Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of MML. * * MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MML. If not, see <>. * (c) copyright Desmond Schmidt 2014 */ package mml.test; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import mml.exception.*; import mml.handler.get.MMLGetMMLHandler; import html.*; import; import; import calliope.core.Utils; import calliope.core.URLEncoder; import mml.constants.Params; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; /** * Test interface for editor * @author desmond */ public class Editor extends Test { String service; String host; String version1; String docid; String requestURL; String style; String title; String author; static String EDITOR_START_JS = "jQuery( document ).ready(function() {"; static String EDITOR_END_JS = "var editor = new MML(opts, dialect);\njQuery(window).load(fu" + "nction() {\n\t\teditor.recomputeImageHeights()\n}); \njQuery(\"#i" + "nfo\").click( function() {\n\t\teditor.toggleHelp();\n});\njQuery" + "(\"#save\").click( function() {\n\t\;\n});\njQuery(" + "\"#dropdown\").change( function() {\n\t\tvar parts = jQuery(\"#dr" + "opdown\").val().split(\"&\");\n\t\tfor ( var i=0;i<parts.len" + "gth;i++ ) {\n\t\t\tvar value = parts[i].split(\"=\");\n\t\t\t" + "if ( value.length== 2 )\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(\"#\"+value[0]).val(valu" + "e[1]);\n\t\t}\n\t\tjQuery(\"form\").submit();\n});\n}); \n"; static String DEROBERTO_1920 = "docid=italian/deroberto/ivicere/cap1&version1=" + "/Base/1920&title=I Vicer&author=De Roberto"; static String DEROBERTO_1894 = "docid=italian/deroberto/ivicere/cap1&version1=" + "/Base/1894&title=I Vicer&author=De Roberto"; static String HARPUR_1883 = "docid=english/harpur/h642&version1=/h642j" + "&title=Poems&author=Harpur"; public Editor() { super(); this.encoding = "UTF-8"; } /** * Ensure that an expected parameter has a sensible default * @param request the http request * @param param the parameter name * @param dflt its default value * @return the value assigned */ String ensureParam(HttpServletRequest request, String param, String dflt) { String value = request.getParameter(param); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) value = dflt; return value; } public void handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String urn) throws MMLException { try { this.requestURL = request.getRequestURL().toString(); this.service = Utils.first(request.getRequestURI()); = request.getServerName(); this.docid = ensureParam(request, Params.DOCID, "italian/deroberto/ivicere/cap1"); this.version1 = ensureParam(request, Params.VERSION1, "/Base/1920"); = ensureParam(request, Params.STYLE, "italian/deroberto"); this.title = ensureParam(request, Params.TITLE, "I Vicer"); = ensureParam(request, Params.AUTHOR, "De Roberto"); composePage(); response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); response.getWriter().println(doc); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MMLException(e); } } /** * Read a utf-8 file and convert it to a string * @param name the local name of the file or path * @return a String being the file contents */ String readFile(String name) throws MMLTestException { try { File f = new File(name); byte[] data = new byte[(int) f.length()]; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);; fis.close(); return new String(data, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MMLTestException(e); } } /** * Escape characters if the string was set to the value of an option * @param value the value of a select option * @return the value with <, >, " escaped (<=<,>=>,"=<q>) */ private String escape(String value) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); if (c == '"') sb.append("<q>"); else if (c == '<') sb.append("<"); else if (c == '>') sb.append(">"); else sb.append(c); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Add a single option-group to the styles menu * @param select the selct element * @param dObj the dialect JSON object * @param name the name of the format collection in dObj * @param label the name of the optgroup to appear in menu */ private void addOptGroup(Element select, JSONObject dObj, String name, String label) { JSONArray items = (JSONArray) dObj.get(name); if (items != null) { Element group = new Element("optgroup"); group.addAttribute("label", label); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { JSONObject item = (JSONObject) items.get(i); Element option = new Element("option"); item.put("type", name); String value = item.toJSONString(); value = escape(value); option.addAttribute("value", value); String text = (String) item.get("prop"); //System.out.println(text); option.addText(text); group.addChild(option); } select.addChild(group); } } /** * Create a select dropdown with the dialect's styles * @param dialect the dialect file * @return a select list with groups for para headings and charfmts */ private Element getStyles(String dialect) { JSONObject dObj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(dialect); Element select = new Element("select"); select.addAttribute("id", "styles"); addOptGroup(select, dObj, "headings", "headings"); addOptGroup(select, dObj, "paraformats", "paragraph formats"); addOptGroup(select, dObj, "charformats", "character formats"); addOptGroup(select, dObj, "dividers", "dividers"); addOptGroup(select, dObj, "milestones", "milestones"); addOptGroup(select, dObj, "codeblocks", "verbatim"); addOptGroup(select, dObj, "quotations", "quotations"); return select; } /** * Create a temporary toolbar at the top. * @param dialect the dialect describing the formats * @return a div element with some buttons */ Element createToolbar(String dialect) { Element wrapper = new Element("div"); wrapper.addAttribute("id", "toolbar-wrapper"); Element toolbar = new Element("div"); toolbar.addAttribute("id", "toolbar"); Element dropdown = new Element("select"); dropdown.addAttribute("class", "dropdown"); dropdown.addAttribute("id", "dropdown"); Element option1 = new Element("option"); String currentValue = "docid=" + docid + "&version1=" + version1; option1.addAttribute("value", DEROBERTO_1920); if (DEROBERTO_1920.startsWith(currentValue)) option1.addAttribute("selected", ""); option1.addText("De Roberto I Vicer 1920 Chapter 1"); dropdown.addChild(option1); Element option2 = new Element("option"); option2.addAttribute("value", HARPUR_1883); if (HARPUR_1883.startsWith(currentValue)) option2.addAttribute("selected", ""); option2.addText("Harpur Tower of the Dream 1883"); dropdown.addChild(option2); Element option3 = new Element("option"); option3.addAttribute("value", DEROBERTO_1894); option3.addText("De Roberto I Vicer 1894 Chapter 1"); if (DEROBERTO_1894.startsWith(currentValue)) option3.addAttribute("selected", ""); dropdown.addChild(option3); wrapper.addChild(dropdown); Element save = new Element("button"); save.addAttribute("title", "saved"); save.addAttribute("class", "saved-button"); save.addAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); save.addAttribute("id", "save"); wrapper.addChild(save); Element info = new Element("button"); info.addAttribute("title", "about the markup"); info.addAttribute("class", "info-button"); info.addAttribute("id", "info"); wrapper.addChild(info); Element annotate = new Element("button"); annotate.addAttribute("title", "add a note"); annotate.addAttribute("class", "annotate-button"); annotate.addAttribute("id", "annotate"); wrapper.addChild(annotate); Element styles = getStyles(dialect); wrapper.addChild(styles); toolbar.addChild(wrapper); return toolbar; } void writeHiddenTag(Element parent, String name, String value) { Element hidden = new Element("input"); hidden.addAttribute("type", "hidden"); hidden.addAttribute("name", name); hidden.addAttribute("id", name); hidden.addAttribute("value", value); parent.addChild(hidden); } String section() { String[] parts = docid.split("/"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 3; i < parts.length; i++) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append("/"); sb.append(parts[i]); } return sb.toString(); } String author() { String[] parts = docid.split("/"); if (parts.length >= 2) return parts[1]; else return ""; } /** * Write the hidden metadata needed back by the server */ void writeHiddenTags() { Element form = new Element("form"); form.addAttribute("action", this.requestURL); // if visible it will take up space form.addAttribute("style", "display:none"); writeHiddenTag(form, Params.DOCID, docid); writeHiddenTag(form, Params.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); writeHiddenTag(form, Params.STYLE, baseID()); writeHiddenTag(form, Params.FORMAT, "MVD/TEXT"); writeHiddenTag(form, Params.SECTION, section()); // these are set inthe javascript writeHiddenTag(form, Params.AUTHOR, author); writeHiddenTag(form, Params.TITLE, title); writeHiddenTag(form, Params.VERSION1, version1); doc.addElement(form); } /** * Get the opts for this editor * @return an Element (div) containing the content */ private String getOpts(String docid, String version1) throws MMLTestException { JSONObject opts = new JSONObject(); opts.put("source", "source"); opts.put("target", "target"); opts.put("images", "images"); opts.put("formid", "tostil"); return opts.toJSONString(); } /** * Get the opts for this editor * @return an Element (div) containing the content */ private String getMml(String docid, String version1) throws MMLTestException { try { String url = "http://localhost/mml/mml?docid=" + docid + "&version1=" + version1; String res = URLEncoder.getResponseForUrl(url); //System.out.println(url+res); return res; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MMLTestException(e); } } /** * Get the images for this document * @return an Element (div) containing the content */ private String getImages() throws MMLTestException { try { String url = "http://localhost/mml/images?docid=" + docid + "&version1=" + version1; return URLEncoder.getResponseForUrl(url).trim(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MMLTestException(e); } } /** * Get the css for this document * @return an Element (div) containing the content */ private String getCss() throws MMLTestException { try { String url = "http://localhost/mml/corform/" + shortID() + "/default"; return URLEncoder.getResponseForUrl(url).trim(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MMLTestException(e); } } /** * Get the short version of the docid (language/author/work) * @return a shortened docid for dialect etc */ String shortID() { String[] parts = docid.split("/"); if (parts.length >= 3) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(parts[0]); sb.append("/"); sb.append(parts[1]); sb.append("/"); sb.append(parts[2]); return sb.toString(); } else return docid; } /** * Get the basic ID from docid (just language/author) * @return a String */ String baseID() { String[] parts = docid.split("/"); if (parts.length >= 2) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(parts[0]); sb.append("/"); sb.append(parts[1]); return sb.toString(); } else return docid; } /** * Build the test age for the editor * @throws MMLTestException */ void composePage() throws MMLTestException { Head head = doc.getHead(); head.addEncoding(encoding); head.addCssFile("/mml/static/css/mml.css"); head.addCssFile("/mml/static/css/custom/jquery-ui.min.css"); head.addCssFile("/mml/static/css/tinyeditor.css"); String css = getCss(); head.addCss(css); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/jquery-1.11.1.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/jquery-ui.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/refloc.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/formatter.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/info.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/rangyinputs-jquery.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/styles.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/rangy-core.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/buffer.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/tiny.editor.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/annotate.js"); head.addScriptFile("/mml/static/js/mml.js"); String dialect = MMLGetMMLHandler.getDialect(shortID(), version1); String opts = getOpts(docid, version1); StringBuilder js = new StringBuilder(); js.append(EDITOR_START_JS); js.append("var dialect = "); js.append(dialect); js.append(";\n"); js.append("var opts = "); js.append(opts); js.append(";\n"); js.append(EDITOR_END_JS); doc.getHead().addScript(js.toString()); Element toolbar = createToolbar(dialect); doc.addElement(toolbar); Element wrapper = new Element("div"); wrapper.addAttribute("id", "wrapper"); wrapper.addText(getImages()); Element help = new Element("div"); help.addAttribute("id", "help"); wrapper.addChild(help); Element textarea = new Element("textarea"); textarea.addAttribute("id", "source"); String mml = getMml(docid, version1); textarea.addText(mml); wrapper.addChild(textarea); Element target = new Element("div"); target.addAttribute("id", "target"); wrapper.addChild(target); doc.addElement(wrapper); writeHiddenTags(); } }