Java tutorial
package model.settings; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; import; import view.View; import view.forms.Message; import view.util.InformationWindow; import model.util.Util; /** * reads the settings from the settings directory while program * launches. * * @author Julius Huelsmann */ public final class ReadSettings { /** * Utility class constructor. */ private ReadSettings() { } public static final String ID_PROGRAM_LOCATION = "workspace location"; /** * root directory of program. Contains all settings. */ private static final String PROGRAM_LOCATION = System.getProperty("user.home") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + ".PaintUni/"; /** * location of program where the current workspace and other settings * are saved. */ private static final String PROGRAM_SETTINGS_LOCATION = PROGRAM_LOCATION + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "settings"; /** * Writes text _text to path _path. * @param _path location of file. * @param _text text to be written into the file. * * @throws IOException is thrown in case of error. */ private static void writeToFile(final String _path, final String _text) throws IOException { //create writer PrintWriter pWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(_path)); //print text pWriter.println(_text); pWriter.flush(); //close writer pWriter.close(); } /** * reads text from a configuration file; if is configuration file * is not valid, return null; otherwise return configuration line. * * @param _path from which _path is red. * @return the text read form file @ _path. * * @throws IOException is thrown in case of error. */ private static String readFromFile(final String _path) throws IOException { //create Reader FileReader fr = new FileReader(_path); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); //create string for line String line = "start value not null."; do { //read line line = br.readLine(); } while (!line.equals(ID_PROGRAM_LOCATION) && line != null); //read line line = br.readLine(); //close reader br.close(); fr.close(); //return return value: in case of correct values return line; } /** * reads text from a configuration file; if is configuration file * is not valid, return null; otherwise return configuration line. * * @param _path from which _path is red. * @return the text read form file @ _path. * * @throws IOException is thrown in case of error. */ public static void changeOption(final String _operation, final String _newValue) throws IOException { //create Reader FileReader fr = new FileReader(PROGRAM_SETTINGS_LOCATION); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String sumLine = ""; String currentLine = ""; boolean found = false; currentLine = br.readLine(); while (currentLine != null) { if (!found) { sumLine += currentLine + "\n"; } else { found = !found; sumLine += _newValue + "\n"; } // if the current line is the identifier of the current // operation that has to be changed. if (currentLine != null && currentLine.equals(_operation)) { found = true; } currentLine = br.readLine(); } //close reader br.close(); fr.close(); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(PROGRAM_SETTINGS_LOCATION); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.write(sumLine); bw.flush(); bw.close(); fw.close(); } /** * Complete uninstall routine for windows, Linux or OS X. * @param _inform whether to give feedback via the Message class. */ public static void uninstallComplete(final boolean _inform) { State.getLogger().severe("Not implemented yet"); if (_inform) { final boolean success = false; Message.showMessage(Message.MESSAGE_ID_INFO, "Complete uninstall successfull: " + success); } } /** * Remove old installation for being able to repeat installation process. * @param _inform whether to give feedback via the Message class. */ public static void uninstall(final boolean _inform) { final boolean success = Util.deleteFile(new File(PROGRAM_LOCATION)); if (_inform) { Message.showMessage(Message.MESSAGE_ID_INFO, "Uninstall successfull: " + success); } } /** * checks whether program information on current workspace exist. * @return if workspace is now set. */ public static String install() { boolean installed = false; String wsLocation = ""; /* * does program root directory exist? */ if (new File(PROGRAM_LOCATION).exists()) { //try to read try { wsLocation = readFromFile(PROGRAM_SETTINGS_LOCATION); installed = new File(wsLocation).exists(); if (!installed) { wsLocation = ""; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("file not found " + e); showErrorMessage(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("io" + e); showErrorMessage(); } } //if settings not found. if (!installed) { new File(PROGRAM_LOCATION).mkdir(); try { //create new file chooser JFileChooser jc = new JFileChooser(); //sets the text and language of all the components in JFileChooser UIManager.put("FileChooser.openDialogTitleText", "Open"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.lookInLabelText", "LookIn"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.openButtonText", "Open"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.cancelButtonText", "Cancel"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.fileNameLabelText", "FileName"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabelText", "TypeFiles"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.openButtonToolTipText", "OpenSelectedFile"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.cancelButtonToolTipText", "Cancel"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.fileNameHeaderText", "FileName"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.upFolderToolTipText", "UpOneLevel"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.homeFolderToolTipText", "Desktop"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.newFolderToolTipText", "CreateNewFolder"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.listViewButtonToolTipText", "List"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.newFolderButtonText", "CreateNewFolder"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.renameFileButtonText", "RenameFile"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.deleteFileButtonText", "DeleteFile"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.filterLabelText", "TypeFiles"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.detailsViewButtonToolTipText", "Details"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.fileSizeHeaderText", "Size"); UIManager.put("FileChooser.fileDateHeaderText", "DateModified"); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(jc); jc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); jc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); final String informationMsg = "Please select the workspace folder. \n" + "By default, the new files are saved in there. \n\n" + "Is changed simply by using the Save-As option.\n" + "If no folder is specified, the default worspace folder \n" + "is the home directory of the current user."; final int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(jc, informationMsg, "Select workspace folder", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); final String defaultSaveLocation = System.getProperty("user.home") + System.getProperty("file.separator"); File f; if (response != JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { //fetch selected file f = jc.getSelectedFile(); jc.showDialog(null, "select"); } else { f = new File(defaultSaveLocation); } printInformation(); if (f == null) { f = new File(defaultSaveLocation); } //if file selected if (f != null) { //if the file exists if (f.exists()) { writeToFile(PROGRAM_SETTINGS_LOCATION, ID_PROGRAM_LOCATION + "\n" + f.getAbsolutePath()); } else { //open message dialog JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Folder does " + "not exist", "Error creating workspace", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null); } //recall install return install(); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "An exception occured." + " Try again later.", "Error creating workspace", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null); } } if (System.getProperty("").equals("Mac OS X")) { installOSX(); } else if (System.getProperty("").equals("Linux")) { installLinux(); } else if (System.getProperty("").equals("Windows")) { installWindows(); } return wsLocation; } // public static void main(String[] _args) { // installOSX(); // } private static void installWindows() { /* * setting up "open with" links for paint. * Therefore request SUDO rights. */ try { final String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); final boolean openWith = false; // not implemented yet. if (openWith) { final String localDest = userHome + "/paint.desktop"; final String finalDest = "/usr/share/applications/paint.desktop"; Util.exportResource("/res/files/paint.desktop", localDest); String passwd = ""; /* * Check whether the execution was successfully (and the password * was correct) or the file already exists */ while (!new File(finalDest).exists()) { /* * Request SUDO privileges. */ passwd = Util.requestSudoRights("mv " + localDest + " " + finalDest); if (passwd.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "installation failed due to lack of privileges."); return; } try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } String passwd = Util.requestSudoRights("echo hier"); /* * Copy jar file */ /////////////////////////Path for jar file./////////////////// // /usr/lib/paint/paint.jar requests sudo rights. // because of this, each time an update is done these rights // have to be requested. Thus chose another path: // ~/.PaintUni/paint.jar // (PROGRAM_LOCATION/paint.jar) /* * STEP 2: Create (executable) file which is called if the * application is run. */ final String dest_jar_file = PROGRAM_LOCATION + "paint.jar"; final String dest_exec = "/usr/bin/paint"; String orig_jar_file = URLDecoder.decode(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(".").getPath(), "UTF-8"); // if Eclipse on-the-fly-compiling final String eclipseSubstring = "target/classes/"; if (orig_jar_file.endsWith(eclipseSubstring)) { orig_jar_file = orig_jar_file.substring(0, orig_jar_file.length() - eclipseSubstring.length()); } orig_jar_file += "paint.jar"; /* * Step 3: Copy .jar file to the destination. */ final String command1 = "cp " + "\"" + orig_jar_file + "\"" + " " + "\"" + dest_jar_file + "\""; String ret1 = Util.executeCommandLinux(command1); System.out.println(command1 + "" + ret1); final String content = "#!/bin/bash \n" + "java -jar " + dest_jar_file + " $1"; PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(userHome + "/paint", "UTF-8"); writer.println(content); writer.close(); final String command = "mv " + userHome + "/paint " + dest_exec; Util.execSudoCommand(command, passwd); // if the password was not correct / no sudo rights if (!new File(dest_exec).exists()) { while (!new File(dest_exec).exists()) { /* * Request SUDO privileges. */ passwd = Util.requestSudoRights(command); if (passwd.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "installation failed due to lack of privileges."); return; } try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } Util.execSudoCommand("chmod a+x " + dest_exec, passwd); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Set up paint as program in OSX. */ private static void installOSX() { try { final String name = "paint"; final String app_name = ""; /* * STEP 1: Create files and folders for the info.plist */ final String filePath = "/Applications/" + app_name + "/Contents/"; final String fileName = "Info.plist"; final String fileContent = "" + "<dict>\n" + " <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key>\n" + " <array>\n" + " <string>jpeg</string>\n" + " <string>png</string>\n" + " <string>gif</string>\n" + " <string>pic</string>\n" + " </array>\n" + "</dict>"; FileWriter fw; // create necessary directories File p = new File(filePath); p.mkdirs(); //TODO: this is just a debug parameter boolean installed = new File(filePath + fileName).exists(); if (!installed) { // Create info.plist fw = new FileWriter(filePath + fileName); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.write(fileContent); bw.flush(); bw.close(); fw.close(); } /* * STEP 2: Create (executable) file which is called if the * application is run. */ final String app_folder_path = filePath + "MacOS/"; final String app_file_path = app_folder_path + name; new File(app_folder_path).mkdirs(); String orig_jar_file = ""; orig_jar_file = URLDecoder.decode(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(".").getPath(), "UTF-8"); // if Eclipse on-the-fly-compiling final String eclipseSubstring = "target/classes/"; if (orig_jar_file.endsWith(eclipseSubstring)) { orig_jar_file = orig_jar_file.substring(0, orig_jar_file.length() - eclipseSubstring.length()); } orig_jar_file += "paint.jar"; final String jar_file_path = app_file_path + ".jar"; final String content = "#!/bin/bash\n" + "echo $1\n" + "echo $2\n" + "echo $3\n" + "java -jar " + jar_file_path + " $@$0$1"; // Create application file FileWriter fw2 = new FileWriter(app_file_path); BufferedWriter bw_2 = new BufferedWriter(fw2); bw_2.write(content); bw_2.flush(); bw_2.close(); fw2.close(); // Make the file executable final String command0 = "chmod a+x " + app_file_path; String ret = Util.executeCommandLinux(command0); /* * Step 3: Copy .jar file to the destination. */ final String command1 = "cp " + orig_jar_file + " " + jar_file_path; String ret1 = Util.executeCommandLinux(command1); if (!installed) { final String command2 = "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/" + "A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/" + "lsregister -f /Applications/" + app_name + "/"; String ret2 = Util.executeCommandLinux(command2); final String command3 = "killall Finder"; String ret3 = Util.executeCommandLinux(command3); String s = "Operation log:\n"; System.out.println(s); System.out.println(ret + "\n" + ret1 + "\n" + ret2 + "\n" + ret3); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Set up paint as program in OSX. */ private static void installLinux() { /* * setting up "open with" links for paint. * Therefore request SUDO rights. */ try { final String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); final String localDest = userHome + "/paint.desktop"; final String finalDest = "/usr/share/applications/paint.desktop"; Util.exportResource("/res/files/paint.desktop", localDest); String passwd = ""; /* * Check whether the execution was successfully (and the password * was correct) or the file already exists */ while (!new File(finalDest).exists()) { /* * Request SUDO privileges. */ passwd = Util.requestSudoRights("mv " + localDest + " " + finalDest); if (passwd.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "installation failed due to lack of privileges."); return; } try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * Copy jar file */ /////////////////////////Path for jar file./////////////////// // /usr/lib/paint/paint.jar requests sudo rights. // because of this, each time an update is done these rights // have to be requested. Thus chose another path: // ~/.PaintUni/paint.jar // (PROGRAM_LOCATION/paint.jar) /* * STEP 2: Create (executable) file which is called if the * application is run. */ final String dest_jar_file = PROGRAM_LOCATION + "paint.jar"; final String dest_exec = "/usr/bin/paint"; String orig_jar_file = URLDecoder.decode(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(".").getPath(), "UTF-8"); // if Eclipse on-the-fly-compiling final String eclipseSubstring = "target/classes/"; if (orig_jar_file.endsWith(eclipseSubstring)) { orig_jar_file = orig_jar_file.substring(0, orig_jar_file.length() - eclipseSubstring.length()); } orig_jar_file += "paint.jar"; /* * Step 3: Copy .jar file to the destination. */ try { Files.copy(Paths.get(orig_jar_file), Paths.get(dest_jar_file), java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { final String command1 = "cp " + "\"" + orig_jar_file + "\"" + " " + "\"" + dest_jar_file + "\""; String ret1 = Util.executeCommandLinux(command1); System.out.println(command1 + "" + ret1); } final String content = "#!/bin/bash \n" + "java -jar " + dest_jar_file + " $1"; // rather dirty solution. Creating a temporary file which is copied // to another location which requests sudoer rights. // If the temporary file already exists, randomly change the name. String temporaryLocation = userHome + "/paint_tmp_0123"; while (new File(temporaryLocation).exists()) { temporaryLocation += "" + new Random().nextInt(10); } PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(temporaryLocation, "UTF-8"); writer.println(content); writer.close(); final String command = "mv " + temporaryLocation + " " + dest_exec; Util.execSudoCommand(command, passwd); // if the password was not correct / no sudo rights if (!new File(dest_exec).exists()) { while (!new File(dest_exec).exists()) { /* * Request SUDO privileges. */ passwd = Util.requestSudoRights(command); if (passwd.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "installation failed due to lack of privileges."); return; } try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } Util.execSudoCommand("chmod a+x " + dest_exec, passwd); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private static boolean checkForUpdate(final View _view, final boolean _showNoUpdateMSG) { try { // Create a URL for the desired page URL url = new URL(""); // Read all the text returned by the server BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); String version = in.readLine(); in.close(); final String[] result = Version.getMilestonePercentageDone(version); if (result == null) { // error return false; } final String MS = result[0]; final String perc = result[1]; try { // parse information to integer. int new_milestone = Integer.parseInt(MS); int new_percentage = Integer.parseInt(perc); int crrnt_milestone = Integer.parseInt(Version.MILESTONE); int crrnt_percentage = Integer.parseInt(Version.PERCENTAGE_DONE); if (new_milestone > crrnt_milestone || (new_percentage > crrnt_percentage && new_milestone == crrnt_milestone)) { int d = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_view, "A new version of paint has been found:\n" + "Used Version:\t" + "" + crrnt_milestone + "." + "" + crrnt_percentage + "\n" + "New Version:\t" + "" + new_milestone + "." + "" + new_percentage + "\n\n" + "Do you want to download it right now? \n" + "This operation will close paint and restart \n" + "the new version in about one minute.", "Update", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); return d == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION; } else { if (_showNoUpdateMSG) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(_view, "No updates found.", "Update", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } return false; } } catch (NumberFormatException _nex) { // received version number corrupted. final String err_msg = "Failed to check for updates, \n" + "the fetched version number is currupted.\n" + "This error is server-related and will be \n" + "fixed after it has been noticed by the \n" + "programmer ;)."; // report error via logger. model.settings.State.getLogger().severe(err_msg); // notify the user if this the message call isn't silent. if (_showNoUpdateMSG) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(_view, err_msg, "Update", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } return false; } } catch (Exception e) { // update page not found, probably due to network problems. final String err_msg = "Connection to update page failed. \n" + "Either you are not corrected to the internet or \n" + "the update page has been removed accidently. \n" + "If you are able to connect to any other web-page,\n" + "the error is server-related and will be \n" + "fixed after being noticed by the \n" + "programmer ;)."; // report error via logger. State.getLogger().warning(err_msg); // notify the user if this the message call isn't silent. if (_showNoUpdateMSG) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(_view, err_msg, "Update", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } return false; } } /** * Update the entire program. */ public static void update(final View _view, final boolean _showNoUpdateMSG) { new Thread() { public void run() { final boolean newReleaseAccepted = checkForUpdate(_view, _showNoUpdateMSG); if (newReleaseAccepted) { _view.dispose(); /* * dispose current version of paint that is currently running. */ InformationWindow iw = new InformationWindow("Update current version of Paint"); iw.setText("\t\t\tPaint update\n" + "This window will give information on the\n" + "update process of the paint - program.\n\n" + "The Program is directly pulled from the github\n" + "update page which can be found at\n" + "\n" + "\nThe update-performance depends on your\n" + " internet connection.\n\n"); /* * Property name for getting operating system identifier. */ final String os_propertyName = ""; /* * Different property content values for deciding which * operating system is used. */ final String propertyLinux = "Linux"; final String propertyOSX = "Mac OS X"; final String propertyWindows = "Windows"; /* * The identifier for the currently used operating system. */ final String propertyContent = System.getProperties().getProperty(os_propertyName); /* * Compute TEMP directory path depending on the currently * used operating system. */ iw.appendNewOperation("Checking operating system:"); iw.startWaiting(true); final String temp; if (propertyContent.equals(propertyLinux)) { temp = System.getenv().get("TMPDIR"); iw.appendNewResult("Linux"); } else if (propertyContent.equals(propertyWindows)) { temp = System.getenv().get("TMPDIR"); iw.appendNewResult("Windows"); } else if (propertyContent.equals(propertyOSX)) { temp = System.getenv().get("TMPDIR"); iw.appendNewResult("OS X"); } else { temp = System.getenv().get("TMPDIR"); iw.appendNewResult("Not found, System not implemented " + "yet. \nThis may cause errors."); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not impl. yet."); } /* * Create sub-TEMP directory */ final String tempDirPaint = temp + "paint/"; final String ret0_a, command0 = "mkdir " + tempDirPaint; iw.appendNewOperation("Check whether sub-temp dir exists"); if (new File(tempDirPaint).exists()) { ret0_a = "The file already exists: "; // + tempDirPaint + "." ; iw.appendNewResult(ret0_a); // remove file iw.appendNewOperation("Remove old temp file."); final String ret0_b, command0_b = "rm -r -f " + tempDirPaint; ret0_b = Util.executeCommandLinux(command0_b); iw.appendNewResult(ret0_b); } iw.appendNewOperation("Create sub-TEMP directory"); final String ret0 = Util.executeCommandLinux(command0); iw.appendNewResult(ret0); /* * Check whether git is installted at the machine. */ iw.appendNewOperation("Clone Project into TEMP directory."); iw.appendNewOperation("Check whether git is installed."); final String command1 = "git version"; String ret1 = Util.executeCommandLinux(command1); boolean installed = ret1.contains(Util.EXECUTION_SUCCESS); if (installed) { iw.appendNewResult("Git installed."); /* * Clone project into TEMP directory */ iw.appendNewOperation("Clone Project into TEMP directory."); final String command1a = "git clone " + " " + tempDirPaint; String ret1a = Util.executeCommandLinux(command1a); iw.appendNewResult(ret1a); /* * Start jar file which copies itself into the program directory. */ iw.appendNewOperation("Launching new project file"); final String command2a = "java -jar " + tempDirPaint + "PaintNotes/paint.jar"; String ret2a = Util.executeCommandLinux(command2a); iw.appendNewResult(ret2a); } else { iw.appendNewOperation("\t Git not installed. Manual download."); /* * Download Program from repository URL */ final String repoURL = ""; final String zipPath = tempDirPaint + ""; try { iw.appendNewResult("Download zip"); URL website = new URL(repoURL); ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(website.openStream()); FileOutputStream fos; fos = new FileOutputStream(zipPath); fos.getChannel().transferFrom(rbc, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); fos.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); iw.appendNewResult("Failed download. exit."); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); iw.appendNewResult("Failed download. exit."); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); } /* * Unzip the program */ iw.appendNewOperation("unzip"); /** * The command which is executed for unzipping the program. */ final String commandUnzip = "unzip " + zipPath + " -d " + tempDirPaint; /** * The result of the command's execution in terminal. * If the response tells that the command has been executed * successfully, there is nothing to do. Otherwise * perform rotation done by program and print a warning. */ final String resultUnzip = Util.executeCommandLinux(commandUnzip); iw.appendNewResult(resultUnzip); if (resultUnzip.startsWith(Util.EXECUTION_SUCCESS)) { //print success information model.settings.State.getLogger().info("Download and execution successfull"); } else if (resultUnzip.startsWith(Util.EXECUTION_FAILED)) { // model.settings.State.getLogger().severe("Download and execution failed" + resultUnzip); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); } // /** * Command for removing zip download file. */ iw.appendNewOperation("Remove zip file"); final String commandMv = "rm " + zipPath; final String resultClear = Util.executeCommandLinux(commandMv); iw.appendNewResult(resultClear); /* * Start jar file which copies itself into the program directory. */ iw.appendNewOperation("Launching new project file"); final String command2a = "java -jar " + tempDirPaint + "paint-master/PaintNotes/paint.jar"; String ret2a = Util.executeCommandLinux(command2a); iw.appendNewResult(ret2a); } iw.stopWaiting(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); // // // /* // * Check for version number // */ // final String command1 = "git clone " // + " " // + tempDirPaint; // String ret2 = Util.executeCommandLinux(command1); // model.settings.State.getLogger().severe("Executed" // + "\nC1:\t" + command0 + "\n\t" + ret0_a // + "\nC2:\t" + command1 + "\n\t" + ret1 // + "\nC3:\t" + command2 + "\n\t" + ret2); } } }.start(); } private static void printInformation() { final String os_propertyName = ""; final String propertyLinux = "Linux"; if (System.getProperties().getProperty(os_propertyName).equals(propertyLinux)) { System.out.println("here i am"); } System.out.println("ReadSettings.linkProgram()"); System.out.println(System.getProperties().getProperty(os_propertyName)); } /** * prints error message to screen. */ private static void showErrorMessage() { //print message to screen. JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "An exception occured." + " Try again later.", "Error loading workspace", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null); } }