Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package menusearch.json; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import menusearch.domain.*; import org.json.*; import menusearch.domain.*; /** * @author MatthewShields * @author KennethNgai * * This class handles all interaction with both Yummly API's as well as all JSON parsing. */ public class JSONProcessor { /** * * @param json formated JSON string containing all the information for one recipe * @return Recipe object * @throws IOException * * This method takes a formated json string containing one recipe, parses it, and saves it into a recipe object which is then returned. * **You must call the getRecipeAPI() method prior to calling this method. */ public static Recipe parseRecipe(String json) throws IOException, JSONException { JSONTokener tokenizer = new JSONTokener(json); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(tokenizer); Recipe r = new Recipe(); JSONObject attribution = obj.getJSONObject("attribution"); Attribution a = new Attribution(); a.setHTML(attribution.getString("html")); a.setUrl(attribution.getString("url")); a.setText(attribution.getString("text")); a.setLogo(attribution.getString("logo")); r.setAttribution(a); JSONArray ingredientList = obj.getJSONArray("ingredientLines"); for (int i = 0; i < ingredientList.length(); i++) { r.addIngredient(ingredientList.getString(i)); } JSONObject flavors = obj.getJSONObject("flavors"); r.setBitterFlavor(flavors.getDouble("Bitter")); r.setMeatyFlavor(flavors.getDouble("Meaty")); r.setPiquantFlavor(flavors.getDouble("Piquant")); r.setSaltyFlavor(flavors.getDouble("Salty")); r.setSourFlavor(flavors.getDouble("Sour")); r.setSweetFlavor(flavors.getDouble("Sweet")); JSONArray nutritionEstimates = obj.getJSONArray("nutritionEstimates"); for (int i = 0; i < nutritionEstimates.length(); i++) { NutritionEstimate nutritionInfo = new NutritionEstimate(); Unit aUnit = new Unit(); JSONObject nutrition = nutritionEstimates.getJSONObject(i); nutritionInfo.setAttribute(nutrition.getString("attribute")); if (nutrition.isNull("description") != true) nutritionInfo.setDescription(nutrition.getString("description")); nutritionInfo.setValue(nutrition.getDouble("value")); JSONObject unit = nutrition.getJSONObject("unit"); aUnit.setAbbreviation(unit.getString("abbreviation")); aUnit.setName(unit.getString("name")); aUnit.setPlural(unit.getString("plural")); aUnit.setPluralAbbreviation(unit.getString("pluralAbbreviation")); nutritionInfo.addUnit(aUnit); r.addNutritionInfo(nutritionInfo); } JSONArray images = obj.getJSONArray("images"); JSONObject imageBySize = images.getJSONObject(0); for (int i = 0; i < images.length(); i++) { if (images.getJSONObject(i).has("hostedLargeUrl")) r.setHostedlargeUrl(images.getJSONObject(i).getString("hostedLargeUrl")); if (images.getJSONObject(i).has("hostedMediumUrl")) r.setHostedMediumUrl(images.getJSONObject(i).getString("hostedMediumUrl")); if (images.getJSONObject(i).has("hostedSmallUrl")) r.setHostedSmallUrl(images.getJSONObject(i).getString("hostedSmallUrl")); } if (obj.has("name")) r.setName(obj.getString("name")); if (obj.has("yield")) r.setYield(obj.getString("yield")); if (obj.has("totalTime")) r.setTotalTime(obj.getString("totalTime")); if (obj.has("attributes")) { JSONObject attributes = obj.getJSONObject("attributes"); if (attributes.has("holiday")) { JSONArray holidays = attributes.getJSONArray("holiday"); for (int i = 0; i < holidays.length(); i++) { r.addholidayToList(holidays.getString(i)); } } if (attributes.has("cuisine")) { JSONArray cuisine = attributes.getJSONArray("cuisine"); for (int i = 0; i < cuisine.length(); i++) { r.addCuisineToList(cuisine.getString(i)); } } } if (obj.has("totalTimeInSeconds")) r.setTimetoCook(obj.getDouble("totalTimeInSeconds")); if (obj.has("rating")) r.setRating(obj.getDouble("rating")); if (obj.has("numberofServings")) r.setNumberOfServings(obj.getDouble("numberOfServings")); if (obj.has("source")) { JSONObject source = obj.getJSONObject("source"); if (source.has("sourceSiteUrl")) r.setSourceSiteUrl(source.getString("sourceSiteUrl")); if (source.has("sourceRecipeUrl")) r.setSourceRecipeUrl(source.getString("sourceRecipeUrl")); if (source.has("sourceDisplayName")) r.setSourceDisplayName(source.getString("sourceDisplayName")); } r.setRecipeID(obj.getString("id")); return r; } /** * * @param searchID is the ID of the recipe you would like to search for * @return a string containing one recipe in JSON format. * @throws IOException * * This method creates a formated URL that then connects to Yummly and returns a JSON string for the recipeID provided. * * RecipeID can be obtained only by doing a general search through yummly. */ public static String getRecipeAPI(String searchID) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = null; try { URL url = new URL("" + searchID + "?_app_id=95a21eb2&_app_key=d703fa9e11ee34f104bc271ec3bbcdb9"); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); int read; char[] chars = new char[1024]; while ((read = != -1) buffer.append(chars, 0, read); return buffer.toString(); } finally { if (reader != null) reader.close(); } } /** * * @param p is a parameter object that is used to create the HTML query that's sent to yummly * @return a string with the JSON results * @throws IOException * This method take search parameters and forms an HTML query. This query is then passed to the searchYummly method. the queryBuild method returns the final result of the searchYummly method */ public static String buildQuery(Parameters p) throws IOException { final String URL = ""; String query = URL; //System.err.println("THe first part of the query is: " + query); if (p.getSearchPhrase() != null /*|| p.getSearchPhrase().equals(" ") == false*/) {//checks to see if a Search phrase exists. it it does, it puts it into the correct format String phrase = p.getSearchPhrase().replace(" ", "+"); //System.err.println("the Query is " + query); //System.out.println("checking to see if the replace works-" + phrase); //System.out.println("checking search phrase" + p.getSearchPhrase()); query = query + "q=" + p.getSearchPhrase(); } if (p.getRequirePictures() != null) query = query + "&" + "requirePictures=" + p.getRequirePictures(); if (p.getAllowedIngredients() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getAllowedIngredients().size(); i++) { query = query + "&allowedIngredient[]=" + p.getAllowedIngredients().get(i); } } if (p.getExcludedIngredients() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getExcludedIngredients().size(); i++) { query = query + "&excludedIngredient[]=" + p.getExcludedIngredients().get(i); } } if (p.getAllowedAllergy() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getAllowedAllergy().size(); i++) { query = query + "&allowedAllergy[]=" + p.getAllowedAllergy().get(i); } } if (p.getAllowedDiet() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getAllowedDiet().size(); i++) { query = query + "&allowedDiet[]=" + p.getAllowedDiet().get(i); } } if (p.getAllowedCuisines() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getAllowedCuisines().size(); i++) { query = query + "&allowedCuisine[]=" + p.getAllowedCuisines().get(i); } } if (p.getExcludedCuisines() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getExcludedCuisines().size(); i++) { query = query + "&excludedCuisine[]=" + p.getExcludedCuisines().get(i); } } if (p.getAllowedCourses() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getAllowedCourses().size(); i++) { query = query + "&allowedCourse[]=" + p.getAllowedCourses().get(i); } } if (p.getExcludedCourses() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getExcludedCourses().size(); i++) { query = query + "&excludedCourse[]=" + p.getExcludedCourses().get(i); } } if (p.getAllowedHoliday() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getAllowedHoliday().size(); i++) { query = query + "&allowedHoliday[]=" + p.getAllowedHoliday().get(i); } } if (p.getExcludedHoliday() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getExcludedHoliday().size(); i++) { query = query + "&excludedHoliday[]=" + p.getExcludedHoliday().get(i); } } if (p.getMaxTotalTimeInSeconds() != null) query = query + "&maxTotalTimeInSeconds=" + p.getMaxTotalTimeInSeconds(); if (p.getStart() != null) query = query + "&start=" + p.getStart(); if (p.getMaxResult() != null) query = query + "&maxResult=" + p.getMaxResult(); if (p.getFlavorAttributes() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p.getFlavorAttributes().size(); i++) { query = query + "&flavor." + p.getFlavorAttributes().get(i); } } if (p.getFacetField() != null) query = query + "&facetField[]=" + p.getFacetField(); System.out.println(query); String results = searchYummly(query); return results; } /** * * @param query -- formatted HTML that's used with the searchRecipes API on yummly * @return a string in JSON format that contains all the recipes that match the search parameters. * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws IOException * * You CAN NOT call this method directly -- to search Yummly call the method queryBuilder and pass it your search parameters. */ private static String searchYummly(String query) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { BufferedReader reader = null; try { URL url = new URL(query); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); int read; char[] chars = new char[1024]; while ((read = != -1) buffer.append(chars, 0, read); return buffer.toString(); } finally { if (reader != null) reader.close(); } } /** * * @param results: requires the JSON string of the parameters the user enter for the search * @return a RecipeSummaryList where it contains information about the recipes that matches the search the user made * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ public static RecipeSummaryList parseRecipes(String results) throws IOException, JSONException { RecipeSummaryList recipeSummary = new RecipeSummaryList(); JSONObject newObject = new JSONObject(results); JSONObject at = newObject.getJSONObject("attribution"); String html = (String) at.get("html"); recipeSummary.setHtml(html); String url = (String) at.get("url"); recipeSummary.setUrl(url); String text = (String) at.get("text"); recipeSummary.setText(text); String logo = (String) at.get("logo"); recipeSummary.setLogo(logo); int totalMatches = newObject.getInt("totalMatchCount"); recipeSummary.setTotalmatches(totalMatches); return recipeSummary; } /** * * @param JSON string: requires the JSON string of the parameters the user enter for the search * @return RecipeSummaryList: a RecipeSummaryList where it contains information about the recipes that matches the search the user made * @throws */ public static RecipeSummaryList parseRecipeMatches(String results) throws IOException { CourseList courseList = new CourseList(); RecipeSummaryList list = new RecipeSummaryList(); JSONTokener tokenizer = new JSONTokener(results); JSONObject resultList = new JSONObject(tokenizer); JSONArray matches = resultList.getJSONArray("matches"); for (int i = 0; i < matches.length(); i++) { RecipeSummary r = new RecipeSummary(); JSONObject currentRecipe = matches.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject imageUrls = currentRecipe.getJSONObject("imageUrlsBySize"); String link = "90"; String number = imageUrls.getString(link); r.setImageUrlsBySize(number); String source = (String) currentRecipe.getString("sourceDisplayName"); r.setSourceDisplayName(source); JSONArray listOfIngredients = currentRecipe.getJSONArray("ingredients"); for (int n = 0; n < listOfIngredients.length(); n++) { String currentIngredients = listOfIngredients.getString(n); r.ingredients.add(currentIngredients); } String id = (String) currentRecipe.getString("id"); r.setId(id); String recipe = (String) currentRecipe.get("recipeName"); r.setRecipeName(recipe); JSONArray smallImage = currentRecipe.getJSONArray("smallImageUrls"); for (int l = 0; l < smallImage.length(); l++) { String currentUrl = (String) smallImage.get(l); r.setSmallImageUrls(currentUrl); } int timeInSeconds = (int) currentRecipe.getInt("totalTimeInSeconds"); r.setTotalTimeInSeconds(timeInSeconds); String a = "attributes"; String c = "course"; if (currentRecipe.has(a)) { JSONObject currentAttributes = currentRecipe.getJSONObject(a); if (currentAttributes.has(c)) { for (int j = 0; j < currentAttributes.getJSONArray(c).length(); j++) { String course = currentAttributes.getJSONArray(c).getString(j); courseList.add(course); } r.setCourses(courseList); } } CuisineList cuisineList = new CuisineList(); if (currentRecipe.has(a)) { JSONObject currentAttributes = currentRecipe.getJSONObject(a); if (currentAttributes.has("cuisine")) { for (int j = 0; j < currentAttributes.getJSONArray("cuisine").length(); j++) { String currentCuisine = currentAttributes.getJSONArray("cuisine").getString(j); cuisineList.add(currentCuisine); } r.setCusines(cuisineList); } } String f = "flavors"; JSONObject currentFlavors; if (currentRecipe.has(f) == true) { if (currentRecipe.isNull(f) == false) { currentFlavors = currentRecipe.getJSONObject(f); double saltyRating = currentFlavors.getDouble("salty"); double sourRating = currentFlavors.getDouble("sour"); double sweetRating = currentFlavors.getDouble("sweet"); double bitterRating = currentFlavors.getDouble("bitter"); double meatyRating = currentFlavors.getDouble("meaty"); double piguantRating = currentFlavors.getDouble("piquant"); r.flavors.setSalty(saltyRating); r.flavors.setSour(sourRating); r.flavors.setSweet(sweetRating); r.flavors.setBitter(bitterRating); r.flavors.setMeaty(meatyRating); r.flavors.setPiquant(piguantRating); } if (currentRecipe.get(f) == null) { r.flavors = null; } if (currentRecipe.get(f) == null) r.flavors = null; } double rate = currentRecipe.getInt("rating"); r.setRating(rate); list.matches.add(i, r); } return list; } }