Source code

Java tutorial


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package me.camerongray.teamlocker.server;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.RowSetDynaClass;

 * @author camerong
public class Database implements AutoCloseable {
    private Connection connection;
    private PreparedStatement stmt;
    private ResultSet rs;
    private boolean autoClose;
    private WrappedConnection wrappedConnection;

    public Database(WrappedConnection wrappedConnection) {
        this.connection = wrappedConnection.getConnection();
        this.autoClose = !wrappedConnection.hasOpenTransaction();
        this.wrappedConnection = wrappedConnection;

    public DynaBean getUser(String username) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?");
        this.stmt.setString(1, username); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.objectFromRS(rs);

    public DynaBean getUser(int userId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, userId); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.objectFromRS(rs);

    public List<DynaBean> getAllUsers() throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM users"); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.listFromRS(rs);

    public List<DynaBean> getUserPermissions(int userId) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM permissions WHERE user_id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, userId); = this.stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.listFromRS(rs);

    public int addUser(String fullName, String username, String email, String authHash, String encryptedPrivateKey,
            String publicKey, boolean admin, String pbkdf2Salt, String aesIv) throws SQLException {

        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("" + "INSERT INTO users "
                + " (full_name, username, email, auth_hash, encrypted_private_key, public_key, admin, pbkdf2_salt, aes_iv) "
                + "VALUES " + " (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " + "RETURNING id");
        this.stmt.setString(1, fullName);
        this.stmt.setString(2, username);
        this.stmt.setString(3, email);
        this.stmt.setString(4, authHash);
        this.stmt.setString(5, encryptedPrivateKey);
        this.stmt.setString(6, publicKey);
        this.stmt.setBoolean(7, admin);
        this.stmt.setString(8, pbkdf2Salt);
        this.stmt.setString(9, aesIv); = this.stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.idFromRS(;

    public void updateUser(int userId, String username, String fullName, String email, boolean admin)
            throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement(
                "" + "UPDATE users " + "SET (username, full_name, email, admin) = (?, ?, ?, ?) " + "WHERE id=?");
        this.stmt.setString(1, username);
        this.stmt.setString(2, fullName);
        this.stmt.setString(3, email);
        this.stmt.setBoolean(4, admin);
        this.stmt.setInt(5, userId);
        int affectedRows = this.stmt.executeUpdate();
        if (affectedRows == 0) {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException();

    public void updateUserPassword(int userId, String encryptedPrivateKey, String aesIv, String pbkdf2Salt,
            String authHash) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("" + "UPDATE users "
                + "SET (encrypted_private_key, aes_iv, pbkdf2_salt, auth_hash) = (?, ?, ?, ?) " + "WHERE id=?");
        this.stmt.setString(1, encryptedPrivateKey);
        this.stmt.setString(2, aesIv);
        this.stmt.setString(3, pbkdf2Salt);
        this.stmt.setString(4, authHash);
        this.stmt.setInt(5, userId);
        int affectedRows = this.stmt.executeUpdate();
        if (affectedRows == 0) {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException();

    public void deleteUserPermissions(int userId) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM permissions WHERE user_id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, userId);

    public DynaBean getFolder(int folderId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM folders WHERE id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, folderId); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.objectFromRS(;

    public DynaBean getFolder(String folderName) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM folders WHERE name=?");
        this.stmt.setString(1, folderName); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.objectFromRS(;

    public List<DynaBean> getFolders(int userId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        boolean isAdmin = (boolean) this.getUser(userId).get("admin");

        if (isAdmin) {
            this.stmt = this.connection
                    .prepareStatement("" + "SELECT id, name, true as read, true as write FROM folders");
        } else {
            this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("" + "SELECT,,, p.write "
                    + "FROM folders as f, users as u, permissions as p " + "WHERE "
                    + "AND " + "AND");
            this.stmt.setInt(1, userId);
        } = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.listFromRS(rs);

    public List<DynaBean> getFolderAccounts(int folderId, int userId) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("" + "SELECT * " + "FROM account_data " + "WHERE user_id=? "
                + " AND account_id IN ( " + "  SELECT id " + "  FROM accounts " + "  WHERE folder_id=? " + " )");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, userId);
        this.stmt.setInt(2, folderId); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.listFromRS(;

    public DynaBean getFolderPermissions(int folderId, int userId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection
                .prepareStatement("" + "SELECT * FROM permissions WHERE folder_id=? AND user_id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, folderId);
        this.stmt.setInt(2, userId); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.objectFromRS(;

    public void deleteFolderPermissions(int folderId) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM permissions WHERE folder_id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, folderId);

    public List<DynaBean> getFolderPermissions(int folderId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("" + "SELECT * FROM permissions WHERE folder_id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, folderId); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.listFromRS(;

    public int addPermission(int folderId, int userId, boolean read, boolean write) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement(
                "" + "INSERT INTO permissions (folder_id, user_id, read, write) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, folderId);
        this.stmt.setInt(2, userId);
        this.stmt.setBoolean(3, read);
        this.stmt.setBoolean(4, write); = this.stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.idFromRS(;

    public DynaBean getAccountData(int accountId, int userId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection
                .prepareStatement("" + "SELECT * FROM account_data WHERE account_id=? AND user_id=?;");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, accountId);
        this.stmt.setInt(2, userId); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.objectFromRS(;

    public int getAccount(int accountId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("" + "SELECT folder_id FROM accounts WHERE id=?;");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, accountId); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return (int) this.objectFromRS("folder_id");

    public List<DynaBean> getFolderUsers(int folderId) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("" + "SELECT * " + "FROM users " + "WHERE id IN( "
                + " ((SELECT user_id FROM permissions WHERE folder_id=? AND read=true) "
                + "     UNION (SELECT id FROM users WHERE admin=true))) AND" + " ? IN (SELECT id FROM folders)");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, folderId);
        this.stmt.setInt(2, folderId); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.listFromRS(;

    public int addFolder(String folderName) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO folders (name) VALUES (?) RETURNING id;");
        this.stmt.setString(1, folderName); = this.stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.idFromRS(;

    public int addAccount(int folderId) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO accounts (folder_id) VALUES (?) RETURNING id;");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, folderId); = this.stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.idFromRS(;

    public void updateAccount(int accountId, int folderId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET (folder_id) = (?) WHERE id=?;");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, folderId);
        this.stmt.setInt(2, accountId);
        int affectedRows = this.stmt.executeUpdate();
        if (affectedRows == 0) {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException();

    public int addAccountDataItem(int accountId, int userId, String accountMetadata, String password,
            String encryptedAesKey) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("" + "INSERT INTO account_data "
                + " (account_id, user_id, account_metadata, password, encrypted_aes_key)" + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
                + "RETURNING id;");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, accountId);
        this.stmt.setInt(2, userId);
        this.stmt.setString(3, accountMetadata);
        this.stmt.setString(4, password);
        this.stmt.setString(5, encryptedAesKey); = this.stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.idFromRS(;

    public void deleteAccount(int accountId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM accounts WHERE id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, accountId);
        int affectedRows = this.stmt.executeUpdate();
        if (affectedRows == 0) {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException();

    public void deleteAccountData(int accountId, int userId) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM account_data WHERE account_id=? AND user_id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, accountId);
        this.stmt.setInt(2, userId);

    public void deleteAccountDataForFolder(int folderId, int userId) throws SQLException {
        System.out.println(folderId + " " + userId);
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement(
                "DELETE FROM account_data WHERE account_id IN (SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE folder_id=?) AND user_id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, folderId);
        this.stmt.setInt(2, userId);

    public void deleteFolder(int folderId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM folders WHERE id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, folderId);
        int affectedRows = this.stmt.executeUpdate();
        if (affectedRows == 0) {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException();

    public void updateFolder(int folderId, String name) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE folders SET (name) = (?) WHERE id=?");
        this.stmt.setString(1, name);
        this.stmt.setInt(2, folderId);
        int affectedRows = this.stmt.executeUpdate();
        if (affectedRows == 0) {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException();

    public List<DynaBean> getUserAccountData(int userId) throws SQLException {
        this.stmt = this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM account_data WHERE user_id=?");
        this.stmt.setInt(1, userId); = stmt.executeQuery();
        return this.listFromRS(;

    private List<DynaBean> listFromRS(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        return new RowSetDynaClass(rs).getRows();

    private DynaBean objectFromRS(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException {
        List<DynaBean> rows = this.listFromRS(rs);
        if (rows.isEmpty()) {
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException();
        return rows.get(0);

    private int idFromRS(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        List<DynaBean> rows = this.listFromRS(rs);
        return (int) rows.get(0).get("id");

    public WrappedConnection getWrappedConnection() {
        return this.wrappedConnection;

    public void close() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Database.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, "Unable to close ResultSet", ex);

        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Database.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, "Unable to close PreparedStatement", ex);

        if (this.autoClose) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(Database.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, "Unable to close Connection", ex);