Java tutorial
/* MangaDownloader can help with Comics too Copyright (C) 2012 Hernn Parra This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package md; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import md.model.*; import*; /** * * @author Hernan */ //API backups & ripping //API backups & ripping //API Support for zip, cbz, rar, cbr compression & packing //API Automatic chapter naming //API Multichapter (volume) download & packing //API Inteligent Automatic volume naming //API Retry on download timeout or errors //TODO API Soporte a parsers implementados en Groovy //TODO API Resumir si existe el directorio de download //TODO API Resumir si existe el archivo el download de un capitulo - Descomprimir archivo y continuar como caso de arriba. //TODO API Soporte a resume desde el archivo de pendings.txt? //TODO API Descubrimiento automtico de parsers //TODO API Watchdog de nuevos capitulos public class MangaDownloader { private final static ResourceBundle STRINGS = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("md/strings"); private final static String PENDINGS_FILE_NAME = STRINGS.getString("NAME_PENDINGS"); private final static int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 20000; private final static int READ_TIMEOUT = 60000; private SiteParser site; private Archiver archiver; private EventsHandler handler; private File tempDirectory = null; private String savePath = new File(".").getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; public MangaDownloader(SiteParser site, Archiver archiver, EventsHandler eh) { = site; this.archiver = archiver; this.handler = eh; } public File volumeDownload(String volumeName, String[] urls) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { String downloadedChapter = download(urls[i]); handler.event(EventsHandler.EventTypes.HighLevelEvent, String.format(STRINGS.getString("MSG_DOWNLOADEDCHAPTER"), downloadedChapter)); } return pack(volumeName); } public File volumeDownload(String volumeName, List<MangaChaptersInfo> chapters) throws IOException { List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MangaChaptersInfo chapter : chapters) { urls.add(chapter.url); } String[] urlsArray = {}; urlsArray = urls.toArray(urlsArray); return volumeDownload(volumeName, urlsArray); } public File chapterDownload(String url) throws IOException { return pack(download(url)); } private String download(String url) throws IOException { MangaChapterInfo downloadInfo = site.retrieveMangaPagesList(url, handler); handler.event(EventsHandler.EventTypes.HighLevelEvent, STRINGS.getString("MSG_GOTCHAPTERDOWNLOADLIST")); String filename = String.format("%s %s", makeValidFileName(downloadInfo.mangaName), makeValidFileName(downloadInfo.chapterNumber)); if (tempDirectory == null) { tempDirectory = createTempDirectory(filename); } downloadList(downloadInfo.images, filename, tempDirectory); handler.event(EventsHandler.EventTypes.HighLevelEvent, String.format(STRINGS.getString("MSG_ARCHIVEDFILE"), filename)); return filename; } private File pack(String filename) throws IOException { filename = makeValidFileName(filename); try { return archiver.archive(getSavePath(), filename, tempDirectory); } finally { if (tempDirectory != null) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempDirectory); } } } /** * The urlList must be ordered for renumbering * * @param urlList List of ordered url to be downloaded and renamed * @throws MalformedURLException */ private boolean downloadList(List<MangaImageInfo> urlList, String namePrefix, File workDirectory) throws IOException { String baseName = namePrefix + " - "; File baseDirectory = new File(workDirectory, namePrefix); boolean allDownloaded = true; int counter = 1; for (MangaImageInfo page : urlList) { File outputFile = new File(baseDirectory, String.format("%s%04d%s", baseName, counter++, page.imgExtension)); if (outputFile.exists() && (outputFile.length() > 0)) { handler.event(EventsHandler.EventTypes.LowLevelEvent, String.format(STRINGS.getString("MSG_ALREADYDOWNLOADEDFILE"), page.url)); } else { try { FileUtils.copyURLToFile(new URL(page.url), outputFile, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, READ_TIMEOUT); } catch (IOException ioe) { outputFile.delete(); handler.event(EventsHandler.EventTypes.LowLevelEvent, String.format(STRINGS.getString("MSG_RETRYINGFILE"), page.url, ioe.getMessage())); try { FileUtils.copyURLToFile(new URL(page.url), outputFile, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, READ_TIMEOUT); } catch (IOException ex) { handler.event(EventsHandler.EventTypes.LowLevelEvent, String.format(STRINGS.getString("MSG_SKIPPINGFILE"), page.url, ex.getMessage())); allDownloaded = false; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(baseDirectory, PENDINGS_FILE_NAME), page.url); } } handler.event(EventsHandler.EventTypes.LowLevelEvent, String.format(STRINGS.getString("MSG_DOWNLOADEDFILE"), page.url)); } } return allDownloaded; } private File createTempDirectory(String filename) throws IOException { final File tempDir = new File(getSavePath() + "md." + filename); if (!tempDir.exists()) { if (!(tempDir.mkdir())) { throw new IOException(String.format(STRINGS.getString("MSG_COULDNOTCREATETEMPORALDIRECTORY"), tempDir.getAbsolutePath())); } } return tempDir; } // private File createTempDirectory() throws IOException { // final File temp = File.createTempFile(STRINGS.getString("NAME_TEMP"), Long.toBinaryString(System.nanoTime())); // // if (!(temp.delete())) { // throw new IOException(String.format(STRINGS.getString("MSG_COULDNOTDELETETEMPORALFILE"), temp.getAbsolutePath())); // } // // if (!(temp.mkdir())) { // throw new IOException(String.format(STRINGS.getString("MSG_COULDNOTCREATETEMPORALDIRECTORY"), temp.getAbsolutePath())); // } // // return temp; // } private String makeValidFileName(String mangaName) { mangaName = mangaName.replaceAll("(\\\\|/|\\*|\\?)*", ""); return mangaName; } public void setSavePath(String saveTo) { if (!saveTo.endsWith(File.separator)) { saveTo = saveTo + File.separator; } this.savePath = saveTo; } public String getSavePath() { return savePath; } public static String automaticVolumeName(List<MangaChaptersInfo> selectedChapters) { TreeSet<Integer> chapterNumbers = new TreeSet<Integer>(); String alternative = ""; for (MangaChaptersInfo m : selectedChapters) { try { if (!m.chapterNumber.equals("")) { int test = Integer.parseInt(m.chapterNumber); chapterNumbers.add(test); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //If more than one alternative chapter name then all renamed to "Extras" if (alternative.equals("")) { alternative = m.chapterNumber; } else { alternative = STRINGS.getString("NAME_EXTRAS"); } } } String result = ""; if (!chapterNumbers.isEmpty()) { int firstInSequence = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int lastInSequence; for (Iterator<Integer> i = chapterNumbers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { int actualNumber =; if (firstInSequence == Integer.MIN_VALUE) firstInSequence = actualNumber; lastInSequence = actualNumber; int next; if (i.hasNext()) { next = chapterNumbers.higher(actualNumber); } else { next = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } if ((actualNumber + 1 != next) || (next == Integer.MIN_VALUE)) { //FIN DE SECUENCIA if (!result.equals("")) { result += ", "; } if (firstInSequence == lastInSequence) { result += String.format("%04d", firstInSequence); } else { result += String.format("%04d - %04d", firstInSequence, lastInSequence); } firstInSequence = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } } } if (!alternative.equals("")) { if (!result.equals("")) result += " & "; result += alternative; } return result; } }