Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Rosie Alexander and Scott Killen. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, see <>. */ package mod.steamnsteel.structure; import; import; import mod.steamnsteel.structure.coordinates.TripleCoord; import mod.steamnsteel.structure.coordinates.TripleIterator; import mod.steamnsteel.structure.registry.StructureDefinition; import mod.steamnsteel.structure.registry.StructureRegistry; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collection; import static; public final class StructureDefinitionBuilder { private BitSet sbLayout; private TripleCoord sbLayoutSize; private TripleCoord masterPosition; private TripleCoord toolFormPosition; private IBlockState[][][] states; private float[][] collisionBoxes; public StructureDefinition build() { if (states == null) { throw new StructureDefinitionError("Missing block states"); } //blocks jagged map test for (final IBlockState[][] b : states) { if (b.length != states[0].length) { throw new StructureDefinitionError("Construction map jagged"); } for (final IBlockState[] bb : b) { if (bb.length != b[0].length) { throw new StructureDefinitionError("Construction map jagged"); } } } //state jagged map test if (state != null) { for (final String[][] s : state) { if (s.length != state[0].length) { throw new StructureDefinitionError("Construction map jagged"); } for (final String[] ss : s) { if (ss.length != s[0].length) { throw new StructureDefinitionError("Construction map jagged"); } } } if (!(states.length == state.length && states[0].length == state[0].length && states[0][0].length == state[0][0].length)) throw new StructureDefinitionError("block/state sizing mismatch"); } if (toolFormPosition == null) { throw new StructureDefinitionError("tool form location missing"); } //------------------------------------------------------- //Correct data and align it to the inner data structures. //------------------------------------------------------- final int xsz = states.length; final int ysz = states[0].length; final int zsz = states[0][0].length; final TripleIterator itr = new TripleIterator(xsz, ysz, zsz); while (itr.hasNext()) { final TripleCoord local =; states[local.x][local.y][local.z] = getBlockState(local); } //correct collision bounds. for (float[] bb : collisionBoxes) { bb[0] -= masterPosition.x; bb[3] -= masterPosition.x; bb[1] -= masterPosition.y; bb[4] -= masterPosition.y; bb[2] -= masterPosition.z; bb[5] -= masterPosition.z; } //correct tool form location toolFormPosition.x -= masterPosition.x; toolFormPosition.y -= masterPosition.y; toolFormPosition.z -= masterPosition.z; return new StructureDefinition(sbLayout, sbLayoutSize, masterPosition, toolFormPosition, states, collisionBoxes); } /** * Gets the clean error checked block state * @param local local coords of the block within the map * @return block state */ private IBlockState getBlockState(TripleCoord local) { final IBlockState block = states[local.x][local.y][local.z]; if (block == null) return null; if (state == null) return block; final String strBlockState = state[local.x][local.y][local.z]; if (strBlockState == null) return block; IBlockState finalBlockState = block; for (final String singleFullState : strBlockState.split(",")) { if (!singleFullState.contains(":")) { throw new StructureDefinitionError("Missing property divider @" + local); } final String propName = singleFullState.split(":")[0]; final String propVal = singleFullState.split(":")[1]; final Collection<IProperty> defaultProp = block.getPropertyNames(); boolean hasFoundProp = false; for (final IProperty prop : defaultProp) { if (prop.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(propName)) { boolean hasFoundVal = false; for (final Object val : prop.getAllowedValues()) { if (val.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(propVal)) { finalBlockState = finalBlockState.withProperty(prop, (Comparable) val); hasFoundVal = true; break; } } if (!hasFoundVal) { throw new StructureDefinitionError("Property value missing: '" + prop.getName() + "' value missing: '" + propVal + "' in '" + prop.getAllowedValues() + "' on '" + block.getBlock().getUnlocalizedName() + "' with property: '" + block.getPropertyNames() + "' @" + local); } hasFoundProp = true; break; } } if (!hasFoundProp) { throw new StructureDefinitionError("Missing property: '" + propName + "' value: '" + propVal + "' on block: '" + block.getBlock().getUnlocalizedName() + "' with property: '" + block.getPropertyNames() + "' @" + local); } } return finalBlockState; } private ImmutableMap<Character, IBlockState> repBlock = ImmutableMap.of(); /** * Define what each character represents within the block map * @param representation char to unlocalized block name map * @exception NullPointerException thrown if block doesn't exist. */ public void assignBlockDefinitions(ImmutableMap<Character, String> representation) { Builder<Character, IBlockState> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final Character c : representation.keySet()) { final String blockName = representation.get(c); final Block block = Block.getBlockFromName(blockName); checkNotNull(block, "assignBlockDefinitions.Block does not exist " + blockName); builder.put(c, block.getDefaultState()); } //default builder.put(' ', Blocks.air.getDefaultState()); builder.put('-', StructureRegistry.generalNull); repBlock =; } /** * builds the block array using the representation map and the layout(String[]...) * String = x-line * String[] = z-line * String[]... = y-line * @param layer the layout of the blocks. * @exception NullPointerException the layout is missing a map */ public void assignConstructionBlocks(String[]... layer) { final int xsz = layer[0][0].length(); final int ysz = layer.length; final int zsz = layer[0].length; states = new IBlockState[xsz][ysz][zsz]; assignX(repBlock, layer, new TripleIterator(xsz, ysz, zsz), states); } /** * Configures the location of the blocks. * M => Master block location. Specify only once * - => Block position * => No block * * @param shift translation of S(C).origin to S(F).origin * @param layer */ public void setConfiguration(TripleCoord shift, String[]... layer) { final int xsz = layer[0][0].length(); final int ysz = layer.length; final int zsz = layer[0].length; sbLayoutSize = TripleCoord.of(xsz, ysz, zsz); sbLayout = new BitSet(xsz * ysz * zsz); final TripleIterator itr = new TripleIterator(xsz, ysz, zsz); while (itr.hasNext()) { final TripleCoord local =; final char c = Character.toUpperCase(layer[local.y][local.z].charAt(local.x)); switch (c) { case 'M': // Master block location if (masterPosition == null) { masterPosition = TripleCoord.of(local.x + shift.x, local.y + shift.y, local.z + shift.z); } else { throw new StructureDefinitionError("setConfiguration.Master position defined more then once."); } case ' ': case '-': sbLayout.set(local.x + local.z * xsz + local.y * zsz * xsz, c != ' '); break; default: { throw new StructureDefinitionError("setConfiguration.Unknown char '" + c + '\''); } } } if (masterPosition == null) { throw new StructureDefinitionError("setConfiguration.Master position not defined"); } } private ImmutableMap<Character, String> repState = ImmutableMap.of(); private String[][][] state; /** * Define what each character represents within the state map * @param representation char to "equivelent json" state map * @exception NullPointerException thrown if block doesn't exist. */ public void assignStateDefinitions(ImmutableMap<Character, String> representation) { repState = representation; } /** * builds the state array using the representation map and the layout(String[]...) * String = x-line * String[] = z-line * String[]... = y-line * @param layer the layout of the states. * @exception NullPointerException the layout is missing a map */ public void assignConstructionStates(String[]... layer) { final int xsz = layer[0][0].length(); final int ysz = layer.length; final int zsz = layer[0].length; state = new String[xsz][ysz][zsz]; assignX(repState, layer, new TripleIterator(xsz, ysz, zsz), state); } private static void assignX(ImmutableMap<Character, ?> map, String[][] layers, TripleIterator itr, Object[][][] res) { while (itr.hasNext()) { final TripleCoord local =; final char c = layers[local.y][local.z].charAt(local.x); if (!map.containsKey(c) && c != ' ') { throw new StructureDefinitionError("assignX.Map missing '" + c + "' @" + local); } res[local.x][local.y][local.z] = map.get(c); } } public void assignToolFormPosition(TripleCoord toolFormPosition) { this.toolFormPosition = toolFormPosition; } /** * set collision boxes of structure * @param collisionBoxes arrays of collision. must have a length of 6 l=lower left back u=upper right front [lx, ly, lz, ux, uy, uz] */ public void setCollisionBoxes(float[]... collisionBoxes) { this.collisionBoxes = collisionBoxes; } public static class StructureDefinitionError extends Error { public StructureDefinitionError(String msg) { super(msg); } } }