Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package mom.trd.opentheso.bdd.helper; import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import mom.trd.opentheso.bdd.helper.nodes.NodeFacet; import mom.trd.opentheso.bdd.helper.nodes.concept.NodeConceptTree; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * * @author miled.rousset */ public class FacetHelper { private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ThesaurusHelper.class); public FacetHelper() { } /** * Cette focntion permet d'ajouter une nouvelle Facette * * @param ds * @param idThesaurus * @param idConceptParent * @param lexicalValue * @param idLang * @param notation * @return Id of Facet */ public int addNewFacet(HikariDataSource ds, String idThesaurus, String idConceptParent, String lexicalValue, String idLang, String notation) { int idFacet = -1; Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; lexicalValue = new StringPlus().convertString(lexicalValue); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select max(facet_id) from thesaurus_array where" + " id_thesaurus='" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet();; idFacet = resultSet.getInt(1); idFacet = idFacet + 1; query = "Insert into thesaurus_array " + "(facet_id, id_thesaurus, id_concept_parent, " + " notation)" + " values (" + idFacet + ",'" + idThesaurus + "'" + ",'" + idConceptParent + "'" + ",'" + notation + "')"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); addFacetTraduction(ds, idFacet, idThesaurus, lexicalValue, idLang); } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getMessage().contains("duplicate key value violates unique constraint")) { log.error("Error while adding Facet with value : " + lexicalValue, sqle); } } return idFacet; } /** * Cette fonction permet d'ajouter un concept dans une Facette * * @param ds * @param idFacet * @param idThesaurus * @param idConcept * @return */ public boolean addConceptToFacet(HikariDataSource ds, int idFacet, String idThesaurus, String idConcept) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; boolean status = false; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "Insert into thesaurus_array_concept " + "(thesaurusarrayid, id_concept, id_thesaurus)" + " values (" + idFacet + ",'" + idConcept + "'" + ",'" + idThesaurus + "')"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getMessage().contains("duplicate key value violates unique constraint")) { log.error("Error while adding Concept to Facet : " + idFacet, sqle); } } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rajouter une traduction une facet existante. * @param ds * @param idFacet * @param idThesaurus * @param lexicalValue * @param idLang * @return */ public boolean addFacetTraduction(HikariDataSource ds, int idFacet, String idThesaurus, String lexicalValue, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean status = false; lexicalValue = new StringPlus().convertString(lexicalValue); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "Insert into node_label " + "(facet_id, id_thesaurus, lexical_value, lang)" + " values (" + idFacet + ",'" + idThesaurus + "'" + ",'" + lexicalValue + "'" + ",'" + idLang + "')"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception if (!sqle.getMessage().contains("duplicate key value violates unique constraint")) { log.error("Error while adding traduction of Facet : " + idFacet, sqle); } } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de mettre jour une facette * * @param ds * @param idFacet * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @param lexicalValue * @return */ public boolean updateFacetTraduction(HikariDataSource ds, int idFacet, String idThesaurus, String idLang, String lexicalValue) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean status = false; lexicalValue = new StringPlus().convertString(lexicalValue); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "UPDATE node_label set" + " lexical_value = '" + lexicalValue + "'," + " modified = current_date" + " WHERE facet_id = " + idFacet + " AND id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " AND lang = '" + idLang + "'"; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while updating Facet Traduction of FacetId: " + idFacet, sqle); } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de savoir s'il a une traduction dans cette langue * * @param ds * @param idFacet * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return Objet class NodeConceptTree */ public boolean isTraductionExistOfFacet(HikariDataSource ds, int idFacet, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; boolean existe = false; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select id from node_label" + " where" + " facet_id = " + idFacet + " and lang = '" + idLang + "'" + " and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) {; if (resultSet.getRow() == 0) { existe = false; } else { existe = true; } } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while asking if Traduction of Facet exist : " + idFacet, sqle); } return existe; } public NodeFacet getThisFacet(HikariDataSource ds, int idFacet, String idThesaurus, String lang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; NodeFacet nf = new NodeFacet(); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT node_label.lexical_value, thesaurus_array.id_concept_parent FROM node_label, thesaurus_array" + " WHERE node_label.facet_id=thesaurus_array.facet_id" + " and node_label.facet_id ='" + idFacet + "'" + " and node_label.lang = '" + lang + "'" + " and node_label.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " order by node_label.lexical_value DESC"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet();; nf.setIdFacet(idFacet); nf.setIdConceptParent(resultSet.getString("id_concept_parent")); if (resultSet.getRow() == 0) { nf.setLexicalValue(""); } else { nf.setLexicalValue(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting Facet : " + idFacet, sqle); } return nf; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer les Id des Concepts regroups dans cette Facette * * @param ds * @param idFacet * @param idThesaurus * @return ArrayList of IdConcepts */ public ArrayList<String> getIdConceptsOfFacet(HikariDataSource ds, int idFacet, String idThesaurus) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<String> tabIdConcept = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT id_concept" + " FROM thesaurus_array_concept WHERE" + " thesaurusarrayid = " + idFacet + " and id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); tabIdConcept = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { tabIdConcept.add(resultSet.getString("id_concept")); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting IdConcepts of Facet : " + idFacet, sqle); } return tabIdConcept; } /** * Cette fonction permet de supprimer une Facette avec ses relations * @param ds * @param idFacet * @param idThesaurus * @return */ public boolean deleteFacet(HikariDataSource ds, int idFacet, String idThesaurus) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean status = false; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "delete from thesaurus_array where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and facet_id = " + idFacet; stmt.executeUpdate(query); query = "delete from thesaurus_array_concept where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and thesaurusarrayid = " + idFacet; stmt.executeUpdate(query); query = "delete from node_label where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and facet_id = " + idFacet; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while deleting Facet : " + idFacet, sqle); } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de supprimer une traduction une Facette * @param ds * @param idFacet * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return */ public boolean deleteTraductionFacet(HikariDataSource ds, int idFacet, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean status = false; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "delete from node_label where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and lang = '" + idLang + "'" + " and facet_id = " + idFacet; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while deleting Traduction of Facet : " + idFacet, sqle); } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de supprimer un concept de la Facette * @param ds * @param idFacet * @param idConcept * @param idThesaurus * @return */ public boolean deleteConceptFromFacet(HikariDataSource ds, int idFacet, String idConcept, String idThesaurus) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; boolean status = false; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "delete from thesaurus_array_concept where" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and id_concept = '" + idConcept + "'" + " and thesaurusarrayid = " + idFacet; stmt.executeUpdate(query); status = true; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while deleting Concept from Facet : " + idFacet, sqle); } return status; } /** * Cette fonction permet de rcuprer les Id des Concepts Parents qui continennent des Facettes * * @param ds * @param idThesaurus * @param lang * @return ArrayList of IdConcepts */ public ArrayList<NodeConceptTree> getIdParentOfFacet(HikariDataSource ds, String idThesaurus, String lang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<String> listIdC = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<NodeConceptTree> tabIdConcept = null; try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT DISTINCT id_concept_parent" + " FROM thesaurus_array WHERE" + " id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); tabIdConcept = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { listIdC.add(resultSet.getString("id_concept_parent")); } for (String idC : listIdC) { query = "SELECT term.lexical_value FROM term, preferred_term" + " WHERE preferred_term.id_term = term.id_term" + " and preferred_term.id_concept ='" + idC + "'" + " and term.lang = '" + lang + "'" + " and term.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " order by lexical_value DESC"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet();; NodeConceptTree nct = new NodeConceptTree(); nct.setIdConcept(idC); nct.setIdLang(lang); nct.setIdThesaurus(idThesaurus); if (resultSet.getRow() == 0) { nct.setTitle(""); } else { nct.setTitle(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); } tabIdConcept.add(nct); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting Facet of Thesaurus : " + idThesaurus, sqle); } return tabIdConcept; } /** * Cette fonction permet de retourner la liste des Id des Facettes qui contiennent un concept * * @param ds * @param idConcept * @param idThesaurus * @return ArrayList of Id Facet (int) */ public ArrayList<Integer> getIdFacetOfConcept(HikariDataSource ds, String idConcept, String idThesaurus) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<Integer> listIdFacet = new ArrayList(); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select thesaurusarrayid from thesaurus_array_concept" + " where id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and id_concept = '" + idConcept + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); while ( { listIdFacet.add(resultSet.getInt("thesaurusarrayid")); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting Ids of Facet for Concept : " + idConcept, sqle); } return listIdFacet; } /** * Cette fonction permet de retourner la liste des Id des Facettes ranges sous un concept * * @param ds * @param idConcept * @param idThesaurus * @return ArrayList of Id Facet (int) */ public ArrayList<Integer> getIdFacetUnderConcept(HikariDataSource ds, String idConcept, String idThesaurus) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<Integer> listIdFacet = new ArrayList(); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select facet_id from thesaurus_array" + " where id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and id_concept_parent = '" + idConcept + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); while ( { listIdFacet.add(resultSet.getInt("facet_id")); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting Ids of Facet for Concept : " + idConcept, sqle); } return listIdFacet; } /** * Cette fonction permet de retourner le concept paretn d'une facette * * @param ds * @param idFacet * @param idThesaurus * @param lang * @return ArrayList of Id Facet (int) */ public NodeConceptTree getConceptOnFacet(HikariDataSource ds, int idFacet, String idThesaurus, String lang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; NodeConceptTree nct = new NodeConceptTree(); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "select thesaurus_array.id_concept_parent, term.lexical_value " + "from thesaurus_array, term, preferred_term" + " where thesaurus_array.id_concept_parent=preferred_term.id_concept" + " and preferred_term.id_term=term.id_term" + " and thesaurus_array.id_thesaurus=term.id_thesaurus" + " and term.lang='" + lang.trim() + "'" + " and thesaurus_array.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'" + " and facet_id = '" + idFacet + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); if ( { nct.setHaveChildren(true); nct.setIdLang(lang); nct.setIdThesaurus(idThesaurus); nct.setIdConcept(resultSet.getString("id_concept_parent")); nct.setTitle(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting Concept of Facet : " + idFacet, sqle); } return nct; } /** * Cette fonction permet de retourner toutes les Facettes d'un thsaurus * sous forme de NodeFacet * * @param ds * @param idThesaurus * @param idLang * @return ArrayList de NodeFacet */ public ArrayList<NodeFacet> getAllFacetsOfThesaurus(HikariDataSource ds, String idThesaurus, String idLang) { Connection conn; Statement stmt; ResultSet resultSet; ArrayList<NodeFacet> nodeFacetlist = new ArrayList(); try { // Get connection from pool conn = ds.getConnection(); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT node_label.lexical_value," + " node_label.facet_id, thesaurus_array.id_concept_parent FROM " + " thesaurus_array, node_label WHERE" + " thesaurus_array.facet_id = node_label.facet_id AND" + " thesaurus_array.id_thesaurus = node_label.id_thesaurus" + " and node_label.lang = '" + idLang + "'" + " and node_label.id_thesaurus = '" + idThesaurus + "'"; stmt.executeQuery(query); resultSet = stmt.getResultSet(); while ( { NodeFacet nodeFacet = new NodeFacet(); nodeFacet.setIdFacet(resultSet.getInt("facet_id")); nodeFacet.setLexicalValue(resultSet.getString("lexical_value")); nodeFacet.setIdConceptParent(resultSet.getString("id_concept_parent")); nodeFacetlist.add(nodeFacet); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Log exception log.error("Error while getting All Facet of Thesaurus : " + idThesaurus, sqle); } return nodeFacetlist; } }