Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * * Copyright (c) 2014 WildBamaBoy. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the MCA Minecraft Mod license. ******************************************************************************/ package mca.client.gui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import mca.api.CropEntry; import mca.api.RegistryMCA; import mca.api.WoodcuttingEntry; import mca.api.exception.MappingNotFoundException; import mca.core.MCA; import; import; import mca.entity.EntityHuman; import mca.enums.EnumInteraction; import mca.enums.EnumMovementState; import mca.enums.EnumProfessionGroup; import mca.enums.EnumSleepingState; import mca.packets.PacketGift; import mca.packets.PacketInteract; import mca.packets.PacketToggleAI; import mca.util.TutorialManager; import mca.util.TutorialMessage; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import radixcore.client.render.RenderHelper; import radixcore.constant.Font.Color; import; import radixcore.util.NumberCycleList; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class GuiInteraction extends GuiScreen { private static boolean displaySuccessChance; private final EntityHuman villager; private final EntityPlayer player; private final PlayerMemory memory; private final PlayerData playerData; private boolean displayMarriageInfo; private boolean displayParentsInfo; private boolean displayGiftInfo; private boolean inGiftMode; /* * Fields used for AI controls. */ private int currentPage; private NumberCycleList radiusMappings; private NumberCycleList farmingMappings; private NumberCycleList woodcuttingMappings; private NumberCycleList miningMappings; private NumberCycleList hireLengths; private boolean farmingModeFlag; private boolean miningModeFlag; private boolean huntingModeFlag; private boolean woodcuttingReplantFlag; public GuiInteraction(EntityHuman villager, EntityPlayer player) { super(); this.villager = villager; this.player = player; this.playerData = MCA.getPlayerData(player); this.memory = villager.getPlayerMemory(player); this.radiusMappings = NumberCycleList.fromIntegers(5, 10, 15, 20, 25); this.farmingMappings = NumberCycleList.fromList(RegistryMCA.getCropEntryIDs()); this.woodcuttingMappings = NumberCycleList.fromList(RegistryMCA.getWoodcuttingBlockIDs()); this.miningMappings = NumberCycleList.fromList(RegistryMCA.getMiningBlockIDs()); this.hireLengths = NumberCycleList.fromIntegers(3); } @Override public void initGui() { drawGui(); try { villager.displayNameForPlayer = true; DataWatcherEx.allowClientSideModification = true; villager.setIsInteracting(true); drawMainButtonMenu(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { //Failed to get villager for some reason. Close. Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(null); } } @Override public void onGuiClosed() { try { villager.displayNameForPlayer = false; DataWatcherEx.allowClientSideModification = true; villager.setIsInteracting(false); DataWatcherEx.allowClientSideModification = false; } catch (NullPointerException e) { //Ignore. } } @Override public boolean doesGuiPauseGame() { return false; } @Override public void drawScreen(int i, int j, float f) { int marriageIconU = villager.getIsMarried() ? 0 : villager.getIsEngaged() ? 64 : 16; int parentsIconU = 32; int giftIconU = 48; GL11.glPushMatrix(); { GL11.glColor3f(255.0F, 255.0F, 255.0F); GL11.glScalef(2.0F, 2.0F, 2.0F); RenderHelper.drawTexturedRectangle(new ResourceLocation("mca:textures/gui.png"), 5, 30, marriageIconU, 0, 16, 16); if (doDrawParentsIcon()) { RenderHelper.drawTexturedRectangle(new ResourceLocation("mca:textures/gui.png"), 5, 45, parentsIconU, 0, 16, 16); } if (doDrawGiftIcon()) { RenderHelper.drawTexturedRectangle(new ResourceLocation("mca:textures/gui.png"), 5, 60, giftIconU, 0, 16, 16); } } GL11.glPopMatrix(); if (playerData.isSuperUser.getBoolean()) { RenderHelper.drawTextPopup(Color.WHITE + "You are a superuser.", 10, height - 16); } if (displayMarriageInfo) { String phraseId = villager.getSpouseName().equals(player.getCommandSenderName()) && villager.getIsEngaged() ? "" : villager.getSpouseName().equals(player.getCommandSenderName()) ? "" : villager.getIsMarried() ? "" : villager.getIsEngaged() ? "" : ""; //Always include the villager's spouse name in case %a1% will be provided. RenderHelper.drawTextPopup(MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(phraseId, villager.getSpouseName()), 49, 73); } if (displayParentsInfo) { List<String> displayList = new ArrayList<String>(); String fatherString = ""; String motherString = ""; if (villager.getFatherName().equals(player.getCommandSenderName())) { fatherString += ".you"; } else if (villager.getMotherName().equals(player.getCommandSenderName())) { motherString += ".you"; } displayList.add(MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(fatherString, villager.getFatherName())); displayList.add(MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(motherString, villager.getMotherName())); RenderHelper.drawTextPopup(displayList, 49, 97); } if (displayGiftInfo) { List<String> displayList = new ArrayList<String>(); displayList.add(MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("")); displayList.add(MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("")); RenderHelper.drawTextPopup(displayList, 49, 129); } String moodString = MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("", villager.getAI(AIMood.class).getMood(villager.getPersonality()).getFriendlyName()); String personalityString = MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("", villager.getPersonality().getFriendlyName()); RenderHelper.drawTextPopup(moodString, 18, 29); RenderHelper.drawTextPopup(personalityString, 18, 46); if (villager.getProfessionGroup() == EnumProfessionGroup.Child) { if (villager.getIsChild()) { //Relative to the growth scale, divide by 0.02. int age = (int) (villager.getIsMale() ? 0.39F : 0.37F / MCA.getConfig().childGrowUpTime * villager.getAge() / 0.02F); if (age < 4) { age = 4; } RenderHelper.drawTextPopup("Age: " + age, 18, 11); } else { RenderHelper.drawTextPopup("Age: Adult", 18, 11); } } if (displaySuccessChance) { for (Object obj : buttonList) { try { GuiButton button = (GuiButton) obj; EnumInteraction interaction = EnumInteraction.fromId(; int successChance = interaction.getSuccessChance(villager, memory); successChance = successChance < 0 ? 0 : successChance; if (interaction.getBaseChance() != 0) { RenderHelper.drawTextPopup(successChance + "%", button.xPosition - 30, button.yPosition + 6); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } } super.drawScreen(i, j, f); } private boolean doDrawParentsIcon() { return villager.getFatherId() != -1 || villager.getMotherId() != -1; } private boolean doDrawGiftIcon() { return villager.getPlayerMemory(player).getHasGift(); } @Override public void handleMouseInput() { super.handleMouseInput(); int x = Mouse.getEventX() * width / mc.displayWidth; int y = height - Mouse.getEventY() * height / mc.displayHeight - 1; if (x <= 38 && x >= 16 && y <= 86 && y >= 69) { displayMarriageInfo = true; } else if (doDrawParentsIcon() && x <= 38 && x >= 16 && y <= 114 && y >= 97) { displayParentsInfo = true; } else if (doDrawGiftIcon() && x <= 38 && x >= 16 && y <= 147 && y >= 120) { displayGiftInfo = true; } else { displayMarriageInfo = false; displayParentsInfo = false; displayGiftInfo = false; } if (Mouse.getEventDWheel() < 0) { player.inventory.currentItem = player.inventory.currentItem == 8 ? 0 : player.inventory.currentItem + 1; } else if (Mouse.getEventDWheel() > 0) { player.inventory.currentItem = player.inventory.currentItem == 0 ? 8 : player.inventory.currentItem - 1; } } @Override protected void mouseClicked(int posX, int posY, int button) { super.mouseClicked(posX, posY, button); if (inGiftMode && button == 1) { ItemStack heldItem = player.inventory.getCurrentItem(); if (heldItem != null) { MCA.getPacketHandler().sendPacketToServer(new PacketGift(villager, player.inventory.currentItem)); } } else if (!inGiftMode && button == 0 && doDrawGiftIcon() && posX <= 38 && posX >= 16 && posY <= 147 && posY >= 120) { MCA.getPacketHandler().sendPacketToServer( new PacketInteract(EnumInteraction.TAKE_GIFT.getId(), villager.getEntityId())); } } @Override protected void keyTyped(char keyChar, int keyCode) { if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE) { if (inGiftMode) { inGiftMode = false; for (Object obj : this.buttonList) { GuiButton displayedButton = (GuiButton) obj; displayedButton.enabled = true; } TutorialManager.forceState(2); } else { Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(null); } } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_G) { if (inGiftMode) { ItemStack heldItem = player.inventory.getCurrentItem(); if (heldItem != null) { MCA.getPacketHandler() .sendPacketToServer(new PacketGift(villager, player.inventory.currentItem)); } } } else if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_LCONTROL) { displaySuccessChance = !displaySuccessChance; } else { try { int numberInput = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(keyChar)); if (numberInput > 0) { player.inventory.currentItem = numberInput - 1; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //When a non numeric character is entered. } } } protected void drawGui() { } protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) { EnumInteraction interaction = EnumInteraction.fromId(; villager.getAI(AIIdle.class).reset(); if (interaction != null) { switch (interaction) { /* * Basic interaction buttons. */ case INTERACT: drawInteractButtonMenu(); break; case FOLLOW: villager.setMovementState(EnumMovementState.FOLLOW); villager.getAI(AIFollow.class).setPlayerFollowingName(player.getCommandSenderName()); villager.getAI(AISleep.class).setIsSleeping(false); villager.getAI(AISleep.class).setSleepingState(EnumSleepingState.INTERRUPTED); close(); break; case STAY: villager.setMovementState(EnumMovementState.STAY); close(); break; case MOVE: villager.setMovementState(EnumMovementState.MOVE); close(); break; case WORK: drawWorkButtonMenu(); break; /* * Buttons related to AI and their controls. */ case FARMING: drawFarmingControlMenu(); break; case FARMING_MODE: farmingModeFlag = !farmingModeFlag; drawFarmingControlMenu(); break; case FARMING_TARGET:; drawFarmingControlMenu(); break; case FARMING_RADIUS:; drawFarmingControlMenu(); break; case HUNTING: drawHuntingControlMenu(); break; case HUNTING_MODE: huntingModeFlag = !huntingModeFlag; drawHuntingControlMenu(); break; case WOODCUTTING: drawWoodcuttingControlMenu(); break; case WOODCUTTING_TREE:; drawWoodcuttingControlMenu(); break; case WOODCUTTING_REPLANT: woodcuttingReplantFlag = !woodcuttingReplantFlag; drawWoodcuttingControlMenu(); break; case MINING: drawMiningControlMenu(); break; case MINING_MODE: miningModeFlag = !miningModeFlag; drawMiningControlMenu(); break; case MINING_TARGET:; drawMiningControlMenu(); break; case COOKING: drawCookingControlMenu(); break; /* * Buttons available in special cases. */ case SPECIAL: drawSpecialButtonMenu(); break; case ACCEPT: boolean hasGold = false; for (int i = 0; i < player.inventory.getSizeInventory(); i++) { ItemStack stack = player.inventory.getStackInSlot(i); if (stack != null && stack.getItem() == Items.gold_ingot) { if (stack.stackSize >= hireLengths.get()) { hasGold = true; break; } } } if (!hasGold) { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(MCA.getLanguageManager() .getString("", hireLengths.get()))); } else { villager.say("interaction.hire.success", player); MCA.getPacketHandler() .sendPacketToServer(new PacketInteract(interaction.getId(), villager.getEntityId())); } Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(null); break; case LENGTH:; case HIRE: drawHireButtonMenu(); break; case PROCREATE: if (playerData.shouldHaveBaby.getBoolean()) { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(Color.RED + "You already have a baby.")); } else { villager.getAI(AIProcreate.class).setIsProcreating(true); } close(); break; case PICK_UP: TutorialManager.setTutorialMessage( new TutorialMessage("You can drop your child by right-clicking the ground.", "")); villager.mountEntity(player); MCA.getPacketHandler() .sendPacketToServer(new PacketInteract(interaction.getId(), villager.getEntityId())); close(); break; /* * Buttons on the interaction menu. */ case GIFT: if (inGiftMode) { inGiftMode = false; for (Object obj : this.buttonList) { GuiButton displayedButton = (GuiButton) obj; displayedButton.enabled = true; } TutorialManager.forceState(2); } else { inGiftMode = true; for (Object obj : this.buttonList) { GuiButton displayedButton = (GuiButton) obj; displayedButton.enabled = == 13; } TutorialManager.setTutorialMessage( new TutorialMessage("Give a gift by right-clicking while it's selected,", "or press 'G'. Press Esc to exit gift mode.")); } break; /* * These just send a packet with the interaction ID to the server for processing. Nothing special involved. */ case CHAT: case JOKE: case SHAKE_HAND: case TELL_STORY: case FLIRT: case HUG: case KISS: case TRADE: case SET_HOME: case RIDE_HORSE: case INVENTORY: case RESETBABY: case DIVORCE: case ADOPTBABY: case STOP: MCA.getPacketHandler() .sendPacketToServer(new PacketInteract(interaction.getId(), villager.getEntityId())); close(); break; case START: switch (EnumInteraction.fromId(currentPage)) { case FARMING: MCA.getPacketHandler().sendPacketToServer(new PacketToggleAI(villager, EnumInteraction.FARMING, farmingModeFlag, farmingMappings.get(), radiusMappings.get())); break; case MINING: MCA.getPacketHandler().sendPacketToServer(new PacketToggleAI(villager, EnumInteraction.MINING, miningModeFlag, miningMappings.get())); break; case WOODCUTTING: MCA.getPacketHandler().sendPacketToServer(new PacketToggleAI(villager, EnumInteraction.WOODCUTTING, woodcuttingReplantFlag, woodcuttingMappings.get())); break; case HUNTING: MCA.getPacketHandler().sendPacketToServer( new PacketToggleAI(villager, EnumInteraction.HUNTING, huntingModeFlag)); break; case COOKING: MCA.getPacketHandler() .sendPacketToServer(new PacketToggleAI(villager, EnumInteraction.COOKING)); break; } close(); break; case BACK: switch (EnumInteraction.fromId(currentPage)) { case FARMING: case MINING: case WOODCUTTING: case HUNTING: case COOKING: drawWorkButtonMenu(); break; case SPECIAL: case WORK: case INTERACT: drawMainButtonMenu(); break; case HIRE: drawSpecialButtonMenu(); break; } } } } private void drawMainButtonMenu() { buttonList.clear(); int xLoc = width == 480 ? 170 : 145; int yLoc = height == 240 ? 115 : height == 255 ? 125 : 132; int yInt = 22; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.INTERACT.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.interact"))); yLoc -= yInt; if (villager.allowControllingInteractions(player)) { buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.FOLLOW.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.follow"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.STAY.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.stay"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.MOVE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.move"))); yLoc -= yInt; boolean followButtonEnabled = villager.getMovementState() != EnumMovementState.FOLLOW || !(villager.getAI(AIFollow.class)).getPlayerFollowingName() .equals(player.getCommandSenderName()); ((GuiButton) buttonList.get(1)).enabled = followButtonEnabled; boolean stayButtonEnabled = villager.getMovementState() != EnumMovementState.STAY; ((GuiButton) buttonList.get(2)).enabled = stayButtonEnabled; ((GuiButton) buttonList.get(3)).enabled = !stayButtonEnabled || villager.getMovementState() == EnumMovementState.FOLLOW; } if (!villager.getIsChild() && MCA.getConfig().allowTrading) { buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.TRADE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(""))); yLoc -= yInt; } if (villager.allowControllingInteractions(player)) { buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.SET_HOME.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.sethome"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.RIDE_HORSE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.ridehorse"))); yLoc -= yInt; } if (!villager.getIsChild()) { buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.SPECIAL.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.special"))); yLoc -= yInt; } if (villager.getSpouseName().equals(player.getCommandSenderName()) || villager.getPlayerSpouse() == player) { buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.PROCREATE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.procreate"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.INVENTORY.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.inventory"))); yLoc -= yInt; } if (villager.isPlayerAParent(player) && villager.getIsChild()) { buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.PICK_UP.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.pickup"))); yLoc -= yInt; } if (villager.allowWorkInteractions(player)) { buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.WORK.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(""))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.INVENTORY.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.inventory"))); yLoc -= yInt; //Disable work button for adult children. if (villager.isPlayerAParent(player) && !villager.getIsChild()) { for (Object obj : this.buttonList) { GuiButton button = (GuiButton) obj; if ( == EnumInteraction.WORK.getId()) { button.enabled = false; break; } } } } } private void drawInteractButtonMenu() { buttonList.clear(); currentPage = EnumInteraction.INTERACT.getId(); int xLoc = width == 480 ? 170 : 145; int yLoc = height == 240 ? 115 : height == 255 ? 125 : 132; int yInt = 22; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.BACK.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 32, height / 2 - yLoc, 14, 20, "<<")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(-1, width / 2 + xLoc - 16, height / 2 - yLoc, 80, 20, Color.YELLOW + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.interact"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.CHAT.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(""))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.JOKE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.joke"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.GIFT.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(""))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.SHAKE_HAND.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.shakehand"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.TELL_STORY.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.tellstory"))); yLoc -= yInt; if (villager.allowIntimateInteractions(player)) { buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.FLIRT.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.flirt"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.HUG.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.hug"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.KISS.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.kiss"))); yLoc -= yInt; } } private void drawWorkButtonMenu() { PlayerMemory memory = villager.getPlayerMemory(player); currentPage = EnumInteraction.WORK.getId(); buttonList.clear(); int xLoc = width == 480 ? 170 : 145; int yLoc = height == 240 ? 115 : height == 255 ? 125 : 132; int yInt = 22; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.BACK.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 32, height / 2 - yLoc, 14, 20, "<<")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(-1, width / 2 + xLoc - 16, height / 2 - yLoc, 80, 20, Color.YELLOW + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(""))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.FARMING.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.farming"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.WOODCUTTING.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.woodcutting"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.MINING.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.mining"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.HUNTING.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.hunting"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.COOKING.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(""))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.STOP.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, Color.DARKRED + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.stop"))); yLoc -= yInt; if (villager.getAIManager().isToggleAIActive()) { for (Object obj : buttonList) { GuiButton button = (GuiButton) obj; if ( == -1) { continue; } switch (EnumInteraction.fromId( { case BACK: break; case STOP: break; default: button.enabled = false; } } } else { ((GuiButton) buttonList.get(7)).enabled = false; //Stop button } if (memory.getIsHiredBy()) { EnumProfessionGroup profession = villager.getProfessionGroup(); EnumInteraction validChore = null; switch (profession) { case Farmer: validChore = EnumInteraction.FARMING; break; case Miner: validChore = EnumInteraction.MINING; break; case Guard: validChore = EnumInteraction.COMBAT; break; } if (validChore != null) { for (Object obj : buttonList) { GuiButton button = (GuiButton) obj; if ( == -1 || == EnumInteraction.BACK.getId() || == EnumInteraction.STOP.getId()) { continue; } else if ( != validChore.getId()) { button.enabled = false; } } } } if (villager.getIsChild()) { ((GuiButton) buttonList.get(6)).enabled = false; } } private void drawSpecialButtonMenu() { buttonList.clear(); currentPage = EnumInteraction.SPECIAL.getId(); int xLoc = width == 480 ? 170 : 145; int yLoc = height == 240 ? 115 : height == 255 ? 125 : 132; int yInt = 22; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.BACK.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 32, height / 2 - yLoc, 14, 20, "<<")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(-1, width / 2 + xLoc - 16, height / 2 - yLoc, 80, 20, Color.YELLOW + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.special"))); yLoc -= yInt; if (villager.getCanBeHired(player)) { boolean isHired = villager.getPlayerMemory(player).getIsHiredBy(); String hireButtonText = isHired ? "gui.button.hired" : "gui.button.hire"; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.HIRE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(hireButtonText))); yLoc -= yInt; if (isHired) { ((GuiButton) buttonList.get(2)).enabled = false; } } else if (villager.getProfessionGroup() == EnumProfessionGroup.Priest) { buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.DIVORCE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 20, height / 2 - yLoc, 85, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.divorcespouse"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.ADOPTBABY.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 20, height / 2 - yLoc, 85, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.adoptbaby"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.RESETBABY.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.resetbaby"))); yLoc -= yInt; } } private void drawHireButtonMenu() { buttonList.clear(); currentPage = EnumInteraction.HIRE.getId(); int xLoc = width == 480 ? 170 : 145; int yLoc = height == 240 ? 115 : height == 255 ? 125 : 132; int yInt = 22; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.BACK.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 32, height / 2 - yLoc, 14, 20, "<<")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(-1, width / 2 + xLoc - 16, height / 2 - yLoc, 80, 20, Color.YELLOW + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.hire"))); yLoc -= yInt; // buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.LENGTH.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 35, height / 2 - yLoc, 100, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.length", hireLengths.get()))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.ACCEPT.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 25, height / 2 - yLoc, 90, 20, MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.accept"))); yLoc -= yInt; } private void drawFarmingControlMenu() { buttonList.clear(); currentPage = EnumInteraction.FARMING.getId(); int xLoc = width == 480 ? 170 : 145; int yLoc = height == 240 ? 115 : height == 255 ? 125 : 132; int yInt = 22; String modeText = "Mode: " + (farmingModeFlag ? "Create Farm" : "Harvest"); CropEntry entry = null; try { entry = RegistryMCA.getCropEntryById(farmingMappings.get()); } catch (MappingNotFoundException e) { entry = RegistryMCA.getDefaultCropEntry(); } buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.BACK.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 32, height / 2 - yLoc, 14, 20, "<<")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(-1, width / 2 + xLoc - 16, height / 2 - yLoc, 80, 20, Color.YELLOW + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.farming"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.FARMING_MODE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 40, height / 2 - yLoc, 105, 20, modeText)); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.FARMING_RADIUS.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, "Radius: " + radiusMappings.get())); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.FARMING_TARGET.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 40, height / 2 - yLoc, 105, 20, "Plant: " + entry.getCropName())); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.START.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, Color.GREEN + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.start"))); yLoc -= yInt; for (Object obj : buttonList) { GuiButton button = (GuiButton) obj; int searchId = farmingModeFlag ? EnumInteraction.FARMING_RADIUS.getId() : EnumInteraction.FARMING_TARGET.getId(); if ( == searchId) { button.enabled = false; break; } } } private void drawMiningControlMenu() { buttonList.clear(); currentPage = EnumInteraction.MINING.getId(); int xLoc = width == 480 ? 170 : 145; int yLoc = height == 240 ? 115 : height == 255 ? 125 : 132; int yInt = 22; Block block = null; try { block = RegistryMCA.getNotifyBlockById(miningMappings.get()); } catch (MappingNotFoundException e) { block = Blocks.coal_ore; } buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.BACK.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 32, height / 2 - yLoc, 14, 20, "<<")); buttonList .add(new GuiButton(-1, width / 2 + xLoc - 16, height / 2 - yLoc, 80, 20, Color.YELLOW + "Mining")); yLoc -= yInt; String modeText = "Mode: " + (miningModeFlag ? "Create Mine" : "Search"); String targetText = "Target: " + block.getLocalizedName(); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.MINING_MODE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 40, height / 2 - yLoc, 105, 20, modeText)); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.MINING_TARGET.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 80, height / 2 - yLoc, 145, 20, targetText)); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.START.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, Color.GREEN + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.start"))); yLoc -= yInt; } private void drawWoodcuttingControlMenu() { buttonList.clear(); currentPage = EnumInteraction.WOODCUTTING.getId(); int xLoc = width == 480 ? 170 : 145; int yLoc = height == 240 ? 115 : height == 255 ? 125 : 132; int yInt = 22; WoodcuttingEntry entry = null; try { entry = RegistryMCA.getWoodcuttingEntryById(woodcuttingMappings.get()); } catch (MappingNotFoundException e) { entry = RegistryMCA.getDefaultWoodcuttingEntry(); } String treeText = MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.woodcutting.logtype", new ItemStack(entry.getLogBlock(), 1, entry.getLogMeta()).getDisplayName()); String replantText = MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.woodcutting.replant", MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(woodcuttingReplantFlag ? "gui.button.yes" : "")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.BACK.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 32, height / 2 - yLoc, 14, 20, "<<")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(-1, width / 2 + xLoc - 16, height / 2 - yLoc, 80, 20, Color.YELLOW + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.woodcutting"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.WOODCUTTING_TREE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 66, height / 2 - yLoc, 130, 20, treeText)); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.WOODCUTTING_REPLANT.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 10, height / 2 - yLoc, 75, 20, replantText)); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.START.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, Color.GREEN + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.start"))); yLoc -= yInt; } private void drawHuntingControlMenu() { buttonList.clear(); currentPage = EnumInteraction.HUNTING.getId(); int xLoc = width == 480 ? 170 : 145; int yLoc = height == 240 ? 115 : height == 255 ? 125 : 132; int yInt = 22; String modeText = MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.mode", huntingModeFlag ? MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.kill") : MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.tame")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.BACK.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 32, height / 2 - yLoc, 14, 20, "<<")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(-1, width / 2 + xLoc - 16, height / 2 - yLoc, 80, 20, Color.YELLOW + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.hunting"))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.HUNTING_MODE.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, modeText)); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.START.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, Color.GREEN + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.start"))); yLoc -= yInt; } private void drawCookingControlMenu() { buttonList.clear(); currentPage = EnumInteraction.COOKING.getId(); int xLoc = width == 480 ? 170 : 145; int yLoc = height == 240 ? 115 : height == 255 ? 125 : 132; int yInt = 22; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.BACK.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc - 32, height / 2 - yLoc, 14, 20, "<<")); buttonList.add(new GuiButton(-1, width / 2 + xLoc - 16, height / 2 - yLoc, 80, 20, Color.YELLOW + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString(""))); yLoc -= yInt; buttonList.add(new GuiButton(EnumInteraction.START.getId(), width / 2 + xLoc, height / 2 - yLoc, 65, 20, Color.GREEN + MCA.getLanguageManager().getString("gui.button.start"))); yLoc -= yInt; } private void close() { Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(null); } }