Java tutorial
/* * (C) Copyright 2014-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package monasca.persister.repository.vertica; import; import; import; import com.codahale.metrics.Meter; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.DBI; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.PreparedBatch; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.inject.Inject; import io.dropwizard.setup.Environment; import monasca.common.model.metric.Metric; import monasca.common.model.metric.MetricEnvelope; import monasca.persister.configuration.PersisterConfig; import monasca.persister.repository.Repo; import monasca.persister.repository.RepoException; public class VerticaMetricRepo extends VerticaRepo implements Repo<MetricEnvelope> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VerticaMetricRepo.class); public static final int MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH = 255; public static final int MAX_VALUE_META_LENGTH = 2048; private final SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat; private static final String TENANT_ID = "tenantId"; private static final String REGION = "region"; private final Environment environment; private final Cache<Sha1HashId, Sha1HashId> definitionsIdCache; private final Cache<Sha1HashId, Sha1HashId> dimensionsIdCache; private final Cache<Sha1HashId, Sha1HashId> definitionDimensionsIdCache; private final Set<Sha1HashId> definitionIdSet = new HashSet<>(); private final Set<Sha1HashId> dimensionIdSet = new HashSet<>(); private final Set<Sha1HashId> definitionDimensionsIdSet = new HashSet<>(); private int measurementCnt = 0; private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); private static final String SQL_INSERT_INTO_METRICS = "insert into MonMetrics.measurements (definition_dimensions_id, time_stamp, value, value_meta) " + "values (:definition_dimension_id, :time_stamp, :value, :value_meta)"; private static final String DEFINITIONS_TEMP_STAGING_TABLE = "(" + " id BINARY(20) NOT NULL," + " name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," + " tenant_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," + " region VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL" + ")"; private static final String DIMENSIONS_TEMP_STAGING_TABLE = "(" + " dimension_set_id BINARY(20) NOT NULL," + " name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," + " value VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL" + ")"; private static final String DEFINITIONS_DIMENSIONS_TEMP_STAGING_TABLE = "(" + " id BINARY(20) NOT NULL," + " definition_id BINARY(20) NOT NULL, " + " dimension_set_id BINARY(20) NOT NULL " + ")"; private PreparedBatch metricsBatch; private PreparedBatch stagedDefinitionsBatch; private PreparedBatch stagedDimensionsBatch; private PreparedBatch stagedDefinitionDimensionsBatch; private final String definitionsTempStagingTableName; private final String dimensionsTempStagingTableName; private final String definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableName; private final String definitionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt; private final String dimensionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt; private final String definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt; private final Timer commitTimer; public final Meter measurementMeter; public final Meter definitionCacheMissMeter; public final Meter dimensionCacheMissMeter; public final Meter definitionDimensionCacheMissMeter; public final Meter definitionCacheHitMeter; public final Meter dimensionCacheHitMeter; public final Meter definitionDimensionCacheHitMeter; @Inject public VerticaMetricRepo(DBI dbi, PersisterConfig configuration, Environment environment) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, SQLException { super(dbi); logger.debug("Instantiating " + this.getClass().getName()); simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); simpleDateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-0")); this.environment = environment; this.commitTimer = this.environment.metrics().timer(this.getClass().getName() + "." + "commit-timer"); this.measurementMeter = this.environment.metrics() .meter(this.getClass().getName() + "." + "measurement-meter"); this.definitionCacheMissMeter = this.environment.metrics() .meter(this.getClass().getName() + "." + "definition-cache-miss-meter"); this.dimensionCacheMissMeter = this.environment.metrics() .meter(this.getClass().getName() + "." + "dimension-cache-miss-meter"); this.definitionDimensionCacheMissMeter = this.environment.metrics() .meter(this.getClass().getName() + "." + "definition-dimension-cache-miss-meter"); this.definitionCacheHitMeter = this.environment.metrics() .meter(this.getClass().getName() + "." + "definition-cache-hit-meter"); this.dimensionCacheHitMeter = this.environment.metrics() .meter(this.getClass().getName() + "." + "dimension-cache-hit-meter"); this.definitionDimensionCacheHitMeter = this.environment.metrics() .meter(this.getClass().getName() + "." + "definition-dimension-cache-hit-meter"); definitionsIdCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(configuration.getVerticaMetricRepoConfig().getMaxCacheSize()).build(); dimensionsIdCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(configuration.getVerticaMetricRepoConfig().getMaxCacheSize()).build(); definitionDimensionsIdCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(configuration.getVerticaMetricRepoConfig().getMaxCacheSize()).build();"preparing database and building sql statements..."); String uniqueName = this.toString().replaceAll("\\.", "_").replaceAll("\\@", "_"); this.definitionsTempStagingTableName = uniqueName + "_staged_definitions"; logger.debug("temp staging definitions table name: " + definitionsTempStagingTableName); this.dimensionsTempStagingTableName = uniqueName + "_staged_dimensions"; logger.debug("temp staging dimensions table name:" + dimensionsTempStagingTableName); this.definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableName = uniqueName + "_staged_definitions_dimensions"; logger.debug("temp staging definitionDimensions table name: " + definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableName); this.definitionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt = "merge into MonMetrics.Definitions tgt" + " using " + this.definitionsTempStagingTableName + " src" + " on =" + " when not matched then insert values(,, src.tenant_id, src.region)"; logger.debug("definitions insert stmt: " + definitionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt); this.dimensionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt = "merge into MonMetrics.Dimensions tgt " + " using " + this.dimensionsTempStagingTableName + " src" + " on src.dimension_set_id = tgt.dimension_set_id" + " and =" + " and src.value = tgt.value" + " when not matched then insert values(src.dimension_set_id,, src.value)"; logger.debug("dimensions insert stmt: " + definitionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt); this.definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt = "merge into MonMetrics.definitionDimensions tgt" + " using " + this.definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableName + " src" + " on =" + " when not matched then insert values(, src.definition_id, src.dimension_set_id)"; logger.debug("definitionDimensions insert stmt: " + definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt); logger.debug("dropping temp staging tables if they already exist..."); handle.execute("drop table if exists " + definitionsTempStagingTableName + " cascade"); handle.execute("drop table if exists " + dimensionsTempStagingTableName + " cascade"); handle.execute("drop table if exists " + definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableName + " cascade"); logger.debug("creating temp staging tables..."); handle.execute("create local temp table " + definitionsTempStagingTableName + " " + DEFINITIONS_TEMP_STAGING_TABLE + " on commit preserve rows"); handle.execute("create local temp table " + dimensionsTempStagingTableName + " " + DIMENSIONS_TEMP_STAGING_TABLE + " on commit preserve rows"); handle.execute("create local temp table " + definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableName + " " + DEFINITIONS_DIMENSIONS_TEMP_STAGING_TABLE + " on commit preserve rows"); handle.getConnection().setAutoCommit(false); logger.debug("preparing batches..."); metricsBatch = handle.prepareBatch(SQL_INSERT_INTO_METRICS); stagedDefinitionsBatch = handle.prepareBatch( "insert into " + definitionsTempStagingTableName + " values (:id, :name, :tenant_id, :region)"); stagedDimensionsBatch = handle.prepareBatch( "insert into " + dimensionsTempStagingTableName + " values (:dimension_set_id, :name, :value)"); stagedDefinitionDimensionsBatch = handle.prepareBatch("insert into " + definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableName + " values (:id, :definition_id, :dimension_set_id)"); logger.debug("opening transaction..."); handle.begin(); logger.debug("completed database preparations"); logger.debug(this.getClass().getName() + " is fully instantiated"); } @Override public void addToBatch(MetricEnvelope metricEnvelope, String id) { Metric metric = metricEnvelope.metric; Map<String, Object> metaMap = metricEnvelope.meta; String tenantId = getMeta(TENANT_ID, metric, metaMap, id); String region = getMeta(REGION, metric, metaMap, id); // Add the definition to the batch. StringBuilder definitionIdStringToHash = new StringBuilder(trunc(metric.getName(), MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH, id)); definitionIdStringToHash.append(trunc(tenantId, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH, id)); definitionIdStringToHash.append(trunc(region, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH, id)); byte[] definitionIdSha1Hash = DigestUtils.sha(definitionIdStringToHash.toString()); Sha1HashId definitionSha1HashId = new Sha1HashId((definitionIdSha1Hash)); addDefinitionToBatch(definitionSha1HashId, trunc(metric.getName(), MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH, id), trunc(tenantId, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH, id), trunc(region, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH, id), id); // Calculate dimensions sha1 hash id. StringBuilder dimensionIdStringToHash = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, String> preppedDimMap = prepDimensions(metric.getDimensions(), id); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : preppedDimMap.entrySet()) { dimensionIdStringToHash.append(entry.getKey()); dimensionIdStringToHash.append(entry.getValue()); } byte[] dimensionIdSha1Hash = DigestUtils.sha(dimensionIdStringToHash.toString()); Sha1HashId dimensionsSha1HashId = new Sha1HashId(dimensionIdSha1Hash); // Add the dimension name/values to the batch. addDimensionsToBatch(dimensionsSha1HashId, preppedDimMap, id); // Add the definition dimensions to the batch. StringBuilder definitionDimensionsIdStringToHash = new StringBuilder(definitionSha1HashId.toHexString()); definitionDimensionsIdStringToHash.append(dimensionsSha1HashId.toHexString()); byte[] definitionDimensionsIdSha1Hash = DigestUtils.sha(definitionDimensionsIdStringToHash.toString()); Sha1HashId definitionDimensionsSha1HashId = new Sha1HashId(definitionDimensionsIdSha1Hash); addDefinitionDimensionToBatch(definitionDimensionsSha1HashId, definitionSha1HashId, dimensionsSha1HashId, id); // Add the measurement to the batch. String timeStamp = simpleDateFormat.format(new Date(metric.getTimestamp())); double value = metric.getValue(); addMetricToBatch(definitionDimensionsSha1HashId, timeStamp, value, metric.getValueMeta(), id); } private String getMeta(String name, Metric metric, Map<String, Object> meta, String id) { if (meta.containsKey(name)) { return (String) meta.get(name); } else { logger.warn("[{}]: failed to find {} in message envelope meta data. metric message may be malformed. " + "setting {} to empty string.", id, name); logger.warn("[{}]: metric: {}", id, metric.toString()); logger.warn("[{}]: meta: {}", id, meta.toString()); return ""; } } public void addMetricToBatch(Sha1HashId defDimsId, String timeStamp, double value, Map<String, String> valueMeta, String id) { String valueMetaString = getValueMetaString(valueMeta, id); logger.debug("[{}]: adding metric to batch: defDimsId: {}, time: {}, value: {}, value meta {}", id, defDimsId.toHexString(), timeStamp, value, valueMetaString); metricsBatch.add().bind("definition_dimension_id", defDimsId.getSha1Hash()).bind("time_stamp", timeStamp) .bind("value", value).bind("value_meta", valueMetaString); this.measurementCnt++; measurementMeter.mark(); } private String getValueMetaString(Map<String, String> valueMeta, String id) { String valueMetaString = ""; if (valueMeta != null && !valueMeta.isEmpty()) { try { valueMetaString = this.objectMapper.writeValueAsString(valueMeta); if (valueMetaString.length() > MAX_VALUE_META_LENGTH) { logger.error("[{}]: Value meta length {} longer than maximum {}, dropping value meta", id, valueMetaString.length(), MAX_VALUE_META_LENGTH); return ""; } } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { logger.error("[{}]: Failed to serialize value meta {}, dropping value meta from measurement", id, valueMeta); } } return valueMetaString; } private void addDefinitionToBatch(Sha1HashId defId, String name, String tenantId, String region, String id) { if (definitionsIdCache.getIfPresent(defId) == null) { definitionCacheMissMeter.mark(); if (!definitionIdSet.contains(defId)) { logger.debug("[{}]: adding definition to batch: defId: {}, name: {}, tenantId: {}, region: {}", id, defId.toHexString(), name, tenantId, region); stagedDefinitionsBatch.add().bind("id", defId.getSha1Hash()).bind("name", name) .bind("tenant_id", tenantId).bind("region", region); definitionIdSet.add(defId); } } else { definitionCacheHitMeter.mark(); } } private void addDimensionsToBatch(Sha1HashId dimSetId, Map<String, String> dimMap, String id) { if (dimensionsIdCache.getIfPresent(dimSetId) == null) { dimensionCacheMissMeter.mark(); if (!dimensionIdSet.contains(dimSetId)) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : dimMap.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); logger.debug("[{}]: adding dimension to batch: dimSetId: {}, name: {}, value: {}", id, dimSetId.toHexString(), name, value); stagedDimensionsBatch.add().bind("dimension_set_id", dimSetId.getSha1Hash()).bind("name", name) .bind("value", value); } dimensionIdSet.add(dimSetId); } } else { dimensionCacheHitMeter.mark(); } } private void addDefinitionDimensionToBatch(Sha1HashId defDimsId, Sha1HashId defId, Sha1HashId dimId, String id) { if (definitionDimensionsIdCache.getIfPresent(defDimsId) == null) { definitionDimensionCacheMissMeter.mark(); if (!definitionDimensionsIdSet.contains(defDimsId)) { logger.debug("[{}]: adding definitionDimension to batch: defDimsId: {}, defId: {}, dimId: {}", id, defDimsId.toHexString(), defId, dimId); stagedDefinitionDimensionsBatch.add().bind("id", defDimsId.getSha1Hash()) .bind("definition_id", defId.getSha1Hash()).bind("dimension_set_id", dimId.getSha1Hash()); definitionDimensionsIdSet.add(defDimsId); } } else { definitionDimensionCacheHitMeter.mark(); } } @Override public int flush(String id) throws RepoException { try { Stopwatch swOuter = Stopwatch.createStarted(); Timer.Context context = commitTimer.time(); executeBatches(id); writeRowsFromTempStagingTablesToPermTables(id); Stopwatch swInner = Stopwatch.createStarted(); handle.commit(); swInner.stop(); logger.debug("[{}]: committing transaction took: {}", id, swInner); swInner.reset().start(); handle.begin(); swInner.stop(); logger.debug("[{}]: beginning new transaction took: {}", id, swInner); context.stop(); swOuter.stop(); logger.debug( "[{}]: total time for writing measurements, definitions, and dimensions to vertica took {}", id, swOuter); updateIdCaches(id); int commitCnt = this.measurementCnt; this.measurementCnt = 0; return commitCnt; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("[{}]: failed to write measurements, definitions, and dimensions to vertica", id, e); throw new RepoException("failed to commit batch to vertica", e); } } private void executeBatches(String id) { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.createStarted(); metricsBatch.execute(); stagedDefinitionsBatch.execute(); stagedDimensionsBatch.execute(); stagedDefinitionDimensionsBatch.execute(); sw.stop(); logger.debug("[{}]: executing batches took {}: ", id, sw); } private void updateIdCaches(String id) { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.createStarted(); for (Sha1HashId defId : definitionIdSet) { definitionsIdCache.put(defId, defId); } for (Sha1HashId dimId : dimensionIdSet) { dimensionsIdCache.put(dimId, dimId); } for (Sha1HashId defDimsId : definitionDimensionsIdSet) { definitionDimensionsIdCache.put(defDimsId, defDimsId); } clearTempCaches(); sw.stop(); logger.debug("[{}]: clearing temp caches took: {}", id, sw); } private void writeRowsFromTempStagingTablesToPermTables(String id) { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.createStarted(); handle.execute(definitionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt); handle.execute("truncate table " + definitionsTempStagingTableName); sw.stop(); logger.debug("[{}]: flushing definitions temp staging table took: {}", id, sw); sw.reset().start(); handle.execute(dimensionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt); handle.execute("truncate table " + dimensionsTempStagingTableName); sw.stop(); logger.debug("[{}]: flushing dimensions temp staging table took: {}", id, sw); sw.reset().start(); handle.execute(definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableInsertStmt); handle.execute("truncate table " + definitionDimensionsTempStagingTableName); sw.stop(); logger.debug("[{}]: flushing definition dimensions temp staging table took: {}", id, sw); } private void clearTempCaches() { definitionIdSet.clear(); dimensionIdSet.clear(); definitionDimensionsIdSet.clear(); } private Map<String, String> prepDimensions(Map<String, String> dimMap, String id) { Map<String, String> newDimMap = new TreeMap<>(); if (dimMap != null) { for (String dimName : dimMap.keySet()) { if (dimName != null && !dimName.isEmpty()) { String dimValue = dimMap.get(dimName); if (dimValue != null && !dimValue.isEmpty()) { newDimMap.put(trunc(dimName, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH, id), trunc(dimValue, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH, id)); } } } } return newDimMap; } private String trunc(String s, int l, String id) { if (s == null) { return ""; } else if (s.length() <= l) { return s; } else { String r = s.substring(0, l); logger.warn("[{}]: input string exceeded max column length. truncating input string {} to {} chars", id, s, l); logger.warn("[{}]: resulting string {}", id, r); return r; } } }