Java tutorial
/* * ==================================================================== * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see * <>. * */ package me.code4fun.roboq; import android.util.Log; import me.code4fun.roboq.multipart.HttpMultipartMode; import me.code4fun.roboq.multipart.MultipartEntity; import me.code4fun.roboq.multipart.content.ByteArrayBody; import me.code4fun.roboq.multipart.content.FileBody; import me.code4fun.roboq.multipart.content.InputStreamBody; import me.code4fun.roboq.multipart.content.StringBody; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.RedirectHandler; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.*; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.FileEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRedirectHandler; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.http.params.CoreConnectionPNames; import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; /** * Request * * @since 0.1 */ public class Request extends RequestBase<Request> { public static final String LOG_TAG = "Roboq.Request"; public static final int GET = 1; public static final int POST = 2; public static final int PUT = 3; public static final int DELETE = 4; public static final int TRACE = 5; public static final int HEAD = 6; public static final int OPTIONS = 7; private static final String DEFAULT_BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/octet-stream"; private static final String DEFAULT_TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE = "text/plain"; protected final Prepared prepared; protected int method; protected Object tag; public Request(int method, String url) { this(null, method, url, (Options) null); } public Request(int method, String url, Object... options) { this(null, method, url, options); } public Request(int method, String url, Options options) { this(null, method, url, options); } public Request(Prepared prepared, int method, String url) { this(prepared, method, url, (Options) null); } public Request(Prepared prepared, int method, String url, Object... options) { this(prepared, method, url, new Options(options)); } public Request(Prepared prepared, int method, String url, Options options) { this.prepared = prepared; setMethod(method); setUrl(url); with(options); } public Prepared getPrepared() { return prepared; } public int getMethod() { return method; } public Request setMethod(int method) { this.method = method; return this; } public String getMethodAsText() { return getMethodAsText(this.method); } public Object getTag() { return tag; } public Request setTag(Object tag) { this.tag = tag; return this; } protected int mergeMethod() { int method1 = method; if (prepared != null && prepared.modifier != null) method1 = prepared.modifier.modifyMethod(method1); if (modifier != null) method1 = modifier.modifyMethod(method1); return method1; } protected String mergeUrl() { String url1; if (url != null) { if (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://")) { url1 = url; } else { if (prepared != null && prepared.url != null) url1 = prepared.url + url; else url1 = url; } } else { url1 = prepared != null && prepared.url != null ? prepared.url : null; } if (prepared != null && prepared.modifier != null) url1 = prepared.modifier.modifyUrl(url1); if (modifier != null) url1 = modifier.modifyUrl(url1); return url1; } protected Options mergeOptions() { Options options1 = new Options(); if (prepared != null) { options1.putAll(prepared.options); } options1.putAll(options); if (prepared != null && prepared.modifier != null) options1 = prepared.modifier.modifyOptions(options1); if (modifier != null) options1 = modifier.modifyOptions(options1); if (options1 == null) options1 = new Options(); return options1; } protected static <T> T selectValue(T val, T preparedVal, T def) { if (val != null) return val; if (preparedVal != null) return preparedVal; return def; } protected Response createResponse(HttpResponse httpResp) { return new Response(httpResp); } private String makeUrl(String url, Options opts) { String url1 = url; // expand path vars for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : opts.getPathVars().entrySet()) { String k = entry.getKey(); url1 = url1.replace("${" + k + "}", o2s(entry.getValue(), "")); } // params ArrayList<NameValuePair> nvl = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : opts.getParams().entrySet()) { nvl.add(new BasicNameValuePair(entry.getKey(), o2s(entry.getValue(), ""))); } if (nvl.isEmpty()) { return url1; } else { return url1 + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(nvl, selectValue(paramsEncoding, prepared != null ? prepared.paramsEncoding : null, "UTF-8")); } } protected HttpUriRequest createHttpRequest(int method, String url, Options opts) { String url1 = makeUrl(url, opts); // Create HTTP request HttpUriRequest httpReq; if (GET == method) { httpReq = new HttpGet(url1); } else if (POST == method) { httpReq = new HttpPost(url1); } else if (PUT == method) { httpReq = new HttpPut(url1); } else if (DELETE == method) { httpReq = new HttpDelete(url1); } else if (TRACE == method) { httpReq = new HttpTrace(url1); } else if (HEAD == method) { httpReq = new HttpHead(url1); } else if (OPTIONS == method) { httpReq = new HttpOptions(url1); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal HTTP method " + method); } // Set headers Map<String, Object> headers = opts.getHeaders(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : headers.entrySet()) { String k = entry.getKey(); Object v = entry.getValue(); if (v != null && v.getClass().isArray()) { int len = Array.getLength(v); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Object v0 = Array.get(v, i); httpReq.addHeader(k, o2s(v0, "")); } } else if (v instanceof List) { for (Object v0 : (List) v) httpReq.addHeader(k, o2s(v0, "")); } else { httpReq.addHeader(k, o2s(v, "")); } } // set body if (httpReq instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase) { ((HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase) httpReq).setEntity(createRequestBody(method, url, opts)); } return httpReq; } protected HttpClient createHttpClient(int method, String url, Options opts) { DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); // retry count int retryCount1 = selectValue(retryCount, prepared != null ? prepared.retryCount : null, 1); if (retryCount1 <= 0) retryCount1 = 1; httpClient.setHttpRequestRetryHandler(new DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler(retryCount1, false)); // redirect boolean redirect1 = selectValue(redirect, prepared != null ? prepared.redirect : null, true); if (redirect1) { httpClient.setRedirectHandler(new DefaultRedirectHandler()); } else { httpClient.setRedirectHandler(new RedirectHandler() { @Override public boolean isRedirectRequested(HttpResponse httpResponse, HttpContext httpContext) { return false; } @Override public URI getLocationURI(HttpResponse httpResponse, HttpContext httpContext) { return null; } }); } // Integer connTimeout1 = selectValue(connectionTimeout, prepared != null ? prepared.connectionTimeout : null, 20000); httpClient.getParams().setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, connTimeout1); // Socket Integer soTimeout1 = selectValue(soTimeout, prepared != null ? prepared.soTimeout : null, 0); httpClient.getParams().setParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, soTimeout1); return httpClient; } protected String o2s(Object obj, String def) { return obj != null ? obj.toString() : def; } protected String getFileContentType(File f) { // TODO: ???content-type return DEFAULT_BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE; } protected HttpEntity createRequestBody(int method, String url, Options opts) { Object bodyObj = opts.getBody(); if (bodyObj != null) { return createBody(bodyObj); } else { return createFieldsBody(opts.getFields()); } } protected OutputStream decorateBodyOutput(OutputStream out) { return out; } private HttpEntity createBody(Object o) { Object o1 = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).content : o; String c1 = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).contentType : null; if (o1 instanceof byte[]) { ByteArrayEntity entity = new ByteArrayEntity((byte[]) o1) { @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException { super.writeTo(decorateBodyOutput(outstream)); } }; entity.setContentType(c1 != null ? c1 : DEFAULT_BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE); return entity; } else if (o1 instanceof InputStream) { Long len = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).length : null; if (len == null) throw new RoboqException("Missing length in body for upload InputStream"); InputStreamEntity entity = new InputStreamEntity((InputStream) o1, len) { @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException { super.writeTo(decorateBodyOutput(outstream)); } }; entity.setContentType(c1 != null ? c1 : DEFAULT_BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE); return entity; } else if (o1 instanceof File) { File f = (File) o1; return new FileEntity(f, c1 != null ? c1 : getFileContentType(f)) { @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException { super.writeTo(decorateBodyOutput(outstream)); } }; } else { String s = o2s(o1, ""); String encoding = selectValue(fieldsEncoding, prepared != null ? prepared.fieldsEncoding : null, "UTF-8"); try { StringEntity entity; entity = new StringEntity(s, encoding) { @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException { super.writeTo(decorateBodyOutput(outstream)); } }; entity.setContentType(c1 != null ? c1 : DEFAULT_TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE); return entity; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RoboqException("Illegal encoding for request body", e); } } } private static boolean isBytesEquivalent(Object obj) { return obj instanceof byte[] || obj instanceof InputStream || obj instanceof File; } private HttpEntity createFieldsBody(Map<String, Object> fields) { // multipart post? Boolean multipart1 = selectValue(multipart, prepared != null ? prepared.multipart : null, null); if (multipart1 == null) { // auto for (Object o : fields.values()) { if (isBytesEquivalent(o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).content : o)) { multipart1 = true; break; } } if (multipart1 == null) multipart1 = false; } else if (multipart1 != null && !multipart1) { for (Object o : fields.values()) { if (isBytesEquivalent(o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).content : o)) throw new RoboqException("URLEncodedForm not support the type (byte[], InputStream, File)"); } } String encoding = selectValue(fieldsEncoding, prepared != null ? prepared.fieldsEncoding : null, "UTF-8"); try { if (multipart1) { MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.STRICT) { @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException { super.writeTo(decorateBodyOutput(outstream)); } }; for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : fields.entrySet()) { String field = entry.getKey(); Object o = entry.getValue(); Object o1 = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).content : o; String c1 = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).contentType : null; String f1 = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).filename : null; if (isBytesEquivalent(o1)) { if (o1 instanceof byte[]) { ByteArrayBody cb = new ByteArrayBody((byte[]) o1, c1 != null ? c1 : DEFAULT_BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE, f1 != null ? f1 : ""); entity.addPart(field, cb); } else if (o1 instanceof InputStream) { Long len = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).length : null; if (len == null) throw new RoboqException("Missing length in body for upload InputStream"); InputStreamBody cb = new InputStreamBody((InputStream) o1, c1 != null ? c1 : DEFAULT_BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE, f1 != null ? f1 : "", len); entity.addPart(field, cb); } else if (o1 instanceof File) { File f = (File) o1; FileBody cb = new FileBody(f, f1 != null ? f1 : null, c1 != null ? c1 : getFileContentType(f), encoding); entity.addPart(field, cb); } else { throw new RoboqException("Here is unreached"); } } else { String s = o2s(o1, ""); StringBody cb = new StringBody(s, c1 != null ? c1 : DEFAULT_TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE, Charset.forName(encoding)) { @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { super.writeTo(decorateBodyOutput(out)); } }; entity.addPart(field, cb); } } return entity; } else { ArrayList<NameValuePair> nvl = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : fields.entrySet()) { Object o = entry.getValue(); Object o1 = o instanceof Body ? ((Body) o).content : o; nvl.add(new BasicNameValuePair(entry.getKey(), o2s(o1, ""))); } return new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nvl, encoding) { @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException { super.writeTo(decorateBodyOutput(outstream)); } }; } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RoboqException(e); } } private static String getMethodAsText(int method) { switch (method) { case GET: return "GET"; case POST: return "POST"; case PUT: return "PUT"; case DELETE: return "DELETE"; case OPTIONS: return "OPTIONS"; case TRACE: return "TRACE"; case HEAD: return "HEAD"; } return ""; } private static String formatRequest(int method, String url, Options opts) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.append("HTTP ").append(getMethodAsText(method)).append(" ").append(url); // TODO: opts return buff.toString(); } public Response execute() { int method = mergeMethod(); String url = mergeUrl(); Options opts = mergeOptions(); HttpClient httpClient = createHttpClient(method, url, opts); HttpUriRequest httpReq = createHttpRequest(method, url, opts); try { Log.d(LOG_TAG, formatRequest(method, url, opts)); HttpResponse httpResp = httpClient.execute(httpReq); return createResponse(httpResp); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RoboqException(e); } } public void execute(Executor executor, final Callback cb) { Executor executor1 = selectValue(executor, prepared != null ? prepared.executor : null, null); if (executor1 == null) throw new NullPointerException("The executor is null"); executor1.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Response resp; Exception error; try { resp = execute(); error = null; } catch (Exception e) { resp = null; error = e; } if (cb != null) cb.onResponse(Request.this, resp, error); } }); } public void execute(Callback cb) { execute(null, cb); } public static class Options extends LinkedHashMap<String, Object> { public Options() { } public Options(Map<? extends String, ?> map) { super(map); } public Options(Object... kvs) { if (kvs == null) throw new NullPointerException("kvs is null"); if (kvs.length % 2 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal kvs pair"); for (int i = 0; i < kvs.length; i += 2) { Object k = kvs[i]; Object v = kvs[i + 1]; if (k == null) throw new NullPointerException("The key is null"); put(k.toString(), v); } } public Options add(Map<String, Object> m) { if (m != null && !m.isEmpty()) { putAll(m); } return this; } public Options add(String k, Object v) { put(k, v); return this; } public Options addIf(boolean b, String k, Object v) { if (b) { put(k, v); } return this; } public Map<String, Object> getPathVars() { return filter("$"); } public Map<String, Object> getHeaders() { return filter(":"); } public Map<String, Object> getParams() { return filter("="); } public Map<String, Object> getFields() { return filter("@"); } public Object getBody() { return get("@"); } protected Map<String, Object> filter(String keyPostfix) { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> m = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : this.entrySet()) { String k = entry.getKey(); if (k != null && k.endsWith(keyPostfix)) { k = k.substring(0, k.length() - keyPostfix.length()).trim(); if (k != null && k.length() > 0) m.put(k, entry.getValue()); } } return m; } } public static class Prepared extends RequestBase<Prepared> { protected Executor executor; public Prepared() { } public Prepared(String url) { this(url, (Options) null); } public Prepared(String url, Object... options) { this(url, new Options(options)); } public Prepared(String url, Options options) { setUrl(url); with(options); } public Executor getExecutor() { return executor; } public Prepared setExecutor(Executor executor) { this.executor = executor; return this; } } public static interface Callback { void onResponse(Request req, Response resp, Exception error); } public static abstract class Modifier { protected Modifier() { } public int modifyMethod(int method) { return method; } public String modifyUrl(String url) { return url; } public Options modifyOptions(Options options) { return options; } } public static class Body { public final Object content; public final Long length; public final String contentType; public final String filename; Body(Object content, Long length, String contentType, String filename) { this.content = content; this.length = length; this.contentType = contentType; this.filename = filename; } } public static Body bytesBody(byte[] bytes, final String filename) { return bytesBody(bytes, null, filename); } public static Body bytesBody(byte[] bytes, String contentType, String filename) { return new Body(bytes, (long) bytes.length, contentType, filename); } public static Body contentBody(InputStream content, long length) { return contentBody(content, length, null, null); } public static Body contentBody(InputStream content, long length, String filename) { return contentBody(content, length, null, filename); } public static Body contentBody(InputStream content, long length, String contentType, String filename) { return new Body(content, length, contentType, filename); } public static Body fileBody(File file) { return fileBody(file, null, null); } public static Body fileBody(File file, String filename) { return fileBody(file, null, filename); } public static Body fileBody(File file, String contentType, String filename) { return new Body(file, null, contentType, filename); } public static Body textBody(String text, String contentType) { return new Body(text, null, contentType, null); } }