Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Dmitry Monakhov. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import android.content.Context; import static android.content.Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.util.Log; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author monakhv */ public class NotificationData implements Serializable { private static final String VAR_NAME = "NotificationData"; private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "NotificationData"; private static final String DEBUG_MESSAGE = "DEBUG MESSAGE"; //private static final String WHERE=SQLController.COL_STATE_VAR_NAME + "=\"" + VAR_NAME + "\""; private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"; public static final int LIST_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION = 120; public static final int LIST_UPDATE_ERROR = 121; private static NotificationData instance = null; private List<Author> authors; private List<String> lines; //private NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inboxStyle; //Not serializable !!! private int num = 0; private NotificationData() { authors = new ArrayList<Author>(); lines = new ArrayList<String>(); } public static NotificationData getInstance(Context ctx) { instance = loadData(ctx); if (instance == null) { instance = new NotificationData(); } return instance; } /** * Make default builder for all types of notification * * @param context * @return notification builder object */ private NotificationCompat.Builder makeNotification(Context context) { Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class); notificationIntent.putExtra(MainActivity.CLEAN_NOTIFICATION, MainActivity.CLEAN_NOTIFICATION); PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, notificationIntent, 0); NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context); mBuilder.setContentIntent(contentIntent); mBuilder.setContentTitle(context.getText(R.string.notification_updates).toString()); SettingsHelper helper = new SettingsHelper(context); mBuilder.setSound(helper.getNotificationRingToneURI());//sound mBuilder.setLights(0xff00ff00, 300, 100);//Indicator mBuilder.setAutoCancel(true); return mBuilder; } /** * Make notification for update successful all types * * @param context * @return */ private NotificationCompat.Builder makeUpdateNotification(Context context) { NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = makeNotification(context); mBuilder.setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent.getService(context, 0, CleanNotificationData.getIntent(context), 0)); mBuilder.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.note_book); mBuilder.setTicker(context.getText(R.string.notification_updates)); return mBuilder; } /** * construct new or add to existing data for inbox style * * @param updatedAuthors list of authors could be null for debug output * @param contentText * @return */ private void addData(List<Author> updatedAuthors) { if (updatedAuthors == null) {//DEBUG case SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT); lines.add(DEBUG_MESSAGE + ": " + df.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); ++num; } else { for (Author a : updatedAuthors) { if (!authors.contains(a)) { ++num; authors.add(a); lines.add(a.getName()); } } } } /** * load data from lines to inbox style object * @return */ private NotificationCompat.InboxStyle getinboxStyle() { NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inbox = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle(); for (String line : lines) { inbox.addLine(line); } return inbox; } /** * Make notification for successful update when we have really news * * @param context * @param updatedAuthors */ public void notifyUpdate(Context context, List<Author> updatedAuthors) { NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context .getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = makeUpdateNotification(context); String contentText = context.getText(R.string.author_update_number).toString(); addData(updatedAuthors); NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inboxStyle = getinboxStyle(); if (updatedAuthors != null) { inboxStyle.setBigContentTitle(context.getText(R.string.notification_updates).toString()); mBuilder.setContentText(contentText + " " + num); inboxStyle.setSummaryText(contentText + " " + num); } else { mBuilder.setContentText("DEBUG MESSAGE"); inboxStyle.setSummaryText("DEBUG MESSAGE - " + num + " update"); } mBuilder.setStyle(inboxStyle); saveData(context, this); notificationManager.notify(LIST_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION,; } /** * Debug updated * * @param context */ public void notifyUpdateDebug(Context context) { notifyUpdate(context, null); } /** * Notification about error during update * * @param context */ public void notifyUpdateError(Context context) { NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context .getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = makeNotification(context); mBuilder.setSmallIcon(android.R.drawable.stat_notify_error); mBuilder.setTicker(context.getText(R.string.notification_error)); mBuilder.setContentText(context.getText(R.string.notification_update_error_detais).toString()); notificationManager.notify(LIST_UPDATE_ERROR,; } private static NamedObject getNO(Context ctx) { return new NamedObject(ctx, VAR_NAME); } private static void saveData(Context ctx, NotificationData data) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "saveData data call"); getNO(ctx).save(data); } static void clean(Context ctx) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "clean data call"); getNO(ctx).clean(); } private static NotificationData loadData(Context ctx) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "loadData data call"); NotificationData data = (NotificationData) getNO(ctx).get(); return data; } }