Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package monasca.persister.pipeline.event; import; import; import com.codahale.metrics.Counter; import monasca.common.model.metric.Metric; import monasca.common.model.metric.MetricEnvelope; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeMap; import io.dropwizard.setup.Environment; import monasca.persister.configuration.PipelineConfiguration; import monasca.persister.repository.MetricRepository; import monasca.persister.repository.Sha1HashId; import static monasca.persister.repository.VerticaMetricsConstants.MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH; public class MetricHandler extends FlushableHandler<MetricEnvelope[]> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetricHandler.class); private static final String TENANT_ID = "tenantId"; private static final String REGION = "region"; private final int ordinal; private final SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat; private final MetricRepository verticaMetricRepository; private final Counter metricCounter; private final Counter definitionCounter; private final Counter dimensionCounter; private final Counter definitionDimensionsCounter; @Inject public MetricHandler(MetricRepository metricRepository, @Assisted PipelineConfiguration configuration, Environment environment, @Assisted("ordinal") int ordinal, @Assisted("batchSize") int batchSize) { super(configuration, environment, ordinal, batchSize, MetricHandler.class.getName()); final String handlerName = String.format("%s[%d]", MetricHandler.class.getName(), ordinal); this.verticaMetricRepository = metricRepository; this.metricCounter = environment.metrics().counter(handlerName + "." + "metrics-added-to-batch-counter"); this.definitionCounter = environment.metrics() .counter(handlerName + "." + "metric-definitions-added-to-batch-counter"); this.dimensionCounter = environment.metrics() .counter(handlerName + "." + "metric-dimensions-added-to-batch-counter"); this.definitionDimensionsCounter = environment.metrics() .counter(handlerName + "." + "metric-definition-dimensions-added-to-batch-counter"); this.ordinal = ordinal; simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); simpleDateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-0")); } @Override public int process(MetricEnvelope[] metricEnvelopes) throws Exception { int metricCount = 0; for (final MetricEnvelope metricEnvelope : metricEnvelopes) { metricCount += processEnvelope(metricEnvelope); } return metricCount; } private int processEnvelope(MetricEnvelope metricEnvelope) { int metricCount = 0; Metric metric = metricEnvelope.metric; Map<String, Object> meta = metricEnvelope.meta; logger.debug("ordinal: {}", ordinal); logger.debug("metric: {}", metric); logger.debug("meta: {}", meta); String tenantId = ""; if (meta.containsKey(TENANT_ID)) { tenantId = (String) meta.get(TENANT_ID); } else { logger.warn( "Failed to find tenantId in message envelope meta data. Metric message may be malformed. Setting tenantId to empty string."); logger.warn("metric: {}", metric.toString()); logger.warn("meta: {}", meta.toString()); } String region = ""; if (meta.containsKey(REGION)) { region = (String) meta.get(REGION); } else { logger.warn( "Failed to find region in message envelope meta data. Metric message may be malformed. Setting region to empty string."); logger.warn("metric: {}", metric.toString()); logger.warn("meta: {}", meta.toString()); } // Add the definition to the batch. StringBuilder definitionIdStringToHash = new StringBuilder(trunc(metric.getName(), MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH)); definitionIdStringToHash.append(trunc(tenantId, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH)); definitionIdStringToHash.append(trunc(region, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH)); byte[] definitionIdSha1Hash = DigestUtils.sha(definitionIdStringToHash.toString()); Sha1HashId definitionSha1HashId = new Sha1HashId((definitionIdSha1Hash)); verticaMetricRepository.addDefinitionToBatch(definitionSha1HashId, trunc(metric.getName(), MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH), trunc(tenantId, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH), trunc(region, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH));; // Calculate dimensions sha1 hash id. StringBuilder dimensionIdStringToHash = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, String> preppedDimMap = prepDimensions(metric.getDimensions()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : preppedDimMap.entrySet()) { dimensionIdStringToHash.append(entry.getKey()); dimensionIdStringToHash.append(entry.getValue()); } byte[] dimensionIdSha1Hash = DigestUtils.sha(dimensionIdStringToHash.toString()); Sha1HashId dimensionsSha1HashId = new Sha1HashId(dimensionIdSha1Hash); // Add the dimension name/values to the batch. for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : preppedDimMap.entrySet()) { verticaMetricRepository.addDimensionToBatch(dimensionsSha1HashId, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());; } // Add the definition dimensions to the batch. StringBuilder definitionDimensionsIdStringToHash = new StringBuilder(definitionSha1HashId.toHexString()); definitionDimensionsIdStringToHash.append(dimensionsSha1HashId.toHexString()); byte[] definitionDimensionsIdSha1Hash = DigestUtils.sha(definitionDimensionsIdStringToHash.toString()); Sha1HashId definitionDimensionsSha1HashId = new Sha1HashId(definitionDimensionsIdSha1Hash); verticaMetricRepository.addDefinitionDimensionToBatch(definitionDimensionsSha1HashId, definitionSha1HashId, dimensionsSha1HashId);; // Add the measurements to the batch. if (metric.getTimeValues() != null) { for (double[] timeValuePairs : metric.getTimeValues()) { String timeStamp = simpleDateFormat.format(new Date((long) (timeValuePairs[0] * 1000))); double value = timeValuePairs[1]; verticaMetricRepository.addMetricToBatch(definitionDimensionsSha1HashId, timeStamp, value);; metricCount++; } } else { String timeStamp = simpleDateFormat.format(new Date(metric.getTimestamp() * 1000)); String value = metric.getValue(); verticaMetricRepository.addMetricToBatch(definitionDimensionsSha1HashId, timeStamp, value);; metricCount++; } return metricCount; } @Override public void flushRepository() { verticaMetricRepository.flush(); } private Map<String, String> prepDimensions(Map<String, String> dimMap) { Map<String, String> newDimMap = new TreeMap<>(); if (dimMap != null) { for (String dimName : dimMap.keySet()) { if (dimName != null && !dimName.isEmpty()) { String dimValue = dimMap.get(dimName); if (dimValue != null && !dimValue.isEmpty()) { newDimMap.put(trunc(dimName, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH), trunc(dimValue, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH)); } } } } return newDimMap; } private String trunc(String s, int l) { if (s == null) { return ""; } else if (s.length() <= l) { return s; } else { String r = s.substring(0, l); logger.warn("Input string exceeded max column length. Truncating input string {} to {} chars", s, l); logger.warn("Resulting string {}", r); return r; } } }