Java tutorial
/** * EpiMed - Information system for bioinformatics developments in the field of epigenetics * * This software is a computer program which performs the data management * for EpiMed platform of the Institute for Advances Biosciences (IAB) * * Copyright University of Grenoble Alps (UGA) * GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * Please check LICENSE file * * Author: Ekaterina Bourova-Flin * */ package module; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.bson.Document; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters; import config.HibernateUtil; import config.MongoUtil; import dao.OmGeneDao; import exception.ImportDataException; import model.bind.NcbiGeoGpl; import model.entity.OmGenbankUnigene; import model.entity.OmGene; import model.entity.OmPlatform; import service.FileService; import service.WebService; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class ImportPlatformFromFile extends BaseModule { private FileService fileService = new FileService(); private WebService webService = new WebService(); private Date today = new Date(); public ImportPlatformFromFile() { // === Display === System.out.println("\n================ BEGIN Module " + this.getClass().getName() + "================"); // === INPUT === String idPlatform = "GPL97"; String inputfile = this.getInputDirectory() + this.getDirSeparator() + "GPL97-17394.txt"; String gpl = idPlatform.toLowerCase().trim(); // ===== Session PostgreSQL ===== SessionFactory sessionFactory = HibernateUtil .buildSessionFactory("config/epimed_semantic.hibernate.cfg.xml"); Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); // ===== DAO ===== OmGeneDao geneDao = new OmGeneDao(session); // ===== Session Mongo ===== MongoClient mongoClient = MongoUtil.buildMongoClient(); MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase("epimed_experiments"); try { // === Begin transaction === session.beginTransaction(); // ===== Load file ===== System.out.println("ID Platform " + gpl); System.out.println("LOADING \t " + inputfile); System.out.println("Please wait... "); List<String> listRows = fileService.loadTextFile(inputfile); // List<String> listRows = webService.loadGeoData(idPlatform); System.out.println("File sucessfully LOADED"); // ===== Recognize header ===== List<String> header = fileService.readHeader(listRows, "\t"); if (header == null || header.isEmpty()) { throw new ImportDataException("The header is empty"); } else { System.out.println("Header " + header); } Integer indId = fileService.findIndex(header, "ID"); Integer indGbacc = fileService.findIndex(header, "GB_ACC"); Integer indEntrez = fileService.findIndex(header, "ENTREZ"); if (indId == null || indGbacc == null || indEntrez == null) { throw new ImportDataException("Header not recognized: " + "ID index=" + indId + ", GB_ACC index=" + indGbacc + ", ENTREZ index=" + indEntrez); } else { System.out.println("The following header items are recognized:"); System.out.println("\t ID index=" + indId + ": " + header.get(indId)); System.out.println("\t GB_ACC index=" + indGbacc + ": " + header.get(indGbacc)); System.out.println("\t ENTREZ index=" + indEntrez + ": " + header.get(indEntrez)); } // ===== Recognize data ===== List<List<String>> data = fileService.readData(listRows, "\t"); if (data == null || data.isEmpty()) { throw new ImportDataException("The data are empty"); } else { System.out.println( "The data are sucessfully loaded: rows " + data.size() + ", columns " + data.get(0).size()); } // ===== Create specific tables ===== String sqlCheckTableProbe = "select * from information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'hs' and table_name='om_probe_" + gpl + "'"; List<Object> result = session.createNativeQuery(sqlCheckTableProbe).getResultList(); String tableProbe = "hs.om_probe_" + gpl; String tableGP = "hs.om_gp_" + gpl; if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { // Table probe String sqlCreateTableProbe = "create table " + tableProbe + "(id_probe VARCHAR(50) not null," + " genbank_acc VARCHAR(50) null," + " constraint pk_om_probe_" + gpl + " primary key (id_probe))"; session.createNativeQuery(sqlCreateTableProbe).executeUpdate(); // Table gp String sqlCreateTableGP = "create table " + tableGP + "(id_probe VARCHAR(50) not null," + " id_gene INT4 not null," + " constraint pk_om_gp_" + gpl + " primary key (id_probe, id_gene))"; session.createNativeQuery(sqlCreateTableGP).executeUpdate(); // Foregn keys String sqlAlterTableProbe = "alter table " + tableGP + " add constraint fk_gp_probe_" + gpl + " foreign key (id_probe)" + " references " + tableProbe + " (id_probe) on delete restrict on update restrict"; session.createNativeQuery(sqlAlterTableProbe).executeUpdate(); String sqlAlterTableGene = "alter table " + tableGP + " add constraint fk_gp_gene_" + gpl + " foreign key (id_gene)" + " references hs.om_gene (id_gene) on delete restrict on update restrict"; session.createNativeQuery(sqlAlterTableGene).executeUpdate(); } // ===== Import data ===== for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { // for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { List<String> dataline = data.get(i); String idProbe = dataline.get(indId).trim(); String genbankAcc = dataline.get(indGbacc).trim(); String sqlInsertProbe = "insert into " + tableProbe + " values('" + idProbe + "', null)"; if (genbankAcc != null && !genbankAcc.isEmpty()) { sqlInsertProbe = "insert into " + tableProbe + " values('" + idProbe + "', '" + genbankAcc + "')"; } session.createNativeQuery(sqlInsertProbe).executeUpdate(); OmGenbankUnigene gu = session.get(OmGenbankUnigene.class, genbankAcc); if (gu == null && genbankAcc != null && !genbankAcc.isEmpty()) { gu = new OmGenbankUnigene(); gu.setGenbankAcc(genbankAcc);; } String listEntrez = null; String[] parts = null; if (indEntrez < dataline.size()) { listEntrez = dataline.get(indEntrez).trim(); parts = listEntrez.split("[///\\p{Space}]"); for (String entrezString : parts) { Integer entrez = null; try { entrez = Integer.parseInt(entrezString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // nothing to do } if (entrez != null) { OmGene gene = geneDao.find(entrez); if (gene == null) { gene = geneDao.createGene(entrez, null); } String sqlInsertGP = "insert into " + tableGP + " values('" + idProbe + "', " + entrez + ")"; session.createNativeQuery(sqlInsertGP).executeUpdate(); } } } if (i % 1000 == 0) { System.out.println(i + "\t" + idProbe + "\t" + genbankAcc + "\t" + listEntrez + "\t" + Arrays.toString(parts)); } if (i % 20 == 0) { session.flush(); } } // ===== Subscribe platform ===== OmPlatform platform = session.get(OmPlatform.class, idPlatform); if (platform != null) { platform.setEnabled(true); session.update(platform); } else { MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("platforms"); Document docPlatform = collection.find(Filters.eq("_id", idPlatform)).first(); String title = docPlatform.getString("title"); String manufacturer = docPlatform.getString("manufacturer"); platform = new OmPlatform(); platform.setIdPlatform(idPlatform); platform.setTitle(title); platform.setManufacturer(manufacturer); platform.setEnabled(true);; } // ===== Rights ===== String sqlRights; String[] users = { "epimed_prod", "epimed_web", "epimed_script" }; for (String user : users) { sqlRights = "GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA hs TO " + user; session.createNativeQuery(sqlRights).executeUpdate(); } sqlRights = "GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA hs TO epimed_admin"; session.createNativeQuery(sqlRights).executeUpdate(); // === Commit transaction === session.getTransaction().commit(); // session.getTransaction().rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); System.out.println("ROLLBACK in module " + this.getClass().getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (session.isOpen()) { session.close(); } sessionFactory.close(); mongoClient.close(); } // === Display === System.out.println("================ END Module " + this.getClass().getName() + "================"); } /** =============================================================== */ public static void main(String[] args) { new ImportPlatformFromFile(); } /** ============================================================== */ }