Java tutorial
/** * Yobi, Project Hosting SW * * Copyright 2012 NAVER Corp. * * * @Author Tae * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package models; import models.enumeration.*; import models.resource.Resource; import models.resource.ResourceConvertible; import*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateUtils; import*; import*; import play.db.ebean.*; import play.i18n.Messages; import utils.JodaDateUtil; import javax.persistence.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; @Entity @Table(uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "project_id", "title" })) public class Milestone extends Model implements ResourceConvertible { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final Finder<Long, Milestone> find = new Finder<>(Long.class, Milestone.class); public static final String DEFAULT_SORTER = "dueDate"; public static final Long NULL_MILESTONE_ID = -1l; @Id public Long id; @Constraints.Required public String title; @Formats.DateTime(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd") public Date dueDate; @Constraints.Required @Lob public String contents; @Constraints.Required public State state; @ManyToOne public Project project; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "milestone") public Set<Issue> issues; public void delete() { // Set all issues' milestone to null. // I don't know why Ebean does not do this by itself. for (Issue issue : issues) { issue.milestone = null; issue.update(); } super.delete(); } public static void create(Milestone milestone) {; } public int getNumClosedIssues() { return Issue.finder.where().eq("milestone", this).eq("state", State.CLOSED).findRowCount(); } public int getNumOpenIssues() { return Issue.finder.where().eq("milestone", this).eq("state", State.OPEN).findRowCount(); } public List<Issue> sortedByNumberOfIssue() { List<Issue> sortedIssues = new ArrayList<>(this.issues); Collections.sort(sortedIssues, new Comparator<Issue>() { @Override public int compare(Issue a, Issue b) { return b.getNumber().compareTo(a.getNumber()); } }); return sortedIssues; } public List<Issue> sortedByNumberOfOpenIssue() { List<Issue> openedIssues = new ArrayList<>(); for (Issue issue : sortedByNumberOfIssue()) { if (issue.isOpen()) { openedIssues.add(issue); } } return openedIssues; } public List<Issue> sortedByNumberOfClosedIssue() { List<Issue> closedIssues = new ArrayList<>(); for (Issue issue : sortedByNumberOfIssue()) { if (issue.isClosed()) { closedIssues.add(issue); } } return closedIssues; } public int getNumTotalIssues() { return issues.size(); } public int getCompletionRate() { return (int) (((double) getNumClosedIssues() / (double) getNumTotalIssues()) * 100); } public static Milestone findById(Long id) { return find.byId(id); } public static List<Milestone> findByProjectId(Long projectId) { return Milestone.findMilestones(projectId, State.ALL); } public static List<Milestone> findClosedMilestones(Long projectId) { return Milestone.findMilestones(projectId, State.CLOSED); } public static List<Milestone> findOpenMilestones(Long projectId) { return Milestone.findMilestones(projectId, State.OPEN); } /** * convert mildestone due date string into yyyy-MM-dd format * * @return */ public String getDueDateString() { if (dueDate == null) { return null; } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); return sdf.format(this.dueDate); } /** * Sort milestone list by direction. * If there is no direction, then sort with DEFAULT_SORTER. * * @param projectId * @param state * @return */ public static List<Milestone> findMilestones(Long projectId, State state) { return findMilestones(projectId, state, DEFAULT_SORTER, Direction.ASC); } /** * find milestone with OrderParam (string for sorting) * * @param projectId * @param state * @param sort * @param direction * @return */ public static List<Milestone> findMilestones(Long projectId, State state, String sort, final Direction direction) { OrderParams orderParams = new OrderParams(); if (!"completionRate".equals(sort)) { orderParams.add(sort, direction); } SearchParams searchParams = new SearchParams().add("", projectId, Matching.EQUALS); if (state != null && state != State.ALL) { searchParams.add("state", state, Matching.EQUALS); } List<Milestone> milestones = FinderTemplate.findBy(orderParams, searchParams, find); if ("completionRate".equals(sort)) { Collections.sort(milestones, new Comparator<Milestone>() { @Override public int compare(Milestone o1, Milestone o2) { int o1CompletionRate = o1.getCompletionRate(); int o2CompletionRate = o2.getCompletionRate(); if (direction == Direction.ASC) { return (o1CompletionRate < o2CompletionRate ? -1 : (o1CompletionRate == o2CompletionRate ? 0 : 1)); } else { return (o1CompletionRate < o2CompletionRate ? 1 : (o1CompletionRate == o2CompletionRate ? 0 : -1)); } } }); } return milestones; } public void updateWith(Milestone newMilestone) { this.contents = newMilestone.contents; this.title = newMilestone.title; this.dueDate = newMilestone.dueDate; this.state = newMilestone.state; save(); } /** * get milestone list by hashmap. * key: milestone id * value: milestone title * * @return linkedHashMap */ public static Map<String, String> options(Long projectId) { LinkedHashMap<String, String> options = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Milestone milestone : findMilestones(projectId, State.ALL, "title", Direction.ASC)) { options.put(, milestone.title); } return options; } public static boolean isUniqueProjectIdAndTitle(Long projectId, String title) { int count = find.where().eq("", projectId).eq("title", title).findRowCount(); return (count == 0); } public String until() { if (dueDate == null) { return null; } Date now =; if (DateUtils.isSameDay(now, dueDate)) { return Messages.get(""); } else if (isOverDueDate()) { return Messages.get("common.time.overday", JodaDateUtil.localDaysBetween(dueDate, now)); } else { return Messages.get("common.time.leftday", JodaDateUtil.localDaysBetween(now, dueDate)); } } public Boolean isOverDueDate() { return (JodaDateUtil.ago(dueDate).getMillis() > 0); } @Override public Resource asResource() { return new Resource() { @Override public String getId() { return id.toString(); } @Override public Project getProject() { return project; } @Override public ResourceType getType() { return ResourceType.MILESTONE; } }; } public void open() { this.state = State.OPEN; update(); } public void close() { this.state = State.CLOSED; update(); } public boolean isNullMilestone() { return; } public static int countOpened(Project project) { return find.where().eq("project", project).eq("state", State.OPEN).findRowCount(); } }