Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Thien Le, Frederic Stahl - University of Reading, UK * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package moa.classifiers.rules; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.InstanceComparator; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Utils; import weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils.DataSource; import moa.classifiers.AbstractClassifier; import moa.core.DoubleVector; import moa.core.Measurement; import moa.options.FloatOption; import moa.options.IntOption; import moa.streams.generators.RandomTreeGenerator; public class GeRules extends AbstractClassifier { // option for inital sliding size public IntOption slidingWindowsSizeOption = new IntOption("slidingWindowsSize", 's', "The number of instances in each window", 500, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // option for minmum of tries before a rule is considered to be removed public IntOption MinRuleTriesOption = new IntOption("minRuleTries", 'm', "Minimum number of rules before it is considered for validation", 10, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // threshold for the rule to be removed public FloatOption ruleValidationThresholdOption = new FloatOption("ruleValidationThreshold", 't', "If the accuracy of rule drops below this threshold then the rule will be removed", 0.8d); @Override public String getPurposeString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return "Hoeffding Rules classifer by Thien Le, Univeristy of Reading, Uk"; } // store classification distribution throughout the stream DoubleVector observedClassDistribution; // sliding windows buffer for instances ArrayList<Instance> slidingWindowsBuffer; // this buffer store unlearnt instances (if a batch contains instances from a class only then PRISM won't induce any rules) ArrayList<Instance> unlearntInstancesList; // main classifier based on Prism to induce Rules as in the paper PrismClassifier prismClassifier; // rules library induced by the classifer throughout the stream List<Rule> rulesList; // total seen instance int totalSeenInstances; int actualAttempts; int actualAttemptsCorrectlyClassified; @Override public boolean isRandomizable() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public double[] getVotesForInstance(Instance inst) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // increase no. of seen intances totalSeenInstances++; // check if there is any rules that cover the instance ArrayList<Rule> coveredRules = RulesCoveredInstance(inst); // logger.debug("No. Rules cover instance: " + coveredRules.size()); // logger.debug(inst); // return prediction if there are rules that cover the instance if (coveredRules.size() > 0) { actualAttempts++; double[] classPrediction = new double[inst.numClasses()]; // vote class labels from all available rules for (Rule rule : coveredRules) { classPrediction[(int) rule.classification]++; // logger.debug(rule.printRule()); } // actual attempt if (Utils.maxIndex(classPrediction) == (int) inst.classValue()) { actualAttemptsCorrectlyClassified++; } return classPrediction; } // otherwise, return the majority class return observedClassDistribution.getArrayCopy(); } // abstaining rate public double abstainingRate() { double abstainingRate = (double) actualAttempts / (double) totalSeenInstances; return abstainingRate; } // tentative accuracy public double tentativeAccuracy() { double tentativeAccuracy = (double) actualAttemptsCorrectlyClassified / (double) actualAttempts; return tentativeAccuracy; } @Override public void resetLearningImpl() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // initialise varibles prismClassifier = new PrismClassifier(); rulesList = new ArrayList<>(); observedClassDistribution = new DoubleVector(); totalSeenInstances = 0; slidingWindowsBuffer = new ArrayList<>(); // not to initialise proper instances without header instance from the data stream unlearntInstancesList = new ArrayList<>(); actualAttempts = 0; actualAttemptsCorrectlyClassified = 0; } @Override public void trainOnInstanceImpl(Instance inst) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // add weight of respective class to classification distribution observedClassDistribution.addToValue((int) inst.classValue(), inst.weight()); // only add instances to be learnt if there are no rule coverd the instance if (RulesCoveredInstance(inst).isEmpty()) { slidingWindowsBuffer.add(inst); } // if there are rule(s) cover the instance, then update stattic in the rule else { // for each rule matched the instance, // update class distribution statistic for (Rule rule : RulesCoveredInstance(inst)) { rule.updateClassDistribution(inst); rule.noOfCovered++; // also update if the rule correctly cover an instance with it class if (inst.classValue() == rule.classification) { rule.noOfCorrectlyCovered++; } else { // validate the current rule if (rule.ruleShouldBeRemoved()) { rulesList.remove(rule); } } } } // check if the sliding windows buffer is filled to the criteria if (slidingWindowsBuffer.size() == slidingWindowsSizeOption.getValue()) { // learn rules with the classifier ArrayList<Rule> learntRules = prismClassifier.learnRules(slidingWindowsBuffer); if (learntRules != null) { rulesList.addAll(learntRules); } // clear sliding window buffer to take more instances slidingWindowsBuffer.clear(); } } @Override protected Measurement[] getModelMeasurementsImpl() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new Measurement[] { new Measurement("Abstaining Rate", abstainingRate()), new Measurement("Tentative Accuracy", tentativeAccuracy()) }; } @Override public void getModelDescription(StringBuilder out, int indent) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void learnRules(ArrayList<Instance> instances) { PrismClassifier prismClassifier = new PrismClassifier(); prismClassifier.learnRules(instances); } public ArrayList<Rule> RulesCoveredInstance(Instance instance) { ArrayList<Rule> coveredRule = new ArrayList<>(); for (Rule rule : rulesList) { if (rule.coveredByRule(instance)) { coveredRule.add(rule); } } return coveredRule; } public class PrismClassifier { public ArrayList<Rule> learnRules(ArrayList<Instance> instancesListIn) { // set training set from input set ArrayList<Instance> inputInstances = new ArrayList<>(instancesListIn); // check if there are instances from unlearnt buffer if (unlearntInstancesList.size() > 0) { inputInstances.addAll(unlearntInstancesList); unlearntInstancesList.clear(); } // work out number of class labels int noClassLabels = inputInstances.get(0).numClasses(); // list of attributes for the data instance ArrayList<Attribute> attributesList = Collections.list(inputInstances.get(0).enumerateAttributes()); // Original datasets || need to be reset when move on to new classification ArrayList<Instance> originalDataset = new ArrayList<>(inputInstances); // rules library to store ArrayList<Rule> rulesList = new ArrayList<>(); // dataset inormation instance Instance infoInstance = (Instance) inputInstances.get(0).copy(); // check if the dataset containt more than one class if (noOfClassifications(inputInstances) <= 1) { unlearntInstancesList.addAll(inputInstances); return null; } // Map of Gauss distributions for attribute Map<Attribute, Map<Double, NormalDistribution>> numericAttributeClassGaussDistributions = new HashMap<>( initialiseGaussianDistributionForNumericAttribute(infoInstance, inputInstances)); // loop through each class label for (double classLabelIndex = 0; classLabelIndex < noClassLabels;) { // D dataset for the classification ArrayList<Instance> datasetD = new ArrayList<>(originalDataset); // probabilities for each attribute-value TreeMap<Double, RuleTerm> attributeValuesProbability = new TreeMap<>(); // used attribute, and should not be used to induce new rule term List<Attribute> usedAttributes = new ArrayList<>(); // An empty rule Rule rule = new Rule((int) noClassLabels, classLabelIndex, infoInstance.classAttribute(), GeRules.this.totalSeenInstances); boolean goodRule = true; while (containOtherClasses(datasetD, classLabelIndex) != true) { // Calcuate probability of occurences for each attribute-value for (Attribute attribute : attributesList) { // stop if this attribute is already used to induce rule term if (usedAttributes.contains(attribute) == false) { // check whether the attribute is categorical or numeric if (attribute.isNominal()) { for (double i = 0; i < attribute.numValues(); i++) { // create RuleTerm for this attribute-value RuleTerm ruleTerm = new RuleTerm(attribute, i); attributeValuesProbability.put( calculateProbabilityOfOccurence(ruleTerm, datasetD, classLabelIndex), ruleTerm); } // the attribute is numeric } else { NormalDistribution normalDistribution = null; normalDistribution = numericAttributeClassGaussDistributions.get(attribute) .get(classLabelIndex); double[] bounds = findLowerUpperNumericAttributeForClassLabel(normalDistribution, attribute, datasetD); double rangeProbability = normalDistribution.probability(bounds[0], bounds[1]); RuleTerm ruleTerm = new RuleTerm(attribute, bounds[0], bounds[1]); attributeValuesProbability.put(rangeProbability, ruleTerm); } } } // check class clash if (attributeValuesProbability.isEmpty()) { if (isClassTheMajortiy(datasetD, classLabelIndex)) { // stop inducing new rule term for current dataset break; } else { // don't include this rule in rule lib goodRule = false; break; } } // selecting the ruleTerm (attribute-value) with highest conditional probability // no need to induces ruleterm and the rule term probability = 0 (useless) if (attributeValuesProbability.lastEntry().getKey() == 0.0d) { break; } RuleTerm selectedRuleTerm = attributeValuesProbability.lastEntry().getValue(); // add ruleTerm to rule rule.addRuleTerm(selectedRuleTerm); // add used attribute usedAttributes.add(selectedRuleTerm.attribute); // logger.debug("Adding rule term to rule"); // creating subset of datasets, containing all instances covered by selected ruleTerm datasetD = instancesCoveredByRuleTerm(datasetD, selectedRuleTerm); // clear attribute probability attributeValuesProbability.clear(); } // add rule to ruleslibrary if (goodRule && rule.listOfRuleTerm.size() > 0) { // no. of instances covered by rule at once complete for statictic monitor rule.setInstancesCoveredWhenRuleCreated(datasetD.size()); rulesList.add(rule); } // removed instances covered by rule from original datasets originalDataset = removeInstances(originalDataset, datasetD); // check no more instances from given class if (notContainClassification(datasetD, classLabelIndex)) { classLabelIndex++; // reset original dataset for new classification originalDataset.clear(); originalDataset = new ArrayList<>(inputInstances); } } return rulesList; } private void initPrism() { } private double calculateProbabilityOfOccurence(RuleTerm ruleTerm, ArrayList<Instance> dataset, double classification) { int totalNoInstancesCoveredByRuleTerm = 0; int totalNoInstancesCoveredByRuleTermWithClassification = 0; List<Instance> instancesList = new ArrayList<>(dataset); for (Instance instance : instancesList) { if (instance.value(ruleTerm.attribute) == ruleTerm.value) { totalNoInstancesCoveredByRuleTerm++; // check if ruleTerm covered instance for specific classification if (instance.classValue() == classification) { totalNoInstancesCoveredByRuleTermWithClassification++; } } } double probabilityOfOccurencesForClassification = (double) totalNoInstancesCoveredByRuleTermWithClassification / (double) totalNoInstancesCoveredByRuleTerm; return Double.isNaN(probabilityOfOccurencesForClassification) ? 0.0d : probabilityOfOccurencesForClassification; } private ArrayList<Instance> instancesCoveredByRuleTerm(ArrayList<Instance> instances, RuleTerm ruleTerm) { List<Instance> instancesList = new ArrayList<>(instances); List<Instance> instancesCoveredList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Instance instance : instancesList) { if (ruleTerm.coveredByRuleTerm(instance)) { instancesCoveredList.add(instance); } } return (ArrayList<Instance>) instancesCoveredList; } private boolean containOtherClasses(ArrayList<Instance> instances, double classification) { List<Instance> instancesList = new ArrayList<>(instances); for (Instance instance : instancesList) { if (instance.classValue() != classification) { return false; } } return true; } private ArrayList<Instance> removeInstances(ArrayList<Instance> instancesA, ArrayList<Instance> instancesB) { ArrayList<Instance> afterRemovedInstancesList = new ArrayList<>(); InstanceComparator instanceComparator = new InstanceComparator(true); List<Instance> instancesAList = new ArrayList<>(instancesA); List<Instance> instancesBList = new ArrayList<>(instancesB); List<Integer> indexInstancesToBeRemoved = new ArrayList<>(); int i = 0; for (Instance instance : instancesAList) { for (Instance instancej : instancesBList) { if (, instancej) == 0) { indexInstancesToBeRemoved.add(i); break; } } i++; } // Sort the index to be removed Collections.sort(indexInstancesToBeRemoved); // removing all instances of B from A // reverse iteration is used to avoid order mess up in ArrayList for (int j2 = indexInstancesToBeRemoved.size() - 1; j2 >= 0; j2--) { // need to cast to int for removing at index instancesAList.remove((int) indexInstancesToBeRemoved.get(j2)); } for (Instance instance : instancesAList) { afterRemovedInstancesList.add(instance); } return afterRemovedInstancesList; } private boolean notContainClassification(ArrayList<Instance> instances, double classification) { List<Instance> instancesList = new ArrayList<>(instances); for (Instance instance : instancesList) { if (instance.classValue() == classification) { return false; } } return true; } // check if given class is majority in given dataset private boolean isClassTheMajortiy(ArrayList<Instance> instances, double classification) { List<Instance> instancesList = new ArrayList<>(instances); TreeMap<Double, Double> classificationProbability = new TreeMap<>(); Attribute classAttribute = instances.get(0).classAttribute(); for (double i = 0; i < classAttribute.numValues(); i++) { int matchedClassCount = 0; for (Instance instance : instancesList) { if (instance.classValue() == i) { matchedClassCount++; } } classificationProbability.put(((double) matchedClassCount / (double) instancesList.size()), i); } return (classificationProbability.lastEntry().getValue() == classification); } // return no. of class labels in the dataset private int noOfClassifications(ArrayList<Instance> instances) { Set<Integer> classLabels = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Instance instance : instances) { // add class label to the list if not already exist if (classLabels.contains((int) instance.classValue()) == false) { classLabels.add((int) instance.classValue()); } } return classLabels.size(); } private Map<Attribute, Map<Double, NormalDistribution>> initialiseGaussianDistributionForNumericAttribute( Instance instanceInfo, ArrayList<Instance> instancesList) { Map<Attribute, Map<Double, NormalDistribution>> numericAttributeClassGaussDistributions = new HashMap<>(); // go through each numeric attibute for (Attribute attribute : Collections.list(instanceInfo.enumerateAttributes())) { // check whether the attribute is numeric if (attribute.isNumeric()) { // for each class label HashMap<Double, NormalDistribution> classLabelDistribution = new HashMap<>(); for (int classLabelNo = 0; classLabelNo < instanceInfo.numClasses(); classLabelNo++) { // go through all instance in the dataset to create normal distribution SummaryStatistics summaryStatistics = new SummaryStatistics(); for (Instance instance : instancesList) { summaryStatistics.addValue(instance.value(attribute)); } // create normal distribution for this attribute with corresponding // class label NormalDistribution normalDistribution = new NormalDistribution(summaryStatistics.getMean(), summaryStatistics.getStandardDeviation()); // map to hold classLabel and distribution classLabelDistribution.put((double) classLabelNo, normalDistribution); } // put it into the map numericAttributeClassGaussDistributions.put(attribute, classLabelDistribution); } } return numericAttributeClassGaussDistributions; } private double calculateDensityProbabilityNumericAttribute(RuleTerm ruleTerm, NormalDistribution normalDistribution) { // Cumulative probability for given class label double DensityProbability = normalDistribution.density(ruleTerm.value); return DensityProbability; } //Hoeffding Bound private double ComputeHoeffdingBound(double range, double confidence, int n) { return Math.sqrt(((range * range) * Math.log(1.0 / confidence)) / (2.0 * n)); } // work out lowerbound and upperbound from dataset for given // normal distribution of numeric attribute private double[] findLowerUpperNumericAttributeForClassLabel(NormalDistribution normalDistribution, Attribute attribute, ArrayList<Instance> instancesList) { // density probaility for each numeric value from the attribute from the dataset TreeMap<Double, Double> densityProbabilitiesOfValues = new TreeMap<>(); for (Instance instance : instancesList) { // get value of the attribute from an instance double valueOfAttribute = instance.value(attribute); // calculate density probability double densityProbability = normalDistribution.density(valueOfAttribute); // add to density probability map to find the best later densityProbabilitiesOfValues.put(densityProbability, valueOfAttribute); } double valueWithBestDensityProbability = densityProbabilitiesOfValues.lastEntry().getValue(); TreeMap<Double, Double> smallerSideOfValueWithBestProbability = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap<Double, Double> greaterSideOfValueWithBestProbability = new TreeMap<>(); // work out list of values and their corresponding density probability for (Entry<Double, Double> probabilityValueEntry : densityProbabilitiesOfValues.entrySet()) { // value greater than best value should be added to greater side if (probabilityValueEntry.getValue() > valueWithBestDensityProbability) { greaterSideOfValueWithBestProbability.put(probabilityValueEntry.getKey(), probabilityValueEntry.getValue()); } // otherwise, should be added to smaller side else if (probabilityValueEntry.getValue() < valueWithBestDensityProbability) { smallerSideOfValueWithBestProbability.put(probabilityValueEntry.getKey(), probabilityValueEntry.getValue()); } } double[] boundsForAttribute = new double[2]; if (smallerSideOfValueWithBestProbability.isEmpty()) { boundsForAttribute[0] = valueWithBestDensityProbability; } else { boundsForAttribute[0] = smallerSideOfValueWithBestProbability.lastEntry().getValue(); } if (greaterSideOfValueWithBestProbability.isEmpty()) { boundsForAttribute[1] = valueWithBestDensityProbability; } else { boundsForAttribute[1] = greaterSideOfValueWithBestProbability.lastEntry().getValue(); } return boundsForAttribute; } } public class Rule { // list of all relevant rule terms to build a complete rule List<RuleTerm> listOfRuleTerm; // rule classification which this rule refers to: condition AND condition = CLASSIFICATION double classification; // classification attribute Attribute classificationAttribute; // rule age indicated at when the rule is created (time = no. of seen instances) int age; // just for statistic monitor int instancesCoveredWhenRuleCreated; // class distribution of the rule double[] classDistribution; // number of instances that rule matches and correctly cover int noOfCovered; int noOfCorrectlyCovered; public Rule(int noOfClassLabels, double classificationIn, Attribute classificationAttributeIn, int ageIn) { listOfRuleTerm = new ArrayList<>(); classification = classificationIn; classificationAttribute = classificationAttributeIn; age = ageIn; classDistribution = new double[noOfClassLabels]; noOfCovered++; noOfCorrectlyCovered++; } public void addRuleTerm(RuleTerm ruleTerm) { listOfRuleTerm.add(ruleTerm); } public boolean coveredByRule(Instance instance) { // check whether all rule terms are satisfied for (RuleTerm ruleTerm : listOfRuleTerm) { if (!ruleTerm.coveredByRuleTerm(instance)) { return false; } } return true; } public void updateClassDistribution(Instance instance) { // update class distribution of the rule with correct class label classDistribution[(int) instance.classValue()]++; } // return the major class in the rule class distribution public int classWithLargestValueInDistribution() { return Utils.maxIndex(classDistribution); } // return accuracy rate of this rule public double accRate() { return ((double) noOfCorrectlyCovered / (double) noOfCovered); } // return coverage with seen intances public double coverage() { return (double) noOfCovered / (double) totalSeenInstances; } public String printRule() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; // write rule term for (RuleTerm ruleTerm : listOfRuleTerm) { sb.append(ruleTerm.printRuleTerm()); // add a AND operator if there are more rule term if (count < listOfRuleTerm.size() - 1) { sb.append(" AND "); } count++; } // add classification sb.append(" THEN "); sb.append(classificationAttribute.value((int) classification)); sb.append(" (age:" + age + ",instsCoverdAtCreated: " + instancesCoveredWhenRuleCreated + ",acc: " + accRate() + ", cover: " + coverage() + ")"); return sb.toString(); } public void setInstancesCoveredWhenRuleCreated(int instancesCoveredWhenRuleCreated) { this.instancesCoveredWhenRuleCreated = instancesCoveredWhenRuleCreated; } // remove rule if accuracy drops below a threshold public boolean ruleShouldBeRemoved() { if (noOfCovered >= MinRuleTriesOption.getValue()) { if (accRate() < ruleValidationThresholdOption.getValue()) { return true; } } return false; } } public class RuleTerm { final static int CATEGORICAL_ATTRIBUTE = 1; final static int NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTE = 2; Attribute attribute; double value; int attribute_type; double numericUpperBound; double numericLowerBound; // constructor for categorical attribute public RuleTerm(Attribute attributeIn, double valueIn) { attribute = attributeIn; // index of the attribute value if the attribute is categorical // actual value of the attribute if the attribute is numeric value = valueIn; // set attribute type attribute_type = CATEGORICAL_ATTRIBUTE; } // constructor for numeric attribute public RuleTerm(Attribute attributeIn, double lowerBound, double upperBound) { attribute = attributeIn; numericLowerBound = lowerBound; numericUpperBound = upperBound; attribute_type = NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTE; } public String getAttributeName() { return; } public boolean coveredByRuleTerm(Instance instance) { // check whether rule term for categorical or // numeric attribute if (attribute_type == CATEGORICAL_ATTRIBUTE) { // index of the value on the attribute from instance matched value in the rule term if (instance.value(attribute) == value) { return true; } } //perform for numeric attribute rule term in form: x(lower bound) < Attribute <= y(upper bound) else if (attribute_type == NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTE) { if (instance.value(attribute) > numericLowerBound && instance.value(attribute) <= numericUpperBound) { return true; } } return false; } public String printRuleTerm() { String ruleTermString = ""; if (attribute_type == CATEGORICAL_ATTRIBUTE) { ruleTermString += "[C]"; } if (attribute_type == NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTE) { ruleTermString += "[N]"; } ruleTermString +=; if (attribute_type == CATEGORICAL_ATTRIBUTE) { ruleTermString += " = "; ruleTermString += attribute.value((int) value); } if (attribute_type == NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTE) { ruleTermString += " : "; ruleTermString += numericLowerBound; ruleTermString += " < (value) <= "; ruleTermString += numericUpperBound; } return ruleTermString; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //ArffFileStream arffFileStream = new ArffFileStream("resources/UCI_KDD/nominal/cmc.arff", -1); // read arff file WEKA way DataSource source = new DataSource("data/cmc.arff"); // stream generator RandomTreeGenerator treeGenerator = new RandomTreeGenerator(); treeGenerator.numClassesOption.setValue(5); treeGenerator.numNumericsOption.setValue(0); treeGenerator.prepareForUse(); // HoeffdingRules classifier GeRules gErules = new GeRules(); gErules.prepareForUse(); // load data into instances set Instances data = source.getDataSet(); // setting class attribute if the data format does not provide this information // For example, the XRFF format saves the class attribute information as well if (data.classIndex() == -1) data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1); // Using Prism classifier //hoeffdingRules.learnRules(Collections.list(data.enumerateInstances())); for (Instance instance : Collections.list(data.enumerateInstances())) { gErules.trainOnInstanceImpl(instance); gErules.correctlyClassifies(instance); } Instance anInstance = Collections.list(data.enumerateInstances()).get(10); System.out.println(anInstance); for (Rule aRule : gErules.RulesCoveredInstance(anInstance)) { System.out.println(aRule.printRule()); } for (Rule aRule : gErules.rulesList) { System.out.println(aRule.printRule()); } } }