Java tutorial
/* * substitution-schedule-parser - Java library for parsing schools' substitution schedules * Copyright (c) 2016 Johan v. Forstner * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package me.vertretungsplan.parser; import me.vertretungsplan.exception.CredentialInvalidException; import me.vertretungsplan.objects.Substitution; import me.vertretungsplan.objects.SubstitutionSchedule; import me.vertretungsplan.objects.SubstitutionScheduleData; import me.vertretungsplan.objects.SubstitutionScheduleDay; import me.vertretungsplan.objects.credential.UserPasswordCredential; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base32; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.joda.time.*; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import javax.crypto.Mac; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Parser for substitution schedules hosted on WebUntis. * <p> * This parser can be accessed using <code>"webuntis"</code> for {@link SubstitutionScheduleData#setApi(String)}. * <p> * Please bear in mind that WebUntis's API does not allow frequent polling, according to <a href="http://www.grupet * .at/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=5643">this forum post</a> * * <h4>Configuration parameters</h4> * These parameters can be supplied in {@link SubstitutionScheduleData#setData(JSONObject)} to configure the parser: * * <dl> * <dt><code>host</code> (String, required)</dt> * <dd>The hostname of the WebUntis server. For schedules hosted by Gruber&Petters, this is `<something>.webuntis * .com`.</dd> * * <dt><code>schoolname</code> (String, required)</dt> * <dd>The school name entered into WebUntis for login.</dd> * * <dt><code>protocol</code> (String, optional, Default: https)</dt> * <dd>The protocol used to access WebUntis. The * servers support HTTPS, self-hosted ones may not.</dd> * * </dl> * * Schedules on WebUntis are always protected using a * {@link me.vertretungsplan.objects.authentication.UserPasswordAuthenticationData}. */ public class WebUntisParser extends BaseParser { private static final String PARAM_HOST = "host"; private static final String PARAM_SCHOOLNAME = "schoolname"; public static final String PARAM_PROTOCOL = "protocol"; private final JSONObject data; private String sessionId; private UserData userData; private static final String USERAGENT = ""; private String sharedSecret; public static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMAT = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyyMMdd"); public static final DateTimeFormatter TIME_FORMAT = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HHmm"); WebUntisParser(SubstitutionScheduleData scheduleData, CookieProvider cookieProvider) { super(scheduleData, cookieProvider); data = scheduleData.getData(); } @Override public SubstitutionSchedule getSubstitutionSchedule() throws IOException, JSONException, CredentialInvalidException { try { login(); SubstitutionSchedule schedule = SubstitutionSchedule.fromData(scheduleData); schedule.setLastChange(getLastImport()); TimeGrid timegrid = new TimeGrid(getTimeGrid()); final LocalDate today =; int daysToAdd = getDaysToAdd(); final LocalDate endDate = today.plusDays(6 + daysToAdd); try { schedule = parseScheduleUsingSubstitutions(schedule, timegrid, today, endDate); } catch (UnauthorizedException e) { schedule = parseScheduleUsingTimetable(schedule, timegrid, today, endDate); } schedule.setClasses(toNamesList(getClasses())); final String protocol = data.optString(PARAM_PROTOCOL, "https") + "://"; schedule.setWebsite(protocol + data.getString(PARAM_HOST) + "/WebUntis"); try { addMessagesOfDay(schedule); } catch (UnauthorizedException ignored) { } logout(); return schedule; } catch (UnauthorizedException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } private void addMessagesOfDay(SubstitutionSchedule schedule) throws JSONException, CredentialInvalidException, IOException, UnauthorizedException { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { LocalDate date =; JSONArray messages = getMessagesOfDay(date).getJSONObject("messageOfDayCollection") .getJSONArray("messages"); if (messages.length() > 0) { SubstitutionScheduleDay day = getDayForDate(schedule, date); for (int j = 0; j < messages.length(); j++) { day.addMessage(messages.getJSONObject(j).getString("text")); } } } } /** * find out if there's a holiday currently and if so, also display substitutions after it * * @return * @throws JSONException * @throws CredentialInvalidException * @throws IOException */ private int getDaysToAdd() throws JSONException, CredentialInvalidException, IOException { final LocalDate today =; int daysToAdd = 0; try { // JSONArray holidays = getHolidays(); for (int i = 0; i < holidays.length(); i++) { LocalDate startDate = DATE_FORMAT .parseLocalDate(String.valueOf(holidays.getJSONObject(i).getInt("startDate"))); LocalDate endDate = DATE_FORMAT .parseLocalDate(String.valueOf(holidays.getJSONObject(i).getInt("endDate"))); if (!startDate.isAfter(today.plusDays(6)) && !endDate.isBefore(today)) { if (startDate.isBefore(today)) { daysToAdd += Days.daysBetween(today, endDate).getDays() + 1; } else { daysToAdd += Days.daysBetween(startDate, endDate).getDays() + 2; } } } } catch (UnauthorizedException ignored) { } return daysToAdd; } private SubstitutionSchedule parseScheduleUsingTimetable(SubstitutionSchedule schedule, TimeGrid timegrid, LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate) throws JSONException, UnauthorizedException, CredentialInvalidException, IOException { try { switch (scheduleData.getType()) { case TEACHER: if (userData.getPersonType() != UserData.TYPE_TEACHER) { throw new CredentialInvalidException(); } Map<Integer, String> teachers = idNameMap(getTeachers()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : teachers.entrySet()) { JSONArray json = getTimetable(startDate, endDate, new UserData(entry.getKey(), UserData.TYPE_TEACHER)); parseTimetable(json, schedule, timegrid); } break; case STUDENT: Map<Integer, String> classes = idNameMap(getClasses()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : classes.entrySet()) { JSONArray json = getTimetable(startDate, endDate, new UserData(entry.getKey(), UserData.TYPE_KLASSE)); parseTimetable(json, schedule, timegrid); } break; } } catch (UnauthorizedException e) { try { // access is only allowed for the own schedule JSONArray json = getTimetable(startDate, endDate, userData); parseTimetable(json, schedule, timegrid); } catch (UnauthorizedException | IOException e1) { if (schedule.getType() != SubstitutionSchedule.Type.STUDENT || userData.klasseId == null) throw e1; JSONArray json = getTimetable(startDate, endDate, new UserData(userData.klasseId, UserData.TYPE_KLASSE)); parseTimetable(json, schedule, timegrid); } } return schedule; } private void parseTimetable(JSONArray json, SubstitutionSchedule schedule, TimeGrid timegrid) throws JSONException, CredentialInvalidException { for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) { JSONObject lesson = json.getJSONObject(i); if (!lesson.has("code") && !lesson.has("substText")) continue; Substitution subst = new Substitution(); if (lesson.has("code")) { subst.setType(codeToType(lesson.getString("code"))); } else { subst.setType("Vertretung"); } subst.setColor(colorProvider.getColor(subst.getType())); parseClasses(lesson, subst); parseSubjects(lesson, subst); parseRooms(lesson, subst); parseTeachers(schedule, lesson, subst); if (lesson.has("lstext") && lesson.has("substText") && !lesson.getString("lstext").equals(lesson.getString("substText"))) { subst.setDesc(lesson.getString("lstext") + ", " + lesson.getString("substText")); } else if (lesson.has("lstext")) { subst.setDesc(lesson.getString("lstext")); } else if (lesson.has("substText")) { subst.setDesc(lesson.getString("substText")); } LocalDate date = DATE_FORMAT.parseLocalDate(String.valueOf(lesson.getInt("date"))); LocalTime start = TIME_FORMAT.parseLocalTime(getParseableTime(lesson.getInt("startTime"))); LocalTime end = TIME_FORMAT.parseLocalTime(getParseableTime(lesson.getInt("endTime"))); TimeGrid.Day timegridDay = timegrid.getDay(date.getDayOfWeek()); subst.setLesson(timegridDay != null ? timegridDay.getLesson(start, end) : ""); SubstitutionScheduleDay day = getDayForDate(schedule, date); day.addSubstitution(subst); } } @NotNull private SubstitutionSchedule parseScheduleUsingSubstitutions(SubstitutionSchedule schedule, TimeGrid timegrid, LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate) throws CredentialInvalidException, IOException, JSONException, UnauthorizedException { JSONArray substitutions = getSubstitutions(startDate, endDate); Map<LocalDate, SubstitutionScheduleDay> days = new HashMap<>(); for (int j = 0; j < substitutions.length(); j++) { JSONObject substJson = substitutions.getJSONObject(j); Substitution substitution = new Substitution(); if ("ex".equals(substJson.optString("lstype"))) { substitution.setType("Klausur"); } else { substitution.setType(codeToType(substJson.getString("type"))); } substitution.setColor(colorProvider.getColor(substitution.getType())); parseClasses(substJson, substitution); parseSubjects(substJson, substitution); parseRooms(substJson, substitution); parseTeachers(schedule, substJson, substitution); substitution.setDesc(substJson.optString("txt")); LocalDate date = DATE_FORMAT.parseLocalDate(String.valueOf(substJson.getInt("date"))); LocalTime start = TIME_FORMAT.parseLocalTime(getParseableTime(substJson.getInt("startTime"))); LocalTime end = TIME_FORMAT.parseLocalTime(getParseableTime(substJson.getInt("endTime"))); TimeGrid.Day timegridDay = timegrid.getDay(date.getDayOfWeek()); substitution.setLesson(timegridDay != null ? timegridDay.getLesson(start, end) : ""); SubstitutionScheduleDay day = getDayForDate(schedule, date); day.addSubstitution(substitution); } return schedule; } private void parseTeachers(SubstitutionSchedule schedule, JSONObject substJson, Substitution substitution) throws JSONException, CredentialInvalidException { if (!substJson.has("te")) return; JSONArray teachersJson = substJson.getJSONArray("te"); Set<String> teachers = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> previousTeachers = new HashSet<>(); for (int k = 0; k < teachersJson.length(); k++) { JSONObject teacherJson = teachersJson.getJSONObject(k); if (schedule.getType().equals(SubstitutionSchedule.Type.TEACHER) && !teacherJson.has("orgname") && !teacherJson.has("name")) { // cannot access teacher names throw new CredentialInvalidException(); } if (teacherJson.has("name")) { teachers.add(teacherJson.getString("name")); } if (teacherJson.has("orgname")) { previousTeachers.add(teacherJson.getString("orgname")); } } substitution.setTeachers(teachers); substitution.setPreviousTeachers(previousTeachers); } private void parseRooms(JSONObject substJson, Substitution substitution) throws JSONException { JSONArray roomsJson = substJson.getJSONArray("ro"); StringBuilder room = null; StringBuilder previousRoom = null; for (int k = 0; k < roomsJson.length(); k++) { JSONObject roomJson = roomsJson.getJSONObject(k); if (roomJson.has("name")) { if (room == null) { room = new StringBuilder(roomJson.getString("name")); } else { room.append(", ").append(roomJson.getString("name")); } } if (roomJson.has("orgname")) { if (previousRoom == null) { previousRoom = new StringBuilder(roomJson.getString("orgname")); } else { previousRoom.append(", ").append(roomJson.getString("orgname")); } } } substitution.setRoom(room != null ? room.toString() : null); substitution.setPreviousRoom(previousRoom != null ? previousRoom.toString() : null); } private void parseSubjects(JSONObject substJson, Substitution substitution) throws JSONException { JSONArray subjectsJson = substJson.getJSONArray("su"); StringBuilder subject = null; for (int k = 0; k < subjectsJson.length(); k++) { JSONObject subjectJson = subjectsJson.getJSONObject(k); if (subjectJson.has("name")) { if (subject == null) { subject = new StringBuilder(subjectJson.getString("name")); } else { subject.append(", ").append(subjectJson.getString("name")); } } } substitution.setSubject(subject != null ? subject.toString() : null); } private void parseClasses(JSONObject substJson, Substitution substitution) throws JSONException { Set<String> cls = new HashSet<>(); JSONArray classesJson = substJson.getJSONArray("kl"); for (int k = 0; k < classesJson.length(); k++) { cls.add(classesJson.getJSONObject(k).getString("name")); } substitution.setClasses(cls); } @NotNull private static SubstitutionScheduleDay getDayForDate(SubstitutionSchedule schedule, LocalDate date) { SubstitutionScheduleDay day = null; for (SubstitutionScheduleDay currentDay : schedule.getDays()) { if (currentDay.getDate().equals(date)) { day = currentDay; break; } } if (day == null) { day = new SubstitutionScheduleDay(); day.setDate(date); schedule.addDay(day); } return day; } @NotNull private Map<Integer, String> idNameMap(JSONArray subjects) throws JSONException { Map<Integer, String> subjectsMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < subjects.length(); i++) { JSONObject subject = subjects.getJSONObject(i); subjectsMap.put(subject.getInt("id"), subject.getString("name")); } return subjectsMap; } private String codeToType(String code) { switch (code) { // for getSubstitutions case "cancel": return "Entfall"; case "subst": case "stxt": return "Vertretung"; case "rmchg": return "Raumnderung"; case "add": return "Sondereinsatz"; case "shift": return "Verlegung"; case "free": return "Freisetzung"; // for getTimetable case "irregular": return "Vertretung"; case "cancelled": return "Entfall"; default: System.err.println("unknown type: " + code); return code; } } @Override public List<String> getAllClasses() throws IOException, JSONException, CredentialInvalidException { try { login(); List<String> classes = toNamesList(getClasses()); logout(); return classes; } catch (UnauthorizedException e) { throw new CredentialInvalidException(); } } @Override public List<String> getAllTeachers() throws IOException, JSONException, CredentialInvalidException { try { login(); List<String> teachers = toNamesList(getTeachers()); logout(); return teachers; } catch (UnauthorizedException e) { throw new CredentialInvalidException(); } } private class TimeGrid { private final Map<Integer, Day> days; public TimeGrid(JSONArray timeGrid) throws JSONException { days = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < timeGrid.length(); i++) { JSONObject day = timeGrid.getJSONObject(i); int weekday = day.getInt("day") - 1; // Untis uses Sunday = 1, Joda Time Monday = 1 if (weekday < 1) weekday += 7; days.put(weekday, new Day(day)); } } public Day getDay(int weekday) { return days.get(weekday); } private class Day { private final Map<LocalTime, String> startTimes; private final Map<LocalTime, String> endTimes; public Day(JSONObject day) throws JSONException { startTimes = new HashMap<>(); endTimes = new HashMap<>(); DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HHmm"); JSONArray units = day.getJSONArray("timeUnits"); for (int i = 0; i < units.length(); i++) { JSONObject unit = units.getJSONObject(i); String startTime = getParseableTime(unit.getInt("startTime")); startTimes.put(fmt.parseLocalTime(startTime), unit.getString("name")); String endTime = getParseableTime(unit.getInt("endTime")); endTimes.put(fmt.parseLocalTime(endTime), unit.getString("name")); } } public String getLesson(LocalTime startTime, LocalTime endTime) { String startLesson = startTimes.get(startTime); String endLesson = endTimes.get(endTime); if (startLesson == null || endLesson == null) { return ""; } else if (startLesson.equals(endLesson)) { return String.valueOf(startLesson); } else { return startLesson + " - " + endLesson; } } } } @NotNull private String getParseableTime(int value) { return String.format("%04d", value); } @Override public boolean isPersonal() { return true; } // --------------- // | API methods | // --------------- private JSONObject getMessagesOfDay(LocalDate date) throws JSONException, CredentialInvalidException, IOException, UnauthorizedException { // messages only seem to work if they are set as "public" in WebUntis. loginInternal(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("date", date.toString()); return (JSONObject) request("getMessagesOfDay", params, true); } private JSONArray getSubstitutions(LocalDate start, LocalDate end) throws CredentialInvalidException, IOException, JSONException, UnauthorizedException { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("startDate", DATE_FORMAT.print(start)); params.put("endDate", DATE_FORMAT.print(end)); params.put("departmentId", 0); return (JSONArray) request("getSubstitutions", params); } private JSONArray getTimetable(LocalDate start, LocalDate end, UserData userData) throws CredentialInvalidException, IOException, JSONException, UnauthorizedException { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); JSONObject options = new JSONObject(); options.put("startDate", DATE_FORMAT.print(start)); options.put("endDate", DATE_FORMAT.print(end)); options.put("showBooking", true); options.put("showInfo", true); options.put("showSubstText", true); options.put("showLsText", true); options.put("showLsNumber", true); options.put("showStudentgroup", true); JSONArray fields = new JSONArray(); fields.put("name"); fields.put("longname"); fields.put("id"); options.put("klasseFields", fields); options.put("roomFields", fields); options.put("subjectFields", fields); options.put("teacherFields", fields); JSONObject element = new JSONObject(); element.put("id", userData.getPersonId()); element.put("type", userData.getPersonType()); options.put("element", element); params.put("options", options); return (JSONArray) request("getTimetable", params); } private JSONArray getTimeGrid() throws JSONException, CredentialInvalidException, IOException, UnauthorizedException { return (JSONArray) request("getTimegridUnits"); } private JSONArray getHolidays() throws JSONException, CredentialInvalidException, IOException, UnauthorizedException { return (JSONArray) request("getHolidays"); } private LocalDateTime getLastImport() throws JSONException, CredentialInvalidException, IOException, UnauthorizedException { return new LocalDateTime(request("getLatestImportTime")); } private void login() throws JSONException, IOException, CredentialInvalidException, UnauthorizedException { if (sessionId != null && userData != null) return; JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("user", ((UserPasswordCredential) credential).getUsername()); params.put("password", ((UserPasswordCredential) credential).getPassword()); params.put("client", USERAGENT); JSONObject response = (JSONObject) request("authenticate", params); if (response.has("sessionId")) { sessionId = response.getString("sessionId"); final int klasseId = response.optInt("klasseId", -1); userData = new UserData(response.getInt("personId"), response.getInt("personType"), klasseId == -1 ? null : klasseId); } else { throw new CredentialInvalidException(); } } private void loginInternal() throws JSONException, IOException, CredentialInvalidException, UnauthorizedException { if (sharedSecret != null) return; JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("userName", ((UserPasswordCredential) credential).getUsername()); params.put("password", ((UserPasswordCredential) credential).getPassword()); params.put("client", USERAGENT); sharedSecret = (String) request("getAppSharedSecret", params, true); } private void logout() throws IOException, JSONException, CredentialInvalidException, UnauthorizedException { request("logout"); sessionId = null; userData = null; } private JSONArray getClasses() throws IOException, JSONException, CredentialInvalidException, UnauthorizedException { return (JSONArray) request("getKlassen"); } private JSONArray getTeachers() throws IOException, JSONException, CredentialInvalidException, UnauthorizedException { return (JSONArray) request("getTeachers"); } @NotNull private List<String> toNamesList(JSONArray classesJson) throws JSONException { List<String> classes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < classesJson.length(); i++) { classes.add(classesJson.getJSONObject(i).getString("name")); } return classes; } private Object request(String method) throws IOException, JSONException, CredentialInvalidException, UnauthorizedException { return request(method, new JSONObject()); } private Object request(String method, @NotNull JSONObject params) throws JSONException, IOException, CredentialInvalidException, UnauthorizedException { return request(method, params, false); } private Object request(String method, @NotNull JSONObject params, boolean internal) throws JSONException, IOException, CredentialInvalidException, UnauthorizedException { String host = data.getString(PARAM_HOST); String school = data.getString(PARAM_SCHOOLNAME); final String protocol = data.optString(PARAM_PROTOCOL, "https") + "://"; String url = protocol + host + "/WebUntis/jsonrpc" + (internal ? "_intern" : "") + ".do?school=" + URLEncoder.encode(school, "UTF-8"); Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); headers.put("User-Agent", USERAGENT); if (internal && !method.equals("getAppSharedSecret")) { JSONObject auth = new JSONObject(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); auth.put("user", ((UserPasswordCredential) credential).getUsername()); try { auth.put("otp", authCodeInternal(time)); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException e) { throw new IOException(e); } auth.put("clientTime", time); params.put("auth", auth); } JSONObject body = new JSONObject(); body.put("id", ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime().print(; body.put("method", method); if (internal) { JSONArray paramsArray = new JSONArray(); paramsArray.put(params); body.put("params", paramsArray); } else { body.put("params", params); } body.put("jsonrpc", "2.0"); JSONObject response = new JSONObject( httpPost(url, "UTF-8", body.toString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON, headers)); if (!response.getString("id").equals(body.getString("id"))) { throw new IOException("wrong id returned by API"); } else if (!response.has("result")) { JSONObject error = response.getJSONObject("error"); switch (error.getInt("code")) { case -32601: throw new IOException("Method not found"); case -8504: // wrong password case -8998: // user temporarily blocked case -8502: // no username specified throw new CredentialInvalidException(); case -8520: throw new IOException("not logged in"); case -8509: throw new UnauthorizedException(); default: throw new IOException(error.toString()); } } return response.get("result"); } private int authCodeInternal(long time) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException { long t = time / 30000; byte[] key = new Base32().decode(sharedSecret.toUpperCase().getBytes()); byte[] data = new byte[8]; long value = t; int i = 8; while (true) { int i2 = i - 1; if (i <= 0) { break; } data[i2] = (byte) ((int) value); value >>>= 8; i = i2; } SecretKeySpec signKey = new SecretKeySpec(key, "HmacSHA1"); Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1"); mac.init(signKey); byte[] hash = mac.doFinal(data); int offset = hash[19] & 15; long truncatedHash = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 4; i2 += 1) { truncatedHash = (truncatedHash << 8) | ((long) (hash[offset + i2] & 255)); } return (int) ((truncatedHash & 2147483647L) % 1000000); } /** * Thrown when the user does not have the rights to execute an API call */ private class UnauthorizedException extends Throwable { } private class UserData { public static final int TYPE_KLASSE = 1; public static final int TYPE_TEACHER = 2; public static final int TYPE_SUBJECT = 3; public static final int TYPE_ROOM = 4; public static final int TYPE_STUDENT = 5; public UserData(int personId, int personType) { this.personId = personId; this.personType = personType; this.klasseId = null; } public UserData(int personId, int personType, int klasseId) { this.personId = personId; this.personType = personType; this.klasseId = klasseId; } private int personId; private int personType; private Integer klasseId; public int getPersonId() { return personId; } public int getPersonType() { return personType; } public int getKlasseId() { return klasseId; } } }