Java tutorial
/* async-net: A basic asynchronous network library, based on netty Copyright (C) 2016 melchor629 ( This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A Socket from any protocol which has the basic read and write * operations. */ public abstract class Socket implements AutoCloseable { protected final IOService service; protected Channel channel; protected Bootstrap bootstrap; protected long bytesRead, bytesWrote; private List<Callback<Socket>> readNotifications; Socket(@NotNull IOService service) { this.service = service; this.bootstrap = new Bootstrap().group(; readNotifications = new ArrayList<>(); } Socket(@NotNull IOService service, @NotNull Channel channel) { this.service = service; = channel; readNotifications = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Closes the socket after the current operation is done. It can * throw an {@link Throwable} if an error occurs. This operation * blocks the thread. */ @Override public void close() { checkSocketCreated("close"); channel.close().syncUninterruptibly(); } /** * Closes the socket after the current operation is done, and then * calls {@code cbk} with the result, either successful or failure. * @return Future about the task */ public @NotNull Future<Void> closeAsync() { checkSocketCreated("closeAsync"); return createFuture(channel.close()); } /** * Binds the socket to a local address. Depending on the implementation, * this could fail. * @param local address to bind */ public void bind(@NotNull SocketAddress local) { channel = bootstrap.bind(local).syncUninterruptibly().channel(); bootstrap = null; } /** * Binds the socket to any port in the default interface without * connecting to some remote endpoint. Depending on the implementation, * this could fail. */ public void bind() { channel = bootstrap.bind(0).syncUninterruptibly().channel(); bootstrap = null; } /** * Binds the socket to a random port and connects to the remote * endpoint. * @param endpoint remote endpoint * @throws InterruptedException When this {@link Thread} is interrupted */ public void connect(@NotNull SocketAddress endpoint) throws InterruptedException { channel = bootstrap.connect(endpoint).sync().channel(); bootstrap = null; } /** * Binds the socket to a random port and connects to the remote endpoint * asynchronously. Returns a {@link Future} where the task can be managed. * @param endpoint remote endpoint to connect * @return {@link Future} of the task */ public @NotNull Future<Void> connectAsync(@NotNull SocketAddress endpoint) { return createFuture(bootstrap.connect(endpoint).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { channel =; if (future.isSuccess()) { bootstrap = null; } } })); } /** * Binds the socket to a random port and connects to the remote endpoint as * {@code address} and {@code port}. * @param address address of the remote endpoint * @param port port of the remote endpoint * @throws InterruptedException When this {@link Thread} is interrupted while waiting to connect */ public void connect(@NotNull InetAddress address, int port) throws InterruptedException { connect(new InetSocketAddress(address, port)); } /** * Binds the socket to a random port and connects to the remote endpoint as * {@code hostName} and {@code port}. * @param hostName domain of the remote endpoint * @param port port of the remote endpoint * @param provider A {@link DNSServerProvider} implementation * @throws InterruptedException When this {@link Thread} is interrupted while waiting to connect * @throws UnknownHostException If the hostName cannot be resolved */ public void connect(@NotNull String hostName, int port, @NotNull DNSServerProvider provider) throws UnknownHostException, InterruptedException { connectAsync(hostName, port, provider).sync(); } /** * Binds the socket to a random port and connects to the remote endpoint as * {@code address} and {@code port}. * @param address address of the remote endpoint * @param port port of the remote endpoint * @return {@link Future} of the task */ public @NotNull Future<Void> connectAsync(@NotNull InetAddress address, int port) { return connectAsync(new InetSocketAddress(address, port)); } /** * Binds the socket to a random port and connects to the remote endpoint as * {@code hostName} and {@code port}. * @param hostName domain of the remote endpoint * @param port port of the remote endpoint * @param provider A {@link DNSServerProvider} implementation * @return {@link Future} of the task * @throws UnknownHostException If the hostName cannot be resolved */ public @NotNull Future<Void> connectAsync(@NotNull String hostName, final int port, @NotNull DNSServerProvider provider) throws UnknownHostException { final DNSResolver resolver = new DNSResolver(service, provider); final Future<?> f[] = (Future<?>[]) Array.newInstance(Future.class, 1); final FutureImpl<Void> future = createFuture(new Procedure() { @Override public void call() { f[0].cancel(true); } }); future.whenDone(new Callback<Future<Void>>() { @Override public void call(Future<Void> arg) { resolver.closeAsync(); } }); f[0] = resolver.resolveAsyncV4(hostName).whenDone(new Callback<Future<Iterable<InetAddress>>>() { @Override public void call(Future<Iterable<InetAddress>> arg) { if (arg.isSuccessful()) { f[0] = connectAsync(arg.getValueNow().iterator().next(), port) .whenDone(new Callback<Future<Void>>() { @Override public void call(Future<Void> arg) { if (arg.isSuccessful()) future.postSuccess(null); else if (!arg.isCancelled()) future.postError(arg.cause()); } }); } else if (!arg.isCancelled()) { future.postError(arg.cause()); } } }); return future; } /** * Receives some data from the socket and writes it into the {@link ByteBuf} * {@code data} a maximum of {@code bytes} bytes. This method don't read exactly * {@code bytes} bytes, only at most. To ensure read all the bytes, use one of the * {@link SocketUtil} methods. * @param data buffer where to write on all the data * @param bytes maximum number of bytes to read * @return number of bytes read currently * @throws Throwable if the receive operation fails, throws something */ public abstract long receive(ByteBuf data, int bytes) throws Throwable; /** * Receives some data from the socket and writes it into the {@link ByteBuf} * {@code data} a maximum of {@code bytes} bytes. This method don't read exactly * {@code bytes} bytes, only at most. To ensure read all the bytes, use one of the * {@link SocketUtil} methods. This operation is done asynchronously, so returns a * {@link Future} for the task. * @param data buffer where to write on all the data * @param bytes maximum number of bytes to read * @return a {@link Future} representing this task */ public abstract @NotNull Future<Long> receiveAsync(ByteBuf data, int bytes); /** * Sends some data stored in the {@link ByteBuf} {@code data}, starting from its * current position with a size of {@code bytes}. Depending on the implementation * and its options, is possible that the data could not be sent in the moment, or * only a portion of it is sent. * @param data buffer with the data to be sent * @param bytes number of bytes to send * @return bytes sent * @throws InterruptedException If there's an interruption while sending the data */ public long send(@NotNull ByteBuf data, int bytes) throws InterruptedException { checkSocketCreated("send"); ByteBuf buff = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(bytes).retain(); buff.writeBytes(data, 0, bytes); channel.writeAndFlush(buff).sync(); buff.release(); bytesWrote += bytes; return bytes; } /** * Sends some data stored in the {@link ByteBuf} {@code data}, starting from its * current position with a size of {@code bytes}. Depending on the implementation * and its options, is possible that the data could not be sent in the moment, or * only a portion of it is sent. This is an asynchronous operation, so returns a * {@link Future} representing the task. * @param data buffer with the data to be sent * @param bytes number of bytes to send * @return a {@link Future} representing this task */ public @NotNull Future<Void> sendAsync(ByteBuf data, final int bytes) { checkSocketCreated("sendAsync"); final ByteBuf buff = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.directBuffer(bytes).retain(); buff.writeBytes(data, 0, bytes); return createFuture(channel.writeAndFlush(buff).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { bytesWrote += bytes; buff.release(); } })); } /** * Sends some data stored in the {@link ByteBuf} {@code data}, with the remaining * bytes of it. Depending on the implementation and its options, is possible that * the data could not be sent in the moment, or only a portion of it is sent. This * is an asynchronous operation, so returns a {@link Future} representing the task. * @param data buffer with the data to be sent * @return a {@link Future} representing this task */ public @NotNull Future<Void> sendAsync(@NotNull ByteBuf data) { return sendAsync(data, data.readableBytes()); } /** * Receives some data from the socket into the {@link ByteBuf}. This method * doesn't ensure to write exactly {@code data.remaining()} bytes. Use instead * {@link SocketUtil} methods. * @param data {@link ByteBuf} where to write the data * @return number of bytes read * @throws Throwable If something bad happens while receiving the data */ public long receive(@NotNull ByteBuf data) throws Throwable { return receive(data, data.writableBytes()); } /** * Receives some data from the socket into the {@link ByteBuf}. This method * doesn't ensure to write exactly {@code data.remaining()} bytes. Use instead * {@link SocketUtil} methods. This is an asynchronous operation, so it returns * a {@link Future} about this task. * @param data {@link ByteBuf} where to write the data * @return a {@link Future} representing the task */ public @NotNull Future<Long> receiveAsync(@NotNull ByteBuf data) { return receiveAsync(data, data.writableBytes()); } /** * Sends some data stored in the {@link ByteBuf} {@code data}, starting from its * current position with a size of {@code data.remaining()} bytes. Depending on the implementation * and its options, is possible that the data could not be sent in the moment, or * only a portion of it is sent. * @param data {@link ByteBuf} with the data to be send * @return bytes sent * @throws InterruptedException if the send operation is interrupted */ public long send(@NotNull ByteBuf data) throws InterruptedException { return send(data, data.readableBytes()); } /** * Sends the contents of the {@link String} using the default platform Charset, * without any extra characters. Depending on the implementation and its options, * is possible that the data could not be sent in the moment, or only a portion of * it is sent. That is an asynchronous operation, so it returns a {@link Future} * about this task. * @param data the {@link String} to send * @return a {@link Future} representing the task */ public @NotNull Future<Void> sendAsync(@NotNull String data) { return sendAsync(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(data.getBytes())); } /** * Sends the contents of the {@link String} using the default platform Charset, * without any extra characters. Depending on the implementation and its options, * is possible that the data could not be sent in the moment, or only a portion of * it is sent. * @param data the {@link String} to send * @return number of bytes sent * @throws InterruptedException if the send operation is interrupted */ public long send(@NotNull String data) throws InterruptedException { return send(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(data.getBytes())); } /** * Changes an option of this socket with a new value. Returns true if * the option is changed. * @param type Option to change * @param value New value * @param <T> Type of the new value for the option * @return true if the option was set * @see ChannelOption */ public <T> boolean setOption(@NotNull ChannelOption<T> type, @NotNull T value) { if (bootstrap != null) bootstrap.option(type, value); else return channel.config().setOption(type, value); return true; } /** * Gets the {@link SocketAddress} of the remote endpoint if this socket * is connected to one. * @return remote endpoint or {@code null} if not connected */ public SocketAddress remoteEndpoint() { return channel != null ? channel.remoteAddress() : null; } /** * Gets the {@link SocketAddress} of the local socket, or returns * {@code null} if the socket is not created yet using one of the * connect or bind methods. * @return local endpoint */ public SocketAddress localEndpoint() { return channel != null ? channel.localAddress() : null; } /** * @return true if the socket is open, false if it's closed */ public boolean isOpen() { return channel != null && channel.isOpen(); } /** * @return the number of bytes sent by this socket */ public long sendBytes() { return bytesWrote; } /** * @return the number of bytes received by this socket */ public long receivedBytes() { return bytesRead; } /** * Adds a {@link Callback} that will be called every time some data * is available to read. A receive operation called inside one of this * callbacks, will be added at the end of the read operation queue. If * there wasn't any receive operations before this one, a receive call * will not block and will return all possible data. * @param cbk listener for when some data is received */ public void addOnDataReceivedListener(Callback<Socket> cbk) { readNotifications.add(cbk); } /** * Calls all methods that want to be notified when some data have * been received. Implementors must call always this method when * some data have been received. * @throws Exception some error */ protected void fireReceivedData() throws Exception { for (Callback<Socket> cbk : readNotifications); } /** * Call this method to check if the socket is created, if it's not, * then throws a {@link SocketNotCreated} exception. * @param method method that was called */ protected void checkSocketCreated(String method) { if (channel == null) throw new SocketNotCreated("Cannot call " + method + " before creating the Socket", this); } protected <ReturnType> FutureImpl<ReturnType> createFuture(Procedure whenCancelled) { return new FutureImpl<>(service, whenCancelled); } protected <ReturnType> Future<ReturnType> createFuture(io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<ReturnType> n) { return new NettyFuture<>(n, service, null); } }