Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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package model;

import com.mongodb.Block;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import static javafx.scene.input.KeyCode.T;
import org.bson.Document;

 * @author romulo
public class Relatorio implements Block<Document> {

    private java.util.Set<ItemDeRelatorio> relatorio;
    private double total = 0;

    public Relatorio() {
        this.relatorio = new HashSet();

    public void addItemDeRelatorio(ItemDeRelatorio item) {

    public void apply(Document document) {
        String nomeFuncionario, numeroDoCaixa, idDaVenda, hora;
        double valorTotal;
        nomeFuncionario = document.getString("nomeFuncionario");
        numeroDoCaixa = document.getString("numeroDoCaixa");
        Document horario = (Document) document.get("data");
        hora = horario.getString("horario");
        idDaVenda = document.getString("idDaVenda");
        valorTotal = document.getDouble("valorTotal");
        total += valorTotal;
        ItemDeRelatorio item = new ItemDeRelatorio(idDaVenda, hora, numeroDoCaixa, nomeFuncionario, valorTotal);

    public boolean vazio() {
        return relatorio.isEmpty();

    public Set<ItemDeRelatorio> getRelatorio() {
        return relatorio;

    public double getTotal() {
        return total;
