Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Barzan Mozafari * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package middleware; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import; import; /** * The thread to listen to middle port and construct connection to both clients * and server * * @author Hongyu Wu * */ public class NewServerSocket extends Thread { private SharedData sharedData; private ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel; private ServerSocketChannel adminServerSocketChannel; private Selector selector; private Iterator<SelectionKey> keyIterator; private File dir; private int numWorkers; private NewWorker[] workers; private byte[] data; private ByteBuffer buffer; private boolean endingMonitoring; private boolean sendingFiles; private boolean monitoring; private boolean dstatDeployed; private boolean failDeployDstat; private boolean configSetenv; private boolean sendLog = false; private boolean isIncrementalLogging = false; private String mysql_user; private String mysql_pass; private String mysql_host; private String mysql_port; // private Thread liveAggregateProcessThread = null; private Thread incrementalLogThread = null; private IncrementalLogSender incrementalLogSender = null; private LogTailer sysLogTailer = null; private LogTailer sLogTailer = null; private LogTailer qLogTailer = null; private LogTailer tLogTailer = null; private Thread sysLogTailerThread = null; private Thread sLogTailerThread = null; private Thread qLogTailerThread = null; private Thread tLogTailerThread = null; private Map<String, byte[]> userInfo; private String zipFileName = ""; private byte[] fileBuffer; private MiddleSocketChannel curUser; private ArrayList<MiddleSocketChannel> userList; private Process dstat; private Process ntpdate; private Process stopRemoteDstat; private BlockingQueue<IncrementalLog> incrementalLogQueue; NewServerSocket(SharedData s) { sharedData = s; try { serverSocketChannel =; serverSocketChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(s.getMiddlePortNum())); serverSocketChannel.configureBlocking(false); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error: cannot bind to port " + s.getMiddlePortNum()); e.printStackTrace(); } try { adminServerSocketChannel =; adminServerSocketChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(s.getAdminPortNum())); adminServerSocketChannel.configureBlocking(false); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error: cannot bind to port " + s.getAdminPortNum()); e.printStackTrace(); } try { selector =; serverSocketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); adminServerSocketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } keyIterator = null; dir = new File(sharedData.getFilePathName() + File.separator + "Transactions"); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } else { for (File f : dir.listFiles()) { if (!f.delete()) { // TODO } } } numWorkers = sharedData.getNumWorkers(); workers = new NewWorker[numWorkers]; for (int i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) { Selector tmpS = null; try { tmpS =; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } workers[i] = new NewWorker(sharedData, tmpS); workers[i].start(); } data = new byte[sharedData.getMaxSize()]; buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); endingMonitoring = false; sendingFiles = false; monitoring = false; dstatDeployed = false; failDeployDstat = false; configSetenv = false; mysql_user = null; mysql_pass = null; mysql_host = null; mysql_port = null; sharedData.allTransactionData = new ArrayList<TransactionData>(); sharedData.allTransactions = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<Integer, byte[]>(); // sharedData.allStatementsInfo = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<byte[]>(); sharedData.allQueries = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long, QueryData>(); userInfo = Encrypt.getUsrMap(sharedData.getUserInfoFilePath()); fileBuffer = new byte[1024]; curUser = null; userList = new ArrayList<MiddleSocketChannel>(); dstat = null; ntpdate = null; stopRemoteDstat = null; incrementalLogQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<IncrementalLog>(64 * 1024); } public void run() { int count = 0; while (!sharedData.isEndOfProgram()) { try { if (monitoring) {; } else {; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } keyIterator = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (keyIterator.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key =; keyIterator.remove(); if (key.isAcceptable()) { if ( == serverSocketChannel) { SocketChannel socketChannel = null; try { socketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (socketChannel != null) { MiddleClient middleClient = new MiddleClient(sharedData.getServerIpAddr(), sharedData.getServerPortNum()); middleClient.startClient(); MiddleServer middleServer = new MiddleServer(socketChannel); TransactionData transactionData = new TransactionData(sharedData, middleServer); middleServer.startServer(transactionData); int len = 0; buffer.clear(); len = middleClient.getInput(buffer); middleServer.sendOutput(buffer, len); buffer.clear(); len = middleServer.getInput(buffer); transactionData.setUserId(getUserId(data)); middleClient.sendOutput(buffer, len); middleServer.setNonBlocking(); middleClient.setNonBlocking(); if (sharedData.isOutputToFile()) { transactionData.openFileOutputStream(); } sharedData.allTransactionData.add(transactionData); workers[count % numWorkers].socketMap.put(middleServer.socketChannel, middleServer); workers[count % numWorkers].socketMap.put(middleClient.socketChannel, middleClient); middleServer.register(workers[count % numWorkers].selector, middleClient); middleClient.register(workers[count % numWorkers].selector, middleServer); ++count; } } else if ( == adminServerSocketChannel) { SocketChannel sock = null; try { sock = adminServerSocketChannel.accept(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (sock != null) { try { sock.configureBlocking(true); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } MiddleSocketChannel middleSocketChannel = new MiddleSocketChannel(sock); middleSocketChannel.setNonBlocking(); middleSocketChannel.register(selector, middleSocketChannel); } } } else if (key.isReadable()) { MiddleSocketChannel middleSocketChannel = (MiddleSocketChannel) key.attachment(); buffer.clear(); int len = middleSocketChannel.getInput(buffer); if (len == -1) { middleSocketChannel.cancelKey(); continue; } buffer.position(0); int packetID = 0; long packetLength = -1; boolean isValidPacket = true; try { packetID = buffer.getInt(); packetLength = buffer.getLong(); } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(102); String response = "Invalid packet header"; buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); isValidPacket = false; middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } if (isValidPacket) { if (packetID == 100) { if (userList.contains(middleSocketChannel)) { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(102); String response = "You have already logged in"; buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else if (packetLength <= 0) { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(102); String response = "Invalid packet length"; buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else { String userID = null; byte[] password = new byte[Encrypt.MAX_LENGTH]; byte[] packet = new byte[(int) packetLength]; buffer.get(packet); userID = parseLogInPacket(packet, password); if (userInfo.get(userID) != null && Arrays.equals(((byte[]) userInfo.get(userID)), Encrypt.encrypt(password))) { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(101); buffer.putLong(0); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); userList.add(middleSocketChannel); } else { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(102); String response = "Invalid User ID or password"; buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } } } else if (packetID == 103) { stopIncrementalLogging(); } else if (packetID == 200) { if (userList.contains(middleSocketChannel)) { if (sharedData.isOutputToFile() || endingMonitoring || sendingFiles) { String response = "Current monitoring not finished"; buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(202); buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else { startMonitoring(); buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(201); buffer.putLong(0); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); curUser = middleSocketChannel; } } else { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(102); String response = "You have not been registered"; buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } } else if (packetID == 300) { if (userList.contains(middleSocketChannel)) { if (!sharedData.isOutputToFile()) { String response = "No monitoring running"; buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(302); buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); // DY : I think this use case is not right at the moment where // monitoring is only stoppable by a user who started it. // } else if (middleSocketChannel != curUser) { // String response = "Monitoring running by other user"; // buffer.clear(); // buffer.putInt(302); // buffer.putLong(response.length()); // buffer.put(response.getBytes()); // middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else if (endingMonitoring) { String response = "Writing log files, please wait"; buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(302); buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else { sendLog = true; curUser = middleSocketChannel; stopMonitoring(); } } else { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(102); String response = "You have not been registered"; buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } } else if (packetID == 303) { if (userList.contains(middleSocketChannel)) { if (!sharedData.isOutputToFile()) { String response = "No monitoring running"; buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(302); buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); // } else if (middleSocketChannel != curUser) { // String response = "Monitoring running by other user"; // buffer.clear(); // buffer.putInt(302); // buffer.putLong(response.length()); // buffer.put(response.getBytes()); // middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else if (endingMonitoring) { String response = "Writing log files, please wait"; buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(302); buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else { sendLog = false; stopMonitoring(); } } else { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(102); String response = "You have not been registered"; buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } } else if (packetID == 400) { if (userList.contains(middleSocketChannel)) { // when the GUI reconnects and the middleware is still monitoring... if (monitoring) { // start new logging threads and resume monitoring stopIncrementalLogging(); startIncrementalLogging(true); buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(402); buffer.putLong(0); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(401); buffer.putLong(0); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } } else { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(102); String response = "You have not been registered"; buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } } else if (packetID == 500) { if (!sharedData.isLiveMonitoring()) { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(501); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(502); LiveAggregateGlobal globalAggregate = sharedData.liveMonitor.globalAggregate; int numTransactionType = globalAggregate.getNumTransactionType(); buffer.putInt(numTransactionType); buffer.putDouble(globalAggregate.totalTransactionCount); for (int i = 0; i < numTransactionType; ++i) { buffer.putDouble( globalAggregate.transactionStatistics.get(i).currentTransactionCounts); // current TPS buffer.putDouble( globalAggregate.transactionStatistics.get(i).currentAverageLatency); // current average latency. buffer.putDouble( globalAggregate.transactionStatistics.get(i).totalTransactionCounts); // total transaction count } middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } } else if (packetID == 600) { int type = buffer.getInt(); int index = buffer.getInt(); String[] samples = sharedData.liveMonitor.getTransactionSamples(type); if (samples == null) { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(601); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else if (samples.length < index + 1) { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(601); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else { String sample = samples[index]; buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(602); buffer.putLong(sample.length()); buffer.put(sample.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } } else if (packetID == 700) { int type = buffer.getInt(); sharedData.liveMonitor.removeTransactionType(type); buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(701); buffer.putInt(sharedData.liveMonitor.globalAggregate.getNumTransactionType()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } else { buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(102); String response = "Invalid packet ID"; buffer.putLong(response.length()); buffer.put(response.getBytes()); middleSocketChannel.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); } } } } if (!sharedData.allTransactions.isEmpty() || !sharedData.allQueries.isEmpty()) { int c = sharedData.allQueries.size(); while (c > 0) { printQueries(); --c; } // c = sharedData.allStatementsInfo.size(); // while (c > 0) { // printStatementsInfo(); // --c; // } c = sharedData.allTransactions.size(); while (c > 0) { printTransactions(); --c; } } else if (endingMonitoring) { try { sharedData.tAllLogFileOutputStream.flush(); sharedData.tAllLogFileOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { sharedData.sAllLogFileOutputStream.flush(); sharedData.sAllLogFileOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { sharedData.qAllLogFileOutputStream.flush(); sharedData.qAllLogFileOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (curUser != null && sendLog) { // System.out.println("ready to compress log files"); if (stopRemoteDstat != null) { Interrupter interrupter = new Interrupter(Thread.currentThread()); interrupter.start(); try { stopRemoteDstat.waitFor(); interrupter.setOuterThreadWaiting(false); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } stopRemoteDstat = null; } buffer.clear(); buffer.putInt(301); buffer.putLong(0); curUser.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); // if (zipAllFiles()) { // // System.out // .println("finish compressing files, ready to send zip file"); // // File zipFile = new File(zipFileName); // // FileInputStream fis = null; // try { // fis = new FileInputStream(zipFile); // } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel(); // // buffer.clear(); // buffer.putInt(301); // buffer.putLong(zipFile.length()); // curUser.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); // long position = 0; // long remaining = zipFile.length(); // long len = 0; // while (remaining > 0) { // try { // len = fc.transferTo(position, 1024, curUser.socketChannel); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // position += len; // remaining -= len; // len = 0; // } // // System.out.println("finish sending zip file"); // // } else { // String response = "fail to compress log files"; // buffer.clear(); // buffer.putInt(302); // buffer.putLong(response.length()); // buffer.put(response.getBytes()); // curUser.sendOutput(buffer, buffer.position()); // } curUser = null; } endingMonitoring = false; monitoring = false; if (System.getProperty("").contentEquals("root")) { String[] cmd = { "/bin/bash", "shell/chmod" }; try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } private boolean zipAllFiles() { File zipFile = new File(zipFileName); int index = 0; while (zipFile.exists()) { if (!zipFile.delete()) { ++index; zipFileName = "LogFiles_" + index + ".zip"; zipFile = new File(zipFileName); } } try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(zipFileName); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(fos); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // only sends the dstat log file. if (files[i].getName().contains("log_exp_1")) { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(files[i]); // begin writing a new ZIP entry, positions the stream to the start of // the entry data zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(files[i].getName())); int length; while ((length = > 0) { zos.write(fileBuffer, 0, length); } zos.closeEntry(); // close the InputStream fis.close(); } } // close the ZipOutputStream zos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } return true; } private String parseLogInPacket(byte[] packet, byte[] password) { int i = 0; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (; i < packet.length; ++i) { if (packet[i] == '=' && i + 1 < packet.length) { ++i; do { s.append((char) packet[i]); ++i; } while (i < packet.length && packet[i] != ' '); break; } } for (; i < packet.length; ++i) { if (packet[i] == '=' && i + 1 < packet.length) { ++i; int j = 0; do { password[j] = packet[i]; ++i; ++j; } while (i < packet.length && j < password.length); break; } } return s.toString(); } private String getUserId(byte[] b) { int i = 36; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while (b[i] > (byte) 32 && b[i] < (byte) 127 && i < b.length) { stringBuilder.append((char) b[i]); ++i; } return stringBuilder.toString(); } private void printTransactions() { Entry<Integer, byte[]> tmpE = sharedData.allTransactions.pollFirstEntry(); Integer TxID = tmpE.getKey(); byte[] tmpB = tmpE.getValue(); try { byte[] id = TxID.toString().getBytes(); byte[] combined = new byte[id.length + tmpB.length]; System.arraycopy(id, 0, combined, 0, id.length); System.arraycopy(tmpB, 0, combined, id.length, tmpB.length); sharedData.tAllLogFileOutputStream.write(combined); // sharedData.tAllLogFileOutputStream.write(TxID.toString().getBytes()); // sharedData.tAllLogFileOutputStream.write(tmpB); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // // private void printStatementsInfo() { // byte[] tmpB = sharedData.allStatementsInfo.poll(); // // try { // sharedData.sAllLogFileOutputStream.write(tmpB); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // } private void printQueries() { Entry<Long, QueryData> tmpE = sharedData.allQueries.pollFirstEntry(); Long qId = tmpE.getKey(); QueryData tmp = tmpE.getValue(); try { sharedData.sAllLogFileOutputStream.write(tmp.statementInfo); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { byte[] id = qId.toString().getBytes(); byte[] combined = new byte[id.length + tmp.query.position()]; System.arraycopy(id, 0, combined, 0, id.length); System.arraycopy(tmp.query.array(), 0, combined, id.length, tmp.query.position()); sharedData.qAllLogFileOutputStream.write(combined); // sharedData.qAllLogFileOutputStream.write(qId.toString().getBytes()); // sharedData.qAllLogFileOutputStream.write(tmp.query.array(), 0, // tmp.query.position()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void startMonitoring() { for (File f : dir.listFiles()) { if (!f.delete()) { // TODO } } if (!zipFileName.contentEquals("")) { zipFileName = ""; } File oldZipFile = new File(zipFileName); if (oldZipFile.exists()) { oldZipFile.delete(); } for (int i = 0; i < sharedData.allTransactionData.size();) { TransactionData tmp = sharedData.allTransactionData.get(i); if (tmp.isAlive) { tmp.openFileOutputStream(); ++i; } else { sharedData.allTransactionData.remove(i); } } try { sharedData.tAllLogFileOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(new File(sharedData.getFilePathName() + "/Transactions/allLogs-t.txt"))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { sharedData.sAllLogFileOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(new File(sharedData.getFilePathName() + "/Transactions/allLogs-s.txt"))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { sharedData.qAllLogFileOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(new File(sharedData.getFilePathName() + "/Transactions/allLogs-q.txt"))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sharedData.txId.set(0); sharedData.queryId.set(0); monitoring = true; selector.wakeup(); startDstat(); sharedData.setOutputToFile(true); sharedData.liveMonitor = new LiveMonitor(); // liveAggregateProcessThread = new Thread(new LiveAggregateProcessor(sharedData.liveMonitor.getAggregateMap(), // System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L, sharedData)); // liveAggregateProcessThread = new Thread(new LiveAggregateProcessor(sharedData.liveMonitor.getAggregateMap(), // System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L, sharedData.liveMonitor.globalAggregate)); // liveAggregateProcessThread.start(); // start incremental logging. startIncrementalLogging(false); sharedData.setIsLiveMonitoring(true); System.out.println("start monitoring"); } public void stopMonitoring() { if (sharedData.isRemoteServer()) { if (dstatDeployed && !failDeployDstat) { String[] cmd = { "/bin/bash", "shell/", sharedData.remoteServerUser, sharedData.getServerIpAddr() }; try { stopRemoteDstat = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { File monitorPid = new File("rs-sysmon2/"); String pid = null; if (monitorPid.exists()) { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(monitorPid))); pid = br.readLine(); br.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String[] cmd = { "pkill", "-15", "-P", pid }; try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); p.waitFor(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } monitorPid.delete(); } } sharedData.setOutputToFile(false); dstat = null; endingMonitoring = true; if (ntpdate != null) { ntpdate.destroy(); } for (int i = 0; i < sharedData.allTransactionData.size();) { TransactionData tmp = sharedData.allTransactionData.get(i); if (tmp.isAlive) { tmp.closeFileOutputStream(); ++i; } else { sharedData.allTransactionData.remove(i); } } stopIncrementalLogging(); sharedData.setIsLiveMonitoring(false); System.out.println("stop monitoring"); } private void startDstat() { if (!sharedData.isRemoteServer()) { String[] cmd = { "/bin/bash", "./" }; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd); File("rs-sysmon2")); try { dstat = pb.start(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (sharedData.remoteServerUser.length() != 0) { if (System.getProperty("").contentEquals("root")) { String[] cmd = { "/bin/bash", "shell/", sharedData.getServerIpAddr() }; try { ntpdate = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!dstatDeployed) { configureSetenv(); String[] cmd = { "/bin/bash", "shell/", sharedData.remoteServerUser, sharedData.getServerIpAddr() }; Process deployDstat = null; try { deployDstat = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dstatDeployed = true; if (deployDstat != null) { Interrupter interrupter = new Interrupter(Thread.currentThread()); interrupter.start(); try { deployDstat.waitFor(); interrupter.setOuterThreadWaiting(false); } catch (InterruptedException e) { failDeployDstat = true; } } if (configSetenv) { clearSetenv(); } } if (!failDeployDstat) { String[] cmd = { "/bin/bash", "shell/", sharedData.remoteServerUser, sharedData.getServerIpAddr() }; try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } // if (dstat != null) { // BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( // dstat.getInputStream())); // String line = ""; // // System.out.println("--------------"); // try { // while ((line = b.readLine()) != null) { // System.out.println(line); // } // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // System.out.println("--------------"); // // try { // b.close(); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } } private void configureSetenv() { BufferedReader br = null; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/bash", "shell/"); Map<String, String> env = pb.environment(); try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(sharedData.getUserInfoFilePath())); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String line; try { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String temp = line.replaceAll("\\s", ""); if (temp.contains("mysql_user=")) { mysql_user = temp.substring(temp.indexOf('=') + 1); env.put("mMYSQL_USER", mysql_user); configSetenv = true; } else if (temp.contains("mysql_pass=")) { mysql_pass = temp.substring(temp.indexOf('=') + 1); env.put("mMYSQL_PASS", mysql_pass); configSetenv = true; } else if (temp.contains("mysql_host=")) { mysql_host = temp.substring(temp.indexOf('=') + 1); env.put("mMYSQL_HOST", mysql_host); configSetenv = true; } else if (temp.contains("mysql_port=")) { mysql_port = temp.substring(temp.indexOf('=') + 1); env.put("mMYSQL_PORT", mysql_port); configSetenv = true; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (configSetenv) { Process p = null; try { p = pb.start(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (p != null) { try { p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private void clearSetenv() { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/bash", "shell/"); Map<String, String> env = pb.environment(); if (mysql_user != null) { env.put("mMYSQL_USER", mysql_user); } if (mysql_pass != null) { env.put("mMYSQL_PASS", mysql_pass); } if (mysql_host != null) { env.put("mMYSQL_HOST", mysql_host); } if (mysql_port != null) { env.put("mMYSQL_PORT", mysql_port); } Process p = null; try { p = pb.start(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (p != null) { try { p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void startIncrementalLogging(boolean resume) { if (isIncrementalLogging) { return; } // start dstat log tailer File[] files = dir.listFiles(); File dstatFile = null; for (File file : files) { // use the first file found for now if (file.getName().contains("log_exp")) { dstatFile = file; break; } } if (dstatFile == null) { dstatFile = new File(dir + File.separator + "log_exp_1.csv"); } if (dstatFile != null) { LogTailerListener tailerListener = new LogTailerListener(IncrementalLog.TYPE_SYSLOG, incrementalLogQueue, resume); sysLogTailer = new LogTailer(dstatFile, tailerListener, 1000, sharedData.sysStartOffset); // delay is 1s sysLogTailerThread = new Thread(sysLogTailer); sysLogTailerThread.start(); } File qFile = new File(sharedData.getFilePathName() + "/Transactions/allLogs-q.txt"); File sFile = new File(sharedData.getFilePathName() + "/Transactions/allLogs-s.txt"); File tFile = new File(sharedData.getFilePathName() + "/Transactions/allLogs-t.txt"); LogTailerListener qListener = new LogTailerListener(IncrementalLog.TYPE_QUERY, incrementalLogQueue, resume); LogTailerListener sListener = new LogTailerListener(IncrementalLog.TYPE_STATEMENT, incrementalLogQueue, resume); LogTailerListener tListener = new LogTailerListener(IncrementalLog.TYPE_TRANSACTION, incrementalLogQueue, resume); qLogTailer = new LogTailer(qFile, qListener, 1000, -1); sLogTailer = new LogTailer(sFile, sListener, 1000, -1); tLogTailer = new LogTailer(tFile, tListener, 1000, -1); qLogTailerThread = new Thread(qLogTailer); sLogTailerThread = new Thread(sLogTailer); tLogTailerThread = new Thread(tLogTailer); qLogTailerThread.start(); sLogTailerThread.start(); tLogTailerThread.start(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } incrementalLogSender = new IncrementalLogSender(34444, incrementalLogQueue, sharedData); incrementalLogThread = new Thread(incrementalLogSender); incrementalLogThread.start(); isIncrementalLogging = true; } private void stopIncrementalLogging() { if (!isIncrementalLogging) { return; } if (sysLogTailerThread != null) { sysLogTailer.stop(); } if (sLogTailerThread != null) { sLogTailer.stop(); } if (tLogTailerThread != null) { tLogTailer.stop(); } if (qLogTailerThread != null) { qLogTailer.stop(); } if (incrementalLogThread != null) { incrementalLogSender.setTerminate(true); } try { if (sysLogTailerThread != null) { sysLogTailerThread.interrupt(); sysLogTailerThread.join(); } if (sLogTailerThread != null) { sLogTailerThread.interrupt(); sLogTailerThread.join(); } if (tLogTailerThread != null) { tLogTailerThread.interrupt(); tLogTailerThread.join(); } if (qLogTailerThread != null) { qLogTailerThread.interrupt(); qLogTailerThread.join(); } if (incrementalLogThread != null) { incrementalLogThread.interrupt(); incrementalLogThread.join(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } isIncrementalLogging = false; } private void offerLog(IncrementalLog log) { if (!incrementalLogQueue.offer(log)) { try { Thread.sleep(250); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } incrementalLogQueue.offer(log); } } private class Interrupter extends Thread { private Thread outerThread; private boolean outerThreadWaiting; public Interrupter(Thread t) { outerThread = t; outerThreadWaiting = true; } public void setOuterThreadWaiting(boolean b) { outerThreadWaiting = b; } public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(60000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (outerThreadWaiting) { outerThread.interrupt(); } } } }