Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Stanford MobiSocial Laboratory
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.multiplayer;

import mobisocial.socialkit.Obj;
import mobisocial.socialkit.User;
import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.DbFeed;
import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.DbObj;
import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.DbIdentity;
import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.FeedObserver;
import mobisocial.socialkit.obj.MemObj;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import android.util.Log;

 * Manages the state machine associated with a turn-based multiplayer application.
 * @see TurnBasedApp
 * @deprecated
public abstract class TurnBasedMultiplayer extends Multiplayer {
    static final String OBJ_MEMBER_CURSOR = "member_cursor";
    static final String TYPE_APP_STATE = "appstate";
    static final String TYPE_INTERRUPT_REQUEST = "interrupt";

    private final DbObj mObjContext;
    private final DbFeed mDbFeed;
    private final String mLocalMember;

    private JSONObject mLatestState;
    private String[] mMembers;
    private int mLocalMemberIndex;
    private int mGlobalMemberCursor;
    private Integer mLastTurn;

    public TurnBasedMultiplayer(DbObj objContext) {
        if (objContext == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("ObjContext is null");
        mObjContext = objContext;
        mDbFeed = mObjContext.getSubfeed();
        String[] projection = null;
        String selection = "type = ? OR type = ?";
        String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { TYPE_APP_STATE, TYPE_INTERRUPT_REQUEST };
        String sortOrder = DbObj.COL_INT_KEY + " desc";
        mDbFeed.setQueryArgs(projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder);
        Obj obj = mDbFeed.getLatestObj(TYPE_APP_STATE);
        //Log.d(TAG, "The latest obj has " + obj.getIntKey());
        mLocalMember = mDbFeed.getLocalUser().getId();

        JSONArray membership = null;
        if (obj == null) {
            // No turn taken yet.
            Log.e(TAG, "App state is null.");
            try {
                membership = objContext.getJson().getJSONArray(OBJ_MEMBERSHIP);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                Log.w(TAG, "No membership for obj context");
                membership = new JSONArray();

            mLastTurn = 0;
            if (objContext.getSender().getId().equals(mLocalMember)) {
                // Set the initial state that all members will see
                mLatestState = getInitialState();
                Log.d(TAG, "set initial state " + mLatestState);
                if (mLatestState != null) {
                    takeTurn(membership, 0, mLatestState);

        // At least one turn has been taken.
        JSONObject json = obj.getJson();
        if (json == null || !json.has(OBJ_MEMBERSHIP)) {
            Log.e(TAG, "App state has no membership.");
            mMembers = null;
            mLocalMemberIndex = -1;

        JSONArray memberArr = json.optJSONArray(OBJ_MEMBERSHIP);

        mLastTurn = (obj.getIntKey() == null) ? 0 : obj.getIntKey();
        Log.d(TAG, "Read last turn " + mLastTurn);
        mGlobalMemberCursor = (json.has(OBJ_MEMBER_CURSOR)) ? json.optInt(OBJ_MEMBER_CURSOR) : 0;

    public User getLocalUser() {
        return mDbFeed.getLocalUser();

     * Returns the initial state for this turn-based game.
    protected abstract JSONObject getInitialState();

     * Returns a view suitable for display in a feed.
    protected abstract FeedRenderable getFeedView(JSONObject state);

    private void setMembershipFromJson(JSONArray memberArr) {
        mMembers = new String[memberArr.length()];
        for (int i = 0; i < memberArr.length(); i++) {
            mMembers[i] = memberArr.optString(i);
            if (mMembers[i].equals(mLocalMember)) {
                mLocalMemberIndex = i;

     * Returns the index within the membership list that represents the
     * local user.
    public int getLocalMemberIndex() {
        return mLocalMemberIndex;

     * Returns a cursor within the membership list that points to
     * the user with control of the state machine.
    public int getGlobalMemberCursor() {
        return mGlobalMemberCursor;

     * Returns true if the local member index equals the membership cursor.
     * In other words, its the local user's turn.
    public boolean isMyTurn() {
        return mLocalMemberIndex == mGlobalMemberCursor;

     * Attempts to take a turn despite it not being my turn.
     * Send a UpdateOutOfOrderObj with n+1 as int field.
     * If it's my turn, I listen for interrupt requests and,
     * if I see one that is agreeable, I allow it by rebroadcasting
     * as a state update.
    public void takeTurnOutOfOrder(JSONArray members, int nextPlayer, JSONObject state) {
        JSONObject out = new JSONObject();
        try {
            out.put(OBJ_MEMBER_CURSOR, nextPlayer);
            out.put(OBJ_MEMBERSHIP, members);
            out.put("state", state);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to update cursor.", e);

        if (DBG)
            Log.d(TAG, "Attempted interrupt #" + mLastTurn);
        mDbFeed.postObj(new MemObj(TYPE_INTERRUPT_REQUEST, out, null, mLastTurn));

    public boolean takeTurn(JSONArray members, int nextPlayer, JSONObject state) {
        if (!isMyTurn()) {
            return false;
        JSONObject out = new JSONObject();
        try {
            mGlobalMemberCursor = nextPlayer;
            out.put(OBJ_MEMBER_CURSOR, mGlobalMemberCursor);
            out.put(OBJ_MEMBERSHIP, members);
            out.put("state", state);
            mLatestState = state;
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to update cursor.", e);
            return false;

        postAppStateRenderable(out, getFeedView(state));
        if (DBG)
            Log.d(TAG, "Sent cursor " + out.optInt(OBJ_MEMBER_CURSOR));
        return true;

     * Updates the state machine with the user's move, passing control
     * to nextPlayer. The state machine is only updated if it is the
     * local user's turn.
     * @return true if a turn was taken.
    public boolean takeTurn(int nextPlayer, JSONObject state) {
        return takeTurn(membersJsonArray(), nextPlayer, state);

     * Updates the state machine with the user's move, passing control to
     * the next player in {@link #getMembers()}. The state machine
     * is only updated if it is the local user's turn.
     * @return true if a turn was taken.
    public boolean takeTurn(JSONObject state) {
        int next = (mGlobalMemberCursor + 1) % mMembers.length;
        return takeTurn(next, state);

     * Takes the last turn in this turn-based game.
    public void takeFinalTurn(GameResult result, FeedRenderable display) {
        postAppStateRenderable(result.getJson(), display);

    public JSONArray membersJsonArray() {
        JSONArray r = new JSONArray();
        for (String m : mMembers) {
        return r;

     * Returns the latest application state.
    public JSONObject getLatestState() {
        if (mLatestState == null) {
            Obj obj = mDbFeed.getLatestObj(TYPE_APP_STATE);
            if (obj != null && obj.getJson() != null && obj.getJson().has("state")) {
                mLatestState = obj.getJson().optJSONObject("state");
                Log.d(TAG, "returning latest state " + mLatestState + "; " + obj.getIntKey());
        return mLatestState;

     * Handles newly received state updates.
    protected abstract void onStateUpdate(JSONObject json);

     * Handles an interrupt request. It may be useful to override this method
     * to customize for your needs, be mindful of concurrency issues.
    protected void handleInterrupt(int turnRequested, DbObj obj) {
        if (DBG)
            Log.d(TAG, "Incoming interrupt!");
        if (!isMyTurn()) {
            if (DBG)
                Log.d(TAG, "not my turn.");

        if (turnRequested != mLastTurn) {
            if (DBG)
                Log.d(TAG, "stale state.");
        if (DBG)
            Log.d(TAG, "interrupting with " + obj);
        JSONObject out = obj.getJson();
        FeedRenderable thumb = getFeedView(out.optJSONObject("state"));
        postAppStateRenderable(out, thumb);

    private final FeedObserver mInternalStateObserver = new FeedObserver() {
        public void onUpdate(DbObj obj) {
            if (DBG)
                Log.d(TAG, "Update with " + obj.getType());
            Integer turnTaken = obj.getIntKey();
            if (turnTaken == null) {
                Log.w(TAG, "no turn taken.");
            if (TYPE_INTERRUPT_REQUEST.equals(obj.getType())) {
                handleInterrupt(turnTaken, obj);
            if (turnTaken <= mLastTurn) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Turn " + turnTaken + " is at/before known turn " + mLastTurn);
            mLastTurn = turnTaken;
            JSONObject newState = obj.getJson();
            if (newState == null || !newState.has("state"))
            try {
                if (newState.has(OBJ_MEMBERSHIP)) {
                mLatestState = newState.optJSONObject("state");
                mGlobalMemberCursor = newState.getInt(OBJ_MEMBER_CURSOR);
                if (DBG)
                    Log.d(TAG, "Updated cursor to " + mGlobalMemberCursor);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get member_cursor from " + newState);


     * Returns the array of member identifiers.
    public String[] getMembers() {
        return mMembers;

    public DbIdentity getUser(int memberIndex) {
        return mDbFeed.userForGlobalId(mMembers[memberIndex]);

    private void postAppStateRenderable(JSONObject state, FeedRenderable thumbnail) {
        try {
            JSONObject b = new JSONObject(state.toString());
            if (thumbnail != null) {
            mDbFeed.postObj(new MemObj(TYPE_APP_STATE, b, null, mLastTurn + 1));
        } catch (JSONException e) {

    public interface StateObserver {
        public void onUpdate(JSONObject state);