Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package model; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; /** * * @author alumne */ public class ClasseDAO<T> { private Session sesion; private Transaction tx; private Class p; public ClasseDAO(Class<T> p, Session sesion) { this.p = p; this.sesion = sesion; } public long guarda(T objecte) throws HibernateException { long id = 0; try { iniciaOperacio(); id = Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(; tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { tractaExcepcio(he); throw he; } return id; } public void actualitza(T objecte) throws HibernateException { try { iniciaOperacio(); sesion.update(objecte); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { tractaExcepcio(he); throw he; } } public void elimina(T objecte) throws HibernateException { try { iniciaOperacio(); sesion.delete(objecte); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { tractaExcepcio(he); throw he; } } public T obte(int idObjecte) throws HibernateException { T objecte = null; try { iniciaOperacio(); objecte = (T) sesion.get(p, idObjecte); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { tractaExcepcio(he); throw he; } return objecte; } public List<T> obtenLlista() throws HibernateException { List<T> llista = null; try { iniciaOperacio(); llista = sesion.createQuery("from " + p.getSimpleName() + " ORDER BY 1").list(); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { tractaExcepcio(he); throw he; } return llista; } private void iniciaOperacio() throws HibernateException { tx = sesion.beginTransaction(); } private void tractaExcepcio(HibernateException he) throws HibernateException { tx.rollback(); throw new HibernateException("Error a la capa d'accs a dades", he); } }