Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 by Ernesto Carrella * Licensed under MIT license. Basically do what you want with it but cite me and don't sue me. Which is just politeness, really. * See the file "LICENSE" for more information */ package model.utilities.stats.collectors; import; import; import; import; import; import model.MacroII; import model.utilities.ActionOrder; import model.utilities.Deactivatable; import model.utilities.scheduler.Priority; import model.utilities.stats.collectors.enums.MarketDataType; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer; import sim.engine.SimState; import sim.engine.Steppable; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * <h4>Description</h4> * <p/> This is a class that observes every now and then price and quantities of a market. This can then be used to run regressions on * or whatever. * <p/> Transformers can be used to modify observations when recording them. * <p/> * <h4>Notes</h4> * Created with IntelliJ * <p/> * <p/> * <h4>References</h4> * * @author carrknight * @version 2013-08-04 * @see */ public class PeriodicMarketObserver implements Steppable, Deactivatable { /** * an optional writer so we can output observations */ private CSVWriter writer; /** * The market we are going to observe! */ private final Market market; /** * the days were observations made sense */ private final ArrayList<Integer> days; private MarketData.MarketDataAcceptor acceptor = new MarketData.MarketDataAcceptor() { @Override public boolean acceptDay(Double lastPrice, Double volumeTraded, Double volumeProduced, Double volumeConsumed, Double demandGap, Double supplyGap) { return lastPrice != -1; } }; private boolean isActive = true; /** * A function we can put in to transform the observed price before reading it in */ private Transformer<Double, Double> priceTransformer; /** * The inverse function of price transform, required for prediction */ private Transformer<Double, Double> priceInverseTransformer; /** * A function we can put in to transform the observed price before reading it in */ private Transformer<Double, Double> quantityTransformer; /** * The probability each day the predictor will memorize today's price and quantity as an observation */ private float dailyProbabilityOfObserving = defaultDailyProbabilityOfObserving; //this corresponds to weekly /** * The probability of observing placed at constructor if no other is specified */ public static final float defaultDailyProbabilityOfObserving = 0.142f; /** * if "isExact" is set to true, the market observer doesn't check "at random" but at fixed intervals of size 1/probabilityOfObserving */ public boolean isExact = true; /** * When created, it automatically schedules itself. It also register itself as deactivable so that it will be turned * off when MacroII is finished * @param market a link to the market to observe * @param macroII a link to the model (to reschedule oneself) */ public PeriodicMarketObserver(Market market, MacroII macroII) { this(market, macroII, defaultDailyProbabilityOfObserving); } public PeriodicMarketObserver(Market market, MacroII macroII, float dailyProbabilityOfObserving) { = market; this.dailyProbabilityOfObserving = dailyProbabilityOfObserving; days = new ArrayList<>(); if (dailyProbabilityOfObserving < 1) { reschedule(macroII); } else { assert dailyProbabilityOfObserving == 1; macroII.scheduleSoon(ActionOrder.CLEANUP_DATA_GATHERING, this, Priority.AFTER_STANDARD); } } private void reschedule(MacroII macroII) { if (!isExact) macroII.scheduleAnotherDayWithFixedProbability(ActionOrder.CLEANUP_DATA_GATHERING, this, dailyProbabilityOfObserving, Priority.AFTER_STANDARD); else macroII.scheduleAnotherDay(ActionOrder.CLEANUP_DATA_GATHERING, this, Math.max(1, Math.round(1f / dailyProbabilityOfObserving)), Priority.AFTER_STANDARD); } /** * get the last (newest) observation of price * @return */ public Double getLastPriceObserved() { double observation = market.getObservationRecordedThisDay(MarketDataType.CLOSING_PRICE, days.get(days.size() - 1)); if (priceTransformer != null) observation = priceTransformer.transform(observation); return observation; } /** * get the last (newest) observation of quantity * @return */ public Double getLastQuantityTradedObserved() { double observation = market.getObservationRecordedThisDay(MarketDataType.VOLUME_TRADED, days.get(days.size() - 1)); if (quantityTransformer != null) observation = quantityTransformer.transform(observation); return observation; } /** * get the last (newest) observation of quantity * @return */ public Double getLastQuantityConsumedObserved() { double observation = market.getObservationRecordedThisDay(MarketDataType.VOLUME_CONSUMED, days.get(days.size() - 1)); if (quantityTransformer != null) observation = quantityTransformer.transform(observation); return observation; } /** * get the last (newest) observation of quantity * @return */ public Double getLastQuantityProducedObserved() { double observation = market.getObservationRecordedThisDay(MarketDataType.VOLUME_PRODUCED, days.get(days.size() - 1)); if (quantityTransformer != null) observation = quantityTransformer.transform(observation); return observation; } /** * get the last (newest) observation day * @return */ public Double getLastDayObserved() { return Double.valueOf(days.get(days.size() - 1)); } public int[] getDaysObserved() { return Ints.toArray(days); } @Override public void turnOff() { isActive = false; } @Override public void step(SimState state) { //stop if you are activated if (!isActive) return; //make sure it's the right model Preconditions.checkState(state instanceof MacroII); MacroII model = (MacroII) state; //if some trade actually occurred: if (isLastDayAcceptable()) { days.add(market.getLastObservedDay()); if (writer != null) outputToFile(); } //reschedule yourself reschedule(model); } private boolean isLastDayAcceptable() { if (market.getNumberOfObservations() == 0) return false; return acceptor.acceptDay(market.getLatestObservation(MarketDataType.CLOSING_PRICE), market.getLatestObservation(MarketDataType.VOLUME_TRADED), market.getLatestObservation(MarketDataType.VOLUME_PRODUCED), market.getLatestObservation(MarketDataType.VOLUME_CONSUMED), market.getLatestObservation(MarketDataType.DEMAND_GAP), market.getLatestObservation(MarketDataType.SUPPLY_GAP)); } public void attachCSVWriter(CSVWriter writer) throws IOException { this.writer = writer; LinkedList<String> row = new LinkedList<>(); row.add("price"); row.add("traded"); row.add("produced"); row.add("consumed"); row.add("day"); row.add("demand gap"); row.add("supply gap"); writer.writeNext(row.toArray(new String[row.size()])); writer.flush(); } private void outputToFile() { Preconditions.checkState(writer != null); LinkedList<String> row = new LinkedList<>(); row.add(Double.toString(getLastPriceObserved())); row.add(Double.toString(getLastQuantityTradedObserved())); row.add(Double.toString(getLastQuantityProducedObserved())); row.add(Double.toString(getLastQuantityConsumedObserved())); row.add(Double.toString(getLastDayObserved())); row.add(Double.toString( market.getObservationRecordedThisDay(MarketDataType.DEMAND_GAP, days.get(days.size() - 1)))); row.add(Double.toString( market.getObservationRecordedThisDay(MarketDataType.SUPPLY_GAP, days.get(days.size() - 1)))); writer.writeNext(row.toArray(new String[row.size()])); try { writer.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { } } /** * Copies observed prices into a double[] and return it. Useful for regressions and other manipulations * @return */ public double[] getPricesObservedAsArray() { double[] prices = market.getObservationsRecordedTheseDays(MarketDataType.CLOSING_PRICE, Ints.toArray(days)); //if needed, transform if (priceTransformer != null) for (int i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) prices[i] = priceTransformer.transform(prices[i]); return prices; } /** * Copies quantities observed into a double[] and return it. Useful for regressions and other manipulations * @return */ public double[] getQuantitiesTradedObservedAsArray() { double[] quantities = market.getObservationsRecordedTheseDays(MarketDataType.VOLUME_TRADED, Ints.toArray(days)); //if needed, transform if (quantityTransformer != null) for (int i = 0; i < quantities.length; i++) quantities[i] = quantityTransformer.transform(quantities[i]); return quantities; } /** * Copies quantities observed into a double[] and return it. Useful for regressions and other manipulations * @return */ public double[] getQuantitiesProducedObservedAsArray() { double[] quantities = market.getObservationsRecordedTheseDays(MarketDataType.VOLUME_PRODUCED, Ints.toArray(days)); //if needed, transform if (quantityTransformer != null) for (int i = 0; i < quantities.length; i++) quantities[i] = quantityTransformer.transform(quantities[i]); return quantities; } /** * Copies quantities observed into a double[] and return it. Useful for regressions and other manipulations * @return */ public double[] getQuantitiesConsumedObservedAsArray() { double[] quantities = market.getObservationsRecordedTheseDays(MarketDataType.VOLUME_CONSUMED, Ints.toArray(days)); //if needed, transform if (quantityTransformer != null) for (int i = 0; i < quantities.length; i++) quantities[i] = quantityTransformer.transform(quantities[i]); return quantities; } /** * Copies observation days into a double[] and return sit. Useful for regressions and other manipulations * @return */ public double[] getObservationDaysAsArray() { return Doubles.toArray(days); } /** * Copies quantities observed into a double[] and return it. Useful for regressions and other manipulations * @return */ public double[] getDemandGapsAsArray() { return market.getObservationsRecordedTheseDays(MarketDataType.DEMAND_GAP, Ints.toArray(days)); } /** * Copies quantities observed into a double[] and return it. Useful for regressions and other manipulations * @return */ public double[] getSupplyGapsAsArray() { return market.getObservationsRecordedTheseDays(MarketDataType.SUPPLY_GAP, Ints.toArray(days)); } /** * if this is called, the observer will forget the oldest set of observations (prices, quantities, day) */ public void forgetOldestObservation() { int size = getNumberOfObservations(); days.remove(0); assert size == getNumberOfObservations() + 1; } public int getNumberOfObservations() { //all sizes should be the same return days.size(); } /** * Sets new A function we can put in to transform the observed price before reading it in. * * @param quantityTransformer New value of A function we can put in to transform the observed price before reading it in. */ public void setQuantityTransformer(Transformer<Double, Double> quantityTransformer) { this.quantityTransformer = quantityTransformer; } /** * Gets A function we can put in to transform the observed price before reading it in. * * @return Value of A function we can put in to transform the observed price before reading it in. */ public Transformer<Double, Double> getQuantityTransformer() { return quantityTransformer; } /** * Sets new A function we can put in to transform the observed price before reading it in. * * @param priceTransformer New value of A function we can put in to transform the observed price before reading it in. */ public void setPriceTransformer(Transformer<Double, Double> priceTransformer, Transformer<Double, Double> priceInverseTransformer) { this.priceTransformer = priceTransformer; this.priceInverseTransformer = priceInverseTransformer; } /** * Gets A function we can put in to transform the observed price before reading it in. * * @return Value of A function we can put in to transform the observed price before reading it in. */ public Transformer<Double, Double> getPriceTransformer() { return priceTransformer; } public Transformer<Double, Double> getPriceInverseTransformer() { return priceInverseTransformer; } public double getLastUntrasformedQuantityTraded() { return market.getObservationRecordedThisDay(MarketDataType.VOLUME_TRADED, days.get(days.size() - 1)); } public double getLastUntrasformedPrice() { return market.getObservationRecordedThisDay(MarketDataType.CLOSING_PRICE, days.get(days.size() - 1)); } public float getDailyProbabilityOfObserving() { return dailyProbabilityOfObserving; } public void setDailyProbabilityOfObserving(float dailyProbabilityOfObserving) { this.dailyProbabilityOfObserving = dailyProbabilityOfObserving; } public boolean isExact() { return isExact; } public void setExact(boolean exact) { isExact = exact; } }