Java tutorial
/** * Yobi, Project Hosting SW * * Copyright 2013 NAVER Corp. * * * @Author Yi EungJun * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package models; import info.schleichardt.play2.mailplugin.Mailer; import models.enumeration.ResourceType; import models.enumeration.UserState; import models.resource.Resource; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.commons.mail.HtmlEmail; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import play.Configuration; import play.Logger; import play.api.i18n.Lang; import play.db.ebean.Model; import play.i18n.Messages; import play.libs.Akka; import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration; import utils.Config; import utils.Markdown; import utils.RouteUtil; import utils.Url; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; @Entity public class NotificationMail extends Model { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; static boolean hideAddress = true; @Id public Long id; @OneToOne public NotificationEvent notificationEvent; public static Finder<Long, NotificationMail> find = new Finder<>(Long.class, NotificationMail.class); public static void onStart() { hideAddress = play.Configuration.root().getBoolean("application.notification.bymail.hideAddress", true); if (notificationEnabled()) { NotificationMail.startSchedule(); } } private static boolean notificationEnabled() { play.Configuration config = play.Configuration.root(); Boolean notificationEnabled = config.getBoolean("notification.bymail.enabled"); return notificationEnabled == null || notificationEnabled; } /** * Sets up a schedule to send notification mails. * * Since the application started and then * {@code application.notification.bymail.initdelay} of time passed, send * notification mails every {@code application.notification.bymail.interval} * of time. */ public static void startSchedule() { final Long MAIL_NOTIFICATION_INITDELAY_IN_MILLIS = Configuration.root() .getMilliseconds("application.notification.bymail.initdelay", 5 * 1000L); final Long MAIL_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS = Configuration.root() .getMilliseconds("application.notification.bymail.interval", 60 * 1000L); final int MAIL_NOTIFICATION_DELAY_IN_MILLIS = Configuration.root() .getMilliseconds("application.notification.bymail.delay", 180 * 1000L).intValue(); Akka.system().scheduler().schedule( Duration.create(MAIL_NOTIFICATION_INITDELAY_IN_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), Duration.create(MAIL_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), new Runnable() { public void run() { try { sendMail(); } catch (Exception e) { play.Logger.warn("Failed to send notification mail", e); } } /** * Sends notification mails. * * Get and send notification mails for the events which satisfy * all of following conditions: * - {@code application.notification.bymail.delay} of time * passed since the event is created. * - The base resource still exists. In the case of an event * for new comment, the comment still exists. * * Every mail will be deleted regardless of whether it is sent * or not. */ private void sendMail() { Date sinceDate =; List<NotificationMail> mails = find.where().lt("notificationEvent.created", sinceDate) .orderBy("notificationEvent.created ASC").findList(); for (NotificationMail mail : mails) { if (mail.notificationEvent.resourceExists()) { sendNotification(mail.notificationEvent); } mail.delete(); } } }, Akka.system().dispatcher()); } /** * An email which has Message-ID and/or References header based the given * NotificationEvent if possible. The headers help MUA to bind the emails * into a thread. */ public static class EventEmail extends HtmlEmail { private NotificationEvent event; public EventEmail(NotificationEvent event) { this.event = event; } @Override protected MimeMessage createMimeMessage(Session aSession) { return new MimeMessage(aSession) { @Override protected void updateMessageID() throws MessagingException { if (event != null && event.eventType.isCreating()) { setHeader("Message-ID", String.format("<%s@%s>", event.getUrlToView(), Config.getHostname())); } else { super.updateMessageID(); } } }; } public void addReferences() { if (event == null || event.resourceType == null || event.resourceId == null) { return; } Resource resource = Resource.get(event.resourceType, event.resourceId); if (resource == null) { return; } Resource container = resource.getContainer(); if (container != null) { String reference = RouteUtil.getUrl(container.getType(), container.getId()); addHeader("References", "<" + reference + "@" + Config.getHostname() + ">"); } } } /** * Sends notification mails for the given event. * * @param event * @see <a href="></a> */ private static void sendNotification(NotificationEvent event) { Set<User> receivers = event.receivers; // Remove inactive users. Iterator<User> iterator = receivers.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { User user =; if (user.state != UserState.ACTIVE) { iterator.remove(); } } receivers.remove(User.anonymous); if (receivers.isEmpty()) { return; } HashMap<String, List<User>> usersByLang = new HashMap<>(); for (User receiver : receivers) { String lang = receiver.lang; if (lang == null) { lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); } if (usersByLang.containsKey(lang)) { usersByLang.get(lang).add(receiver); } else { usersByLang.put(lang, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(receiver))); } } for (String langCode : usersByLang.keySet()) { final EventEmail email = new EventEmail(event); try { if (hideAddress) { email.setFrom(Config.getEmailFromSmtp(), event.getSender().name); email.addTo(Config.getEmailFromSmtp(), utils.Config.getSiteName()); } else { email.setFrom(event.getSender().email, event.getSender().name); } for (User receiver : usersByLang.get(langCode)) { if (hideAddress) { email.addBcc(,; } else { email.addTo(,; } } if (email.getToAddresses().isEmpty()) { continue; } Lang lang = Lang.apply(langCode); String message = event.getMessage(lang); String urlToView = event.getUrlToView(); String reference = Url.removeFragment(event.getUrlToView()); email.setSubject(event.title); Resource resource = event.getResource(); if (resource.getType() == ResourceType.ISSUE_COMMENT) { IssueComment issueComment = IssueComment.find.byId(Long.valueOf(resource.getId())); resource = issueComment.issue.asResource(); } email.setHtmlMsg(getHtmlMessage(lang, message, urlToView, resource)); email.setTextMsg(getPlainMessage(lang, message, Url.create(urlToView))); email.setCharset("utf-8"); email.addReferences(); email.setSentDate(event.created); Mailer.send(email); String escapedTitle = email.getSubject().replace("\"", "\\\""); String logEntry = String.format("\"%s\" %s", escapedTitle, email.getBccAddresses()); play.Logger.of("mail").info(logEntry); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warn("Failed to send a notification: " + email + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } } private static String getHtmlMessage(Lang lang, String message, String urlToView, Resource resource) { String content = getRenderedHTMLWithTemplate(lang, Markdown.render(message), urlToView, resource); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(content); handleLinks(doc); handleImages(doc); return doc.html(); } private static String getRenderedHTMLWithTemplate(Lang lang, String message, String urlToView, Resource resource) { return views.html.common.notificationMail.render(lang, message, urlToView, resource).toString(); } /** * Make every link to be absolute and to have 'rel=noreferrer' if * necessary. */ public static void handleLinks(Document doc) { String hostname = Config.getHostname(); String[] attrNames = { "src", "href" }; Boolean noreferrer = play.Configuration.root().getBoolean("application.noreferrer", false); for (String attrName : attrNames) { Elements tags ="*[" + attrName + "]"); for (Element tag : tags) { boolean isNoreferrerRequired = false; String uriString = tag.attr(attrName); if (noreferrer && attrName.equals("href")) { isNoreferrerRequired = true; } try { URI uri = new URI(uriString); if (!uri.isAbsolute()) { tag.attr(attrName, Url.create(uriString)); } if (uri.getHost() == null || uri.getHost().equals(hostname)) { isNoreferrerRequired = false; } } catch (URISyntaxException e) {"A malformed URI is detected while" + " checking an email to send", e); } if (isNoreferrerRequired) { tag.attr("rel", tag.attr("rel") + " noreferrer"); } } } } private static void handleImages(Document doc) { for (Element img :"img")) { img.attr("style", "max-width:1024px;" + img.attr("style")); img.wrap(String.format("<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"border:0;outline:0;\"></a>", img.attr("src"))); } } private static String getPlainMessage(Lang lang, String message, String urlToView) { String msg = message; String url = urlToView; if (url != null) { msg += String.format("\n\n--\n" + Messages.get(lang, "notification.linkToView", url)); } return msg; } }