Java tutorial
/** * EpiMed - Information system for bioinformatics developments in the field of epigenetics * * This software is a computer program which performs the data management * for EpiMed platform of the Institute for Advances Biosciences (IAB) * * Copyright University of Grenoble Alps (UGA) * GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * Please check LICENSE file * * Author: Ekaterina Bourova-Flin * */ package module.script.emtab365; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.bson.Document; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters; import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult; import config.HibernateUtil; import config.MongoUtil; import model.entity.ClMorphology; import model.entity.ClTopology; import module.BaseModule; public class UpdateSamplesEMTAB365 extends BaseModule { private String gseNumber = "E-MTAB-365"; private boolean commit = true; public UpdateSamplesEMTAB365() { // ===== Session PostgreSQL ===== SessionFactory sessionFactory = HibernateUtil .buildSessionFactory("config/epimed_semantic.hibernate.cfg.xml"); Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); // ===== INIT ===== ClMorphology ductal = session.get(ClMorphology.class, "8500/3"); // 8500/3 Infiltrating duct carcinoma, NOS (C50._) ClMorphology lobular = session.get(ClMorphology.class, "8520/3"); // 8520/3 Lobular carcinoma, NOS (C50._) ClMorphology morphology = session.get(ClMorphology.class, "8010/3"); // Carcinoma ClTopology breast = session.get(ClTopology.class, "C50.9"); // Breast ClTopology blood = session.get(ClTopology.class, "C42.0"); // Blood ClTopology lymphNode = session.get(ClTopology.class, "C77.9"); // Lymph node // ===== Session Mongo ===== MongoClient mongoClient = MongoUtil.buildMongoClient(); MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase("epimed_experiments"); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("samples"); List<Document> listDocuments = collection.find("series", gseNumber)) .into(new ArrayList<Document>()); for (int i = 0; i < listDocuments.size(); i++) { Document doc = listDocuments.get(i); Document expgroup = (Document) doc.get("exp_group"); Document parameters = (Document) doc.get("parameters"); String histoType = parameters.getString("Histology"); String histoSubtype = parameters.getString("CIT classification"); expgroup.put("histology_subtype", histoSubtype); if (histoType != null && histoType.toLowerCase().equals("lobular")) { morphology = lobular; } if (histoType != null && histoType.toLowerCase().equals("ductal")) { morphology = ductal; } expgroup.put("id_morphology", morphology.getIdMorphology()); expgroup.put("morphology", morphology.getName()); expgroup.put("sample_source", parameters.getString("Source Name")); String organismPart = parameters.getString("OrgansimPart"); ClTopology topology = null; if (organismPart != null) { if (organismPart.toLowerCase().contains("breast")) { topology = breast; } if (organismPart.toLowerCase().contains("blood")) { topology = blood; } if (organismPart.toLowerCase().contains("lymph")) { topology = lymphNode; } } else { topology = breast; } expgroup.put("id_topology", topology.getIdTopology()); expgroup.put("topology", topology.getName()); expgroup.put("id_topology_group", topology.getClTopologyGroup().getIdGroup()); expgroup.put("topology_group", topology.getClTopologyGroup().getName()); // ==== Survival ===== Object dfs_months = parameters.get("Delay Metastasis Free Survival months"); if (dfs_months != null) { expgroup.put("dfs_months", dfs_months); } Object os_months = parameters.get("Delay Overall Survival months"); if (os_months != null) { expgroup.put("os_months", os_months); } Double os = (Double) expgroup.get("os_months"); Double dfs = (Double) expgroup.get("dfs_months"); if (os != null && dfs != null && dfs.equals(os)) { expgroup.put("relapsed", false); } if (os != null && dfs != null && dfs < os) { expgroup.put("relapsed", true); } if (os != null && dfs != null && dfs > os) { expgroup.put("relapsed", null); } Object relapseDate = parameters.get("Relapse Metastasis Date"); if (relapseDate != null) { expgroup.put("relapsed", true); } // ==== Grade ==== expgroup.put("tnm_grade", parameters.get("Grade Scarff Bloom Richardson")); // ==== Files ===== expgroup.put("ftp", parameters.getString("ArrayExpress FTP file")); expgroup.put("file_name", parameters.getString("Array Data File")); expgroup.remove("individual"); if (parameters.getString("Individual") != null) { expgroup.put("individual", parameters.getString("Individual")); } // ==== Biomarkers ==== /* String p53 = parameters.getString("Phenotype - TP53 Gene mutation Status"); expgroup.put("p53", value) String pr = parameters.getString("PGR Protein expression"); String er = parameters.getString("ESR1 Protein expression"); String her2 = parameters.getString("ERBB2 Protein expression"); */ doc.put("exp_group", expgroup); System.out.println(i + " " + doc.get("_id") + " " + doc.get("analyzed") + " " + expgroup); if (commit) { UpdateResult updateResult = collection.updateOne(Filters.eq("_id", doc.get("_id")), new Document("$set", doc)); } } if (session.isOpen()) { session.close(); } sessionFactory.close(); mongoClient.close(); } /** =============================================================== */ public static void main(String[] args) { new UpdateSamplesEMTAB365(); } /** ============================================================== */ }