Source code

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/* Mesquite.zephyr source code.  Copyright 2007 and onwards D. Maddison and W. Maddison. 
Mesquite.zephyr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
Zephry's web site is
This source code and its compiled class files are free and modifiable under the terms of 
GNU Lesser General Public License.  (

package mesquite.zephyr.RAxMLRunnerCIPRes;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody;

import mesquite.lib.*;
import mesquite.zephyr.CIPResRESTRunner.CIPResRESTRunner;
import mesquite.zephyr.lib.*;

/* TODO:
-b bootstrapRandomNumberSeed  // allow user to set seed

public class RAxMLRunnerCIPRes extends RAxMLRunner
        implements ActionListener, ItemListener, ExternalProcessRequester {

    boolean RAxML814orLater = false;

    boolean showIntermediateTrees = true;

    Checkbox RAxML814orLaterCheckbox;

    public String getExternalProcessRunnerModuleName() {
        return "#mesquite.zephyr.CIPResRESTRunner.CIPResRESTRunner";

    public Class getExternalProcessRunnerClass() {
        return CIPResRESTRunner.class;

    public Snapshot getSnapshot(MesquiteFile file) {
        Snapshot temp = super.getSnapshot(file);
        temp.addLine("setExternalProcessRunner", externalProcRunner);
        return temp;

    public Object doCommand(String commandName, String arguments, CommandChecker checker) {
        if (, "Hires the ExternalProcessRunner", "[name of module]", commandName,
                "setExternalProcessRunner")) {
            ExternalProcessRunner temp = (ExternalProcessRunner) replaceEmployee(ExternalProcessRunner.class,
                    arguments, "External Process Runner", externalProcRunner);
            if (temp != null) {
                externalProcRunner = temp;
            return externalProcRunner;
        } else
            return super.doCommand(commandName, arguments, checker);

    public void processSingleXMLPreference(String tag, String content) {
        if ("RAxML814orLater".equalsIgnoreCase(tag))
            RAxML814orLater = MesquiteBoolean.fromTrueFalseString(content);

        super.processSingleXMLPreference(tag, content);

        preferencesSet = true;

    public String preparePreferencesForXML() {
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(200);
        StringUtil.appendXMLTag(buffer, 2, "RAxML814orLater", RAxML814orLater);


        preferencesSet = true;
        return buffer.toString();

    public String getTestedProgramVersions() {
        return "8.0.0 and 8.1.4";

    public void addRunnerOptions(ExtensibleDialog dialog) {
        RAxML814orLaterCheckbox = dialog.addCheckBox("RAxML version 8.1.4 or later", RAxML814orLater);
                "This version of Zephyr tested on the following RAxML version(s): " + getTestedProgramVersions());

    public void processRunnerOptions() {
        RAxML814orLater = RAxML814orLaterCheckbox.getState();
        //      externalProcRunner.optionsChosen();

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        if (e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("composeRAxMLCommand")) {

            MultipartEntityBuilder arguments = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            getArguments(arguments, sb, "fileName", proteinModelField.getText(), dnaModelField.getText(),
                    otherOptionsField.getText(), bootStrapRepsField.getValue(), bootstrapSeed,
                    numRunsField.getValue(), outgroupTaxSetString, null, false);
            String command = externalProcRunner.getExecutableCommand() + arguments.toString();
            commandLabel.setText("This command will be used by CIPRes to run RAxML:");
        } else if (e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("clearCommand")) {

    public void setRAxMLSeed(long seed) {
        this.randseed = seed;

    static final int DATAFILENUMBER = 0;

    public void prepareRunnerObject(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof MultipartEntityBuilder) {
            MultipartEntityBuilder builder = (MultipartEntityBuilder) obj;
            final File file = new File(externalProcRunner.getInputFilePath(DATAFILENUMBER));
            FileBody fb = new FileBody(file);
            builder.addPart("input.infile_", fb);

    void addArgument(MultipartEntityBuilder builder, StringBuffer sb, String param, String value) {
        if (builder != null)
            builder.addTextBody(param, value);
        if (sb != null)
            sb.append("\n  " + param + " = " + value);

    void getArguments(MultipartEntityBuilder builder, StringBuffer sb, String fileName, String LOCproteinModel,
            String LOCdnaModel, String LOCotherOptions, int LOCbootstrapreps, int LOCbootstrapSeed, int LOCnumRuns,
            String LOCoutgroupTaxSetString, String LOCMultipleModelFile, boolean preflight) {
        if (builder == null)
           if (preflight)
              arguments += " -n preflight.out "; 
              arguments += " -s " + fileName + " -n file.out "; 

        if (isProtein) {
            if (StringUtil.blank(LOCproteinModel))
                addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.protein_opts_", "PROTGAMMAJTT");
                addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.protein_opts_", LOCproteinModel);
        } else if (StringUtil.blank(LOCdnaModel))
            addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.dna_gtrcat_", "GTRGAMMA");
            addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.dna_gtrcat_", "GTRGAMMA");
        //   builder.addTextBody("vparam.dna_gtrcat_",LOCdnaModel);

        if (StringUtil.notEmpty(LOCMultipleModelFile))
           arguments += " -q " + ShellScriptUtil.protectForShellScript(LOCMultipleModelFile);
        if (!StringUtil.blank(LOCotherOptions)) 
           arguments += " " + LOCotherOptions;

        addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.provide_parsimony_seed_", "1");
        addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.parsimony_seed_val_", "" + randomIntSeed);

        if (bootstrapOrJackknife() && LOCbootstrapreps > 0) {
            addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.bootstrap_", "" + LOCbootstrapreps);
            addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.mulparambootstrap_seed_", "" + LOCbootstrapSeed);
        } else {
            addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.specify_runs_", "1");
            addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.altrun_number_", "" + LOCnumRuns);
            //if (RAxML814orLater)
            //   arguments += " --mesquite";

        TaxaSelectionSet outgroupSet = null;
        if (!StringUtil.blank(LOCoutgroupTaxSetString)) {
            outgroupSet = (TaxaSelectionSet) taxa.getSpecsSet(LOCoutgroupTaxSetString, TaxaSelectionSet.class);
            if (outgroupSet != null)
                addArgument(builder, sb, "vparam.outgroup_", outgroupSet.getStringList(",", true));
            arguments += " -o " + outgroupSet.getStringList(",", true);


    public String[] getLogFileNames() {
        String treeFileName;
        String workingTreeFileName;
        String logFileName;
        if (bootstrapOrJackknife())
            treeFileName = "RAxML_bootstrap.result";
            treeFileName = "RAxML_result.result";
        logFileName = "RAxML_info.result";
        workingTreeFileName = treeFileName;
        if (!bootstrapOrJackknife() && numRuns > 1) {
            treeFileName += ".RUN.";
            workingTreeFileName = treeFileName;
            logFileName += ".RUN.";
        return new String[] { logFileName, treeFileName, "RAxML_info.result", workingTreeFileName };

    public String getPreflightLogFileNames() {
        return "RAxML_log.file.out";

    TaxaSelectionSet outgroupSet;

    public boolean preFlightSuccessful(String preflightCommand) {
        return runPreflightCommand(preflightCommand);

    String arguments;

    public Object getProgramArguments(String dataFileName, boolean isPreflight) {
        MultipartEntityBuilder arguments = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        if (!isPreflight) {
            getArguments(arguments, sb, dataFileName, proteinModel, dnaModel, otherOptions, bootstrapreps,
                    bootstrapSeed, numRuns, outgroupTaxSetString, multipleModelFileName, false);
            logln("RAxML arguments: \n" + sb.toString() + "\n");
        } else {
            getArguments(arguments, sb, dataFileName, proteinModel, dnaModel, otherOptions, bootstrapreps,
                    bootstrapSeed, numRuns, outgroupTaxSetString, multipleModelFileName, true);
        return arguments;


    public String getExecutableName() {
        return "RAXMLHPC8_REST_XSEDE";


    public boolean singleTreeFromResampling() {
        return false;

    public Class getDutyClass() {
        return RAxMLRunnerCIPRes.class;

    /** returns the version number at which this module was first released.  If 0, then no version number is claimed.  If a POSITIVE integer
     * then the number refers to the Mesquite version.  This should be used only by modules part of the core release of Mesquite.
     * If a NEGATIVE integer, then the number refers to the local version of the package, e.g. a third party package*/
    public int getVersionOfFirstRelease() {
        return -100;

    public String getName() {
        return "RAxML CIPRes Runner";

    public boolean isPrerelease() {
        return true;

    public void runFailed(String message) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void runFinished(String message) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public String getProgramName() {
        return "RAxML";
