Java tutorial
package Methods; import ArrayStack.BidimensionalArrayStack; import ArrayStack.Stack; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import; import; /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * * @author pa426 */ public class CalculusSecant { private static Stack S; private static Stack Xold1; private static Stack Xold2; private static double[][] data; public static DefaultXYDataset datasetPoints = new DefaultXYDataset(); public static void secant1(double xold1, double xold2, double decPoint) {//method used calculate root point acording the paramethers that enter the method and store the data in a global Stack double xnew, fxold1, fxold2, fxnew, diff; int iteration = 0; S = new BidimensionalArrayStack();//Declaring a new Stack beeing sure is clear before using it Xold1 = new BidimensionalArrayStack(); Xold2 = new BidimensionalArrayStack(); do { iteration += 1; // determine f(xold1) and f(xold2) fxold1 = xold1 - Math.pow(xold1, 2); fxold2 = xold2 - Math.pow(xold2, 2); Xold1.push(xold1, fxold1);//Inserting data in the Stack Xold2.push(xold2, fxold2); xnew = xold1 - (fxold1 * (xold1 - xold2)) / (fxold1 - fxold2); System.out.println("Approx for iteration{}" + iteration + " is " + xnew); diff = Math.abs(xnew - xold1); xold2 = xold1; xold1 = xnew; fxnew = xnew - Math.pow(xnew, 2); S.push(xnew, fxnew); } while (diff > decPoint); System.out.println("root to six decimal places is " + xnew); } public static void secant2(double xold1, double xold2, double decPoint) {//method used calculate root point acording the paramethers that enter the method and store the data in a global Stack double xnew, fxold1, fxold2, fxnew, diff; int iteration = 0; S = new BidimensionalArrayStack();//Declaring a new Stack beeing sure is clear before using it Xold1 = new BidimensionalArrayStack(); Xold2 = new BidimensionalArrayStack(); do { iteration += 1; // determine f(xold1) and f(xold2) fxold1 = (Math.log(xold1 + 1.0)) + 1.0; fxold2 = (Math.log(xold2 + 1.0)) + 1.0; Xold1.push(xold1, fxold1);//Inserting data in the Stack Xold2.push(xold2, fxold2); xnew = xold1 - (fxold1 * (xold1 - xold2)) / (fxold1 - fxold2); System.out.println("Approx for iteration{}" + iteration + " is " + xnew); diff = Math.abs(xnew - xold1); xold2 = xold1; xold1 = xnew; fxnew = (Math.log(xnew + 1.0)) + 1.0; S.push(xnew, fxnew); } while (diff > decPoint); System.out.println("root to six decimal places is " + xnew); } public static void secant3(double xold1, double xold2, double decPoint) {//method used calculate root point acording the paramethers that enter the method and store the data in a global Stack double xnew, fxold1, fxold2, fxnew, diff; int iteration = 0; S = new BidimensionalArrayStack();//Declaring a new Stack beeing sure is clear before using it Xold1 = new BidimensionalArrayStack(); Xold2 = new BidimensionalArrayStack(); do { iteration += 1; // determine f(xold1) and f(xold2) fxold1 = (Math.abs(xold1)) - (3.0 * xold1); fxold2 = (Math.abs(xold2)) - (3.0 * xold2); Xold1.push(xold1, fxold1);//Inserting data in the Stack Xold2.push(xold2, fxold2); xnew = xold1 - (fxold1 * (xold1 - xold2)) / (fxold1 - fxold2); System.out.println("Approx for iteration{}" + iteration + " is " + xnew); diff = Math.abs(xnew - xold1); xold2 = xold1; xold1 = xnew; fxnew = (Math.abs(xnew)) - (3 * xnew); S.push(xnew, fxnew); } while (diff > decPoint); System.out.println("root to six decimal places is " + xnew); } private static void datasetPointsSecant() {// Method used to retrieve data from stack and copy it in an array uset for the dataset data = new double[2][(S.size())]; int i = (S.size() - 1); while (!S.isEmpty()) {//While used to retrieve data from stack data[0][i] = Double.parseDouble(S.popElement1().toString()); data[1][i] = Double.parseDouble(S.popElement2().toString()); i--; } System.out.println("TEST DEEP ARRAY SECANT: " + Arrays.deepToString(data)); datasetPoints.addSeries("Iteration points", data); } public static ChartPanel createChartSecant(XYDataset datasetFunction) {// Method that populates and returns a Chart Pannel object, uses an entering paramether for the equation dataset and a global variable for the iteration points data set datasetPointsSecant(); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Equation Chart", "X Axys", "Y Axys", datasetFunction, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer();//declaring a renderer used to plot more than one datatset on the table plot.setDataset(1, datasetPoints); renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(1, false); renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(1, false); renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(0, true); renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(0, true); plot.setRenderer(1, renderer); return new ChartPanel(chart); } public static String textDataSecant(int x) {// Method used to populate a string with data from iteration which will be used to populate a textArea String txtArea = ""; for (int i = 0; i < data[0].length; i++) {//for used to retrieve data from stack and store it in a string txtArea += "Approx for iteration{}" + (i + 1) + " is " + data[0][i] + "\n "; } txtArea += "Root to " + x + " decimal places is " + data[0][data[0].length - 1]; return txtArea; } public static DefaultTableModel getTableData() {// Method used to retrieve data from Stack and transform it in an array and populate a model table Object[][] tableData = new Object[data[0].length][7]; int i = (Xold1.size() - 1); while (!Xold1.isEmpty()) {//while statement used to retrieve data from stack and copy it in an 2d arrray tableData[i][1] = Double.parseDouble(Xold1.popElement1().toString()); tableData[i][2] = Double.parseDouble(Xold1.popElement2().toString()); tableData[i][3] = Double.parseDouble(Xold2.popElement1().toString()); tableData[i][4] = Double.parseDouble(Xold2.popElement2().toString()); i--; } for (i = 0; i < data[0].length; i++) { tableData[i][0] = i + 1; tableData[i][5] = data[0][i]; tableData[i][6] = data[1][i]; } String[] columnNames = { "Iteration", "Xold1", "f(Xold1)", "Xold2", "f(Xold2)", "Xnew", "f(Xnew)" }; DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(tableData, columnNames); return model; } }