Java tutorial
/* * iDART: The Intelligent Dispensing of Antiretroviral Treatment * Copyright (C) 2006 Cell-Life * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by * the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version * 2 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ package model.manager; import java.text.DateFormatSymbols; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import model.nonPersistent.PatientIdAndName; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.celllife.idart.commonobjects.CommonObjects; import org.celllife.idart.commonobjects.iDartProperties; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.AtcCode; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.Clinic; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.Doctor; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.Drug; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.IdentifierType; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.NationalClinics; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.Patient; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.PatientAttribute; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.PatientIdentifier; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.Stock; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.StockCenter; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.StockTake; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; /** */ public class SearchManager { private static TableComparator comparator; private static java.util.List<SearchEntry> listTableEntries; private static Patient patient; /** * */ public SearchManager() { super(); } /** * loads a list of the clinics onto the grid * * @param sess * Session * @param search * Search * @return List<Clinic> * @throws HibernateException */ public static List<Clinic> loadClinics(Session sess, Search search) throws HibernateException { listTableEntries = new ArrayList<SearchEntry>(); comparator = new TableComparator(); List<Clinic> clinics = null; String itemText[]; search.getTableColumn1().setText("Centro de Saude"); search.getTableColumn1().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColOneSelected(); } }); search.getTableColumn2().setText("Cidade"); search.getTableColumn2().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColTwoSelected(); } }); search.getShell().setText("Seleccione CS..."); clinics = AdministrationManager.getClinics(sess); TableItem[] t = new TableItem[clinics.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < clinics.size(); i++) { Clinic c = clinics.get(i); t[i] = new TableItem(search.getTblSearch(), SWT.NONE); itemText = new String[2]; itemText[0] = c.getClinicName(); itemText[1] = c.getNotes(); t[i].setText(itemText); listTableEntries.add(new SearchEntry(itemText[0], itemText[1])); } return clinics; } public static List<NationalClinics> loadNational(Session sess, Search search) throws HibernateException { listTableEntries = new ArrayList<SearchEntry>(); comparator = new TableComparator(); List<NationalClinics> clinics = null; String itemText[]; search.getTableColumn1().setText("Nome US"); search.getTableColumn1().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColOneSelected(); } }); search.getTableColumn2().setText("Provncia"); search.getTableColumn2().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColTwoSelected(); } }); search.getShell().setText("Seleccione Detalhes da US..."); clinics = AdministrationManager.getClinicsDetails(sess); TableItem[] t = new TableItem[clinics.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < clinics.size(); i++) { NationalClinics c = clinics.get(i); t[i] = new TableItem(search.getTblSearch(), SWT.NONE); itemText = new String[2]; itemText[0] = c.getFacilityName(); itemText[1] = c.getProvince(); t[i].setText(itemText); listTableEntries.add(new SearchEntry(itemText[0], itemText[1])); } return clinics; } /** * * loads a list of the stcokCenters onto the grid * * @param sess * @param search * @return * @throws HibernateException */ public static List<StockCenter> loadStockCenters(Session sess, Search search) throws HibernateException { listTableEntries = new ArrayList<SearchEntry>(); comparator = new TableComparator(); List<StockCenter> stockCenters = null; String itemText[]; search.getTableColumn1().setText("Farmcia"); search.getTableColumn1().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColOneSelected(); } }); search.getTableColumn2().setText("Farmcia Padro"); search.getTableColumn2().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColTwoSelected(); } }); search.getShell().setText("Seleccione a Farmcia..."); stockCenters = AdministrationManager.getStockCenters(sess); TableItem[] t = new TableItem[stockCenters.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < stockCenters.size(); i++) { StockCenter sc = stockCenters.get(i); t[i] = new TableItem(search.getTblSearch(), SWT.NONE); itemText = new String[2]; itemText[0] = sc.getStockCenterName(); itemText[1] = sc.isPreferred() == true ? "Yes" : "No"; t[i].setText(itemText); listTableEntries.add(new SearchEntry(itemText[0], itemText[1])); } return stockCenters; } /** * loads a list of doctors onto the grid * * @param sess * Session * @param search * Search * @return List<Doctor> * @throws HibernateException */ public static List<Doctor> loadDoctors(Session sess, Search search) throws HibernateException { listTableEntries = new ArrayList<SearchEntry>(); comparator = new TableComparator(); List<Doctor> doctors = null; String itemText[]; search.getTableColumn1().setText("Nome"); search.getTableColumn1().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColOneSelected(); } }); search.getTableColumn2().setText("Estado"); search.getTableColumn2().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColTwoSelected(); } }); search.getShell().setText("Seleccione o Clnico..."); doctors = AdministrationManager.getAllDoctors(sess); TableItem[] t = new TableItem[doctors.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < doctors.size(); i++) { Doctor theDoctor = doctors.get(i); t[i] = new TableItem(search.getTblSearch(), SWT.NONE); itemText = new String[2]; itemText[0] = theDoctor.getFullname(); itemText[1] = theDoctor.isActive() ? "Active" : "Inactive"; t[i].setText(itemText); listTableEntries.add(new SearchEntry(itemText[0], itemText[1])); } return doctors; } /** * loads a list of patients onto the grid * * @param sess * Session * @param search * Search * @param includeInactive * boolean * @param filterAwaitingPackage * boolean * @return List<PatientIdAndName> * @throws HibernateException */ /* *//** * @param search * @param includeInactive * - should we include inactive patients in the search? * @return List<PatientIdAndName> *//* public static List<PatientIdAndName> loadPatients(Session sess, Search search, boolean includeInactive, boolean filterAwaitingPackage) throws HibernateException { listTableEntries = new ArrayList<SearchEntry>(); comparator = new TableComparator(); List<PatientIdAndName> patients = null; String itemText[]; search.getTableColumn1().setText("Patient No"); search.getTableColumn1().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColOneSelected(); } }); search.getTableColumn2().setText("Name"); search.getTableColumn2().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColTwoSelected(); } }); search.getShell().setText("Select a Patient..."); patients = getPatientIDsAndNames(sess, includeInactive, filterAwaitingPackage); TableItem[] t = new TableItem[patients.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < patients.size(); i++) { PatientIdAndName idAndName = patients.get(i); t[i] = new TableItem(search.getTblSearch(), SWT.NONE); itemText = new String[2]; itemText[0] = idAndName.getPatientId().toString(); itemText[1] = idAndName.getNames(); t[i].setText(itemText); listTableEntries.add(new SearchEntry(itemText[0], itemText[1])); } comparator.setColumn(TableComparator.COL1_NAME); redrawTable(); return patients; }*/ /** * Method loadStockTakes. * * @param sess * Session * @param search * Search * @return List<StockTake> * @throws HibernateException */ public static List<StockTake> loadStockTakes(Session sess, Search search) throws HibernateException { listTableEntries = new ArrayList<SearchEntry>(); comparator = new TableComparator(); List<StockTake> stockTake = null; String itemText[]; search.getTableColumn1().setText("Nome do Inventrio"); search.getTableColumn1().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColOneSelected(); } }); search.getTableColumn2().setText("Data de Trmino"); search.getTableColumn2().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColTwoSelected(); } }); search.getShell().setText("Seleccione um Inventrio..."); stockTake = getStockTakes(sess); TableItem[] t = new TableItem[stockTake.size()]; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); for (int i = 0; i < stockTake.size(); i++) { StockTake stkTake = stockTake.get(i); t[i] = new TableItem(search.getTblSearch(), SWT.NONE); itemText = new String[2]; itemText[0] = stkTake.getStockTakeNumber(); itemText[1] = sdf.format(stkTake.getEndDate()); t[i].setText(itemText); listTableEntries.add(new SearchEntry(itemText[0], itemText[1])); } comparator.setColumn(TableComparator.COL1_NAME); redrawTable(); return stockTake; } /** * loads a list of regimens onto the grid * * @param sess * Session * @param search * Search * @return List<Object[]> * @throws HibernateException */ /** * @param search * * @return List<Object[]> */ public static List<Object[]> loadRegimens(Session sess, Search search) throws HibernateException { listTableEntries = new ArrayList<SearchEntry>(); comparator = new TableComparator(); List<Object[]> regimens = null; String itemText[]; search.getTableColumn1().setText("Drug Group Name"); search.getTableColumn1().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColOneSelected(); } }); search.getTableColumn2().setText("Regimen"); search.getTableColumn2().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColTwoSelected(); } }); search.getShell().setText("Select a Regimen..."); regimens = AdministrationManager.getDrugGroupNamesAndRegs(sess); TableItem[] t = new TableItem[regimens.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < regimens.size(); i++) { Object[] regName = regimens.get(i); t[i] = new TableItem(search.getTblSearch(), SWT.NONE); itemText = new String[2]; itemText[0] = regName[0].toString(); itemText[1] = regName[1].toString(); t[i].setText(itemText); listTableEntries.add(new SearchEntry(itemText[0], itemText[1])); } comparator.setColumn(TableComparator.COL1_NAME); redrawTable(); return regimens; } /** * loads a list of drugs onto the form * * @param sess * Session * @param search * @param includeSideTreatmentDrugs * boolean * @param includeZeroDrugs * boolean * @return List<Drug> * @throws HibernateException */ public static List<Drug> loadDrugs(Session sess, Search search, boolean includeSideTreatmentDrugs, boolean includeZeroDrugs) throws HibernateException { listTableEntries = new ArrayList<SearchEntry>(); comparator = new TableComparator(); List<Drug> drugs = null; String itemText[]; search.getTableColumn1().setText("Nome"); search.getTableColumn1().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColOneSelected(); } }); search.getTableColumn2().setText("QTD no Frasco"); search.getTableColumn2().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColTwoSelected(); } }); search.getShell().setText("Seleccione o Medicamento..."); if (includeZeroDrugs) { drugs = DrugManager.getAllDrugs(sess); } else { drugs = DrugManager.getDrugsListForStockTake(sess, false); } Collections.sort(drugs); Iterator<Drug> iter = new ArrayList<Drug>(drugs).iterator(); TableItem[] t = new TableItem[drugs.size()]; int i = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { Drug drugList =; t[i] = new TableItem(search.getTblSearch(), SWT.NONE); itemText = new String[2]; itemText[0] = drugList.getName(); itemText[1] = (Integer.valueOf(drugList.getPackSize())).toString(); t[i].setText(itemText); listTableEntries.add(new SearchEntry(itemText[0], itemText[1])); i++; } comparator.setColumn(TableComparator.COL1_NAME); redrawTable(); return drugs; } /** * loads a list of drugs onto the form * * @param sess * Session * @param search * @param includeSideTreatmentDrugs * boolean * @param includeZeroDrugs * boolean * @return List<Drug> * @throws HibernateException */ public static List<AtcCode> loadAtccodes(Session sess, Search search) throws HibernateException { listTableEntries = new ArrayList<SearchEntry>(); comparator = new TableComparator(); List<AtcCode> atccodes = null; String itemText[]; search.getTableColumn1().setText("Nome FNM"); search.getTableColumn1().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColOneSelected(); } }); search.getTableColumn2().setText("Cdigo FNM"); search.getTableColumn2().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColTwoSelected(); } }); search.getShell().setText("Seleccione um Cdigo FNM..."); atccodes = AdministrationManager.getAtccodes(sess); Collections.sort(atccodes); Iterator<AtcCode> iter = new ArrayList<AtcCode>(atccodes).iterator(); TableItem[] t = new TableItem[atccodes.size()]; int i = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { AtcCode atc =; t[i] = new TableItem(search.getTblSearch(), SWT.NONE); itemText = new String[2]; itemText[0] = atc.getName(); itemText[1] = atc.getCode(); t[i].setText(itemText); listTableEntries.add(new SearchEntry(itemText[0], itemText[1])); i++; } comparator.setColumn(TableComparator.COL1_NAME); redrawTable(); return atccodes; } /** * loads a list of Stock into the table * * @param sess * Session * @param search * @param onlyZeroBatches * boolean * @param theDrug * Drug * @return List<Stock> * @throws HibernateException */ public static List<Stock> loadStock(Session sess, Search search, boolean onlyZeroBatches, Drug theDrug) throws HibernateException { listTableEntries = new ArrayList<SearchEntry>(); comparator = new TableComparator(); List<Stock> stock = null; String itemText[]; search.getTableColumn1().setText("N de Lote"); search.getTableColumn1().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColOneSelected(); } }); search.getTableColumn2().setText("Data de Recepo"); search.getTableColumn2().addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { cmdColTwoSelected(); } }); search.getShell().setText("Seleccione o Lote..."); if (onlyZeroBatches) { stock = StockManager.getEmptyBatchesList(sess, theDrug); } else { stock = StockManager.getBatchesList(sess, theDrug); } Iterator<Stock> iter = new ArrayList<Stock>(stock).iterator(); TableItem[] t = new TableItem[stock.size()]; int i = 0; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); while (iter.hasNext()) { Stock stockList =; t[i] = new TableItem(search.getTblSearch(), SWT.NONE); itemText = new String[3]; itemText[0] = stockList.getBatchNumber(); itemText[1] = (sdf.format((stockList.getDateReceived()))); itemText[2] = String.valueOf(stockList.getId()); t[i].setText(itemText); listTableEntries.add(new SearchEntry(itemText[0], itemText[1])); i++; } comparator.setColumn(TableComparator.COL1_NAME); redrawTable(); return stock; } public static void redrawTable() { // Turn off drawing to avoid flicker Search.tblSearch.setRedraw(false); // We remove all the table entries, sort our // rows, then add the entries Search.tblSearch.removeAll(); Collections.sort(listTableEntries, comparator); for (Iterator<SearchEntry> itr = listTableEntries.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { SearchEntry theEntry =; TableItem item = new TableItem(Search.tblSearch, SWT.NONE); int c = 0; item.setText(c++, theEntry.getColumnOneName()); item.setText(c++, theEntry.getColumnTwoName()); } // Turn drawing back on Search.tblSearch.setRedraw(true); } private static void cmdColOneSelected() { comparator.setColumn(TableComparator.COL1_NAME); comparator.reverseDirection(); redrawTable(); } private static void cmdColTwoSelected() { comparator.setColumn(TableComparator.COL2_NAME); comparator.reverseDirection(); redrawTable(); } /** * Method minimiseSearch. * * @param t * Table * @param searchString * String * @param fullList * List<? extends Object> * @param classid * int */ public static void minimiseSearch(Table t, String searchString, List<? extends Object> fullList, int classid) { t.removeAll(); for (int i = 0; i < fullList.size(); i++) { int found1 = 0; int found2 = 0; switch (classid) { case CommonObjects.NATION: NationalClinics nClinic = (NationalClinics) fullList.get(i); found1 = nClinic.getFacilityName().toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); found2 = nClinic.getProvince().toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); if (found1 != -1 || found2 != -1) { TableItem tableItem = new TableItem(t, SWT.NONE); String[] newStrings = new String[2]; newStrings[0] = nClinic.getFacilityName(); newStrings[1] = nClinic.getProvince(); tableItem.setText(newStrings); } break; case CommonObjects.CLINIC: Clinic theClinic = (Clinic) fullList.get(i); found1 = theClinic.getClinicName().toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); if (found1 != -1) { TableItem tableItem = new TableItem(t, SWT.NONE); String[] newStrings = new String[1]; newStrings[0] = theClinic.getClinicName(); tableItem.setText(newStrings); } break; case CommonObjects.DOCTOR: Doctor theDoctor = (Doctor) fullList.get(i); found1 = theDoctor.getFullname().toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); String activity = theDoctor.isActive() ? "Active" : "Inactive"; found2 = activity.toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); if (found1 != -1 || found2 != -1) { TableItem tableItem = new TableItem(t, SWT.NONE); String[] newStrings = new String[2]; newStrings[0] = theDoctor.getFullname(); newStrings[1] = theDoctor.isActive() ? "Active" : "Inactive"; tableItem.setText(newStrings); } break; case CommonObjects.DRUG: Drug drug = (Drug) fullList.get(i); found1 = drug.getName().toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); found2 = (Integer.valueOf(drug.getPackSize())).toString().toUpperCase() .indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); if (found1 != -1 || found2 != -1) { TableItem tableItem = new TableItem(t, SWT.NONE); String[] newStrings = new String[2]; newStrings[0] = drug.getName(); newStrings[1] = (new Integer(drug.getPackSize())).toString(); tableItem.setText(newStrings); } break; case CommonObjects.STOCK: Stock theStock = (Stock) fullList.get(i); found1 = theStock.getBatchNumber().toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); found2 = theStock.getBatchNumber().toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); if (found1 != -1 || found2 != -1) { TableItem tableItem = new TableItem(t, SWT.NONE); String[] newStrings = new String[2]; newStrings[0] = theStock.getBatchNumber(); newStrings[1] = sdf.format(theStock.getDateReceived()); tableItem.setText(newStrings); } break; case CommonObjects.STOCK_TAKE: StockTake theStockTake = (StockTake) fullList.get(i); SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); found1 = theStockTake.getStockTakeNumber().toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); found2 = sdf1.format(theStockTake.getEndDate()).toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString.toUpperCase()); if (found1 != -1 || found2 != -1) { TableItem tableItem = new TableItem(t, SWT.NONE); String[] newStrings = new String[2]; newStrings[0] = theStockTake.getStockTakeNumber(); newStrings[1] = sdf1.format(theStockTake.getEndDate()); tableItem.setText(newStrings); } break; case CommonObjects.ATC: AtcCode atc = (AtcCode) fullList.get(i); String upperCase = searchString.toUpperCase(); found1 = atc.getName().toUpperCase().indexOf(upperCase); found2 = atc.getCode().toUpperCase().indexOf(upperCase); if (found1 != -1 || found2 != -1) { TableItem tableItem = new TableItem(t, SWT.NONE); String[] newStrings = new String[2]; newStrings[0] = atc.getName(); newStrings[1] = atc.getCode(); tableItem.setText(newStrings); } break; } } } /** * Method minimisePatientSearch. * * @param t * Table * @param searchString * String *//* public static void minimisePatientSearch(Table t, String searchString) { TableItem[] tis = t.getItems(); int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tis.length; i++) { String a = tis[i].getText(0); String b = tis[i].getText(1); int c1 = a.indexOf(searchString); int c2 = b.indexOf(searchString); if ((c1 != -1) || (c2 != -1)) { // Found String[] result = new String[2]; result[0] = a; result[1] = b; tis[counter].setText(result); counter++;"Found: " + a + " " + b); } else { // Not Found String[] toit = new String[2]; toit[0] = ""; toit[1] = ""; tis[counter].setText(toit); } } int outer = tis.length - 1; while (outer != counter) { t.remove(outer); outer--; } }*/ /** * @param sess * Session * @param includeInactive * boolean * @param filterPackageAwaiting * boolean * @return a list of all patient ids and names including inactive patients */ public static List<PatientIdAndName> getPatientIDsAndNames(Session sess, boolean includeInactive, boolean filterPackageAwaiting) { List<PatientIdAndName> newList = new ArrayList<PatientIdAndName>(); if (!filterPackageAwaiting) { List<PatientIdAndName> activePatients = getActivePatientIDsAndNames(sess); newList.addAll(activePatients); if (includeInactive) { List<PatientIdAndName> inactivePatients = getInactivePatientIDsAndNames(sess); newList.addAll(inactivePatients); } } else { // return only those patients with their package awaiting. List<PatientIdAndName> patientsWithPackageAwaiting = getPatientNameAndSurnameWithAwaitingPackages(sess); newList = patientsWithPackageAwaiting; } return newList; } public static List<PatientIdentifier> getPatientIdentifiers(Session session, String patientId, boolean includeInactivePatients) throws HibernateException { patientId = patientId == null ? "" : patientId.trim(); String queryString = "select id from PatientIdentifier as id where " + "upper(id.value) like :patientId " + "or upper(id.patient.lastname) like :patientId " + "or upper(id.patient.firstNames) like :patientId"; if (!includeInactivePatients) { queryString += " and id.patient.accountStatus = true"; } queryString += " order by id.patient.lastname asc"; Query query = session.createQuery(queryString).setParameter("patientId", "%" + patientId.toUpperCase() + "%"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<PatientIdentifier> list = query.list(); return list; } public static List<PatientIdentifier> getPatientIdentifiersByName(Session session, String patientId, boolean includeInactivePatients, List<IdentifierType> types) throws HibernateException { String jsonString; String[] resourceArray; String nid; Date theDate; Date _theDate; List<PatientIdentifier> patientIdentifiers = new ArrayList<PatientIdentifier>(); RestClient restClient = new RestClient(); String resource = restClient.getOpenMRSResource("patient?q=" + StringUtils.replace(patientId, " ", "%20")); String _resource = (String) resource.subSequence(11, resource.length()); _resource = _resource.substring(0, _resource.length() - 1); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(_resource); for (int i = 0; i < JsonHelper.toList(jsonArray).size(); i++) { PatientIdentifier identifier = new PatientIdentifier(); patient = new Patient(); jsonString = JsonHelper.toList(jsonArray).get(i).toString().replaceAll("display=", "") .replaceAll("uuid=", ""); jsonString = jsonString.substring(1, jsonString.length() - 1); resourceArray = jsonString.split(iDartProperties.ARRAY_SPLIT); String nameNid = (resourceArray[0].replaceAll(resourceArray[0].substring(0, 18), " ")).trim(); List<String> fullName = RestUtils.splitName(nameNid); patient.setFirstNames((fullName.get(0) + iDartProperties.SPACE + fullName.get(1)) .replaceAll(iDartProperties.HIFEN, iDartProperties.SPACE).trim()); patient.setLastname(fullName.get(2).replaceAll("-", " ").trim()); nid = restClient.getOpenMRSResource(iDartProperties.REST_GET_PATIENT_GENERIC + resourceArray[3].trim()); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(nid); nid = String.valueOf(jsonObject.get("display")); nid = nid.substring(0, nid.indexOf("-")).trim(); String strBirthdate = jsonObject.getJSONObject("person").getString("birthdate"); char gender = jsonObject.getJSONObject("person").getString("gender").charAt(0); String year = strBirthdate.substring(0, 4); String month = new DateFormatSymbols(Locale.ENGLISH) .getMonths()[Integer.valueOf(strBirthdate.substring(5, 7)) - 1]; Integer day = Integer.valueOf(strBirthdate.substring(8, 10)); SimpleDateFormat _sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMMM-yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); String dataInicioTarv = restClient.getOpenMRSResource(iDartProperties.REST_OBS_PATIENT + resourceArray[3].trim() + iDartProperties.CONCEPT_DATA_INICIO_TARV); if (dataInicioTarv.length() > 14) { dataInicioTarv = dataInicioTarv.substring(94); dataInicioTarv = dataInicioTarv.substring(0, 10); String _year = dataInicioTarv.substring(6, 10); String _month = new DateFormatSymbols(Locale.ENGLISH) .getMonths()[Integer.valueOf(dataInicioTarv.substring(3, 5)) - 1]; Integer _day = Integer.valueOf(dataInicioTarv.substring(0, 2)); _theDate = null;//Data de Inicio Tarv try { _theDate = _sdf.parse(_day.toString() + "-" + _month + "-" + _year); } catch (ParseException e1) { System.out.println(e1.getMessage()); } patient.setAttributeValue(PatientAttribute.ARV_START_DATE, _theDate); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMMM-yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); theDate = null;//Data de Nascimento try { theDate = sdf.parse(day.toString() + "-" + month + "-" + year); } catch (ParseException e1) { System.out.println(e1.getMessage()); } patient.setDateOfBirth(theDate); patient.setPatientId(nid); patient.setSex(gender); identifier.setType(types.get(0)); identifier.setValueEdit(null); identifier.setValue(nid); identifier.setPatient(patient); patientIdentifiers.add(identifier); } return patientIdentifiers; } public static List<PatientIdentifier> getPatientIdentifiersWithAwiatingPackages(Session session, String patientId) throws HibernateException { String queryString = "select distinct id " + "from PatientIdentifier as id, Packages as pack " + "where = " + "and id.value like :patientId " + "and pack.pickupDate is null and pack.packDate != null " + "and pack.packageReturned = false "; Query query = session.createQuery(queryString).setParameter("patientId", "%" + patientId.toUpperCase() + "%"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<PatientIdentifier> list = query.list(); return list; } /** * Method getPatientNameAndSurnameWithAwaitingPackages. * * @param hSession * Session * @return List<PatientIdAndName> * @throws HibernateException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<PatientIdAndName> getPatientNameAndSurnameWithAwaitingPackages(Session hSession) throws HibernateException { String hql = "select distinct pack.prescription.patient " + "from Packages as pack " + "where pack.pickupDate is null and pack.packDate != null and " + "pack.packageReturned = false " + "order by pack.prescription.patient.lastname "; List<Patient> result = hSession.createQuery(hql).setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY).list(); List<PatientIdAndName> returnList = new ArrayList<PatientIdAndName>(); if (result != null) { Iterator<Patient> it = result.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Patient patient =; returnList.add(new PatientIdAndName(patient.getId(), patient.getPatientId(), patient.getFirstNames() + ", " + patient.getLastname())); } return returnList; } else return new ArrayList<PatientIdAndName>(); } /** * @param sess * Session * @return a list of in active patient ids and names * @throws HibernateException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<PatientIdAndName> getInactivePatientIDsAndNames(Session sess) throws HibernateException { List<PatientIdAndName> returnList = new ArrayList<PatientIdAndName>(); List<Object[]> result = sess.createQuery("select, pat.patientId, pat.firstNames, pat.lastname from " + "Patient as pat where pat.accountStatus=false order by, pat.patientId") .list(); if (result != null) { for (Object[] obj : result) { returnList.add(new PatientIdAndName((Integer) obj[0], (String) obj[1], (String) obj[3] + ", " + (String) obj[2])); } } return returnList; } /** * @param sess * Session * @return a list of active patient ids and names * @throws HibernateException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<PatientIdAndName> getActivePatientIDsAndNames(Session sess) throws HibernateException { List<PatientIdAndName> returnList = new ArrayList<PatientIdAndName>(); List<Object[]> result = sess.createQuery("select, pat.patientId, pat.firstNames, pat.lastname from " + "Patient as pat where pat.accountStatus=true order by, pat.patientId") .list(); if (result != null) { for (Object[] obj : result) { returnList.add(new PatientIdAndName((Integer) obj[0], (String) obj[1], (String) obj[3] + ", " + (String) obj[2])); } } return returnList; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<PatientIdAndName> getActivePatientWithValidPrescriptionIDsAndNames(Session sess) throws HibernateException { List<PatientIdAndName> returnList = new ArrayList<PatientIdAndName>(); List<Object[]> result = sess.createQuery( "select distinct, pat.patientId, pat.firstNames, pat.lastname, " + "from Patient pat, Prescription pre where pre.endDate is null " + "and = pre.patient and pat.accountStatus = true order by " + ", pat.patientId") .list(); if (result != null) { for (Object[] obj : result) { returnList.add(new PatientIdAndName((Integer) obj[0], (String) obj[1], (String) obj[3] + ", " + (String) obj[2])); } } return returnList; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<PatientIdAndName> findPatientsWithIdLike(Session sess, String patientid) { List<PatientIdAndName> returnList = new ArrayList<PatientIdAndName>(); List<Object[]> results = sess .createQuery("select, pat.patientId, pat.firstNames, pat.lastname from " + "Patient as pat where UPPER(pat.patientId) like :id") .setString("id", "%" + patientid.toUpperCase() + "%").list(); if (results != null) { for (Object[] obj : results) { returnList.add(new PatientIdAndName((Integer) obj[0], (String) obj[1], (String) obj[3] + ", " + (String) obj[2])); } } return returnList; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<PatientIdAndName> findActivePatientsWithValidPrescriptionsWithIdLike(Session sess, String patientid) { List<PatientIdAndName> returnList = new ArrayList<PatientIdAndName>(); List<Object[]> results = sess.createQuery( "select distinct, pat.patientId, pat.firstNames, pat.lastname, from " + "Patient as pat, Prescription as pre where pre.endDate is null and UPPER(pat.patientId) like :id " + "and = pre.patient and pat.accountStatus = true order by " + ", pat.patientId") .setString("id", "%" + patientid.toUpperCase() + "%").list(); if (results != null) { for (Object[] obj : results) { returnList.add(new PatientIdAndName((Integer) obj[0], (String) obj[1], (String) obj[3] + ", " + (String) obj[2])); } } return returnList; } /** * Method getStockTakes. * * @param sess * Session * @return List<StockTake> * @throws HibernateException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<StockTake> getStockTakes(Session sess) throws HibernateException { List<StockTake> result = sess.createQuery("select st from StockTake st where = false").list(); return result; } }