Java tutorial
/* DrunkDuckDispatch Copyright (C) 2014 Timothy Moore * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package me.timothy.ddd.conversation; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; import me.timothy.ddd.DDDUtils; import me.timothy.ddd.entities.Entity; import me.timothy.ddd.entities.EntityConversationInfo; import me.timothy.ddd.entities.EntityConversationInfo.ConversationChoice; import me.timothy.ddd.entities.EntityManager; import me.timothy.ddd.entities.Player; import; import me.timothy.ddd.quests.Quest; import me.timothy.ddd.quests.QuestManager; import me.timothy.ddd.scaling.SizeScaleSystem; public class Conversation { private static final int SPACING_WIDTH = 25; private static final Rectangle2D.Float TEXT_AREA; private static final Rectangle2D.Float BUTTON_AREA; private static final int MAX_BUTTON_WIDTH = 410; private static final int MAX_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 100; static { TEXT_AREA = new Rectangle2D.Float(); TEXT_AREA.x = 0; TEXT_AREA.y = (SizeScaleSystem.EXPECTED_HEIGHT * 2) / 3; TEXT_AREA.width = SizeScaleSystem.EXPECTED_WIDTH; TEXT_AREA.height = (SizeScaleSystem.EXPECTED_HEIGHT * 2) / 9; BUTTON_AREA = new Rectangle2D.Float(); BUTTON_AREA.x = 0; BUTTON_AREA.y = (SizeScaleSystem.EXPECTED_HEIGHT * 8) / 9; BUTTON_AREA.width = SizeScaleSystem.EXPECTED_WIDTH; BUTTON_AREA.height = (SizeScaleSystem.EXPECTED_HEIGHT * 1) / 9; } private Logger logger; private GameMap gameMap; private Entity entity; private Player player; private EntityManager entityManager; private QuestManager questManager; private int[] choiceTree; private List<EntityConversationInfo.ConversationChoice> currentChoices; private List<Rectangle2D.Float> buttonLocations; private int index; private String text; private Color defaultBknd; private Color choiceBtnBknd; private Color textOnBtnColor; private int counter; public Conversation(Entity entity, Player player, EntityManager entityManager, QuestManager questManager, GameMap gameMap) { logger = LogManager.getLogger(); this.entity = entity; this.player = player; this.entityManager = entityManager; this.questManager = questManager; this.gameMap = gameMap; buttonLocations = new ArrayList<>(); defaultBknd = new Color(49, 79, 79); choiceBtnBknd =; textOnBtnColor = new Color(255, 250, 250); onClick(-1, -1); // its kind of hackey but don't question it } // Returns if the conversation is still going public boolean onClick(int x, int y) { EntityConversationInfo convInfo = entity.getEntityInfo().getConversation(); List<EntityConversationInfo.ConversationMessage> messages = convInfo.getText(); if (messages.size() <= index) { if (convInfo.getQuest() != null) { questManager.convoEnded(entity, convInfo.getQuest(), choiceTree); } text = null; return false; } EntityConversationInfo.ConversationMessage currentMessage = messages.get(index); if (currentChoices == null) {"Conversation continued.."); text = currentMessage.getMsg(); text = DDDUtils.addNewlines(text, 45); currentChoices = currentMessage.getChoices(); createButtons(); if (choiceTree == null) { choiceTree = new int[messages.size()]; } if (currentChoices == null) { if (currentMessage.getJumpTo() != EntityConversationInfo.NO_JUMP_TO) { index = currentMessage.getJumpTo(); } else if (!currentMessage.isEnd()) index++; else index = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } else { int choice = -1; for (int i = 0; i < currentChoices.size(); i++) { Rectangle2D.Float rect = buttonLocations.get(i); if (rect.contains(x, y)) { choice = i; break; } } if (choice == -1) { return true; } choiceTree[counter++] = choice; ConversationChoice choiceObj = currentChoices.get(choice); boolean finished = choiceObj.isEnd() || choiceObj.getJumpTo() == EntityConversationInfo.NO_JUMP_TO; if (finished) { if (convInfo.getQuest() != null) { questManager.convoEnded(entity, convInfo.getQuest(), choiceTree); } text = null; return false; } int newIndex = choiceObj.getJumpTo(); index = newIndex; currentMessage = messages.get(index); text = currentMessage.getMsg(); text = DDDUtils.addNewlines(text, 45); currentChoices = currentMessage.getChoices(); createButtons(); if (currentChoices == null) { if (currentMessage.isEnd()) { index = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { index++; } } logger.printf(Level.INFO, "Chose choice %d which jumped up to index %d", choice, newIndex); } return true; } private void createButtons() { buttonLocations.clear(); if (currentChoices != null) { int bAreaX = (int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelX(BUTTON_AREA.x); int bAreaY = (int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelY(BUTTON_AREA.y); int bAreaWidth = (int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelX(BUTTON_AREA.width); int bAreaHeight = (int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelX(BUTTON_AREA.height); int spacingWidth = (currentChoices.size() - 1) * SPACING_WIDTH; int buttonWidth = (int) ((bAreaWidth - spacingWidth) / currentChoices.size()); if (buttonWidth > MAX_BUTTON_WIDTH) { buttonWidth = MAX_BUTTON_WIDTH; } int sidePadding = (int) ((bAreaWidth - (buttonWidth * currentChoices.size()) - spacingWidth) / 2); int buttonHeight = bAreaHeight; if (buttonHeight > MAX_BUTTON_HEIGHT) { buttonHeight = MAX_BUTTON_HEIGHT; } int topPadding = (bAreaHeight - buttonHeight) / 2; int x = bAreaX + sidePadding; int y = bAreaY + topPadding; for (int i = 0; i < currentChoices.size(); i++) { buttonLocations.add(new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, buttonWidth, buttonHeight)); x += buttonWidth + SPACING_WIDTH; } } } public void render(Graphics g) { if (text != null) { g.setColor(defaultBknd); g.fillRect((int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelX(TEXT_AREA.x), (int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelY(TEXT_AREA.y), (int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelX(TEXT_AREA.width), (int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelY(TEXT_AREA.height)); g.fillRect((int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelX(BUTTON_AREA.x), (int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelY(BUTTON_AREA.y) - 1, // correct for rounding (int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelX(BUTTON_AREA.width), (int) SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelY(BUTTON_AREA.height)); int y = (int) (SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelX(TEXT_AREA.y + TEXT_AREA.height / 2) - g.getFont().getHeight(text) / 2); int x = (int) (SizeScaleSystem.adjRealToPixelY(TEXT_AREA.x + TEXT_AREA.width / 2) - g.getFont().getWidth(text) / 2); g.setColor(; g.drawString(text, x, y); if (currentChoices != null) { for (int i = 0; i < currentChoices.size(); i++) { Rectangle2D.Float rect = buttonLocations.get(i); g.setColor(choiceBtnBknd); g.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); String choiceText = currentChoices.get(i).getMsg(); if (choiceText == null) { logger.warn(entity.getEntityInfo().toString()); } y = (int) (rect.y + rect.height / 2 - g.getFont().getHeight(choiceText) / 2); x = (int) (rect.x + rect.width / 2 - g.getFont().getWidth(choiceText) / 2); g.setColor(textOnBtnColor); g.drawString(choiceText, x, y); } } } } }