Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of MML. * * MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MML. If not, see <>. * (c) copyright Desmond Schmidt 2014 */ package; import calliope.AeseSpeller; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import calliope.core.constants.Database; import calliope.core.constants.JSONKeys; import calliope.core.database.Connection; import calliope.core.exception.DbException; import mml.constants.Formats; import mml.constants.Params; import calliope.core.database.Connector; import calliope.core.exception.JSONException; import mml.exception.MMLException; import mml.exception.MMLSaveException; import calliope.core.json.corcode.Range; import mml.handler.mvd.Archive; import mml.Autosave; import mml.handler.json.STILDocument; import mml.handler.scratch.ScratchVersionSet; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import java.util.HashSet; /** * Handle POST events. Mostly saves. * @author desmond */ public class MMLPostHTMLHandler extends MMLPostHandler { static HashSet<String> milestones; static { milestones = new HashSet<String>(); milestones.add("page"); // add more milestone keywords here } boolean prevWasMilestone; void parseRequest(HttpServletRequest request) throws FileUploadException, Exception { if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) { DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory); upload.setHeaderEncoding(encoding); List<FileItem> items = upload.parseRequest(request); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { FileItem item = (FileItem) items.get(i); if (item.isFormField()) { String fieldName = item.getFieldName(); if (fieldName != null) { String contents = item.getString(encoding); if (fieldName.equals(Params.DOCID)) this.docid = contents; else if (fieldName.equals(Params.DIALECT)) { JSONObject jv = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(contents); if (jv.get("language") != null) this.langCode = (String) jv.get("language"); this.dialect = jv; } else if (fieldName.equals(Params.HTML)) { html = contents; } else if (fieldName.equals(Params.ENCODING)) encoding = contents; else if (fieldName.equals(Params.AUTHOR)) author = contents; else if (fieldName.equals(Params.TITLE)) title = contents; else if (fieldName.equals(Params.STYLE)) style = contents; else if (fieldName.equals(Params.FORMAT)) format = contents; else if (fieldName.equals(Params.SECTION)) section = contents; else if (fieldName.equals(Params.VERSION1)) version1 = contents; else if (fieldName.equals(Params.DESCRIPTION)) description = contents; } } // we're not uploading files } if (encoding == null) encoding = "UTF-8"; if (author == null) author = "Anon"; if (style == null) style = "TEI/default"; if (format == null) format = "MVD/TEXT"; if (section == null) section = ""; if (version1 == null) version1 = "/Base/first"; if (description == null) description = "Version " + version1; if (docid == null) throw new Exception("missing docid"); if (html == null) throw new Exception("Missing html"); if (dialect == null) throw new Exception("Missing dialect"); } } /** * Parse a paragraph. These may be "p" or "hN" elements, often with classes * @param p the paragraph/heading element from the document fragment * @param defaultName the default name for the property */ private void parsePara(Element p, String defaultName) throws JSONException { List<Node> children = p.childNodes(); String name = p.attr("class"); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) name = defaultName; if (isLineFormat(name) || prevWasMilestone) ensure(1, false); else ensure(2, true); int offset = sb.length(); Range r = new Range(name, offset, 0); stil.add(r); for (Node child : children) { if (child instanceof Element) { String nName = child.nodeName().toLowerCase(); if (nName.equals("span")) parseSpan((Element) child); else parseOtherElement((Element) child); } else if (child instanceof TextNode) { TextNode tn = (TextNode) child; sb.append(tn.getWholeText()); } } if (isLineFormat(name)) ensure(1, true); else ensure(2, true); this.stil.updateLen(r, sb.length() - offset); prevWasMilestone = false; } /** * May happen but should not * @param elem an element that is not a span, p or div */ private void parseOtherElement(Element elem) throws JSONException { List<Node> children = elem.childNodes(); int offset = sb.length(); String name = elem.attr("class"); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) name = elem.nodeName(); Range r = new Range(name, offset, 0); stil.add(r); for (Node child : children) { if (child instanceof Element) parseOtherElement((Element) child); else if (child instanceof TextNode) sb.append(((TextNode) child).getWholeText()); } this.stil.updateLen(r, sb.length() - offset); prevWasMilestone = false; } /** * Ensure that there are at least a given number of NLs * @param nNLs the number of newlines that must be at the end of sb * @param erase true if we are allowed to erase existing NLs */ private void ensure(int nNLs, boolean erase) { int nExisting = 0; if (sb.length() > 0) { char c = sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1); int index = 1; while (index <= sb.length() && (c == 10 || c == 13)) { nExisting++; index++; c = sb.charAt(sb.length() - index); } } if (nNLs > nExisting) { for (int i = 0; i < nNLs - nExisting; i++) sb.append("\n"); } else if (erase && nNLs < nExisting) { sb.setLength(sb.length() - (nExisting - nNLs)); } } /** * Parse a div (section) * @param div the div * @throws JSONException */ private void parseDiv(Element div) throws JSONException { List<Node> children = div.childNodes(); int offset = sb.length(); String name = div.attr("class"); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) name = "section"; Range r = new Range(name, offset, 0); stil.add(r); for (Node child : children) { if (child instanceof Element) { String nName = child.nodeName().toLowerCase(); if (nName.equals("p")) parsePara((Element) child, "p"); else if (nName.matches("(h|H)\\d")) parsePara((Element) child, nName); else if (child.nodeName().toLowerCase().equals("span")) parseSpan((Element) child); else if (nName.equals("pre")) parsePre((Element) child); else parseOtherElement((Element) child); } } ensure(3, true); this.stil.updateLen(r, sb.length() - offset); prevWasMilestone = false; } /** * Remove leading and trailing punctuation * @param input the raw string * @param leading true if this is the first word of a hyphenated pair * @return the trimmed string */ private String clean(String input, boolean leading) { int start = 0; while (start < input.length()) if (!Character.isLetter(input.charAt(start))) start++; else break; int end = input.length() - 1; while (end >= 0) if (!Character.isLetter(input.charAt(end))) end--; else break; // reset start or end after internal punctuation if (leading) { for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { if (!Character.isLetter(input.charAt(i))) start = i + 1; } } else { for (int i = end; i >= start; i--) { if (!Character.isLetter(input.charAt(i))) end = i - 1; } } return (start <= end) ? input.substring(start, end + 1) : ""; } /** * Check if the span name is a line format * @param name the name of the milestone property * @return true if there is a prop in the milestones called name */ boolean isMilestone(String name) { return milestones.contains(name); } boolean isLineFormat(String name) { JSONArray lfs = (JSONArray) dialect.get("lineformats"); for (int i = 0; i < lfs.size(); i++) { JSONObject lf = (JSONObject) lfs.get(i); if (name.equals((String) lf.get("prop"))) return true; } return false; } /** * Get the text of the element * @param elem the element in question * @return */ String getTextOf(Node elem) { if (elem instanceof TextNode) return ((TextNode) elem).getWholeText(); else if (elem instanceof Element) { String nName = elem.nodeName().toLowerCase(); // skip milestones if (nName.equals("span") && ((Element) elem).attr("class") != null && isMilestone(((Element) elem).attr("class"))) { int offset = sb.length(); String name = ((Element) elem).attr("class"); Range r = new Range(name, offset, 0); try { pages.add(r); } catch (JSONException e) { } return getTextOf(elem.nextSibling()); } else { List<Node> children = elem.childNodes(); StringBuilder concat = new StringBuilder(); for (Node child : children) { concat.append(getTextOf(child)); } return concat.toString(); } } else return ""; } /** * Get the next word AFTER the given element * @param node the node after which we seek the next word * @return the word */ String nextWord(Element node) { StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder(); Node next = node.nextSibling(); String text = ""; if (next != null) { if (next instanceof TextNode) { text = ((TextNode) next).text(); } else if (next instanceof Element) { text = getTextOf(next); } } text = text.trim(); for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) if (!Character.isWhitespace(text.charAt(i))) word.append(text.charAt(i)); else break; return word.toString(); } /** * Parse a codeblock * @param elem the element to parse * @throws a JSON exception */ private void parsePre(Element elem) throws JSONException { if (elem.hasText()) { int offset = sb.length(); String name = elem.attr("class"); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) name = "pre"; Range r = new Range(name, offset, 0); stil.add(r); if (elem.hasAttr("class")) { List<Node> children = elem.childNodes(); for (Node child : children) { if (child instanceof Element) { if (child.nodeName().equals("span")) parseSpan((Element) child); else parseOtherElement((Element) child); } else if (child instanceof TextNode) sb.append(((TextNode) child).getWholeText()); } } else sb.append(elem.text()); this.stil.updateLen(r, sb.length() - offset); } prevWasMilestone = false; ensure(1, false); } /** * Parse a span with a class or not * @param span the span in HTML */ private void parseSpan(Element span) throws JSONException { if (span.hasText()) { int offset = sb.length(); String name = span.attr("class"); Range r = new Range(name, offset, 0); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) name = "span"; if (isMilestone(name)) { pages.add(r); sb.append(span.text()); sb.append("\n"); pages.updateLen(r, sb.length() - offset); prevWasMilestone = true; } else if (name.equals("soft-hyphen")) { stil.add(r); // get previous word int i = sb.length() - 1; while (i > 0 && !Character.isWhitespace(sb.charAt(i))) i--; if (i > 0) i++; String prev = clean(sb.substring(i), true); // get next word String next = clean(nextWord(span), false); if (this.speller.isHardHyphen(prev, next)) = "hard-hyphen"; sb.append(span.text()); stil.updateLen(r, sb.length() - offset); } else // span may contain other spans { stil.add(r); List<Node> children = span.childNodes(); for (Node child : children) { if (child instanceof Element) { String nName = child.nodeName().toLowerCase(); if (nName.equals("span")) parseSpan((Element) child); else parseOtherElement((Element) child); } else if (child instanceof TextNode) { TextNode tn = (TextNode) child; sb.append(tn.text()); } } if (isLineFormat(name)) ensure(1, false); stil.updateLen(r, sb.length() - offset); } } // else strangely no text: ignore it } /** * Parse the body of the HTML fragment * @param body should be contents of the target div in the editor * @throws JSONException */ protected void parseBody(Element body) throws MMLSaveException { try { this.speller = new AeseSpeller(this.langCode); = new StringBuilder(); String style = ScratchVersionSet.getDefaultStyleName(this.docid); stil = new STILDocument(style); pages = new STILDocument(style); if (body.nodeName().toLowerCase().equals("div")) parseDiv(body); else { List<Node> children = body.childNodes(); for (Node child : children) { if (child instanceof Element) { String nName = child.nodeName().toLowerCase(); if (nName.equals("div")) parseDiv((Element) child); else if (nName.equals("p")) parsePara((Element) child, "p"); else if (nName.equals("span")) parseSpan((Element) child); else if (nName.matches("(h|H)\\d")) parsePara((Element) child, nName); else if (nName.equals("pre")) parsePre((Element) child); else parseOtherElement((Element) child); } // else it is insignificant white space } } this.speller.cleanup(); } catch (Exception e) { if (this.speller != null) this.speller.cleanup(); throw new MMLSaveException(e); } } /** * Add the archive to the database * @param archive the archive * @param db cortex or corcode * @throws MMLException */ protected void addToDBase(Archive archive, String db, StringBuilder log) throws MMLException { try { // now get the json docs and add them at the right docid if (!archive.isEmpty()) { String path = new String(docid); if (db.equals(Database.CORCODE)) path += "/default"; Connector.getConnection().putToDb(db, path, archive.toResource(db)); log.append(archive.getLog()); } else log.append("No " + db + " created (empty)\n"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MMLException(e); } } /** * Save the cortex to the scratch collection * @param log record message here */ private void saveCortex(StringBuilder log) throws DbException { try { // send the text,STIL and dialect to the database if (description == null) description = "Version " + this.version1 + " of " + docid; Archive cortex = new Archive(Formats.TEXT, description); cortex.addLongName(version1, description); if (style != null) cortex.setStyle(style); cortex.put(version1, sb.toString().toCharArray()); Connection conn = Connector.getConnection(); String res = conn.getFromDb(Database.SCRATCH, docid); if (res != null) conn.removeFromDb(Database.SCRATCH, docid); addToDBase(cortex, Database.SCRATCH, log); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DbException(e); } } /** * Save the corcode to the temporary scratch collection * @throws DbException */ private void saveCorcode(StringBuilder log) throws DbException { try { // repeat for corcode if (description == null) description = "Version " + this.version1 + " of " + docid; Archive corcode = new Archive(Formats.STIL, description); if (description != null) corcode.addLongName(version1, description); corcode.setStyle(style); corcode.put(version1, stil.toString().toCharArray()); Connection conn = Connector.getConnection(); String ccDocId = docid + "/default"; String res = conn.getFromDb(Database.SCRATCH, ccDocId); if (res != null) conn.removeFromDb(Database.SCRATCH, ccDocId); addToDBase(corcode, Database.SCRATCH, log); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DbException(e); } } /** * Write metadata to scratch space * @param log track log messages here * @throws MMLException */ void saveMetadata(StringBuilder log) throws MMLException { try { Connection conn = Connector.getConnection(); String md = conn.getFromDb(Database.SCRATCH, this.docid); if (md == null) { JSONObject metadata = new JSONObject(); metadata.put(JSONKeys.AUTHOR,; metadata.put(JSONKeys.DOCID, this.docid); metadata.put(JSONKeys.ENCODING, this.encoding); metadata.put(JSONKeys.SECTION, this.section); metadata.put(JSONKeys.TITLE, this.title); metadata.put(JSONKeys.VERSION1, this.version1); md = metadata.toJSONString(); log.append(conn.putToDb(Database.SCRATCH, this.docid, md)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new MMLException(e); } } /** * Handle the request by writing everything out to scratch space * @param request * @param response * @param urn * @throws MMLException */ public void handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String urn) throws MMLException { try { parseRequest(request); StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); Document doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html); Element body = doc.body(); parseBody(body); int totalWait = 0; while (Autosave.inProgress && totalWait < 100000) { Thread.sleep(4000); totalWait += 400; } if (totalWait >= 100000) throw new DbException("Save timed out"); if (!Autosave.inProgress) { Autosave.lock = true; saveCortex(log); saveCorcode(log); saveMetadata(log); Autosave.lock = false; } System.out.println(log.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); Autosave.lock = false; throw new MMLException(e); } } }