. * Returns the member associated with a MemberExpr. * For all other Exp returns null. */ private Member getMemberFromExp(Exp exp) { if (exp instanceof DimensionExpr) { Hierarchy hier = ((DimensionExpr) exp).getDimension().getHierarchy(); if (hier.hasAll()) { return hier.getAllMember(); } } else if (exp instanceof HierarchyExpr) { Hierarchy hier = ((HierarchyExpr) exp).getHierarchy(); if (hier.hasAll()) { return hier.getAllMember(); } } else if (exp instanceof MemberExpr) { return ((MemberExpr) exp).getMember(); } return null; } /** * Returns a collection of strings corresponding to the name * or uniqueName of each OlapElement in olapElements, based on the * flag uniqueName. */ private Collection<String> getOlapElementNames(OlapElement[] olapElements, final boolean uniqueName) { return CollectionUtils.collect(Arrays.asList(olapElements), new Transformer() { public Object transform(Object o) { return uniqueName ? ((OlapElement) o).getUniqueName() : ((OlapElement) o).getName(); } }); } /** * Returns true if the Id is something that will potentially translate into * either the All/Default member of a dimension/hierarchy, * or a specific member. * This filters out references that we'd be unlikely to effectively * handle. */ private boolean isPossibleMemberRef(Id id) { int size = id.getSegments().size(); if (size == 1) { //Id.Segment seg = id.getSegments().get(0); return segListMatchInUniqueNames(id.getSegments(), dimensionUniqueNames) || segListMatchInUniqueNames(id.getSegments(), hierarchyUniqueNames); } if (MondrianProperties.instance().SsasCompatibleNaming.get() && size == 2) { return segListMatchInUniqueNames(id.getSegments(), hierarchyUniqueNames); } if (segMatchInNames(getLastSegment(id), levelNames)) { // conservative. false on any match of any level name return false; } // don't support "shortcut" member references references return size > 1; } private boolean segListMatchInUniqueNames(List<Id.Segment> segments, Collection<String> names) { String segUniqueName = Util.implode(segments); for (String name : names) { if (Util.equalName(segUniqueName, name)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean segMatchInNames(Id.Segment seg, Collection<String> names) { for (String name : names) { if (seg.matches(name)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean segmentIsCalcMember(final List<Id.Segment> checkSegments) { return query.getSchemaReader(true).getCalculatedMember(checkSegments) != null; } private List<Id> findChildIds(Id parent, SortedSet<Id> identifiers) { List<Id> childIds = new ArrayList<Id>(); for (Id id : identifiers) { final List<Id.Segment> idSeg = id.getSegments(); final List<Id.Segment> parentSegments = parent.getSegments(); final int parentSegSize = parentSegments.size(); if (idSeg.size() == parentSegSize + 1 && parent.getSegments().equals(idSeg.subList(0, parentSegSize))) { childIds.add(id); } } return childIds; } /** * Adds each parent segment to the set. */ private void expandIdentifiers(Set<Id> identifiers) { Set<Id> expandedIdentifiers = new HashSet<Id>(); for (Id id : identifiers) { for (int i = 1; i < id.getSegments().size(); i++) { expandedIdentifiers.add(new Id(id.getSegments().subList(0, i))); } } identifiers.addAll(expandedIdentifiers); } /** * Sorts shorter segments first, then by string compare. * This allows processing parents first during the lookup loop, * which is required by the algorithm. */ private static class IdComparator implements Comparator<Id> { public int compare(Id o1, Id o2) { List<Id.Segment> o1Seg = o1.getSegments(); List<Id.Segment> o2Seg = o2.getSegments(); if (o1Seg.size() > o2Seg.size()) { return 1; } else if (o1Seg.size() < o2Seg.size()) { return -1; } else { return o1Seg.toString().compareTo(o2Seg.toString()); } } } } // End