Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package ml; /** * * @author shinchan */ // 1. Image to RGB : // 2. RGB to HSV : // 3. write hsv image back as rgb image to file : // 4. Splite hsv image into smaller cells : trash/testExtractCells import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import modifiedLibraries.MyBitMatrix; import; import cern.colt.bitvector.BitMatrix; import cern.colt.bitvector.BitVector; // #1,#2 //#1 // #1 //#1 //#3 class hsv //ADT to store HSV values. { float h, s, v; float[] hsv = new float[3]; hsv(int r, int g, int b) //convert rgb to hsv and store { Color.RGBtoHSB(r, g, b, hsv); h = hsv[0]; s = hsv[1]; v = hsv[2]; } void display() { System.out.println("HSV : " + h + "," + s + "," + v); } public float[] getHSV() { return hsv; } } class fileData { int type; //type=1 for dog and type=-1 for cats BitVector colorFeatureVector; fileData(int type, BitVector colorFeatureVector) { this.type = type; this.colorFeatureVector = colorFeatureVector; } } class ML { /* * Method to convert image file input to HSV matrix. */ public static hsv[][] img2RGB2HSV(String ip) throws IOException { BufferedImage image; int width, height; File input = new File(ip); image =; width = image.getWidth(); height = image.getHeight(); hsv hsvImage[][] = new hsv[height][width]; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { Color c = new Color(image.getRGB(j, i)); hsvImage[i][j] = new hsv(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue()); } } HSV2File(hsvImage, width, height); return hsvImage; } //overloaded method public static hsv[][] img2RGB2HSV(File input) throws IOException { BufferedImage image; int width, height; // File input = new File(ip); image =; width = image.getWidth(); height = image.getHeight(); hsv hsvImage[][] = new hsv[height][width]; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { Color c = new Color(image.getRGB(j, i)); hsvImage[i][j] = new hsv(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue()); } } // HSV2File(hsvImage,width,height); debugging code removed return hsvImage; } /* * Method to convert an hsv matrix back to normal image file. */ public static void HSV2File(hsv hsvImage[][], int width, int height) throws IOException //store img output as hsv2file.png { BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster(); for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { int RGB = Color.HSBtoRGB(hsvImage[i][j].h, hsvImage[i][j].s, hsvImage[i][j].v); Color c = new Color(RGB); int temp[] = { c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue() }; raster.setPixel(j, i, temp); } } ImageIO.write(image, "PNG", new File("/home/shinchan/FinalProject/PaperImplementation/Eclipse/ML/output/hsv2file.png")); } /* * Method that takes in as input and returns feature vector for colors. */ public static BitVector colorFeatureBuilder(hsv hsvImage[][], int N, int C_h, int C_s, int C_v, int cellDimension) { BitVector feature = new BitVector(N * N * C_h * C_s * C_v); //color feature vector float Ch = C_h, Cs = C_s, Cv = C_v; int cellSize = cellDimension / N, count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { hsv hsvCell[][] = new hsv[cellSize][cellSize]; for (int p = i * cellSize; p < (i + 1) * cellSize; p++) { for (int q = j * cellSize; q < (j + 1) * cellSize; q++) { hsvCell[p - (i * cellSize)][q - (j * cellSize)] = hsvImage[p][q]; } } //now hsvCell = small seperate portion of whole hsv image int x = 256; String temp4 = ""; for (int h = 0; h < C_h; h++) { MyBitMatrix hP = new MyBitMatrix(cellSize, cellSize), sP = new MyBitMatrix(cellSize, cellSize), vP = new MyBitMatrix(cellSize, cellSize); float low = (h / Ch), high = (h + 1) / Ch; // if any h value in hsvCell belongs to range [h/C_h,h+1/C_h] hP=true hP = isInRange(hsvCell, cellSize, low, high, 0); for (int s = 0; s < C_s; s++) { low = s / Cs; high = (s + 1) / Cs; sP = isInRange(hsvCell, cellSize, low, high, 1); for (int v = 0; v < C_v; v++) { low = v / Cv; high = (v + 1) / Cv; vP = isInRange(hsvCell, cellSize, low, high, 2); BitMatrix temp = vP.copy(); temp.and(sP); temp.and(hP); MyBitMatrix FinalMat = MyBitMatrix.toMyBitMatrix(temp); feature.put(count, isAnyTrue(FinalMat)); count++; } } } } } return feature; } /* * Input : matrix of hsv image, comparison data type(0,1,2) i.e. h,s or v, low=lower limit, high=higher limit * * Each element of the input matrix is checked to see whether if it belongs in the range [low,high) * If yes, store true, else store false. * */ public static MyBitMatrix isInRange(hsv hsvCell[][], int cellSize, float low, float high, int type) //type=0,compare hue, 1 saturation { MyBitMatrix ans = new MyBitMatrix(cellSize, cellSize); for (int i = 0; i < cellSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cellSize; j++) { float temp = hsvCell[i][j].getHSV()[type]; if (temp >= low && temp < high) { ans.put(i, j, true); } else { ans.put(i, j, false); } } } return ans; } public static boolean isAnyTrue(MyBitMatrix temp) //returns true if any value is true in the matrix { boolean ans = false; for (int i = 0; i < temp.rows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < temp.columns(); j++) { if (temp.get(i, j)) { ans = true; break; } } } return ans; } /* * batch builds feature vector of all images present in input directory specified by file ip * * Each feature vector is stored along with type=cat/dog together as an element in vector of ADT : fileData */ public static fileData[] batchColorFeatureBuilder(String ip, int N, int C_h, int C_s, int C_v, File trainFile, File fileInputList, int cellDimension) throws IOException { //get array of all files File ipFiles = new File(ip); File allImages[] = ipFiles.listFiles(); int nImages = allImages.length; fileData allImageData[] = new fileData[nImages]; FileWriter op = new FileWriter(trainFile.toString()); FileWriter op2 = new FileWriter(fileInputList.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < nImages; i++) { //System.out.print("On file number :"+(i+1)+", "+allImages[i].getName() + "\n"); String fileNameWithOutExt = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(allImages[i].getName()); op2.write(fileNameWithOutExt + "\n"); op2.flush(); //System.out.println(allImages[i].getName()); if (allImages[i].getName().contains("cat")) //1=dog, 0=cat, -1=unknown { allImageData[i] = new fileData(0, colorFeatureBuilder(img2RGB2HSV(new File(allImages[i].toURI())), N, C_h, C_s, C_v, cellDimension)); } else if (allImages[i].getName().contains("dog")) { allImageData[i] = new fileData(1, colorFeatureBuilder(img2RGB2HSV(new File(allImages[i].toURI())), N, C_h, C_s, C_v, cellDimension)); } else if (allImages[i].getName().contains("airplane")) { allImageData[i] = new fileData(2, colorFeatureBuilder(img2RGB2HSV(new File(allImages[i].toURI())), N, C_h, C_s, C_v, cellDimension)); } else if (allImages[i].getName().contains("automobile")) { allImageData[i] = new fileData(3, colorFeatureBuilder(img2RGB2HSV(new File(allImages[i].toURI())), N, C_h, C_s, C_v, cellDimension)); } else if (allImages[i].getName().contains("bird")) { allImageData[i] = new fileData(4, colorFeatureBuilder(img2RGB2HSV(new File(allImages[i].toURI())), N, C_h, C_s, C_v, cellDimension)); } else if (allImages[i].getName().contains("deer")) { allImageData[i] = new fileData(5, colorFeatureBuilder(img2RGB2HSV(new File(allImages[i].toURI())), N, C_h, C_s, C_v, cellDimension)); } else if (allImages[i].getName().contains("frog")) { allImageData[i] = new fileData(6, colorFeatureBuilder(img2RGB2HSV(new File(allImages[i].toURI())), N, C_h, C_s, C_v, cellDimension)); } else if (allImages[i].getName().contains("horse")) { allImageData[i] = new fileData(7, colorFeatureBuilder(img2RGB2HSV(new File(allImages[i].toURI())), N, C_h, C_s, C_v, cellDimension)); } else if (allImages[i].getName().contains("ship")) { allImageData[i] = new fileData(8, colorFeatureBuilder(img2RGB2HSV(new File(allImages[i].toURI())), N, C_h, C_s, C_v, cellDimension)); } else if (allImages[i].getName().contains("truck")) { allImageData[i] = new fileData(9, colorFeatureBuilder(img2RGB2HSV(new File(allImages[i].toURI())), N, C_h, C_s, C_v, cellDimension)); } //store intermed. results start here StringBuffer ip2 = new StringBuffer(); ip2.append(allImageData[i].type); for (int j = 0; j < allImageData[i].colorFeatureVector.size(); j++) { if (allImageData[i].colorFeatureVector.get(j)) { ip2.append(" " + (j + 1) + ":1"); } } ip2.append("\n"); op.write(ip2.toString()); op.flush(); //end intermed. results } op.close(); op2.close(); return allImageData; } public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { int N = 5, C_h = 10, C_s = 6, C_v = 6, cellDimension = 250; String ip = new String("/home/shinchan/Downloads/zipFiles/testResized"); fileData allImageData[] = batchColorFeatureBuilder(ip, N, C_h, C_s, C_v, new File("/home/shinchan/FinalProject/PaperImplementation/Eclipse/ML/input/continuousTest2.train"), new File("/home/shinchan/FinalProject/PaperImplementation/Eclipse/ML/output/filesInputTest2.txt"), cellDimension); } }