Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012 Douglas Campos <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package me.qmx.jitescript; import static me.qmx.jitescript.CodeBlock.newCodeBlock; import static me.qmx.jitescript.util.CodegenUtils.p; import static me.qmx.jitescript.util.CodegenUtils.sig; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AnnotationNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; /** * Represents a Java Class * * @author qmx */ public class JiteClass implements Opcodes { public static final String[] INTERFACES = new String[] {}; private final List<MethodDefinition> methods = new ArrayList<MethodDefinition>(); private final List<FieldDefinition> fields = new ArrayList<FieldDefinition>(); private final List<String> interfaces = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<VisibleAnnotation> annotations = new ArrayList<VisibleAnnotation>(); private final List<ChildEntry> childClasses = new ArrayList<ChildEntry>(); private final String className; private final String superClassName; private String sourceFile; private String sourceDebug; private int access = ACC_PUBLIC; private String parentClassName; /** * Creates a new class representation * * @param className the desired class name */ public JiteClass(String className) { this(className, INTERFACES); } /** * Creates a new class representation * * @param className the desired class name * @param interfaces the desired java interfaces this class will implement */ public JiteClass(String className, String[] interfaces) { this(className, p((Class) Object.class), interfaces); } /** * Creates a new class representation * * @param className the desired class name * @param superClassName the desired parent class * @param interfaces the desired java interfaces this class will implement */ public JiteClass(String className, String superClassName, String[] interfaces) { this.className = className; this.superClassName = superClassName; for (String anInterface : interfaces) { this.interfaces.add(anInterface); } } public int getAccess() { return access; } public String getClassName() { return className; } public String getParentClassName() { return parentClassName; } public void setAccess(int access) { this.access = access; } public void setParentClassName(String parentClassName) { this.parentClassName = parentClassName; } public void setSourceFile(String sourceFile) { this.sourceFile = sourceFile; } public void setSourceDebug(String sourceDebug) { this.sourceDebug = sourceDebug; } public void addChildClass(JiteClass child) { String childName = child.getClassName(); if (childName.contains("$")) { childName = childName.substring(childName.lastIndexOf('$') + 1); } else { childName = childName.substring(childName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } addChildClass(childName.substring(childName.lastIndexOf('$') + 1), child); } public void addChildClass(String innerName, JiteClass child) { child.setParentClassName(getClassName()); childClasses.add(new ChildEntry(innerName, child)); } public List<JiteClass> getChildClasses() { List<JiteClass> childClasses = new ArrayList<JiteClass>(); for (ChildEntry child : this.childClasses) { childClasses.add(child.getJiteClass()); } return childClasses; } /** * Defines a new method on the target class * * @param methodName the method name * @param modifiers the modifier bitmask, made by OR'ing constants from ASM's {@link Opcodes} interface * @param signature the method signature, on standard JVM notation * @param methodBody the method body */ public void defineMethod(String methodName, int modifiers, String signature, CodeBlock methodBody) { this.methods.add(new MethodDefinition(methodName, modifiers, signature, methodBody)); } /** * Defines a new field on the target class * * @param fieldName the field name * @param modifiers the modifier bitmask, made by OR'ing constants from ASM's {@link Opcodes} interface * @param signature the field signature, on standard JVM notation * @param value the default value (null for JVM default) * @return the new field definition for further modification */ public FieldDefinition defineField(String fieldName, int modifiers, String signature, Object value) { FieldDefinition field = new FieldDefinition(fieldName, modifiers, signature, value); this.fields.add(field); return field; } /** * Defines a default constructor on the target class */ public void defineDefaultConstructor() { defineDefaultConstructor(ACC_PUBLIC); } public void defineDefaultConstructor(int access) { defineMethod("<init>", access, sig(void.class), newCodeBlock().aload(0).invokespecial(superClassName, "<init>", sig(void.class)).voidreturn()); } /** * Convert this class representation to JDK bytecode * * @return the bytecode representation */ public byte[] toBytes() { return toBytes(JDKVersion.V1_6); } public void addAnnotation(VisibleAnnotation annotation) { annotations.add(annotation); } /** * Convert this class representation to JDK bytecode * * @param version the desired JDK version * @return the bytecode representation of this class */ public byte[] toBytes(JDKVersion version) { ClassNode node = new ClassNode(); node.version = version.getVer(); node.access = this.access | ACC_SUPER; = this.className; node.superName = this.superClassName; node.sourceFile = this.sourceFile; node.sourceDebug = this.sourceDebug; if (parentClassName != null) { node.visitOuterClass(parentClassName, null, null); } for (ChildEntry child : childClasses) { node.visitInnerClass(child.getClassName(), className, child.getInnerName(), child.getAccess()); } if (!this.interfaces.isEmpty()) { node.interfaces.addAll(this.interfaces); } for (MethodDefinition def : methods) { node.methods.add(def.getMethodNode()); } for (FieldDefinition def : fields) { node.fields.add(def.getFieldNode()); } if (node.visibleAnnotations == null) { node.visibleAnnotations = new ArrayList<AnnotationNode>(); } for (VisibleAnnotation a : annotations) { node.visibleAnnotations.add(a.getNode()); } ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES); node.accept(cw); return cw.toByteArray(); } private static final class ChildEntry { public final String innerName; public final JiteClass jiteClass; public ChildEntry(String innerName, JiteClass jiteClass) { this.innerName = innerName; this.jiteClass = jiteClass; } public int getAccess() { return jiteClass.getAccess(); } public String getClassName() { return jiteClass.getClassName(); } public String getInnerName() { return innerName; } public JiteClass getJiteClass() { return jiteClass; } } }