Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2015 Smart Aquifer Characterisation (SAC) Programme (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package models.sos;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;

public class ObservationDescription {

    protected String OM_Member;

    public String getOM_Member() {
        return OM_Member;

    public void setOM_Member(String oM_Member) {
        this.OM_Member = oM_Member;

     * standard ObservationDescription, to be tested if still valid, is of type
     * sampledFeatureURI http://sweet.nasa.jpl/2.2/Climate empty codeSpace for
     * feature
     * @param phenTime
     * @param offeringURI
     * @param sensorURI
     * @param phenomenonURI
     * @param uomCode
     * @param value
     * @param featureURI
     * @param position
     *            (can be null)
    public ObservationDescription(Date phenTime, String offeringURI, String sensorURI, String phenomenonURI,
            String uomCode, Double value, String featureURI, Double[] position) {
        // create network sensorML without parent, without location, without
        // inputs/outputs
        this.OM_Member = createTemplatedMeasurementObservation(phenTime, offeringURI, sensorURI, phenomenonURI,
                uomCode, value, featureURI, position);

     * ObservationDescription, assumed to be of type MEASUREMENT or COUNT!!!!
     * @param phenTime
     * @param offeringURI
     * @param sensorURI
     * @param phenomenonURI
     * @param uomCode
     *            (ignored for COUNT)
     * @param value
     *            ( 8.0 Double will be cast to int)
     * @param featureURI
     * @param position
     *            (can be null)
     * @param obsType
     *            can be MEASUREMENT or COUNT!!!!
     * @param codeSpace
     *            (can be null, but can be used for feature codespace, because
     *            we don't have category
     * @param sampledFeatureURI
     *            (can be null)
    public ObservationDescription(Date phenTime, String offeringURI, String sensorURI, String phenomenonURI,
            String uomCode, Double value, String featureURI, Double[] position, String obsType, String codeSpace,
            String sampledFeatureURI) {
        // create network sensorML without parent, without location, without
        // inputs/outputs
        this.OM_Member = createNumberbasedObservation(phenTime, offeringURI, sensorURI, phenomenonURI, uomCode,
                value, featureURI, position, obsType, sampledFeatureURI, codeSpace);

     * ObservationDescription, assumed to be of type TEXT, TRUTH, CATEGORY !!!
     * @param phenTime
     * @param offeringURI
     * @param sensorURI
     * @param phenomenonURI
     * @param value
     *            (the respective string value for the obsType, or true/false
     *            for TRUTH)
     * @param featureURI
     * @param position
     *            (can be null)
     * @param obsType
     *            can be TEXT, TRUTH, CATEGORY !!!
     * @param codeSpace
     *            (can be null, but can be used for feature codespace)
     * @param sampledFeatureURI
     *            (can be null)
    public ObservationDescription(Date phenTime, String offeringURI, String sensorURI, String phenomenonURI,
            String value, String featureURI, Double[] position, String obsType, String codeSpace,
            String sampledFeatureURI) {
        // create network sensorML without parent, without location, without
        // inputs/outputs
        this.OM_Member = createTextbasedObservation(phenTime, offeringURI, sensorURI, phenomenonURI, value,
                featureURI, position, obsType, sampledFeatureURI, codeSpace);


     * standard ObservationDescription, to be tested if still valid, is of type
     * sampledFeatureURI http://sweet.nasa.jpl/2.2/Climate empty codeSpace for
     * feature
     * @param phenTime
     * @param offeringURI
     * @param sensorURI
     * @param phenomenonURI
     * @param uomCode
     * @param value
     * @param featureURI
     * @param position
     * @return
    public String createTemplatedMeasurementObservation(Date phenTime, String offeringURI, String sensorURI,
            String phenomenonURI, String uomCode, Double value, String featureURI, Double[] position) {

        StringBuilder sosOMGenerator = new StringBuilder();
        sosOMGenerator.append("<sos:offering>" + offeringURI + "</sos:offering>");

        // FIXME generate better?
        String sampledFeatureURI = "http://sweet.nasa.jpl/2.2/Climate";
        String ssfGmlID = "ssf_" + DigestUtils.sha1Hex(featureURI).toUpperCase();
        SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ");
        String pointGmlID = "poi_" + DigestUtils.sha1Hex(featureURI).toUpperCase();

        sosOMGenerator.append("<sos:observation>\n" + "<om:OM_Observation gml:id=\"o1\">\n"
                + "<om:type xlink:href=\"\"/>\n"
                + "<om:phenomenonTime>\n" + "<gml:TimeInstant gml:id=\"phenomenonTime\">\n" + "<gml:timePosition>"
                + fmt.format(phenTime) + "</gml:timePosition>\n" + "</gml:TimeInstant>\n" + "</om:phenomenonTime>\n"
                + "<om:resultTime xlink:href=\"#phenomenonTime\"/>\n" + "<om:procedure xlink:href=\"" + sensorURI
                + "\"/>\n" + "<om:observedProperty xlink:href=\"" + phenomenonURI + "\"/>\n");

        // if position null, assume feature exists and just past URI
        if (position == null) {
            sosOMGenerator.append("       <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href=\"" + featureURI + "\"/>\n");
        } else {
            sosOMGenerator.append("       <om:featureOfInterest>\n" + "<sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature gml:id=\""
                    + ssfGmlID + "\">\n" + "<gml:identifier codeSpace=\"\">" + featureURI + "</gml:identifier>\n"
                    + "<sf:type xlink:href=\"\"/>\n"
                    + "<sf:sampledFeature xlink:href=\"" + sampledFeatureURI + "\"/>\n" + "<sams:shape>\n"
                    + "<gml:Point gml:id=\"" + pointGmlID + "\">\n"
                    + "<gml:pos srsName=\"\">" + position[0] + " "
                    + position[1] + "</gml:pos>\n" + "</gml:Point>\n" + "</sams:shape>\n"
                    + "</sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature>\n" + "</om:featureOfInterest>\n");
        sosOMGenerator.append("<om:result xsi:type=\"gml:MeasureType\" uom=\"" + uomCode + "\">" + value
                + "</om:result>\n" + "</om:OM_Observation>\n" + "</sos:observation>\n");

        return sosOMGenerator.toString();

     * createNumberbasedObservation
     * @param phenTime
     * @param offeringURI
     * @param sensorURI
     * @param phenomenonURI
     * @param uomCode
     *            (ignored for COUNT)
     * @param value
     *            ( 8.0 Double will be cast to int)
     * @param featureURI
     * @param position
     *            (can be null, will only use feature href then)
     * @param obsType
     *            can be MEASUREMENT or COUNT!!!!
     * @param sampledFeatureURI
     *            (can be null)
     * @param foiCodeSpace
     *            (can be null or be used for feature)
     * @return
    private String createNumberbasedObservation(Date phenTime, String offeringURI, String sensorURI,
            String phenomenonURI, String uomCode, Double value, String featureURI, Double[] position,
            String obsType, String sampledFeatureURI, String foiCodeSpace) {

        StringBuilder sosOMGenerator = new StringBuilder();

        // begin
        sosOMGenerator.append("<sos:offering>" + offeringURI + "</sos:offering>\n" + "<sos:observation>\n"
                + "<om:OM_Observation gml:id=\"o1\">\n");

        // obsType
        if (obsType != null && obsType.equalsIgnoreCase("MEASUREMENT")) {

            sosOMGenerator.append("<om:type xlink:href=\"" + SOSConstants.MEASUREMENT_OBS_DEF + "\"/>\n");

        } else if (obsType != null && obsType.equalsIgnoreCase("COUNT")) {

            sosOMGenerator.append("<om:type xlink:href=\"" + SOSConstants.COUNT_OBS_DEF + "\"/>\n");

        // result and phen times

        // proc href
        sosOMGenerator.append("<om:procedure xlink:href=\"" + sensorURI + "\"/>\n");

        // here would strict spatial sampling filtering paramter go
        if (position != null && position.length >= 2) {

        // obsprop
        sosOMGenerator.append("<om:observedProperty xlink:href=\"" + phenomenonURI + "\"/>\n");

        // spatialsampling feature
        sosOMGenerator.append(createSamplingFeature(featureURI, position, sampledFeatureURI, foiCodeSpace));

        // actual measurement respective count observation
        if (obsType != null && obsType.equalsIgnoreCase("MEASUREMENT")) {

                    "<om:result xsi:type=\"gml:MeasureType\" uom=\"" + uomCode + "\">" + value + "</om:result>\n");

        } else if (obsType != null && obsType.equalsIgnoreCase("COUNT")) {

                    .append("<om:result xsi:type=\"xs:integer\">" + (int) value.doubleValue() + "</om:result>\n");

        // footer
        sosOMGenerator.append("</om:OM_Observation>\n" + "</sos:observation>\n");

        return sosOMGenerator.toString();

     * createTextbasedObservation
     * http
     * ://
     * @param phenTime
     * @param offeringURI
     * @param sensorURI
     * @param phenomenonURI
     * @param uomCode
     * @param value
     * @param featureURI
     * @param position
     *            (can be null, will only use feature href then)
     * @param obsType
     *            can be TEXT, TRUTH, CATEGORY !!!
     * @param sampledFeatureURI
     *            (can be null)
     * @param foiCodeSpace
     *            (can be null or be used for feature)
     * @return
    private String createTextbasedObservation(Date phenTime, String offeringURI, String sensorURI,
            String phenomenonURI, String value, String featureURI, Double[] position, String obsType,
            String sampledFeatureURI, String foiCodeSpace) {

        StringBuilder sosOMGenerator = new StringBuilder();

        // begin
        sosOMGenerator.append("<sos:offering>" + offeringURI + "</sos:offering>\n" + "<sos:observation>\n"
                + "<om:OM_Observation gml:id=\"o1\">\n");

        // obsType
        if (obsType != null && obsType.equalsIgnoreCase("TEXT")) {

            sosOMGenerator.append("<om:type xlink:href=\"" + SOSConstants.TEXT_OBS_DEF + "\"/>\n");

        } else if (obsType != null && obsType.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUTH")) {

            sosOMGenerator.append("<om:type xlink:href=\"" + SOSConstants.TRUTH_OBS_DEF + "\"/>\n");

        } else if (obsType != null && obsType.equalsIgnoreCase("CATEGORY")) {

            sosOMGenerator.append("<om:type xlink:href=\"" + SOSConstants.CATEGORY_OBS_DEF + "\"/>\n");

        // result and phen times

        // proc href
        sosOMGenerator.append("<om:procedure xlink:href=\"" + sensorURI + "\"/>\n");

        // here would strict spatial sampling filtering paramter go
        if (position != null && position.length >= 2) {

        // obsprop
        sosOMGenerator.append("<om:observedProperty xlink:href=\"" + phenomenonURI + "\"/>\n");

        // spatialsampling feature
        sosOMGenerator.append(createSamplingFeature(featureURI, position, sampledFeatureURI, foiCodeSpace));

        // actual measurement respective count observation
        if (obsType != null && obsType.equalsIgnoreCase("TEXT")) {

            sosOMGenerator.append("<om:result xsi:type=\"xs:string\">" + value + "</om:result>\n");

        } else if (obsType != null && obsType.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUTH")) {

            if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
                sosOMGenerator.append("<om:result xsi:type=\"xs:boolean\">true</om:result>\n");
            } else {
                sosOMGenerator.append("<om:result xsi:type=\"xs:boolean\">false</om:result>\n");

        } else if (obsType != null && obsType.equalsIgnoreCase("CATEGORY")) {

            sosOMGenerator.append("<om:result xsi:type=\"gml:ReferenceType\" xlink:href=\"" + value + "\"/>\n");

        // footer
        sosOMGenerator.append("</om:OM_Observation>\n" + "</sos:observation>\n");

        return sosOMGenerator.toString();

     * createObservationTimes, take one time instant for result and ohentime
     * @param phenTime
     * @return
    private String createObservationTimes(Date phenTime) {

        SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ");

        return ("<om:phenomenonTime>\n" + "<gml:TimeInstant gml:id=\"phenomenonTime\">\n" + "<gml:timePosition>"
                + fmt.format(phenTime) + "</gml:timePosition>\n" + "</gml:TimeInstant>\n" + "</om:phenomenonTime>\n"
                + "<om:resultTime xlink:href=\"#phenomenonTime\"/>\n");

     * createSamplingFeature, tries to crate sf_samplingfeature flexibly as
     * possible
     * @param featureURI
     *            (will be needed in any case)
     * @param position
     *            (can be null, but if not must have x/y values)
     * @param sampledFeatureURI
     *            (can be null)
     * @param foiCodeSpace
     *            (can be null)
     * @return
    private String createSamplingFeature(String featureURI, Double[] position, String sampledFeatureURI,
            String foiCodeSpace) {

        StringBuilder sosOMGenerator = new StringBuilder();

        // generate better?
        String ssfGmlID = "ssf_" + DigestUtils.sha1Hex(featureURI).toUpperCase();
        String pointGmlID = "poi_" + DigestUtils.sha1Hex(featureURI).toUpperCase();

        String codeSpace = "";
        if (foiCodeSpace != null) {
            codeSpace = foiCodeSpace;

        if (position == null) {
            sosOMGenerator.append("       <om:featureOfInterest xlink:href=\"" + featureURI + "\"/>\n");
        } else {
            sosOMGenerator.append("       <om:featureOfInterest>\n" + "<sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature gml:id=\""
                    + ssfGmlID + "\">\n" + "<gml:identifier codeSpace=\"" + codeSpace + "\">" + featureURI
                    + "</gml:identifier>\n" + "<sf:type xlink:href=\"" + SOSConstants.SAMPLINGPOINT_DEF + "\"/>\n");

            if ((sampledFeatureURI != null) && !(sampledFeatureURI.isEmpty())) {
                sosOMGenerator.append("<sf:sampledFeature xlink:href=\"" + sampledFeatureURI + "\"/>\n");

            sosOMGenerator.append("<sams:shape>\n" + "<gml:Point gml:id=\"" + pointGmlID + "\">\n"
                    + "<gml:pos srsName=\"\">" + position[0] + " "
                    + position[1] + "</gml:pos>\n" + "</gml:Point>\n" + "</sams:shape>\n"
                    + "</sams:SF_SpatialSamplingFeature>\n" + "</om:featureOfInterest>\n");

        return sosOMGenerator.toString();

     * createSpatialSamplingParameter, new, I wonder if this in now the
     * alternative to querying against SF_feature geometry, we can used it
     * instead of always encoding the SF_foi because I think the 52n sos
     * complained that the same feature already exists
     * @param position
     * @return
    private String createSpatialSamplingParameter(Double[] position) {

        StringBuilder sosOMGenerator = new StringBuilder();
        String hex = "SamplingPoint_" + position[0] + " " + position[1];

        String pointGmlID = "SamplingPoint_" + DigestUtils.sha1Hex(hex).toUpperCase();

        sosOMGenerator.append("<om:parameter>\n" + "<om:NamedValue>\n"
                + "    <om:name xlink:href=\"\"/>\n"
                + "    <om:value xsi:type=\"gml:GeometryPropertyType\">\n" + "        <gml:Point gml:id=\""
                + pointGmlID + "\">\n"
                + "            <gml:pos srsName=\"\">" + position[0] + " "
                + position[1] + "</gml:pos>\n" + "        </gml:Point>\n" + "    </om:value>\n"
                + "   </om:NamedValue>\n" + "</om:parameter>\n");

        return sosOMGenerator.toString();