Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of MML. * * MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MML. If not, see <>. * (c) copyright Desmond Schmidt 2014 */ package mml.handler.get; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import calliope.core.constants.Database; import mml.constants.Params; import calliope.core.database.Connection; import calliope.core.database.Connector; import calliope.core.constants.JSONKeys; import calliope.core.json.corcode.Range; import calliope.core.json.corcode.Annotation; import mml.exception.*; import mml.handler.scratch.Scratch; import mml.handler.scratch.ScratchVersion; import mml.handler.scratch.ScratchLayer; import calliope.core.Utils; import mml.handler.json.DialectKeys; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import java.util.HashSet; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; /** * Get an MML representation of a file * @author desmond */ public class MMLGetMMLHandler extends MMLGetHandler { /** reverse index property-names to their MML definitions */ HashMap<String, JSONObject> invertIndex; HashMap<Character, String> globals; JSONObject dialect; StringBuilder mml; HashSet<String> lineFormats; /** * Class to represent the postponed end-tag */ class EndTag { String text; int offset; JSONObject def; EndTag(int offset, String text, JSONObject def) { this.offset = offset; this.text = text; this.def = def; } } /** * Emit the start "tag" of an MML property * @param defn the property definition * @param offset the offset in the text * @return the text associated with tag-start */ String mmlStartTag(JSONObject defn, int offset) { String kind = (String) defn.get("kind"); DialectKeys key = DialectKeys.valueOf(kind); StringBuilder sb; switch (key) { case sections: if (!defn.containsKey("prop") || ((String) defn.get("prop")).length() == 0) return "\n\n\n"; else return "\n\n\n{" + (String) defn.get("prop") + "}\n"; case paragraph: case headings: return ""; case charformats: if (defn.containsKey("tag")) return (String) defn.get("tag"); else return (String) defn.get("leftTag"); case lineformats: return (String) defn.get("leftTag"); case paraformats: return (String) defn.get("leftTag"); default: return ""; } } /** * Emit the end-tag associated with an MML property * @param defn the property definition * @param length of the property * @return the text associated with the end of the property */ String mmlEndTag(JSONObject defn, int len) { String kind = (String) defn.get("kind"); DialectKeys key = DialectKeys.valueOf(kind); switch (key) { case sections: return "\n\n\n"; case paragraph: return "\n\n"; case headings: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) sb.append(defn.get("tag")); return "\n" + sb.toString() + "\n\n"; case charformats: if (defn.containsKey("tag")) return (String) defn.get("tag"); else return (String) defn.get("rightTag"); case lineformats: return (String) defn.get("rightTag") + "\n"; case paraformats: return (String) defn.get("rightTag") + "\n\n"; default: return ""; } } /** * Build the invert index one property at a time * @param value the object describing the markup * @param kind the kind of markup object * @param def the default value for the property name */ void enterProp(Object value, String kind, String def) { String prop = (String) ((JSONObject) value).get("prop"); ((JSONObject) value).put("kind", kind); if (prop != null && prop.length() > 0) invertIndex.put(prop, (JSONObject) value); else if (def.length() > 0) invertIndex.put(def, (JSONObject) value); } void reduceGlobal(JSONObject jObj) { String seq = (String) jObj.get("seq"); String rep = (String) jObj.get("rep"); seq = seq.trim(); rep = rep.trim(); jObj.put("seq", seq); jObj.put("rep", rep); } /** * Make a reverse index of the dialect file */ private void invertDialect() throws Exception { this.invertIndex = new HashMap<String,JSONObject>(); JSONArray array; Set<String> keys = this.dialect.keySet(); Iterator<String> iter = keys.iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { String keyword =; DialectKeys key = DialectKeys.valueOf(keyword); Object value = dialect.get(keyword); switch ( key ) { case sections: array = (JSONArray)value; for ( int i=0;i<array.size();i++ ) { JSONObject obj = (JSONObject)array.get(i); enterProp(obj,keyword,"div"); } break; case softhyphens: if (((Boolean)value).booleanValue() ) { JSONObject sh = new JSONObject(); sh.put("kind","charformats"); sh.put("leftTag",""); sh.put("rightTag","\n"); this.invertIndex.put("soft-hyphen",sh); JSONObject hh = new JSONObject(); hh.put("kind","charformats"); hh.put("leftTag",""); hh.put("rightTag","-\n"); this.invertIndex.put("hard-hyphen",sh); } break; case paragraph: enterProp(value,keyword,"paragraph"); break; case headings: case charformats: array = (JSONArray)value; for ( int i=0;i<array.size();i++ ) { JSONObject obj = (JSONObject)array.get(i); enterProp(obj,keyword,(String)obj.get("tag")); } break; case paraformats: array = (JSONArray)value; for ( int i=0;i<array.size();i++ ) { JSONObject obj = (JSONObject)array.get(i); enterProp(obj,keyword,"p"); } break; case lineformats: array = (JSONArray)value; for ( int i=0;i<array.size();i++ ) { JSONObject obj = (JSONObject)array.get(i); enterProp(obj,keyword,"line"); } break; case globals: array = (JSONArray)value; for ( int i=0;i<array.size();i++ ) { JSONObject jObj = (JSONObject)array.get(i); String rep = (String)jObj.get("rep"); if ( rep.length() != 1 ) reduceGlobal(jObj); rep = (String)jObj.get("rep"); if ( rep.length() != 1 ) throw new Exception("Global replacement should be 1 char"); char repChar = rep.charAt(0); globals.put(repChar,(String)jObj.get("seq")); } break; case smartquotes: if ( ((Boolean)value).booleanValue() ) { globals.put('',"'"); globals.put('',"'"); globals.put('',"\""); globals.put('?',"\""); } break; } } } /** * Prune trailing NLs in mml the max of trailing and leading NLs * @param tag the new tag start with leading NLs */ private void normaliseNewlines(String tag) { int leadingNLs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tag.length(); i++) { char c = tag.charAt(i); if (c == '\n') leadingNLs++; else if (c != '\r' && c != ' ' && c != '\t') break; } int trailingNLs = 0; for (int i = mml.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { char c = mml.charAt(i); if (c == '\n') trailingNLs++; else if (c != '\r' && c != ' ' && c != '\t') break; } int both = Math.max(leadingNLs, trailingNLs); int total = leadingNLs + trailingNLs; int delenda = total - both; int mmlEnd = mml.length() - 1; while (mmlEnd > 0 && delenda > 0) { char c = mml.charAt(mmlEnd); if (c == '\n') delenda--; mmlEnd--; } mml.setLength(mmlEnd + 1); } /** * Are we in a section governed by a line format? * @param stack the tag stack * @return true if it is true */ boolean isLineFormat(Stack<EndTag> stack) { if (!stack.isEmpty()) { EndTag top = stack.peek(); if (top != null) { String prop = (String) top.def.get("prop"); return lineFormats.contains(prop); } else return false; } else return false; } /** * Insert the line-start and end for an internal lineformat * @param stack the tag stack to tell us the depth */ void startPreLine(Stack<EndTag> stack) { JSONObject lf = stack.peek().def; String pre = (String) lf.get("leftTag"); String post = (String) lf.get("rightTag"); mml.append(post); mml.append("\n"); mml.append(pre); } /** * Debug: Check that the corcode stil ranges do not go beyond text end * @param stil the stil markup as text * @param text the text it refers to * @return true if it was OK, else false */ boolean verifyCorCode(String stil, String text) { JSONObject jObj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(stil); JSONArray ranges = (JSONArray) jObj.get(JSONKeys.RANGES); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) { JSONObject range = (JSONObject) ranges.get(i); offset += ((Number) range.get("reloff")).intValue(); int len = ((Number) range.get("len")).intValue(); if (offset + len > text.length()) return false; } return true; } private void addAbsoluteOffsets(JSONArray arr) { int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { JSONObject jObj = (JSONObject) arr.get(i); Number reloff = (Number) jObj.get(JSONKeys.RELOFF); offset += reloff.intValue(); jObj.put(JSONKeys.OFFSET, offset); } } /** * Merge two corcode sets * @param cc1 the first corcode as a STIL JSON object * @param cc2 the second corcode as a STIL JSON object * @return a STIL object with the two merged arrays */ JSONObject mergeCorcodes(JSONObject cc1, JSONObject cc2) { JSONArray iArr = (JSONArray) cc1.get("ranges"); JSONArray jArr = (JSONArray) cc2.get("ranges"); String style = (String) cc1.get(JSONKeys.STYLE); addAbsoluteOffsets(iArr); addAbsoluteOffsets(jArr); int i = 0; int j = 0; JSONArray all = new JSONArray(); while (i < iArr.size() || j < jArr.size()) { if (i == iArr.size()) all.add(jArr.get(j++)); else if (j == jArr.size()) all.add(iArr.get(i++)); else { JSONObject iObj = (JSONObject) iArr.get(i); JSONObject jObj = (JSONObject) jArr.get(j); int iOffset = ((Number) iObj.get(JSONKeys.OFFSET)).intValue(); int jOffset = ((Number) jObj.get(JSONKeys.OFFSET)).intValue(); if (iOffset < jOffset) { all.add(iObj); i++; } else if (jOffset < iOffset) { all.add(jObj); j++; } else // equal { int iLen = ((Number) iObj.get(JSONKeys.LEN)).intValue(); int jLen = ((Number) jObj.get(JSONKeys.LEN)).intValue(); if ((iLen == 0 && jLen != 0) || (iLen > jLen)) { all.add(iObj); i++; } else if ((jLen == 0 && iLen != 0) || (jLen > iLen)) { all.add(jObj); j++; } else { all.add(iObj); i++; } } } } JSONObject combined = new JSONObject(); combined.put(JSONKeys.STYLE, style); int prev = 0; for (i = 0; i < all.size(); i++) { JSONObject jObj = (JSONObject) all.get(i); int offset = ((Number) jObj.get(JSONKeys.OFFSET)).intValue(); int reloff = offset - prev; prev = offset; jObj.remove(JSONKeys.OFFSET); jObj.put(JSONKeys.RELOFF, reloff); } combined.put(JSONKeys.RANGES, all); return combined; } /** * Count the numebr of newlines at the end of the MML text being built * @param sb the mml text * @return the number of terminal NLs */ int countTerminalNLs(StringBuilder sb) { int nNLs = 0; for (int i = sb.length() - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (sb.charAt(i) == '\n') nNLs++; else break; } return nNLs; } /** * Create the MMLtext using the invert index and the cortex and corcode * @param cortex the plain text version * @param ccDflt the default STIL markup for that plain text * @param ccPages the page-breaks or null * @param layer the number of the layer to build */ void createMML(ScratchVersion cortex, ScratchVersion ccDflt, ScratchVersion ccPages, int layer) { String text = cortex.getLayerString(layer); mml = new StringBuilder(); String stilDflt = ccDflt.getLayerString(layer); String stilPages = (ccPages == null) ? null : ccPages.getLayerString(layer); JSONObject mDflt = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(stilDflt); if (stilPages != null) { JSONObject mPages = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(stilPages); mDflt = mergeCorcodes(mDflt, mPages); } JSONArray ranges = (JSONArray) mDflt.get("ranges"); Stack<EndTag> stack = new Stack<EndTag>(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) { JSONObject r = (JSONObject) ranges.get(i); Number len = (Number) r.get("len"); Number relOff = (Number) r.get("reloff"); String name = (String) r.get("name"); if (invertIndex.containsKey(name)) { JSONObject def = invertIndex.get(name); String startTag = mmlStartTag(def, offset); String endTag = mmlEndTag(def, len.intValue()); int start = offset + relOff.intValue(); // 1. insert pending end-tags and text before current range int pos = offset; while (!stack.isEmpty() && stack.peek().offset <= start) { // check for NLs here if obj is of type lineformat int tagEnd = stack.peek().offset; boolean isLF = isLineFormat(stack); for (int j = pos; j < tagEnd; j++) { char c = text.charAt(j); if (c != '\n') { if (globals.containsKey(c)) mml.append(globals.get(c)); else mml.append(c); } else if (isLF && j < tagEnd - 1) startPreLine(stack); else mml.append(c); } pos = tagEnd; // newlines are not permitted before tag end while (mml.length() > 0 && mml.charAt(mml.length() - 1) == '\n') mml.setLength(mml.length() - 1); mml.append(stack.pop().text); } // 2. insert intervening text boolean inPre = isLineFormat(stack); int nNLs = countTerminalNLs(mml); for (int j = pos; j < start; j++) { char c = text.charAt(j); if (c == '\n') { if (mml.length() == 0 || nNLs == 0) mml.append(c); if (nNLs > 0) nNLs--; if (inPre) startPreLine(stack); } else { mml.append(c); nNLs = 0; } } // 3. insert new start tag normaliseNewlines(startTag); mml.append(startTag); stack.push(new EndTag(start + len.intValue(), endTag, def)); } else System.out.println("Ignoring tag " + name); offset += relOff.intValue(); } //empty stack int pos = offset; while (!stack.isEmpty()) { int tagEnd = stack.peek().offset; boolean inPre = isLineFormat(stack); for (int j = pos; j < tagEnd; j++) { char c = text.charAt(j); mml.append(c); if (c == '\n' && inPre && j < tagEnd - 1) startPreLine(stack); } pos = tagEnd; // newlines are not permitted before tag end while (mml.length() > 0 && mml.charAt(mml.length() - 1) == '\n') mml.setLength(mml.length() - 1); mml.append(stack.pop().text); } } /** * Get the short form of the full docid * @return language/author/work only */ String shortenDocID(String longDocId) { String[] parts = docid.split("/"); if (parts.length <= 3) return docid; else return parts[0] + "/" + parts[1] + "/" + parts[2]; } /** * Debug: print the invert index (properties to definitions) */ private void printInvertIndex() { Set<String> keys = invertIndex.keySet(); Iterator<String> iter = keys.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key =; System.out.println(key + "," + invertIndex.get(key).toJSONString()); } } /** * Build a quick lookup ltable for lineformats */ void buildLineFormats() { JSONArray lfs = (JSONArray) this.dialect.get("lineformats"); this.lineFormats = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < lfs.size(); i++) { JSONObject lf = (JSONObject) lfs.get(i); String lfProp = (String) lf.get("prop"); lineFormats.add(lfProp); } } /** * Handle the request * @param request the request * @param response the response * @param urn the remaining urn of the request * @throws MMLException */ public void handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String urn) throws MMLException { try { docid = request.getParameter(Params.DOCID); if (docid == null) throw new Exception("You must specify a docid parameter"); version1 = request.getParameter(Params.VERSION1); ScratchVersion cortex, corcodeDefault, corcodePages; cortex = Scratch.getVersion(docid, version1, Database.CORTEX); corcodeDefault = Scratch.getVersion(docid + "/default", version1, Database.CORCODE); corcodePages = Scratch.getVersion(docid + "/pages", version1, Database.CORCODE); String shortID = shortenDocID(docid); String dialectStr = getDialect(shortID, version1); this.dialect = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(dialectStr); globals = new HashMap<Character, String>(); buildLineFormats(); invertDialect(); //printInvertIndex(); int[] layers = cortex.getLayerNumbers(); Arrays.sort(layers); JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(); jObj.put(JSONKeys.VERSION1, version1); JSONArray jArr = new JSONArray(); jObj.put(JSONKeys.LAYERS, jArr); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { createMML(cortex, corcodeDefault, corcodePages, layers[i]); ScratchLayer sl = new ScratchLayer(mml.toString(), ScratchVersion.simpleLayerName(layers[i])); jArr.add(sl.toJSONObject()); } response.setContentType("application/json"); response.setCharacterEncoding(encoding); String jStr = jObj.toJSONString(); response.getWriter().println(jStr); //System.out.println(jObj.toJSONString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MMLException(e); } } /** * Is this piece of text JSON? * @param text the text to test * @return true if it was else false */ private static boolean isJSON(String text) { try { Object res = JSONValue.parse(text); if (res == null) return false; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get a dialect * @param docid the docid of the dialect * @param version1 the version id that may specify a dialect variant * @return an Element (div) containing the content */ public static String getDialect(String docid, String version1) throws MMLTestException { try { Connection conn = Connector.getConnection(); String path = docid; if (version1 != null && !version1.equals("/base")) path += version1; String dialect = conn.getFromDb(Database.DIALECTS, path); if (dialect != null) { JSONObject jObj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(dialect); dialect = (String) jObj.get(JSONKeys.BODY); } else { while (path.length() > 0 && dialect == null) { path = Utils.chomp(path); String bson = conn.getFromDb(Database.DIALECTS, path); if (bson != null) { JSONObject jObj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(bson); dialect = (String) jObj.get(JSONKeys.BODY); } } } if (dialect == null) throw new MMLException("No dialect for " + path + " found"); else return dialect; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MMLTestException(e); } } }