Java tutorial
/* Kyberia Haiku - advanced community web application Copyright (C) 2010 Robert Hritz This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package models; import; import; import; import; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.ObjectId; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import plugins.*; import play.Logger; import play.cache.Cache; @Entity("MessageThread") public class MessageThread extends MongoEntity { // { _id: '...', users: [user1, user2...]} // @Indexed private List<ObjectId> users; private List<ObjectId> unreads; private List<ObjectId> deleted; public static final String USERS = "users"; public static final String UNREAD = "unreads"; public static final String LAST = "last"; public MessageThread() { } public MessageThread(ObjectId from, ObjectId to) { users = new LinkedList<ObjectId>(); users.add(from); users.add(to); } // create a new mailthread if it doesn't already exist public static MessageThread create(ObjectId from, ObjectId to) { ObjectId c = getThreadId(from, to); if (c != null) { return null; } try {"creating new thread"); MessageThread m = new MessageThread(from, to);, MongoDB.CMessageThread); // TODO teraz chceme vratit jeho id - snad sa to da aj krajsie, // bohuzial java driver nepozna last_insert_id, zatial teda takto return getThread(from, to, false); } catch (Exception ex) {"create failed:"); ex.printStackTrace();; } return null; } // loadne vsetky thready usera, zoradi podla poctu neprecitanych sprav public static List<MessageThread> getUserThreads(ObjectId uid) { // TODO limitneme to na 30, treba potom pridat moznost zobrazit vsetko List<MessageThread> r = null; try { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject().append(USERS, uid); BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject().append(LAST, 1); DBCursor iobj = MongoDB.getDB().getCollection(MongoDB.CMessageThread).find(query).sort(sort).limit(30); if (iobj == null) { r = new ArrayList<MessageThread>(); } else {"user threads found"); r = Lists.transform(iobj.toArray(), MongoDB.getSelf().toMessageThread()); } } catch (Exception ex) {"getUserThreads"); ex.printStackTrace();; } return r; } // TODO session -> cache public static String viewUserThreads(ObjectId uid, play.mvc.Scope.Session session) { List<MessageThread> r = getUserThreads(uid); StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); // LAME - prerobit! boolean i = true; if (r != null) { for (MessageThread m : r) { if (m != null) { if (i) { session.put("lastThreadId",; i = false; } ret.append("<a href=/mail/").append(">"); if (m.users != null) { for (ObjectId oid : m.users) { // TODO ObjectId vs. equals je na tom ako? if (!uid.equals(oid)) { ret.append(User.getNameForId(oid)); if (m.unreads != null) { int un = 0; for (ObjectId uu : m.unreads) { // toto je pocet nami neprecitanych // v tomto threade un += uid.equals(uu) ? 1 : 0; } if (un > 0) ret.append("(" + un + ")"); } } } } ret.append("</a>").append("<br>"); } } } return ret.toString(); } // vratime thread // doRead - oznacime neprecitane posty v nom ako precitane // pre aktualneho usera public static MessageThread getThread(ObjectId forUser, ObjectId otherUser, boolean doRead) {"Trying to find thread for " + forUser + " & " + otherUser); try { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject().append(USERS, new BasicDBObject("$all", new ObjectId[] { forUser, otherUser })); BasicDBObject iobj = (BasicDBObject) MongoDB.getDB().getCollection(MongoDB.CMessageThread) .findOne(query); if (iobj != null) { MessageThread m = MongoDB.getMorphia().fromDBObject(MessageThread.class, iobj);"thread found: " + m.getId()); if (doRead) { // oznacime posty za precitane pre forUser LinkedList<ObjectId> lr = new LinkedList<ObjectId>(); for (ObjectId s : m.unreads) { if (s.equals(forUser)) { lr.add(s); } } for (ObjectId s : lr) { m.unreads.remove(s); } MongoDB.update(m, MongoDB.CMessageThread); } return m; } } catch (Exception ex) {"getThread failed:"); ex.printStackTrace();; } return null; } // tu potrebujeme len thread id, takze mozeme veselo cachovat public static ObjectId getThreadId(ObjectId from, ObjectId to) { String mt = Cache.get("message_thread-" + from + "-" + to, String.class); if (mt == null) { MessageThread m = getThread(from, to, false); if (m != null) { Cache.add("message_thread-" + from + "-" + to, m.getId()); return m.getId(); } } return null; } // notifikuj thread o pridani noveho postu public void notify(ObjectId from, ObjectId to) { if (unreads == null) { unreads = new LinkedList<ObjectId>(); } unreads.add(to);, MongoDB.CMessageThread); } // oznac thread ako precitany danym userom public static void setAsRead(ObjectId threadId, ObjectId forUser) { try { BasicDBObject iobj = (BasicDBObject) MongoDB.getDB().getCollection(MongoDB.CMessageThread) .findOne(new BasicDBObject().append("_id", threadId)); if (iobj != null) { MessageThread m = MongoDB.getMorphia().fromDBObject(MessageThread.class, iobj); LinkedList<ObjectId> lr = new LinkedList<ObjectId>(); for (ObjectId s : m.unreads) { if (s.equals(forUser)) { lr.add(s); } } for (ObjectId s : lr) { m.unreads.remove(s); } MongoDB.update(m, MongoDB.CMessageThread); } } catch (Exception ex) {"setRead failed:"); ex.printStackTrace();; } } // utility pre meno druheho usera v threade private static String getOtherUser(List<ObjectId> users, ObjectId uid) { for (ObjectId u : users) if (!uid.equals(u)) return User.getNameForId(u); // nieco je zle return ""; } public static List<String> checkUnreadMail(ObjectId uid) { List<String> ll = new LinkedList<String>(); try { // uniq alebo nam toto nebude davat viacnasobne viackrat? BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject().append(UNREAD, uid); DBCursor iobj = MongoDB.getDB().getCollection(MongoDB.CMessageThread).find(query); if (iobj != null) { while (iobj.hasNext()) { MessageThread mt = MongoDB.getMorphia().fromDBObject(MessageThread.class, (BasicDBObject); ll.add("New mail from " + getOtherUser(mt.users, uid)); // TODO - pre linkovanie daneho threadu zo zahlavia // toto si pyta reverznu route na Application.showMail(threadId), // takze treba class MailNotif{String from, String threadid} a je to } } } catch (Exception ex) {"checkUnreadMail"); ex.printStackTrace();; } return ll; } // provizorne lesenie public static String getUnreadMailNotif(ObjectId uid) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : checkUnreadMail(uid)) { ret.append(s).append("<br>"); } return ret.toString(); } // TODO nezobrazovat tym ktori si spravu deletli // TODO asi tento flag by mal byt v Message a nie tu public void delete(ObjectId uid) { deleted.add(uid);, MongoDB.CMessageThread); } }