Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *   Copyright 2013 Dodgy Designs
 *   NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains
 *            the property of Dodgy Designs.
 *            The intellectual and technical concepts contained
 *            herein are proprietary to Dodgy Designs.
 *            Dissemination of this information or reproduction of
 *            this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written
 *            permission is obtained from Dodgy Designs.
 *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 *   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 *   KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 *   specific language governing permissions and limitations
 *   under the License.

package model;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.MutableDateTime;
import org.joda.time.Period;

import view.MainView;

 * This provides a wrapper for the SQLite database that forms the data
 * repository for TimeLord.
 * @author mullsy
public class SqlInterface {
    //                    STATIC VARIABLES

    //                   INSTANCE VARIABLES
    private Connection dbConnection;
    private Statement statementHandler;
    private PreparedStatement prep;
    private int taskCount;
    private String dbPath;
    private MainView view;

    //                      CONSTRUCTORS
    public SqlInterface(MainView view) throws Exception {
        this.view = view;

        // Put the database somewhere suitable
        dbPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/" + ".TimeLord.db";

        dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + dbPath);
        statementHandler = dbConnection.createStatement();

        // Create an empty database if it doesn't already exist.

    //                    INSTANCE METHODS
     * Create the database if it doesn't exist or return a handle to it if it
     * does.
     * @throws SQLException
    public void createTimeLordDB() throws SQLException {
        statementHandler.execute("create table if not exists timelord (/*1*/date, "
                + "/*2*/start, /*3*/stop, /*4*/delta, /*5*/jira, " + "/*6*/description, /*7*/dayTally);");

     * The controller records data to the database as it is generated i.e. when
     * the start and stop buttons are pressed.
     * @param date Today's date.
     * @param start The start time for the work being recorded.
     * @param jira The Jira issue code.
     * @param description The description of the work being done.
     * @return Prepared statement that can be used to access the database data.
     * @throws SQLException
    public PreparedStatement setStartParameters(String date, DateTime start, String jira, String description)
            throws SQLException {
        prep = dbConnection.prepareStatement("insert into timelord values (?, ?, ?, ?, ? ,?, ?);");
        prep.setString(1, date);
        prep.setObject(2, start);
        prep.setString(5, jira);
        prep.setString(6, description);

        return prep;

     * The controller records data to the database as it is generated i.e. when
     * the start and stop buttons are pressed.
     * @param stop The time work ceased on the task.
     * @param delta The time the work took.
     * @param dayTally The total time worked today.
     * @throws SQLException
    public void setStopParametersAndCommit(DateTime stop, Period delta, Period dayTally) throws SQLException {
        prep.setObject(3, stop);
        prep.setObject(4, delta);
        prep.setObject(7, dayTally);


     * When an entry is complete, write it to the database.
     * @throws SQLException
    private void commit() throws SQLException {

     * Used to destroy any data in the database. The actual database file is
     * left in place.
     * @throws SQLException
    public void dropDataBase() throws SQLException {
        statementHandler.executeUpdate("drop table if exists timelord;");

     * @return The column headers for the TimeLord task table.
    public String[] getColumnHeaders() {
        return new String[] { "Start", "Stop", "Delta", "Jira", "Description" };

     * Get every entry in the database.
     * @return All lines from the database.
     * @throws SQLException
    public ResultSet getAllEntries() throws SQLException {
        System.out.println("Getting all entries");
        ResultSet rs = statementHandler.executeQuery("select * from timelord;");

        while ( {
            System.out.println("date = " + rs.getString("date"));
            System.out.println("start = " + rs.getString("start"));
            System.out.println("stop = " + rs.getString("stop"));
            System.out.println("delta = " + rs.getString("delta"));
            System.out.println("jira = " + rs.getString("jira"));
            System.out.println("description = " + rs.getString("description"));
            System.out.println("dayTally = " + rs.getString("dayTally"));
            System.out.println("weekTally = " + rs.getString("weekTally"));


        return rs;

    public String[][] getTodaysEntries() throws SQLException {
        String todayDate = Time.getReferableDate(new DateTime());
        return getEntriesByDate(todayDate);

     * Get all the issues for a specified period to display in a report.
     * @param startDate The start date of the period.
     * @param endDate The end date of the period.
     * @return The total time spent on tasks this within the given period.
    public String[][] getWeekEntries(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) {
        // Need mutable to perform arithmetic
        MutableDateTime start = startDate.toMutableDateTime();
        // Need mutable to perform arithmetic
        MutableDateTime end = endDate.toMutableDateTime();
        // Only have 'isBefore' so add one day to make it equivalent to
        // 'isBeforeOrOnThisDay'

        List<String[]> weekEntries = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        int runningCount = 0;
        while (start.isBefore(end)) {
            try {
                String date = Time.getReferableDate(start.toDateTime());

                for (String[] dayEntries : getEntriesByDate(date)) {
            } catch (SQLException e) {

        String[][] weekEntriesArray = new String[runningCount][6];
        int counter = 0;
        for (String[] entry : weekEntries) {
            weekEntriesArray[counter] = entry;
        return weekEntriesArray;

     * Return all entries filtered by the date of interest.
     * @param date The date to get entries for.
     * @return Array of strings containing all the TimeLord entries for 'date'.
     * @throws SQLException
    public String[][] getEntriesByDate(String date) throws SQLException {
        taskCount = 0;

        ResultSet rs = statementHandler.executeQuery("select * from timelord where date = '" + date + "';");

        int tmpCounter = 0;
        while ( {

        String[][] tableData = new String[tmpCounter][6];

        rs = statementHandler.executeQuery("select * from timelord where date = '" + date + "';");

        while ( {
            DateTime start = new DateTime(rs.getObject("start"));
            tableData[taskCount][0] = Time.getFormattedTime(start);

            DateTime stop = new DateTime(rs.getObject("stop"));
            tableData[taskCount][1] = Time.getFormattedTime(stop);

            Period period = new Period(rs.getObject("delta"));
            tableData[taskCount][2] = Time.displayDelta(period);

            tableData[taskCount][3] = rs.getString("jira");
            tableData[taskCount][4] = rs.getString("description");
            tableData[taskCount][5] = rs.getString("date");



        return tableData;

     * Used to generate the current tally of time spent today and this week.
     * @param daySubTotal The current subtotal for today and this week.
     * @return Time object containing the total time for today and this week.
    public DateTime getDayTimeTotal(DateTime daySubTotal) {
        String day = "";
        String week = "";
        DateTime date = new DateTime();
        String dateString = "" + date.getYear() + date.getMonthOfYear() + date.getDayOfMonth();
        ResultSet rs;

        try {
            rs = statementHandler.executeQuery("select * from timelord where date = '" + dateString + "';");

            while ( {
                day = rs.getString("dayTally");
                week = rs.getString("weekTally");
                System.out.println("SQL: " + day + " " + week);
                System.out.println("dayTally = " + rs.getString("dayTally"));
                System.out.println("weekTally = " + rs.getString("weekTally"));

        } catch (SQLException e) {

        DateTime time = new DateTime(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return time;

     * Number of entries made today. Required to keep the table row index
     * correct.
     * @return The total number of task entries entered.
    public int getTodayTaskCount() {
        return taskCount;

     * Keep a running total of the time spent on tasks today. This can also then
     * be used to calculate the time spent on tasks this week.
     * @param The day to get data for.
     * @return The total time spent on tasks today.
    public Period getTodayTally(DateTime date) {
        return getTallyForDate(date);

     * Keep a running total of the time spent on tasks on a specific date. 
     * This can also then be used to calculate the time spent on tasks this week.
     * @param date Today's date
     * @return The total time spent on tasks today.
    public Period getTallyForDate(DateTime date) {
        Period tally = new Period();
        ResultSet rs;

        try {
            rs = statementHandler
                    .executeQuery("select * from timelord where date = '" + Time.getReferableDate(date) + "';");
            while ( {
                tally = new Period(tally).plus(new Period(rs.getObject(4)));

        } catch (SQLException e) {

        return tally;

     * Using today's date and the date of the start of the week, determine how
     * much time has been spent on tasks so far this week.
     * @param startDate The start date of the period.
     * @param endDate The end date of the period.
     * @return The total time spent on tasks this within the given period.
    public Period getWeekTally(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) {
        Period tally = new Period();
        // Need mutable to perform arithmetic
        MutableDateTime start = startDate.toMutableDateTime();
        // Need mutable to perform arithmetic
        MutableDateTime end = endDate.toMutableDateTime();
        // Only have 'isBefore' so add one day to make it equivalent to
        // 'isBeforeOrOnThisDay'

        ResultSet rs;

        while (start.isBefore(end)) {
            try {
                rs = statementHandler.executeQuery(
                        "select * from timelord where date = '" + Time.getReferableDate(start.toDateTime()) + "';");
                while ( {
                    // There should only be one for day and 7 for week
                    tally = new Period(tally).plus(new Period(rs.getObject(4)));

            } catch (SQLException e) {

        return tally;

     * Use the date and start time to return a particular entry in the database.
     * @param date The date of the entry.
     * @param start The start time of the entry.
     * @return Entry for date at time start.
     * @throws SQLException
    public ResultSet getValue(String date, String start) throws SQLException {
        ResultSet rs = statementHandler
                .executeQuery("select * from timelord where date = '" + date + "' and start = '" + start + "';");

        while ( {
            System.out.println("date = " + rs.getString(3));


        return rs;

    // TODO: this needs serious revision - doesn't make sense.
     * Use this method to get all the values from the database corresponding to
     * the given JIRA project for the time period specified.
     * @param startDate The start date of the period to report on.
     * @param interval The length of time from the start date to report on.
     * @param jiraCode The Jira issue to report on.
     * @return ArrayList where each entry is an array containing the
     *         contents of each row from the database that was found: date,
     *         start, stop, delta, jira, description, dayTally.
    public Object[][] generateReport(DateTime startDate, Period interval, String jiraCode) {
        int taskCount = 0;
        String[][] tableData = null;

        MutableDateTime start = startDate.toMutableDateTime();
        // Need mutable to perform arithmetic
        MutableDateTime end =;
        // Only have 'isBefore' so add one day to make it equivalent to
        // 'isBeforeOrOnThisDay'

        ResultSet rs;
        try {
            rs = statementHandler.executeQuery("select * from timelord where date = '"
                    + Time.getReferableDate(start.toDateTime()) + "' and jira = '" + jiraCode + "';");

            while ( {
            rs = statementHandler.executeQuery("select * from timelord where date = '"
                    + Time.getReferableDate(start.toDateTime()) + "' and jira = '" + jiraCode + "';");

            tableData = new String[taskCount][6];

            taskCount = 0;
            while (start.isBefore(end)) {
                while ( {
                    tableData[taskCount][0] = Time.getFormattedDate(new DateTime(rs.getObject("start")));
                    tableData[taskCount][1] = Time.getFormattedTime(new DateTime(rs.getObject("start")));
                    tableData[taskCount][2] = Time.getFormattedTime(new DateTime(rs.getObject("stop")));
                    tableData[taskCount][3] = Time.displayDelta(new Period(rs.getObject("delta")));
                    tableData[taskCount][4] = rs.getString("jira");
                    tableData[taskCount][5] = rs.getString("description");

        } catch (SQLException e1) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        return tableData;

     * Close the database connection.
     * @throws SQLException
    public void closeDBConnection() throws SQLException {

     * Read in the database file and make a copy of it at a chosen location.
    public void backupDB() {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
                fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(dbPath));
                fc.setSelectedFile(new File("TimeLordDB.backup"));

                File dbCopy = fc.getSelectedFile();

                try {
                    copyFile(new File(dbPath), dbCopy);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Logger.getAnonymousLogger("TimeLord").info("Could not backup database: " + e);

     * Present a dialog so user can choose a database file to restore from.
    public void restoreDB() {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
                int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(view);

                if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                    File backup = fc.getSelectedFile();

                    try {
                        copyFile(backup, new File(dbPath));
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        Logger.getAnonymousLogger("TimeLord").info("Could not restore database: " + e);

     * Use this method to copy the database file to a backup file.
     * @param src The file to be copied.
     * @param dst The file to backup to.
     * @throws IOException - any kind of IO problem. Pass on to caller.
    void copyFile(File src, File dst) throws IOException {
        InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
        OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dst);

        // Transfer bytes from in to out
        byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
        int len;
        while ((len = > 0) {
            out.write(buf, 0, len);

    //                    INSTANCE METHODS

    /////////////////////////////// Accessor and Mutator Methods ///////////////////////////////