Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package mom.trd.opentheso.bdd.helper; // import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import mom.trd.opentheso.bdd.datas.Term; import mom.trd.opentheso.bdd.helper.nodes.NodeAutoCompletion; import mom.trd.opentheso.bdd.helper.nodes.NodeEM; import mom.trd.opentheso.bdd.helper.nodes.NodeTab2Levels; import mom.trd.opentheso.bdd.helper.nodes.term.NodeTerm; import mom.trd.opentheso.bdd.helper.nodes.term.NodeTermTraduction; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * * @author miled.rousset */ public class TermHelper { private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ThesaurusHelper.class); public TermHelper() { } /** * Cette fonction permet d'ajouter un Terme la table Term, en paramtre un * objet Classe Term * * @param conn * @param term * @param idConcept * @param idUser * @return */ public String addTerm(Connection conn, Term term, String idConcept, int idUser) { String idTerm = addNewTerm(conn, term, idUser); if (idTerm == null) { return null; } term.setId_term(idTerm); if (!addLinkTerm(conn, term, idConcept, idUser)) { return null; } return idTerm; } /** * Cette fonction permet d'ajouter un Terme la table Term, en paramtre un * objet Classe Term * * @param ds * @param nodeTerm * @param idUser * @return */ public boolean insertTerm(HikariDataSource ds, NodeTerm nodeTerm, int idUser) { if (nodeTerm.getNodeTermTraduction().isEmpty()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < nodeTerm.getNodeTermTraduction().size(); i++) { insertTermTraduction(ds, nodeTerm.getIdTerm(), nodeTerm.getIdConcept(), nodeTerm.getNodeTermTraduction().get(i).getLexicalValue(), nodeTerm.getNodeTermTraduction().get(i).getLang(), nodeTerm.getIdThesaurus(), nodeTerm.getCreated(), nodeTerm.getModified(), nodeTerm.getSource(), nodeTerm.getStatus(), idUser); } insertLinkTerm(ds, nodeTerm.getIdTerm(), nodeTerm.getIdThesaurus(), nodeTerm.getIdConcept(), idUser); return true; } /** * * @param ds * @param idTerm * @param idThesaurus * @param idConcept * @param idUser */ public void insertLinkTerm(HikariDataSource ds, String idTerm, String idThesaurus, String idConcept, int idUser) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "Insert into preferred_term " + "(id_concept, id_term, id_thesaurus)" + " values (" + "'" + idConcept + "'" + ",'" + idTerm + "'" + ",'" + idThesaurus + "')"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getMessage().contains("duplicate key value violates unique constraint")) { log.error("Error while adding Link prefered term : " + idTerm, sqle); } } } /** * Cette fonction permet de rajouter une relation Terme Prfr * * @param conn * @param term * @param idConcept * @param idUser * @return */ public boolean addLinkTerm(Connection conn, Term term, String idConcept, int idUser) { Statement stmt; try { // Get connection from pool // conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "Insert into preferred_term " + "(id_concept, id_term, id_thesaurus)" + " values (" + "'" + idConcept + "'" + ",'" + term.getId_term() + "'" + ",'" + term.getId_thesaurus() + "')"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { // conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception System.out.println(sqle); if (!sqle.getSQLState().equalsIgnoreCase("23505")) return false; } return true; } /** * * @param conn * @param term * @param idUser * @return idTerm */ public String addNewTerm(Connection conn, Term term, int idUser) { String idTerm = null; // Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; term.setLexical_value(new StringPlus().convertString(term.getLexical_value())); try { // Get connection from pool // conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select max(id) from term"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet();; int idTermNum = resultSet.getInt(1); idTermNum++; idTerm = "" + (idTermNum); // si le nouveau Id existe, on l'incrmente while (isIdOfTermExist(conn, idTerm, term.getId_thesaurus())) { idTerm = "" + (++idTermNum); } term.setId_term(idTerm); /** * Ajout des informations dans la table Concept */ query = "Insert into term " + "(id_term, lexical_value, lang, " + "id_thesaurus, source, status, contributor, creator)" + " values (" + "'" + term.getId_term() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLexical_value() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLang() + "'" + ",'" + term.getId_thesaurus() + "'" + ",'" + term.getSource() + "'" + ",'" + term.getStatus() + "'" + ", " + idUser + "" + ", " + idUser + ")"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); addNewTermHistorique(conn, term, idUser); } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { // conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getSQLState().equalsIgnoreCase("23505")) idTerm = null; } return idTerm; } /** * cette funtion permet de savoir si le Id_concept dj est utilice * @param conn * @param id_term * @return * @throws SQLException */ public boolean ilpeux(Connection conn, String id_term) throws SQLException { Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; try { // Get connection from pool // conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); String query; try { query = "SELECT id_term from term where id_term ='" + id_term + "'"; resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(query); if (! return true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { // conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getMessage().contains("duplicate key value violates unique constraint")) { log.error("Error while adding Concept : " + id_term, sqle); } } return false; } /** * * @param conn * @param term * @param idUser */ public void addNewTermHistorique(Connection conn, Term term, int idUser) { // Connection conn; Statement stmt; try { try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "Insert into term_historique " + "(id_term, lexical_value, lang, " + "id_thesaurus, source, status, id_user)" + " values (" + "'" + term.getId_term() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLexical_value() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLang() + "'" + ",'" + term.getId_thesaurus() + "'" + ",'" + term.getSource() + "'" + ",'" + term.getStatus() + "'" + ",'" + idUser + "')"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { // conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception System.out.println("Error : " + sqle.getMessage()); } } /** * Cette fonction permet d'insrrer un Term par import avec un identifiant * existant * * @param ds * @param term * @param idTerm_import * @param idUser * @return idTerm */ public boolean insertNewTerm(HikariDataSource ds, Term term, String idTerm_import, int idUser) { idTerm_import = "" + idTerm_import; term.setId_term(idTerm_import); Connection conn; Statement stmt; term.setLexical_value(new StringPlus().convertString(term.getLexical_value())); boolean resultat = false; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { /** * Ajout des informations dans la table Concept */ String query = "Insert into term " + "(id_term, lexical_value, lang, " + "id_thesaurus, source, status)" + " values (" + "'" + term.getId_term() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLexical_value() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLang() + "'" + ",'" + term.getId_thesaurus() + "'" + ",'" + term.getSource() + "'" + ",'" + term.getStatus() + "')"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); resultat = true; addNewTermHistorique(conn, term, idUser); } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getMessage().contains("duplicate key value violates unique constraint")) { log.error("Error while adding Term Import : " + idTerm_import, sqle); } } return resultat; } /** * Cette fonction permet d'ajouter un Terme la table Term, en paramtre un * objet Classe Term * * @param ds * @param idLang * @param idTerm * @param idThesaurus * @param idUser * @return */ public boolean deleteTraductionOfTerm(HikariDataSource ds, String idTerm, String idLang, String idThesaurus, int idUser) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean status = false; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "delete from term where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and id_term = '" + idTerm + "'" + " and lang = '" + idLang + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while adding Term : " + idTerm, sqle); } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de supprimer un Terme avec toutes les dpendances * (Prefered term dans toutes les langues) et (nonPreferedTerm dans toutes * les langues) * * @param conn * @param idTerm * @param idThesaurus * @param idUser * @return */ public boolean deleteTerm(Connection conn, String idTerm, String idThesaurus, int idUser) { Statement stmt; boolean status = false; try { try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "delete from term where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and id_term = '" + idTerm + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); // Suppression de la relation Term_Concept query = "delete from preferred_term where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and id_term = '" + idTerm + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); // suppression des termes synonymes query = "delete from non_preferred_term where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and id_term = '" + idTerm + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { // conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while deleting Term and relations : " + idTerm, sqle); } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de supprimer les donnes de la table Permuted * pour un thsaurus donn * * @param ds * @param idThesaurus * @return */ public boolean deletePermutedTable(HikariDataSource ds, String idThesaurus) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean status = false; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "delete from permuted where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while deleting data from Permuted for thesaurus : " + idThesaurus, sqle); } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rajouter des Termes Non descripteurs ou synonymes * * @param ds * @param term * @param idUser * @return boolean */ public boolean addNonPreferredTerm(HikariDataSource ds, Term term, int idUser) { Connection conn; boolean status; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); if (!addUSE(conn, term, idUser)) { conn.rollback(); conn.close(); return false; } if (!addUSEHistorique(conn, term, idUser, "ADD")) { conn.rollback(); conn.close(); return false; } // cette fonction permet de remplir la table Permute de NonPreferredTerm String idConcept = new ConceptHelper().getIdConceptOfTerm(ds, term.getId_term(), term.getId_thesaurus()); String idGroup = new ConceptHelper().getGroupIdOfConcept(ds, idConcept, term.getId_thesaurus()); splitConceptForNonPermuted(ds, idConcept, idGroup, term.getId_thesaurus(), term.getLang(), term.getLexical_value()); conn.commit(); conn.close(); status = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TermHelper.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); status = false; } return status; } /** * * @param conn * @param term * @param idUser * @return idTerm */ private boolean addUSE(Connection conn, Term term, int idUser) { boolean status = false; // Connection conn; Statement stmt; term.setLexical_value(new StringPlus().convertString(term.getLexical_value())); try { try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "Insert into non_preferred_term " + "(id_term, lexical_value, lang, " + "id_thesaurus, source, status, hiden)" + " values (" + "'" + term.getId_term() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLexical_value() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLang() + "'" + ",'" + term.getId_thesaurus() + "'" + ",'" + term.getSource() + "'" + ",'" + term.getStatus() + "'" + "," + term.isHidden() + ")"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { // conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getSQLState().equalsIgnoreCase("23505")) status = false; } return status; } /** * * @param conn * @param term * @param idUser * @param action * @return idTerm */ private boolean addUSEHistorique(Connection conn, Term term, int idUser, String action) { boolean status = false; // Connection conn; Statement stmt; term.setLexical_value(new StringPlus().convertString(term.getLexical_value())); try { try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "Insert into non_preferred_term_historique " + "(id_term, lexical_value, lang, " + "id_thesaurus, source, status, id_user, action)" + " values (" + "'" + term.getId_term() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLexical_value() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLang() + "'" + ",'" + term.getId_thesaurus() + "'" + ",'" + term.getSource() + "'" + ",'" + term.getStatus() + "'" + ",'" + idUser + "'" + ",'" + action + "')"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { // conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getSQLState().equalsIgnoreCase("23505")) status = false; } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de supprimer des Termes Non descripteurs ou synonymes * * @param ds * @param idTerm * @param idLang * @param lexicalValue * @param idThesaurus * @param stat * @param idUser * @return */ public boolean deleteNonPreferedTerm(HikariDataSource ds, String idTerm, String idLang, String lexicalValue, String idThesaurus, String stat, int idUser) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean status = false; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { Term term = new Term(); term.setLexical_value(lexicalValue); term.setId_thesaurus(idThesaurus); term.setLang(idLang); term.setId_term(idTerm); term.setStatus(stat); if (!addUSEHistorique(conn, term, idUser, "DEL")) { conn.rollback(); conn.close(); return false; } String query = "delete from non_preferred_term where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and id_term = '" + idTerm + "'" + " and lexical_value = '" + lexicalValue + "'" + " and lang = '" + idLang + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while deleting NonPreferedTerm of Term : " + idTerm, sqle); } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet d'ajouter une traduction un Terme * * @param ds * @param term * @param idUser * @return */ public boolean addTraduction(HikariDataSource ds, Term term, int idUser) { Connection conn; try { conn = ds.getConnection(); if (addTermTraduction(conn, term, idUser)) return true; } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TermHelper.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return false; } /** * Cette fonction permet d'ajouter une traduction un Terme * * @param conn * @param term * @param idUser * @return */ public boolean addTermTraduction(Connection conn, Term term, int idUser) { Statement stmt; term.setLexical_value(new StringPlus().convertString(term.getLexical_value())); try { // Get connection from pool // conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "Insert into term " + "(id_term, lexical_value, lang, " + "id_thesaurus, source, status,contributor, creator)" + " values (" + "'" + term.getId_term() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLexical_value() + "'" + ",'" + term.getLang() + "'" + ",'" + term.getId_thesaurus() + "'" + ",'" + term.getSource() + "'" + ",'" + term.getStatus() + "'" + ", " + term.getContributor() + ", " + term.getCreator() + ")"; stmt.execute(query); addNewTermHistorique(conn, term, idUser); } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { // conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getSQLState().equalsIgnoreCase("23505")) return false; } return true; } /** * Cette fonction permet d'ajouter une traduction un Terme cette fonction * est utilise pour les imports * * @param ds * @param idTerm * @param idConcept * @param lexicalValue * @param lang * @param idThesaurus * @param created * @param modified * @param status * @param source * @param idUser * @return */ public boolean insertTermTraduction(HikariDataSource ds, String idTerm, String idConcept, String lexicalValue, String lang, String idThesaurus, Date created, Date modified, String source, String status, int idUser) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean etat = false; // cette fonction permet de remplir la table Permute splitConceptForPermute(ds, idConcept, new ConceptHelper().getGroupIdOfConcept(ds, idTerm, idThesaurus), idThesaurus, lang, lexicalValue); lexicalValue = new StringPlus().convertString(lexicalValue); String query; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { if (modified == null || created == null) { query = "Insert into term " + "(id_term, lexical_value, lang, " + "id_thesaurus, source, status)" + " values (" + "'" + idTerm + "'" + ",'" + lexicalValue + "'" + ",'" + lang + "'" + ",'" + idThesaurus + "'" + ",'" + source + "'" + ",'" + status + "')"; } else { query = "Insert into term " + "(id_term, lexical_value, lang, " + "id_thesaurus, created, modified, source, status, contributor)" + " values (" + "'" + idTerm + "'" + ",'" + lexicalValue + "'" + ",'" + lang + "'" + ",'" + idThesaurus + "'" + ",'" + created + "'" + ",'" + modified + "'" + ",'" + source + "'" + ",'" + status + "'" + ", " + idUser + ")"; } stmt.executeUpdate(query); etat = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getMessage().contains("duplicate key value violates unique constraint")) { log.error("Error while adding Term Traduction : " + idTerm, sqle); } } return etat; } /** * Cette fonction permet de dcouper les mots d'un concept (phrase) pour * remplir la table permute * * @param ds * @param idConcept * @param idGroup * @param lexicalValue * @param idLang * @param idThesaurus */ public void splitConceptForPermute(HikariDataSource ds, String idConcept, String idGroup, String idThesaurus, String idLang, String lexicalValue) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; //ici c'est la fonction qui dcoupe la phrase en mots spar pour la recherche permute lexicalValue = lexicalValue.replaceAll("-", " "); lexicalValue = lexicalValue.replaceAll("\\(", " "); lexicalValue = lexicalValue.replaceAll("\\)", " "); lexicalValue = lexicalValue.replaceAll("\\/", " "); // lexicalValue = lexicalValue.replaceAll("'", " "); lexicalValue = new StringPlus().convertString(lexicalValue.trim()); String tabMots[] = lexicalValue.split(" "); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { int index = 1; for (String value : tabMots) { String query = "Insert into permuted " + "(ord, id_concept, id_group, id_thesaurus," + " id_lang, lexical_value, ispreferredterm,original_value)" + " values (" + "" + index++ + "" + ",'" + idConcept + "'" + ",'" + idGroup + "'" + ",'" + idThesaurus + "'" + ",'" + idLang + "'" + ",'" + value + "'" + "," + true + ",'" + lexicalValue + "')"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getMessage().contains("duplicate key value violates unique constraint")) { log.error("Error while adding values in Permuted table : " + idConcept, sqle); } } } /** * Cette fonction permet de dcouper les mots Synonymes d'un concept (phrase) pour * remplir la table Non permute * * @param ds * @param idConcept * @param idGroup * @param lexicalValue * @param idLang * @param idThesaurus */ public void splitConceptForNonPermuted(HikariDataSource ds, String idConcept, String idGroup, String idThesaurus, String idLang, String lexicalValue) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; //ici c'est la fonction qui dcoupe la phrase en mots spar pour la recherche permute lexicalValue = lexicalValue.replaceAll("-", " "); lexicalValue = lexicalValue.replaceAll("\\(", " "); lexicalValue = lexicalValue.replaceAll("\\)", " "); lexicalValue = lexicalValue.replaceAll("\\/", " "); // lexicalValue = lexicalValue.replaceAll("'", " "); lexicalValue = new StringPlus().convertString(lexicalValue.trim()); String tabMots[] = lexicalValue.split(" "); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { int index = 1; for (String value : tabMots) { String query = "Insert into permuted" + " (ord, id_concept, id_group, id_thesaurus," + " id_lang, lexical_value, ispreferredterm, original_value)" + " values (" + "" + index++ + "" + ",'" + idConcept + "'" + ",'" + idGroup + "'" + ",'" + idThesaurus + "'" + ",'" + idLang + "'" + ",'" + value + "'" + "," + false + ",'" + lexicalValue + "')"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getSQLState().equalsIgnoreCase("23505")) { // if (!sqle.getMessage().contains("duplicate key value violates unique constraint")) { log.error("Error while adding values in table Permuted for Non_Preferred_term : " + idConcept, sqle); } } } public boolean isExitsTraduction(HikariDataSource ds, Term term) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet rs; boolean status = false; term.setLexical_value(new StringPlus().convertString(term.getLexical_value())); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT id_term from term " + " where id_term ='" + term.getId_term() + "' and lang ='" + term.getLang() + "'"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); if ( status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { //conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while updating Term Traduction : " + term.getId_term(), sqle); } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de mettre jour un Terme la table Term, en * paramtre un objet Classe Term * * @param ds * @param term * @param idUser * @return */ public boolean updateTermTraduction(HikariDataSource ds, Term term, int idUser) { if (isExitsTraduction(ds, term)) { if (!updateTermTraduction2(ds, term, idUser)) return false; } else { if (!addTraduction(ds, term, idUser)) return false; } return true; } public boolean updateTermTraduction2(HikariDataSource ds, Term term, int idUser) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean status = false; term.setLexical_value(new StringPlus().convertString(term.getLexical_value())); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "UPDATE term set" + " lexical_value = '" + term.getLexical_value() + "'," + " modified = current_date ," + " contributor = " + idUser + " WHERE lang ='" + term.getLang() + "'" + " AND id_term = '" + term.getId_term() + "'" + " AND id_thesaurus = '" + term.getId_thesaurus() + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; addNewTermHistorique(conn, term, idUser); } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while updating Term Traduction : " + term.getId_term(), sqle); } return status; } public boolean updateTermSynonyme(HikariDataSource ds, String oldValue, Term term, int idUser) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean status = false; term.setLexical_value(new StringPlus().convertString(term.getLexical_value())); oldValue = (new StringPlus().convertString(oldValue)); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "UPDATE non_preferred_term set" + " lexical_value = '" + term.getLexical_value() + "'," + " modified = current_date " + " WHERE lang ='" + term.getLang() + "'" + " AND id_thesaurus = '" + term.getId_thesaurus() + "'" + " AND id_term = '" + term.getId_term() + "'" + " AND lexical_value = '" + oldValue + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; addNewTermHistorique(conn, term, idUser); } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while updating Synonym Modification : " + term.getId_term(), sqle); } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer un Term par son id et son thsaurus et * sa langue sous forme de classe Term (sans les relations) * * @param ds * @param idConcept * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return Objet class Concept */ public Term getThisTerm(HikariDataSource ds, String idConcept, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; Term term = null; if (isTraductionExistOfConcept(ds, idConcept, idThesaurus, idLang)) { try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT term.* FROM term, preferred_term" + " WHERE preferred_term.id_term = term.id_term" + " and preferred_term.id_thesaurus = term.id_thesaurus" + " and preferred_term.id_concept ='" + idConcept + "'" + " and term.lang = '" + idLang + "'" + " and term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " order by lexical_value DESC"; /* query = "select * from term where id_concept = '" + idConcept + "'" + " and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and lang = '" + idLang + "'" + " and prefered = true";*/ stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) {; term = new Term(); term.setId_term(resultSet.getString("id_term")); term.setLexical_value(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); term.setLang(idLang); term.setId_thesaurus(idThesaurus); term.setCreated(resultSet.getDate("created")); term.setModified(resultSet.getDate("modified")); term.setSource(resultSet.getString("source")); term.setStatus(resultSet.getString("status")); term.setContributor(resultSet.getInt("contributor")); term.setCreator(resultSet.getInt("creator")); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting Concept : " + idConcept, sqle); } } else { try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select * from concept where id_concept = '" + idConcept + "'" + " and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if ( { term = new Term(); term.setId_term(""); term.setLexical_value(""); term.setLang(idLang); term.setId_thesaurus(idThesaurus); term.setCreated(resultSet.getDate("created")); term.setModified(resultSet.getDate("modified")); term.setStatus(resultSet.getString("status")); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting Concept : " + idConcept, sqle); } } return term; } /** * Cette fonction permet de retourner l'id du terme d'aprs un concept * * @param ds * @param idConcept * @param idThesaurus * @return idTermCandidat */ public String getIdTermOfConcept(HikariDataSource ds, String idConcept, String idThesaurus) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; String idTerm = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT id_term" + " FROM preferred_term" + " WHERE id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and id_concept = '" + idConcept + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if ( { idTerm = resultSet.getString("id_term"); } else { return null; } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting idTerm of idConcept : " + idConcept, sqle); } return idTerm; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer les termes synonymes suivant un * id_term et son thsaurus et sa langue sous forme de classe NodeEM * * @param ds * @param idTerm * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return Objet class Concept */ public ArrayList<NodeEM> getNonPreferredTerms(HikariDataSource ds, String idTerm, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<NodeEM> nodeEMList = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT lexical_value, created, modified," + " source, status, hiden" + " FROM non_preferred_term" + " WHERE non_preferred_term.id_term = '" + idTerm + "'" + " and non_preferred_term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and non_preferred_term.lang ='" + idLang + "'" + " order by lexical_value ASC"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { nodeEMList = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { NodeEM nodeEM = new NodeEM(); nodeEM.setLexical_value(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeEM.setCreated(resultSet.getDate("created")); nodeEM.setModified(resultSet.getDate("modified")); nodeEM.setSource(resultSet.getString("source")); nodeEM.setStatus(resultSet.getString("status")); nodeEM.setHiden(resultSet.getBoolean("hiden")); nodeEMList.add(nodeEM); } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting NonPreferedTerm of Term : " + idTerm, sqle); } return nodeEMList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer l'historique des termes synonymes d'un terme * * @param ds * @param idTerm * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return Objet class Concept */ public ArrayList<NodeEM> getNonPreferredTermsHistoriqueAll(HikariDataSource ds, String idTerm, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<NodeEM> nodeEMList = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT lexical_value, modified, source, status, hiden, action, username FROM non_preferred_term_historique, users" + " WHERE id_term = '" + idTerm + "'" + " and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and lang ='" + idLang + "'" + " and non_preferred_term_historique.id_user=users.id_user" + " order by modified DESC, lexical_value ASC"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { nodeEMList = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { NodeEM nodeEM = new NodeEM(); nodeEM.setLexical_value(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeEM.setModified(resultSet.getDate("modified")); nodeEM.setSource(resultSet.getString("source")); nodeEM.setStatus(resultSet.getString("status")); nodeEM.setHiden(resultSet.getBoolean("hiden")); nodeEM.setAction(resultSet.getString("action")); nodeEM.setIdUser(resultSet.getString("username")); nodeEM.setLang(idLang); nodeEMList.add(nodeEM); } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting NonPreferedTerm all historique of Term : " + idTerm, sqle); } return nodeEMList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer l'historique des termes synonymes d'un terme une date prcise * * @param ds * @param idTerm * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @param date * @return Objet class Concept */ public ArrayList<NodeEM> getNonPreferredTermsHistoriqueFromDate(HikariDataSource ds, String idTerm, String idThesaurus, String idLang, Date date) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<NodeEM> nodeEMList = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT lexical_value, modified, source, status, hiden, action, username FROM non_preferred_term_historique, users" + " WHERE id_term = '" + idTerm + "'" + " and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and lang ='" + idLang + "'" + " and non_preferred_term_historique.id_user=users.id_user" + " and modified <= '" + date.toString() + "' order by modified, lexical_value ASC"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { nodeEMList = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { if (resultSet.getString("action").equals("DEL")) { for (NodeEM nem : nodeEMList) { if (nem.getLexical_value().equals(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")) && nem.getAction().equals("ADD") && nem.getStatus().equals(resultSet.getString("status"))) { nodeEMList.remove(nem); break; } } } else { NodeEM nodeEM = new NodeEM(); nodeEM.setLexical_value(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeEM.setModified(resultSet.getDate("modified")); nodeEM.setSource(resultSet.getString("source")); nodeEM.setStatus(resultSet.getString("status")); nodeEM.setHiden(resultSet.getBoolean("hiden")); nodeEM.setAction(resultSet.getString("action")); nodeEM.setIdUser(resultSet.getString("username")); nodeEM.setLang(idLang); nodeEMList.add(nodeEM); } } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting NonPreferedTerm date historique of Term : " + idTerm, sqle); } return nodeEMList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer l'historique d'un terme * * @param ds * @param idTerm * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return Objet class Concept */ public ArrayList<Term> getTermsHistoriqueAll(HikariDataSource ds, String idTerm, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<Term> nodeTermList = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT lexical_value, modified, source, status, username FROM term_historique, users" + " WHERE id_term = '" + idTerm + "'" + " and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and lang ='" + idLang + "'" + " and term_historique.id_user=users.id_user" + " order by modified DESC, lexical_value ASC"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { nodeTermList = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { Term t = new Term(); t.setId_term(idTerm); t.setId_thesaurus(idThesaurus); t.setLexical_value(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); t.setModified(resultSet.getDate("modified")); t.setSource(resultSet.getString("source")); t.setStatus(resultSet.getString("status")); t.setIdUser(resultSet.getString("username")); t.setLang(idLang); nodeTermList.add(t); } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting all historique of Term : " + idTerm, sqle); } return nodeTermList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer l'historique d'un terme une date prcise * * @param ds * @param idTerm * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @param date * @return Objet class Concept */ public ArrayList<Term> getTermsHistoriqueFromDate(HikariDataSource ds, String idTerm, String idThesaurus, String idLang, Date date) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<Term> nodeTermList = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT lexical_value, modified, source, status, username FROM term_historique, users" + " WHERE id_term = '" + idTerm + "'" + " and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and lang ='" + idLang + "'" + " and term_historique.id_user=users.id_user" + " and modified <= '" + date.toString() + "' order by modified DESC, lexical_value ASC"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { nodeTermList = new ArrayList<>();; Term t = new Term(); t.setId_term(idTerm); t.setId_thesaurus(idThesaurus); t.setLexical_value(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); t.setModified(resultSet.getDate("modified")); t.setSource(resultSet.getString("source")); t.setStatus(resultSet.getString("status")); t.setIdUser(resultSet.getString("username")); t.setLang(idLang); nodeTermList.add(t); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting date historique of Term : " + idTerm, sqle); } return nodeTermList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer les termes synonymes suivant un * id_term et son thsaurus et sa langue sous forme de classe NodeEM * * @param ds * @param idTerm * @param idThesaurus * @return Objet class Concept */ public ArrayList<NodeEM> getAllNonPreferredTerms(HikariDataSource ds, String idTerm, String idThesaurus) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<NodeEM> nodeEMList = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT non_preferred_term.lexical_value," + " non_preferred_term.created," + " non_preferred_term.modified," + " non_preferred_term.source," + " non_preferred_term.status," + " non_preferred_term.hiden," + " non_preferred_term.lang" + " FROM term, non_preferred_term WHERE" + " term.id_term = non_preferred_term.id_term AND" + " term.lang = non_preferred_term.lang AND" + " term.id_thesaurus = non_preferred_term.id_thesaurus" + " and non_preferred_term.id_term = '" + idTerm + "'" + " and non_preferred_term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " order by lexical_value ASC"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { nodeEMList = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { NodeEM nodeEM = new NodeEM(); nodeEM.setLexical_value(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeEM.setCreated(resultSet.getDate("created")); nodeEM.setModified(resultSet.getDate("modified")); nodeEM.setSource(resultSet.getString("source")); nodeEM.setStatus(resultSet.getString("status")); nodeEM.setHiden(resultSet.getBoolean("hiden")); nodeEM.setLang(resultSet.getString("lang")); nodeEMList.add(nodeEM); } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting NonPreferedTerm of Term : " + idTerm, sqle); } return nodeEMList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer la liste de idTermes des * NonPreferredTerm (synonymes) pour un Thsaurus * * @param ds * @param idThesaurus * @return ArrayList (idConcept, idTerm) */ public ArrayList<NodeTab2Levels> getAllIdOfNonPreferredTerms(HikariDataSource ds, String idThesaurus) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<NodeTab2Levels> tabIdNonPreferredTerm = new ArrayList<>(); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT DISTINCT preferred_term.id_concept," + " preferred_term.id_term FROM" + " non_preferred_term, preferred_term WHERE" + " preferred_term.id_term = non_preferred_term.id_term AND" + " preferred_term.id_thesaurus = non_preferred_term.id_thesaurus" + " and non_preferred_term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); while ( { NodeTab2Levels nodeTab2Levels = new NodeTab2Levels(); nodeTab2Levels.setIdConcept(resultSet.getString("id_concept")); nodeTab2Levels.setIdTerm(resultSet.getString("id_term")); tabIdNonPreferredTerm.add(nodeTab2Levels); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting All Id of NonPreferedTerm of Thesaurus : " + idThesaurus, sqle); } return tabIdNonPreferredTerm; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer un liste des terms pour * l'autocompltion * * @param ds * @param idThesaurus * @param text * @param idLang * @return Objet class Concept */ public List<NodeAutoCompletion> getAutoCompletionTerm(HikariDataSource ds, String idThesaurus, String idLang, String text) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; List<NodeAutoCompletion> nodeAutoCompletionList = new ArrayList<>(); text = new StringPlus().convertString(text); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { // cette partie permettait de se placer directement sur un terme, mais quand on tappe le temre exacte, on a le resultat avec le teme en double /* String query = "SELECT DISTINCT term.lexical_value, concept.id_concept, concept.id_group " + "FROM preferred_term, term, concept WHERE " + "preferred_term.id_term = term.id_term AND " + "preferred_term.id_thesaurus = term.id_thesaurus AND " + "concept.id_concept = preferred_term.id_concept AND " + "concept.id_thesaurus = preferred_term.id_thesaurus AND " + "term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "' AND " + "term.lexical_value iLIKE '" + text + "' AND " + "term.lang = '" + idLang + "' AND " + "concept.status != 'hidden'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { while ( { if (resultSet.getRow() != 0) { NodeAutoCompletion nodeAutoCompletion = new NodeAutoCompletion(); nodeAutoCompletion.setIdConcept(resultSet.getString("id_concept")); nodeAutoCompletion.setTermLexicalValue(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeAutoCompletion.setGroupLexicalValue( new GroupHelper().getLexicalValueOfGroup(ds, resultSet.getString("id_group"), idThesaurus, idLang)); //resultSet.getString("lexicalvalue")); nodeAutoCompletion.setIdGroup(resultSet.getString("id_group")); nodeAutoCompletionList.add(nodeAutoCompletion); } } }*/ String query = "SELECT DISTINCT term.lexical_value, concept.id_concept, concept.id_group " + "FROM preferred_term, term, concept WHERE " + "preferred_term.id_term = term.id_term AND " + "preferred_term.id_thesaurus = term.id_thesaurus AND " + "concept.id_concept = preferred_term.id_concept AND " + "concept.id_thesaurus = preferred_term.id_thesaurus AND " + "term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "' AND " + "term.lang = '" + idLang + "' AND " + "concept.status != 'hidden' AND " + "unaccent_string(term.lexical_value) ILIKE unaccent_string('" + text + "%')" + " ORDER BY term.lexical_value ASC LIMIT 20"; /* query = "SELECT DISTINCT term.lexical_value, concept.id_concept," + " concept_group_label.lexicalvalue, concept_group_label.idgroup FROM" + " concept, preferred_term, term, concept_group_label" + " WHERE concept.id_concept = preferred_term.id_concept" + " AND concept.id_group = concept_group_label.idgroup" + " AND preferred_term.id_term = term.id_term" + " AND term.id_thesaurus = concept.id_thesaurus" + " AND concept.status != 'hidden'" + " AND term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " AND term.lang = '" + idLang + "'" + " AND concept_group_label.lang = '" + idLang + "'" + " AND unaccent_string(term.lexical_value) ILIKE unaccent_string('" + text + "%')" + " ORDER BY term.lexical_value ASC LIMIT 20"; */ stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { while ( { if (resultSet.getRow() != 0) { NodeAutoCompletion nodeAutoCompletion = new NodeAutoCompletion(); nodeAutoCompletion.setIdConcept(resultSet.getString("id_concept")); nodeAutoCompletion.setTermLexicalValue(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeAutoCompletion.setGroupLexicalValue(new GroupHelper().getLexicalValueOfGroup(ds, resultSet.getString("id_group"), idThesaurus, idLang)); nodeAutoCompletion.setIdGroup(resultSet.getString("id_group")); // if(!nodeAutoCompletionList.contains(nodeAutoCompletion)) nodeAutoCompletionList.add(nodeAutoCompletion); } } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting List of autocompletion of Text : " + text, sqle); } return nodeAutoCompletionList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer une liste des terms pour * l'autocompltion en se limitant un Group * et en ignorant le terme lui mme et ses BT * * @param ds * @param idSelectedConcept * @param idBT * @param idThesaurus * @param text * @param idGroup * @param idLang * @return Objet class Concept */ public List<NodeAutoCompletion> getAutoCompletionTerm(HikariDataSource ds, String idSelectedConcept, ArrayList<String> idBTs, // le concept ignorer String idThesaurus, String idLang, String idGroup, String text) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; List<NodeAutoCompletion> nodeAutoCompletionList = new ArrayList<>(); text = new StringPlus().convertString(text); String BT = ""; for (String idBt : idBTs) { if (!BT.isEmpty()) { BT = BT + ",'" + idBt + "'"; } else BT = "'" + idBt + "'"; } try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT DISTINCT term.lexical_value, concept.id_concept, concept.id_group " + "FROM preferred_term, term, concept WHERE " + "preferred_term.id_term = term.id_term AND " + "preferred_term.id_thesaurus = term.id_thesaurus AND " + "concept.id_concept = preferred_term.id_concept AND " + "concept.id_thesaurus = preferred_term.id_thesaurus AND " + "term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "' AND " + "term.lang = '" + idLang + "' AND " + "concept.id_group = '" + idGroup + "' AND " + "concept.id_concept != '" + idSelectedConcept + "' AND " + "concept.id_concept not in (" + BT + ") AND " + "concept.status != 'hidden' AND " + "unaccent_string(term.lexical_value) ILIKE unaccent_string('" + text + "%')" + " ORDER BY term.lexical_value ASC LIMIT 20"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { while ( { if (resultSet.getRow() != 0) { NodeAutoCompletion nodeAutoCompletion = new NodeAutoCompletion(); nodeAutoCompletion.setIdConcept(resultSet.getString("id_concept")); nodeAutoCompletion.setTermLexicalValue(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeAutoCompletion.setGroupLexicalValue(new GroupHelper().getLexicalValueOfGroup(ds, resultSet.getString("id_group"), idThesaurus, idLang)); nodeAutoCompletion.setIdGroup(resultSet.getString("id_group")); // if(!nodeAutoCompletionList.contains(nodeAutoCompletion)) nodeAutoCompletionList.add(nodeAutoCompletion); } } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting List of autocompletion of Text : " + text, sqle); } return nodeAutoCompletionList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer une liste des terms pour * l'autocompltion en se limitant un Group * et en ignorant le terme lui mme * * @param ds * @param idSelectedConcept * @param idThesaurus * @param text * @param idGroup * @param idLang * @return Objet class Concept */ public List<NodeAutoCompletion> getAutoCompletionTerm(HikariDataSource ds, String idSelectedConcept, // le concept ignorer String idThesaurus, String idLang, String idGroup, String text) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; List<NodeAutoCompletion> nodeAutoCompletionList = new ArrayList<>(); text = new StringPlus().convertString(text); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT DISTINCT term.lexical_value, concept.id_concept, concept.id_group " + "FROM preferred_term, term, concept WHERE " + "preferred_term.id_term = term.id_term AND " + "preferred_term.id_thesaurus = term.id_thesaurus AND " + "concept.id_concept = preferred_term.id_concept AND " + "concept.id_thesaurus = preferred_term.id_thesaurus AND " + "term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "' AND " + "term.lang = '" + idLang + "' AND " + "concept.id_group = '" + idGroup + "' AND " + "concept.id_concept != '" + idSelectedConcept + "' AND " + "concept.status != 'hidden' AND " + "unaccent_string(term.lexical_value) ILIKE unaccent_string('" + text + "%')" + " ORDER BY term.lexical_value ASC LIMIT 20"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { while ( { if (resultSet.getRow() != 0) { NodeAutoCompletion nodeAutoCompletion = new NodeAutoCompletion(); nodeAutoCompletion.setIdConcept(resultSet.getString("id_concept")); nodeAutoCompletion.setTermLexicalValue(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeAutoCompletion.setGroupLexicalValue(new GroupHelper().getLexicalValueOfGroup(ds, resultSet.getString("id_group"), idThesaurus, idLang)); nodeAutoCompletion.setIdGroup(resultSet.getString("id_group")); // if(!nodeAutoCompletionList.contains(nodeAutoCompletion)) nodeAutoCompletionList.add(nodeAutoCompletion); } } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting List of autocompletion of Text : " + text, sqle); } return nodeAutoCompletionList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer une liste des terms pour * l'autocompltion en se vitant le Group actuel * et en ignorant le terme lui mme * * @param ds * @param idSelectedConcept * @param idThesaurus * @param text * @param idGroup * @param idLang * @return Objet class Concept */ public List<NodeAutoCompletion> getAutoCompletionTermOfOtherGroup(HikariDataSource ds, String idSelectedConcept, // le concept ignorer String idThesaurus, String idLang, String idGroup, String text) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; List<NodeAutoCompletion> nodeAutoCompletionList = new ArrayList<>(); text = new StringPlus().convertString(text); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT DISTINCT term.lexical_value, concept.id_concept, concept.id_group " + "FROM preferred_term, term, concept WHERE " + "preferred_term.id_term = term.id_term AND " + "preferred_term.id_thesaurus = term.id_thesaurus AND " + "concept.id_concept = preferred_term.id_concept AND " + "concept.id_thesaurus = preferred_term.id_thesaurus AND " + "term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "' AND " + "term.lang = '" + idLang + "' AND " + "concept.id_group != '" + idGroup + "' AND " + "concept.id_concept != '" + idSelectedConcept + "' AND " + "concept.status != 'hidden' AND " + "unaccent_string(term.lexical_value) ILIKE unaccent_string('" + text + "%')" + " ORDER BY term.lexical_value ASC LIMIT 20"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { while ( { if (resultSet.getRow() != 0) { NodeAutoCompletion nodeAutoCompletion = new NodeAutoCompletion(); nodeAutoCompletion.setIdConcept(resultSet.getString("id_concept")); nodeAutoCompletion.setTermLexicalValue(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeAutoCompletion.setGroupLexicalValue(new GroupHelper().getLexicalValueOfGroup(ds, resultSet.getString("id_group"), idThesaurus, idLang)); nodeAutoCompletion.setIdGroup(resultSet.getString("id_group")); // if(!nodeAutoCompletionList.contains(nodeAutoCompletion)) nodeAutoCompletionList.add(nodeAutoCompletion); } } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting List of autocompletion of Text : " + text, sqle); } return nodeAutoCompletionList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de savoir si le terme existe ou non * * @param ds * @param idConcept * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return Objet class NodeConceptTree */ public boolean isTraductionExistOfConcept(HikariDataSource ds, String idConcept, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; boolean existe = false; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select term.id_term from term, preferred_term" + " where term.id_term = preferred_term.id_term and" + " preferred_term.id_concept = '" + idConcept + "'" + " and term.lang = '" + idLang + "'" + " and term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) {; existe = resultSet.getRow() != 0; } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while asking if Traduction of Concept exist : " + idConcept, sqle); } return existe; } /** * Cette fonction permet de retourner les traductions d'un term sauf la * langue en cours * * @param ds * @param idConcept * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return Objet class NodeConceptTree */ public ArrayList<NodeTermTraduction> getTraductionsOfConcept(HikariDataSource ds, String idConcept, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<NodeTermTraduction> nodeTraductionsList = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT term.id_term, term.lexical_value, term.lang FROM" + " term, preferred_term WHERE" + " term.id_term = preferred_term.id_term" + " and preferred_term.id_concept = '" + idConcept + "'" + " and term.lang != '" + idLang + "'" + " and term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " order by term.lexical_value"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { nodeTraductionsList = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { NodeTermTraduction nodeTraductions = new NodeTermTraduction(); nodeTraductions.setLang(resultSet.getString("lang")); nodeTraductions.setLexicalValue(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeTraductionsList.add(nodeTraductions); } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting Traductions of Term : " + idConcept, sqle); } return nodeTraductionsList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de retourner toutes les traductions d'un concept * * @param ds * @param idConcept * @param idThesaurus * @return Objet class NodeConceptTree */ public ArrayList<NodeTermTraduction> getAllTraductionsOfConcept(HikariDataSource ds, String idConcept, String idThesaurus) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<NodeTermTraduction> nodeTraductionsList = new ArrayList<>(); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT term.id_term, term.lexical_value, term.lang FROM" + " term, preferred_term WHERE" + " term.id_term = preferred_term.id_term" + " and term.id_thesaurus = preferred_term.id_thesaurus" + " and preferred_term.id_concept = '" + idConcept + "'" + " and term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " order by term.lexical_value"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); while ( { NodeTermTraduction nodeTraductions = new NodeTermTraduction(); nodeTraductions.setLang(resultSet.getString("lang")); nodeTraductions.setLexicalValue(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeTraductionsList.add(nodeTraductions); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting All Traductions of Concept : " + idConcept, sqle); } return nodeTraductionsList; } /** * Cette fonction permet de savoir si le terme est un parfait doublon ou non * si oui, on retourne l'identifiant, sinon, on retourne null * * @param ds * @param title * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return idTerm or null */ public String isTermEqualTo(HikariDataSource ds, String title, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; String idTerm = null; title = new StringPlus().convertString(title); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select id_term from term where " + "lexical_value = '" + title + "'" + " and lang = '" + idLang + "'" + " and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if ( { idTerm = resultSet.getString("id_term"); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while asking if Term exist : " + title, sqle); } return idTerm; } /** * Cette fonction permet de savoir si le terme existe ou non * * @param ds * @param title * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return boolean */ public boolean isTermExist(HikariDataSource ds, String title, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; boolean existe = false; title = new StringPlus().convertString(title); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select id_term from term where " + "unaccent_string(lexical_value) ilike " + "unaccent_string('" + title + "') and lang = '" + idLang + "' and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if ( { existe = resultSet.getRow() != 0; } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while asking if Title of Term exist : " + title, sqle); } return existe; } /** * Cette fonction permet de savoir si le terme existe ou non * * @param conn * @param idTerm * @param idThesaurus * @return boolean */ public boolean isIdOfTermExist(Connection conn, String idTerm, String idThesaurus) { Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; boolean existe = false; try { try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select id_term from term where " + " id_term = '" + idTerm + "'" + " and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if ( { existe = resultSet.getRow() != 0; } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { //conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while asking if id of Term exist : " + idTerm, sqle); } return existe; } /** * Cette fonction permet de savoir si le terme existe ou non dans le thsaurus * mais il faut ignorer le terme lui mme; ceci nous permet de faire * la modification dans le cas suivant : helene -> en Hlne * * @param ds * @param title * @param idThesaurus * @param idTerm * @param idLang * @return boolean */ public boolean isTermExistForEdit(HikariDataSource ds, String title, String idThesaurus, String idTerm, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; boolean existe = false; title = new StringPlus().convertString(title); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select id_term from term where " + "unaccent_string(lexical_value) ilike " + "unaccent_string('" + title + "') and lang = '" + idLang + "' and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and id_term != '" + idTerm + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if ( { existe = true; } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while asking if Title of Term exist : " + title, sqle); } return existe; } /** * on recupere le valeur du WKT: ... * C'est le coordones pour les affiches dans le map * @param ds * @param idT * @param idTheso * @return */ /* public String recuperateDonnesMaps(HikariDataSource ds ,String idT, String idTheso) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; String coordenadas=null; String fina = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select lexical_value from non_preferred_term where " + "id_term = '"+idT+"'" + " and id_thesaurus = '"+idTheso+"'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); while( { coordenadas = resultSet.getString("lexical_value"); if(coordenadas.contains("WKT:")) { fina = coordenadas.substring(coordenadas.indexOf(":")+1, coordenadas.length()).trim(); } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while asking coordinates : " , sqle); } return fina; }*/ }