Java tutorial
/* PopulationDensity Server Plugin for Minecraft Copyright (C) 2012 Ryan Hamshire This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package me.ryanhamshire.PopulationDensity; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import org.bstats.bukkit.Metrics; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Chunk; import org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.Sound; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.World.Environment; import org.bukkit.WorldBorder; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.Monster; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; import; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class PopulationDensity extends JavaPlugin { //for convenience, a reference to the instance of this plugin public static PopulationDensity instance; DropShipTeleporter dropShipTeleporterInstance; //for logging to the console and log file //Um wat why are we using the Minecraft logger... Oh shoot static is everywhere here :( //private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); private static Logger log; //developer configuration, not modifiable by users public static final int REGION_SIZE = 400; //the world managed by this plugin public static World ManagedWorld; //the default world, not managed by this plugin //(may be null in some configurations) public static World CityWorld; //this handles data storage, like player and region data public DataStore dataStore; //tracks server perforamnce static float serverTicksPerSecond = 20; static int minutesLagging = 0; //lag-reducing measures static boolean grindersStopped = false; static boolean bootingIdlePlayersForLag = false; //user configuration, loaded/saved from a config.yml public boolean allowTeleportation; public boolean teleportFromAnywhere; public boolean newPlayersSpawnInHomeRegion; public boolean respawnInHomeRegion; public String cityWorldName; public String managedWorldName; public int maxDistanceFromSpawnToUseHomeRegion; public double densityRatio; public int maxIdleMinutes; public boolean enableLoginQueue; public int reservedSlotsForAdmins; public String queueMessage; public int hoursBetweenScans; public boolean buildRegionPosts; public boolean newestRegionRequiresPermission; public boolean regrowGrass; public boolean respawnAnimals; public boolean regrowTrees; public boolean thinAnimalAndMonsterCrowds; public boolean thinIronGolemsToo; public boolean preciseWorldSpawn; public int woodMinimum; public int resourceMinimum; public Material postMaterialTop = Material.GLOWSTONE; public Material postMaterialMidTop = Material.GLOWSTONE; public Material postMaterialMidBottom = Material.GLOWSTONE; public Material postMaterialBottom = Material.GLOWSTONE; public Material outerPlatformMaterial = Material.STONE_BRICKS; public Material innerPlatformMaterial = Material.STONE_BRICKS; public int nearbyMonsterSpawnLimit; public int maxRegionNameLength = 10; public boolean abandonedFarmAnimalsDie; public boolean unusedMinecartsVanish; public boolean markRemovedEntityLocations; public boolean removeWildSkeletalHorses; public boolean config_captureSpigotTimingsWhenLagging; public boolean config_bootIdlePlayersWhenLagging; public boolean config_disableGrindersWhenLagging; public int config_maximumHoppersPerChunk; public boolean config_keepSpawnRegionPostLoaded; public boolean config_keepAllRegionPostsLoaded; boolean config_launchAndDropPlayers; boolean config_launchAndDropNewPlayers; boolean config_teleportAnimals = true; public int minimumRegionPostY; public String[] topSignContent; public String[] sideSignContent; public String[] instructionsSignContent; public String[] mainCustomSignContent; public String[] northCustomSignContent; public String[] southCustomSignContent; public String[] eastCustomSignContent; public String[] westCustomSignContent; public int postProtectionRadius; boolean isSpigotServer = false; List<String> config_regionNames; public synchronized static void AddLogEntry(String entry) {; } //initializes well... everything public void onEnable() { instance = this; log = instance.getLogger(); try { Class.forName("org.spigotmc.SpigotConfig"); isSpigotServer = true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } //load the config if it exists FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(DataStore.configFilePath)); //prepare default setting for managed world... String defaultManagedWorldName = ""; //build a list of normal environment worlds List<World> worlds = this.getServer().getWorlds(); ArrayList<World> normalWorlds = new ArrayList<World>(); for (int i = 0; i < worlds.size(); i++) { if (worlds.get(i).getEnvironment() == Environment.NORMAL) { normalWorlds.add(worlds.get(i)); } } //if there's only one, make it the default if (normalWorlds.size() == 1) { defaultManagedWorldName = normalWorlds.get(0).getName(); } //read configuration settings (note defaults) this.allowTeleportation = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.AllowTeleportation", true); this.teleportFromAnywhere = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.TeleportFromAnywhere", false); this.newPlayersSpawnInHomeRegion = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.NewPlayersSpawnInHomeRegion", true); this.respawnInHomeRegion = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.RespawnInHomeRegion", true); this.cityWorldName = config.getString("PopulationDensity.CityWorldName", ""); this.maxDistanceFromSpawnToUseHomeRegion = config .getInt("PopulationDensity.MaxDistanceFromSpawnToUseHomeRegion", 25); this.managedWorldName = config.getString("PopulationDensity.ManagedWorldName", defaultManagedWorldName); this.densityRatio = config.getDouble("PopulationDensity.DensityRatio", 1.0); this.maxIdleMinutes = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.MaxIdleMinutes", 10); this.enableLoginQueue = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.LoginQueueEnabled", true); this.reservedSlotsForAdmins = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.ReservedSlotsForAdministrators", 1); if (this.reservedSlotsForAdmins < 0) this.reservedSlotsForAdmins = 0; this.queueMessage = config.getString("PopulationDensity.LoginQueueMessage", "%queuePosition% of %queueLength% in queue. Reconnect within 3 minutes to keep your place. :)"); this.hoursBetweenScans = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.HoursBetweenScans", 6); this.buildRegionPosts = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.BuildRegionPosts", true); this.newestRegionRequiresPermission = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.NewestRegionRequiresPermission", false); this.regrowGrass = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.GrassRegrows", true); this.respawnAnimals = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.AnimalsRespawn", true); this.regrowTrees = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.TreesRegrow", true); this.config_maximumHoppersPerChunk = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.Maximum Hoppers Per Chunk", 10); this.thinAnimalAndMonsterCrowds = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.ThinOvercrowdedAnimalsAndMonsters", true); this.thinIronGolemsToo = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.ThinOverCrowdedIronGolems", this.thinIronGolemsToo); this.minimumRegionPostY = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.MinimumRegionPostY", 62); this.preciseWorldSpawn = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.PreciseWorldSpawn", false); this.woodMinimum = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.MinimumWoodAvailableToPlaceNewPlayers", 200); this.resourceMinimum = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.MinimumResourceScoreToPlaceNewPlayers", 200); this.postProtectionRadius = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.PostProtectionDistance", 2); this.maxRegionNameLength = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.Maximum Region Name Length", 10); this.config_disableGrindersWhenLagging = config .getBoolean("PopulationDensity.Disable Monster Grinders When Lagging", true); this.config_bootIdlePlayersWhenLagging = config .getBoolean("PopulationDensity.Boot Idle Players When Lagging", true); this.config_captureSpigotTimingsWhenLagging = config .getBoolean("PopulationDensity.Capture Spigot Timings When Lagging", false); this.config_keepSpawnRegionPostLoaded = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.KeepSpawnRegionPostLoaded", true); this.config_keepAllRegionPostsLoaded = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.KeepAllRegionPostsLoaded", false); this.config_launchAndDropPlayers = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.LaunchAndDropPlayers", true); this.config_launchAndDropNewPlayers = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.LaunchAndDropNewPlayers", config_launchAndDropPlayers); this.config_teleportAnimals = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.TeleportAnimals", config_teleportAnimals); String top = config.getString("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.TopBlock", "GLOWSTONE"); String midTop = config.getString("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.MidTopBlock", "GLOWSTONE"); String midBottom = config.getString("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.MidBottomBlock", "GLOWSTONE"); String bottom = config.getString("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.BottomBlock", "GLOWSTONE"); String outerPlat = config.getString("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.PlatformOuterRing", "STONE_BRICKS"); String innerPlat = config.getString("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.PlatformInnerRing", "STONE_BRICKS"); this.nearbyMonsterSpawnLimit = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.Max Monsters In Chunk To Spawn More", 2); this.nearbyMonsterSpawnLimit = config.getInt("PopulationDensity.Max Monsters Nearby For More To Spawn", nearbyMonsterSpawnLimit); this.abandonedFarmAnimalsDie = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.Abandoned Farm Animals Die", true); this.unusedMinecartsVanish = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.Unused Minecarts Vanish", true); this.markRemovedEntityLocations = config .getBoolean("PopulationDensity.MarkRemovedAnimalLocationsWithShrubs", true); this.removeWildSkeletalHorses = config.getBoolean("PopulationDensity.Remove Wild Skeletal Horses", true); Material resultT = this.processMaterials(top); if (resultT != null) { this.postMaterialTop = resultT; } Material resultMT = this.processMaterials(midTop); if (resultMT != null) { this.postMaterialMidTop = resultMT; } Material resultMB = this.processMaterials(midBottom); if (resultMB != null) { this.postMaterialMidBottom = resultMB; } Material resultB = this.processMaterials(bottom); if (resultB != null) { this.postMaterialBottom = resultB; } Material resultO = this.processMaterials(outerPlat); if (resultO != null) { this.outerPlatformMaterial = resultO; } Material resultI = this.processMaterials(innerPlat); if (resultI != null) { this.innerPlatformMaterial = resultI; } List<String> defaultRegionNames = Arrays.asList("redstone", "dew", "creeper", "sword", "wintersebb", "fjord", "vista", "breeze", "tide", "stream", "glenwood", "journey", "cragstone", "pickaxe", "axe", "hammer", "anvil", "mist", "sunrise", "sunset", "copper", "coal", "shovel", "minecart", "railway", "dig", "chasm", "basalt", "agate", "boat", "grass", "gust", "ruby", "emerald", "stone", "peak", "ore", "boulder", "hilltop", "horizon", "fog", "cloud", "canopy", "gravel", "torch", "obsidian", "treetop", "storm", "gold", "canopy", "leaf", "summit", "glade", "trail", "seed", "diamond", "armor", "sand", "flint", "field", "steel", "helm", "gorge", "campfire", "workshop", "rubble", "iron", "chisel", "moon", "shrub", "zombie", "stem", "vale", "pumpkin", "lantern", "copper", "moonBeam", "soil", "dust"); this.config_regionNames = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> regionNames = config.getStringList("PopulationDensity.Region Name List"); if (regionNames == null || regionNames.size() == 0) { regionNames = defaultRegionNames; } for (String regionName : regionNames) { String error = getRegionNameError(regionName, true); if (error != null) { AddLogEntry("Unable to use region name + '" + regionName + "':" + error); } else { this.config_regionNames.add(regionName); } } //and write those values back and save. this ensures the config file is available on disk for editing FileConfiguration outConfig = new YamlConfiguration(); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.NewPlayersSpawnInHomeRegion", this.newPlayersSpawnInHomeRegion); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.RespawnInHomeRegion", this.respawnInHomeRegion); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.CityWorldName", this.cityWorldName); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.AllowTeleportation", this.allowTeleportation); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.TeleportFromAnywhere", this.teleportFromAnywhere); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.MaxDistanceFromSpawnToUseHomeRegion", this.maxDistanceFromSpawnToUseHomeRegion); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.ManagedWorldName", this.managedWorldName); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.DensityRatio", this.densityRatio); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.MaxIdleMinutes", this.maxIdleMinutes); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.LoginQueueEnabled", this.enableLoginQueue); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.ReservedSlotsForAdministrators", this.reservedSlotsForAdmins); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.LoginQueueMessage", this.queueMessage); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.HoursBetweenScans", this.hoursBetweenScans); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.BuildRegionPosts", this.buildRegionPosts); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.NewestRegionRequiresPermission", this.newestRegionRequiresPermission); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.GrassRegrows", this.regrowGrass); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.AnimalsRespawn", this.respawnAnimals); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.TreesRegrow", this.regrowTrees); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.Max Monsters Nearby For More To Spawn", this.nearbyMonsterSpawnLimit); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.ThinOvercrowdedAnimalsAndMonsters", this.thinAnimalAndMonsterCrowds); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.ThinOvercrowdedIronGolems", this.thinIronGolemsToo); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.Abandoned Farm Animals Die", this.abandonedFarmAnimalsDie); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.Unused Minecarts Vanish", this.unusedMinecartsVanish); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.MarkRemovedAnimalLocationsWithShrubs", this.markRemovedEntityLocations); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.Remove Wild Skeletal Horses", this.removeWildSkeletalHorses); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.Disable Monster Grinders When Lagging", this.config_disableGrindersWhenLagging); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.Maximum Hoppers Per Chunk", this.config_maximumHoppersPerChunk); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.Boot Idle Players When Lagging", this.config_bootIdlePlayersWhenLagging); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.Capture Spigot Timings When Lagging", this.config_captureSpigotTimingsWhenLagging); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.KeepSpawnRegionPostLoaded", this.config_keepSpawnRegionPostLoaded); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.KeepAllRegionPostsLoaded", this.config_keepAllRegionPostsLoaded); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.LaunchAndDropPlayers", this.config_launchAndDropPlayers); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.LaunchAndDropNewPlayers", this.config_launchAndDropNewPlayers); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.TeleportAnimals", this.config_teleportAnimals); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.MinimumRegionPostY", this.minimumRegionPostY); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.PreciseWorldSpawn", this.preciseWorldSpawn); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.MinimumWoodAvailableToPlaceNewPlayers", this.woodMinimum); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.MinimumResourceScoreToPlaceNewPlayers", this.resourceMinimum); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.PostProtectionDistance", this.postProtectionRadius); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.Maximum Region Name Length", this.maxRegionNameLength); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.TopBlock", top); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.MidTopBlock", midTop); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.MidBottomBlock", midBottom); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.BottomBlock", bottom); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.PlatformOuterRing", outerPlat); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.PostDesign.PlatformInnerRing", innerPlat); outConfig.set("PopulationDensity.Region Name List", regionNames); //this is a combination load/preprocess/save for custom signs on the region posts this.topSignContent = this.initializeSignContentConfig(config, outConfig, "PopulationDensity.Signs.Top", new String[] { "", "%regionName%", "Region", "" }); this.sideSignContent = this.initializeSignContentConfig(config, outConfig, "PopulationDensity.Signs.Side", new String[] { "<--", "%regionName%", "Region", "<--" }); this.instructionsSignContent = this.initializeSignContentConfig(config, outConfig, "PopulationDensity.Signs.Instructions", new String[] { "Teleport", "From Here!", "Punch For", "Instructions" }); this.mainCustomSignContent = this.initializeSignContentConfig(config, outConfig, "PopulationDensity.CustomSigns.Main", new String[] { "", "Population", "Density", "" }); this.northCustomSignContent = this.initializeSignContentConfig(config, outConfig, "PopulationDensity.CustomSigns.North", new String[] { "", "", "", "" }); this.southCustomSignContent = this.initializeSignContentConfig(config, outConfig, "PopulationDensity.CustomSigns.South", new String[] { "", "", "", "" }); this.eastCustomSignContent = this.initializeSignContentConfig(config, outConfig, "PopulationDensity.CustomSigns.East", new String[] { "", "", "", "" }); this.westCustomSignContent = this.initializeSignContentConfig(config, outConfig, "PopulationDensity.CustomSigns.West", new String[] { "", "", "", "" }); try {; } catch (IOException exception) { AddLogEntry("Unable to write to the configuration file at \"" + DataStore.configFilePath + "\""); } //get a reference to the managed world if (this.managedWorldName == null || this.managedWorldName.isEmpty()) { PopulationDensity.AddLogEntry("Please specify a world to manage in config.yml."); return; } ManagedWorld = this.getServer().getWorld(this.managedWorldName); if (ManagedWorld == null) { PopulationDensity.AddLogEntry("Could not find a world named \"" + this.managedWorldName + "\". Please update your config.yml."); return; } //when datastore initializes, it loads player and region data, and posts some stats to the log this.dataStore = new DataStore(this.config_regionNames); //register for events PluginManager pluginManager = this.getServer().getPluginManager(); //set up region name tab completers PluginCommand visitCommand = this.getCommand("visit"); visitCommand.setTabCompleter(this.dataStore); //player events, to control spawn, respawn, disconnect, and region-based notifications as players walk around PlayerEventHandler playerEventHandler = new PlayerEventHandler(this.dataStore, this); pluginManager.registerEvents(playerEventHandler, this); //block events, to limit building around region posts and in some other cases (config dependent) BlockEventHandler blockEventHandler = new BlockEventHandler(); pluginManager.registerEvents(blockEventHandler, this); //entity events, to protect region posts from explosions EntityEventHandler entityEventHandler = new EntityEventHandler(this); pluginManager.registerEvents(entityEventHandler, this); //world events, to generate region posts when chunks load WorldEventHandler worldEventHandler = new WorldEventHandler(); pluginManager.registerEvents(worldEventHandler, this); //Only load listeners if LaunchAndDrop is enabled in config if (config_launchAndDropPlayers || config_launchAndDropNewPlayers) { this.dropShipTeleporterInstance = new DropShipTeleporter(this); pluginManager.registerEvents(dropShipTeleporterInstance, this); } //make a note of the spawn world. may be NULL if the configured city world name doesn't match an existing world CityWorld = this.getServer().getWorld(this.cityWorldName); if (!this.cityWorldName.isEmpty() && CityWorld == null) { PopulationDensity.AddLogEntry( "Could not find a world named \"" + this.cityWorldName + "\". Please update your config.yml."); } //scan the open region for resources and open a new one as necessary //may open and close several regions before finally leaving an "acceptable" region open //this will repeat every six hours this.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new ScanOpenRegionTask(), 5L, this.hoursBetweenScans * 60 * 60 * 20L); //start monitoring performance this.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new MonitorPerformanceTask(), 1200L, 1200L); //animals which appear abandoned on chunk load get the grandfather clause treatment for (World world : this.getServer().getWorlds()) { for (Chunk chunk : world.getLoadedChunks()) { Entity[] entities = chunk.getEntities(); for (Entity entity : entities) { if (WorldEventHandler.isAbandoned(entity)) { entity.setTicksLived(1); } } } } try { Metrics metrics = new Metrics(this); metrics.addCustomChart(new Metrics.SimplePie("bukkit_impl", new Callable<String>() { @Override public String call() throws Exception { return getServer().getVersion().split("-")[1]; } })); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } } String getRegionNameError(String name, boolean console) { if (name.length() > this.maxRegionNameLength) { if (console) return "Name too long."; else return this.dataStore.getMessage(Messages.RegionNameLength, String.valueOf(maxRegionNameLength)); } for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { char c = name.charAt(i); if (!Character.isLetter(c) && !Character.isDigit(c) && c != ' ') { if (console) return "Name includes symbols or puncutation."; else return this.dataStore.getMessage(Messages.RegionNamesOnlyLettersAndNumbers); } } return null; } public String[] initializeSignContentConfig(FileConfiguration config, FileConfiguration outConfig, String configurationNode, String[] defaultLines) { //read what's in the file List<String> linesFromConfig = config.getStringList(configurationNode); //if nothing, replace with default int i = 0; if (linesFromConfig == null || linesFromConfig.size() == 0) { for (; i < defaultLines.length && i < 4; i++) { linesFromConfig.add(defaultLines[i]); } } //fill any blanks for (i = linesFromConfig.size(); i < 4; i++) { linesFromConfig.add(""); } //write it back to the config file outConfig.set(configurationNode, linesFromConfig); //would the sign be empty? boolean emptySign = true; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (linesFromConfig.get(i).length() > 0) { emptySign = false; break; } } //return end result if (emptySign) { return null; } else { String[] returnArray = new String[4]; for (i = 0; i < 4 && i < linesFromConfig.size(); i++) { returnArray[i] = linesFromConfig.get(i); } return returnArray; } } public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args) { Player player = null; PlayerData playerData = null; if (sender instanceof Player) { player = (Player) sender; if (ManagedWorld == null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.NoManagedWorld); return true; } playerData = this.dataStore.getPlayerData(player); } if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("visit") && player != null) { if (args.length < 1) return false; CanTeleportResult result = this.playerCanTeleport(player, false); if (!result.canTeleport) return true; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Player targetPlayer = this.getServer().getPlayerExact(args[0]); if (targetPlayer != null && player.canSee(targetPlayer)) { PlayerData targetPlayerData = this.dataStore.getPlayerData(targetPlayer); if (playerData.inviter != null && playerData.inviter.getName().equals(targetPlayer.getName())) { if (result.nearPost && this.launchPlayer(player)) { this.TeleportPlayer(player, targetPlayerData.homeRegion, 1); } else { this.TeleportPlayer(player, targetPlayerData.homeRegion, 0); } } else if (this.dataStore.getRegionName(targetPlayerData.homeRegion) == null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.InvitationNeeded, targetPlayer.getName()); return true; } else { if (this.launchPlayer(player)) { this.TeleportPlayer(player, targetPlayerData.homeRegion, 1); } else { this.TeleportPlayer(player, targetPlayerData.homeRegion, 0); } } PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Success, Messages.VisitConfirmation, targetPlayer.getName()); } else { //find the specified region, and send an error message if it's not found String name = PopulationDensity.join(args); RegionCoordinates region = this.dataStore.getRegionCoordinates(name); if (region == null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.DestinationNotFound, name); return true; } //otherwise, teleport the user to the specified region if (this.launchPlayer(player)) { this.TeleportPlayer(player, region, 1); } else { this.TeleportPlayer(player, region, 0); } } return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("newestregion") && player != null) { //check permission, if necessary if (this.newestRegionRequiresPermission && !player.hasPermission("populationdensity.newestregion")) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.NeedNewestRegionPermission); return true; } CanTeleportResult result = this.playerCanTeleport(player, false); if (!result.canTeleport) return true; //teleport the user to the open region RegionCoordinates openRegion = this.dataStore.getOpenRegion(); if (result.nearPost && this.launchPlayer(player)) { this.TeleportPlayer(player, openRegion, 1); } else { this.TeleportPlayer(player, openRegion, 0); } PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Success, Messages.NewestRegionConfirmation); return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("whichregion") && player != null) { RegionCoordinates currentRegion = RegionCoordinates.fromLocation(player.getLocation()); if (currentRegion == null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Warn, Messages.NotInRegion); return true; } String regionName = this.dataStore.getRegionName(currentRegion); if (regionName == null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Info, Messages.UnnamedRegion); } else { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Info, Messages.WhichRegion, capitalize(regionName)); } return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("listregions")) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Info, this.dataStore.getRegionNames()); return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("nameregion") && player != null) { return this.nameRegion(player, args, false); } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("renameregion") && player != null) { return this.nameRegion(player, args, true); } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("addregionpost") && player != null) { RegionCoordinates currentRegion = RegionCoordinates.fromLocation(player.getLocation()); if (currentRegion == null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.NotInRegion); return true; } try { this.dataStore.AddRegionPost(currentRegion); } catch (ChunkLoadException e) { } //ignore. post will be auto-built when the chunk is loaded later return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("homeregion") && player != null) { return this.handleHomeCommand(player, playerData); } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("cityregion") && player != null) { //if city world isn't defined, send the player home if (CityWorld == null) { return this.handleHomeCommand(player, playerData); } //otherwise teleportation is enabled, so consider config, player location, player permissions CanTeleportResult result = this.playerCanTeleport(player, true); if (result.canTeleport) { Location spawn = CityWorld.getSpawnLocation(); Block block = spawn.getBlock(); while (block.getType().isSolid()) { block = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP); } if (result.nearPost && this.launchPlayer(player)) new TeleportPlayerTask(player, block.getLocation(), false, instance).runTaskLater(this, 20L); else new TeleportPlayerTask(player, block.getLocation(), false, instance).runTaskLater(this, 0L); } return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("randomregion") && player != null) { CanTeleportResult result = this.playerCanTeleport(player, false); if (!result.canTeleport) return true; RegionCoordinates randomRegion = this.dataStore .getRandomRegion(RegionCoordinates.fromLocation(player.getLocation())); if (randomRegion == null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.NoMoreRegions); } else { if (result.nearPost && this.launchPlayer(player)) { this.TeleportPlayer(player, randomRegion, 1); } else { this.TeleportPlayer(player, randomRegion, 0); } } return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("invite") && player != null) { if (args.length < 1) return false; //send a notification to the invitee, if he's available @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Player invitee = this.getServer().getPlayer(args[0]); if (invitee != null && player.canSee(invitee)) { playerData = this.dataStore.getPlayerData(invitee); if (playerData.inviter == player) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Success, Messages.InviteAlreadySent, invitee.getName(), player.getName()); return true; } playerData.inviter = player; PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Success, Messages.InviteConfirmation, invitee.getName(), player.getName()); PopulationDensity.sendMessage(invitee, TextMode.Success, Messages.InviteNotification, player.getName()); PopulationDensity.sendMessage(invitee, TextMode.Instr, Messages.InviteInstruction, player.getName()); } else { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.PlayerNotFound, args[0]); } return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("sendregion")) { if (args.length < 1) return false; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Player targetPlayer = this.getServer().getPlayerExact(args[0]); if (targetPlayer != null) { playerData = this.dataStore.getPlayerData(targetPlayer); RegionCoordinates destination = playerData.homeRegion; if (args.length > 1) { String name = PopulationDensity.join(args, 1); destination = this.dataStore.getRegionCoordinates(name); if (destination == null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.DestinationNotFound, name); return true; } } //otherwise, teleport the target player to the destination region this.TeleportPlayer(targetPlayer, destination, 0); PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Success, Messages.PlayerMoved); } else { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.PlayerNotFound, args[0]); } return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("sethomeregion") && player != null) { //if not in the managed world, /movein doesn't make sense if (!player.getWorld().equals(ManagedWorld)) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.NotInRegion); return true; } playerData.homeRegion = RegionCoordinates.fromLocation(player.getLocation()); this.dataStore.savePlayerData(player, playerData); PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Success, Messages.SetHomeConfirmation); PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Instr, Messages.SetHomeInstruction1); PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Instr, Messages.SetHomeInstruction2); return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("addregion") && player != null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Success, Messages.AddRegionConfirmation); RegionCoordinates newRegion = this.dataStore.addRegion(); this.scanRegion(newRegion, true); return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("scanregion") && player != null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Success, Messages.ScanStartConfirmation); this.scanRegion(RegionCoordinates.fromLocation(player.getLocation()), false); return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("loginpriority")) { //requires exactly two parameters, the other player's name and the priority if (args.length != 2 && args.length != 1) return false; PlayerData targetPlayerData = null; OfflinePlayer targetPlayer = null; if (args.length > 0) { //find the specified player targetPlayer = this.resolvePlayer(args[0]); if (targetPlayer == null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.PlayerNotFound, args[0]); return true; } targetPlayerData = this.dataStore.getPlayerData(targetPlayer); PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Info, Messages.LoginPriorityCheck, targetPlayer.getName(), String.valueOf(targetPlayerData.loginPriority)); if (args.length < 2) return false; //usage displayed //parse the adjustment amount int priority; try { priority = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatException) { return false; //causes usage to be displayed } //set priority if (priority > 100) priority = 100; else if (priority < 0) priority = 0; targetPlayerData.loginPriority = priority; this.dataStore.savePlayerData(targetPlayer, targetPlayerData); //confirmation message PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Success, Messages.LoginPriorityUpdate, targetPlayer.getName(), String.valueOf(priority)); return true; } } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("thinentities")) { if (player != null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Success, Messages.ThinningConfirmation); } MonitorPerformanceTask.thinEntities(); return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("simlag") && player == null) { float tps; try { tps = Float.parseFloat(args[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } MonitorPerformanceTask.treatLag(tps); return true; } else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("lag")) { this.reportTPS(player); return true; } return false; } private boolean nameRegion(Player player, String[] args, boolean allowRename) { RegionCoordinates currentRegion = RegionCoordinates.fromLocation(player.getLocation()); if (currentRegion == null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Warn, Messages.NotInRegion); return true; } if (!allowRename) { String name = this.dataStore.getRegionName(currentRegion); if (name != null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.RegionAlreadyNamed); return true; } } //validate argument if (args.length < 1) return false; String name = PopulationDensity.join(args); if (this.dataStore.getRegionCoordinates(name) != null) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.RegionNameConflict); return true; } //name region try { this.dataStore.nameRegion(currentRegion, name); } catch (RegionNameException e) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, e.getMessage()); return true; } //update post try { this.dataStore.AddRegionPost(currentRegion); } catch (ChunkLoadException e) { } //ignore. post will be auto-rebuilt when the chunk is loaded later return true; } void reportTPS(Player player) { String message = PopulationDensity.instance.dataStore.getMessage(Messages.PerformanceScore, String.valueOf(Math.round((serverTicksPerSecond / 20) * 100))); if (serverTicksPerSecond > 19) { message = PopulationDensity.instance.dataStore.getMessage(Messages.PerformanceScore_NoLag) + message; } else { message += PopulationDensity.instance.dataStore.getMessage(Messages.PerformanceScore_Lag); } if (player != null) { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + message); } else { AddLogEntry(message); } } private static String join(String[] args, int offset) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = offset; i < args.length; i++) { builder.append(args[i]).append(" "); } return builder.toString().trim(); } private static String join(String[] args) { return join(args, 0); } private boolean handleHomeCommand(Player player, PlayerData playerData) { //consider config, player location, player permissions CanTeleportResult result = this.playerCanTeleport(player, true); if (result.canTeleport) { RegionCoordinates homeRegion = playerData.homeRegion; if (result.nearPost && this.launchPlayer(player)) { this.TeleportPlayer(player, homeRegion, 1); } else { this.TeleportPlayer(player, homeRegion, 0); } return true; } return true; } public void onDisable() { AddLogEntry("PopulationDensity disabled."); } //examines configuration, player permissions, and player location to determine whether or not to allow a teleport @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private CanTeleportResult playerCanTeleport(Player player, boolean isHomeOrCityTeleport) { //if the player has the permission for teleportation, always allow it if (player.hasPermission("populationdensity.teleportanywhere")) return new CanTeleportResult(true); //disallow spamming commands to hover in the air if (!player.isOnGround()) { if (player.getVehicle() == null) { return new CanTeleportResult(false); } // Dismount them if they're riding player.leaveVehicle(); } //if teleportation from anywhere is enabled, always allow it if (this.teleportFromAnywhere) return new CanTeleportResult(true); //avoid teleporting from other worlds if (!player.getWorld().equals(ManagedWorld) && (CityWorld == null || !player.getWorld().equals(CityWorld))) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.NoTeleportThisWorld); return new CanTeleportResult(false); } //when teleportation isn't allowed, the only exceptions are city to home, and home to city if (!this.allowTeleportation) { if (!isHomeOrCityTeleport) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.OnlyHomeCityHere); return new CanTeleportResult(false); } //if city is defined and close to city post, go for it if (nearCityPost(player)) { CanTeleportResult result = new CanTeleportResult(true); result.nearCityPost = true; return result; } //if close to home post, go for it PlayerData playerData = this.dataStore.getPlayerData(player); Location homeCenter = getRegionCenter(playerData.homeRegion, false); Location location = player.getLocation(); if (location.getBlockY() >= PopulationDensity.instance.minimumRegionPostY && Math.abs(location.getBlockX() - homeCenter.getBlockX()) < 2 && Math.abs(location.getBlockZ() - homeCenter.getBlockZ()) < 2 && location.getBlock().getLightFromSky() > 0) { CanTeleportResult result = new CanTeleportResult(true); result.nearPost = true; return result; } PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.NoTeleportHere); return new CanTeleportResult(false); } //otherwise, any post is acceptable to teleport from or to else { if (nearCityPost(player)) { CanTeleportResult result = new CanTeleportResult(true); result.nearCityPost = true; return result; } RegionCoordinates currentRegion = RegionCoordinates.fromLocation(player.getLocation()); Location currentCenter = getRegionCenter(currentRegion, false); Location location = player.getLocation(); if (location.getBlockY() >= PopulationDensity.instance.minimumRegionPostY && Math.abs(location.getBlockX() - currentCenter.getBlockX()) < 3 && Math.abs(location.getBlockZ() - currentCenter.getBlockZ()) < 3 && location.getBlock().getLightFromSky() > 0) { CanTeleportResult result = new CanTeleportResult(true); result.nearPost = true; return result; } PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.NotCloseToPost); PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Instr, Messages.HelpMessage1, ChatColor.UNDERLINE + "" + ChatColor.AQUA + ""); return new CanTeleportResult(false); } } private boolean nearCityPost(Player player) { if (CityWorld == null || !player.getWorld().equals(CityWorld)) return false; //max distance == 0 indicates no distance maximum if (this.maxDistanceFromSpawnToUseHomeRegion < 1) return true; return player.getLocation() .distance(CityWorld.getSpawnLocation()) < this.maxDistanceFromSpawnToUseHomeRegion; } //teleports a player to a specific region of the managed world, notifying players of arrival/departure as necessary //players always land at the region's region post, which is placed on the surface at the center of the region public void TeleportPlayer(Player player, RegionCoordinates region, int delaySeconds) { TeleportPlayerToRegion(player, region, delaySeconds, config_launchAndDropPlayers); } public void TeleportPlayerToRegion(Player player, RegionCoordinates region, int delaySeconds, Boolean doDrop) { //where specifically to send the player? Location teleportDestination = getRegionCenter(region, true); teleportDestination.setX(teleportDestination.getBlockX() + 0.5D); teleportDestination.setY(teleportDestination.getBlockY() + 1D); teleportDestination.setZ(teleportDestination.getBlockZ() + 0.5D); // Check the world border WorldBorder border = ManagedWorld.getWorldBorder(); double size = border.getSize() / 2; Location center = border.getCenter(); double x = teleportDestination.getBlockX() - center.getX(), z = teleportDestination.getBlockZ() - center.getZ(); if ((x > size || (-x) > size) || (z > size || (-z) > size)) { PopulationDensity.sendMessage(player, TextMode.Err, Messages.OutsideWorldBorder); return; } //drop the player from the sky //RoboMWM - only if LaunchAndDropPlayers is enabled if (doDrop && !player.getGameMode().equals(GameMode.SPECTATOR)) teleportDestination = new Location(ManagedWorld, teleportDestination.getX(), ManagedWorld.getMaxHeight() + 10, teleportDestination.getZ(), player.getLocation().getYaw(), 90); new TeleportPlayerTask(player, teleportDestination, doDrop, instance, dropShipTeleporterInstance) .runTaskLater(this, delaySeconds * 20L); //kill bad guys in the area removeMonstersAround(teleportDestination); } //scans the open region for resources and may close the region (and open a new one) if accessible resources are low //may repeat itself if the regions it opens are also not acceptably rich in resources //TODO: use Paper API to get chunks async (with fallback to spigot/CB) public void scanRegion(RegionCoordinates region, boolean openNewRegions) { AddLogEntry("Examining available resources in region \"" + region.toString() + "\"..."); Location regionCenter = getRegionCenter(region, false); int min_x = regionCenter.getBlockX() - REGION_SIZE / 2; int max_x = regionCenter.getBlockX() + REGION_SIZE / 2; int min_z = regionCenter.getBlockZ() - REGION_SIZE / 2; int max_z = regionCenter.getBlockZ() + REGION_SIZE / 2; Chunk lesserBoundaryChunk = ManagedWorld.getChunkAt(new Location(ManagedWorld, min_x, 1, min_z)); Chunk greaterBoundaryChunk = ManagedWorld.getChunkAt(new Location(ManagedWorld, max_x, 1, max_z)); ChunkSnapshot[][] snapshots = new ChunkSnapshot[greaterBoundaryChunk.getX() - lesserBoundaryChunk.getX() + 1][greaterBoundaryChunk.getZ() - lesserBoundaryChunk.getZ() + 1]; for (int x = 0; x < snapshots.length; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < snapshots[0].length; z++) { snapshots[x][z] = null; } } for (int x = 0; x < snapshots.length; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < snapshots[0].length; z++) { //skip chunks that we already have snapshots for if (snapshots[x][z] != null) continue; //get the chunk, load it, generate it if necessary Chunk chunk = ManagedWorld.getChunkAt(x + lesserBoundaryChunk.getX(), z + lesserBoundaryChunk.getZ()); if (chunk.isLoaded() || chunk.load(true)) { //take a snapshot ChunkSnapshot snapshot = chunk.getChunkSnapshot(); snapshots[x][z] = snapshot; } } } //create a new task with this information, which will more completely scan the content of all the snapshots ScanRegionTask task = new ScanRegionTask(snapshots, openNewRegions); task.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); //run it in a separate thread task.start(); } //ensures a piece of the managed world is loaded into server memory //(generates the chunk if necessary) //these coordinate params are BLOCK coordinates, not CHUNK coordinates public static void GuaranteeChunkLoaded(int x, int z) throws ChunkLoadException { Location location = new Location(ManagedWorld, x, 5, z); Chunk chunk = ManagedWorld.getChunkAt(location); if (!chunk.isLoaded()) { if (!chunk.load(true)) { throw new ChunkLoadException(); } } } //determines the center of a region (as a Location) given its region coordinates //keeping all regions the same size and aligning them in a grid keeps this calculation simple and fast public static Location getRegionCenter(RegionCoordinates region, boolean computeY) { int x, z; x = region.x * REGION_SIZE + REGION_SIZE / 2; z = region.z * REGION_SIZE + REGION_SIZE / 2; Location center = new Location(ManagedWorld, x, PopulationDensity.instance.minimumRegionPostY, z); if (computeY) center = ManagedWorld.getHighestBlockAt(center).getLocation(); return center; } //capitalizes a string, used to make region names pretty public static String capitalize(String string) { if (string == null || string.length() == 0) return string; if (string.length() == 1) return string.toUpperCase(); //return string.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1); return WordUtils.capitalize(string); } public void resetIdleTimer(Player player) { //if idle kick is disabled, don't do anything here if (PopulationDensity.instance.maxIdleMinutes < 1) return; PlayerData playerData = this.dataStore.getPlayerData(player); //if there's a task already in the queue for this player, cancel it if (playerData.afkCheckTaskID >= 0) { PopulationDensity.instance.getServer().getScheduler().cancelTask(playerData.afkCheckTaskID); } //queue a new task for later //note: 20L ~ 1 second playerData.afkCheckTaskID = PopulationDensity.instance.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask( PopulationDensity.instance, new AfkCheckTask(player, playerData), 20L * 60 * PopulationDensity.instance.maxIdleMinutes); } private OfflinePlayer resolvePlayer(String name) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Player player = this.getServer().getPlayer(name); if (player != null) return player; OfflinePlayer[] offlinePlayers = this.getServer().getOfflinePlayers(); for (int i = 0; i < offlinePlayers.length; i++) { if (offlinePlayers[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return offlinePlayers[i]; } } return null; } static void removeMonstersAround(Location location) { Chunk centerChunk = location.getChunk(); World world = location.getWorld(); for (int x = centerChunk.getX() - 2; x <= centerChunk.getX() + 2; x++) { for (int z = centerChunk.getZ() - 2; z <= centerChunk.getZ() + 2; z++) { Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(x, z); for (Entity entity : chunk.getEntities()) { if (entity instanceof Monster && entity.getCustomName() == null && ((Monster) entity).getRemoveWhenFarAway() && !((Monster) entity).isLeashed()) { entity.remove(); } } } } } private Material processMaterials(String string) { Material material = Material.getMaterial(string); if (material == null) { AddLogEntry("Error: Couldn't resolve material \"" + string + "\". Please update your config.yml."); } return material; } //sends a color-coded message to a player static void sendMessage(Player player, ChatColor color, Messages messageID, String... args) { sendMessage(player, color, messageID, 0, args); } //sends a color-coded message to a player static void sendMessage(Player player, ChatColor color, Messages messageID, long delayInTicks, String... args) { String message = PopulationDensity.instance.dataStore.getMessage(messageID, args); sendMessage(player, color, message, delayInTicks); } //sends a color-coded message to a player static void sendMessage(Player player, ChatColor color, String message) { if (message == null || message.length() == 0) return; if (player == null) { PopulationDensity.AddLogEntry(color + message); } else { player.sendMessage(color + message); } } static void sendMessage(Player player, ChatColor color, String message, long delayInTicks) { SendPlayerMessageTask task = new SendPlayerMessageTask(player, color, message); if (delayInTicks > 0) PopulationDensity.instance.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(PopulationDensity.instance, task, delayInTicks); else; } boolean launchPlayer(Player player) { if (!config_launchAndDropPlayers) return false; if (player.isFlying()) return false; if (!((Entity) player).isOnGround()) return false; dropShipTeleporterInstance.makeEntityFallDamageImmune(player); Location newViewAngle = player.getLocation(); newViewAngle.setPitch(90); player.teleport(newViewAngle); player.setVelocity(new Vector(0, 4, 0)); player.playSound(player.getEyeLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_GHAST_SHOOT, .75f, 1f); player.setGliding(false); return true; } }