Java tutorial
// // // /* VisAD system for interactive analysis and visualization of numerical data. Copyright (C) 1996 - 2006 Bill Hibbard, Curtis Rueden, Tom Rink, Dave Glowacki, Steve Emmerson, Tom Whittaker, Don Murray, and Tommy Jasmin. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ package maxSumController.continuous.linear.delaunay; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; /** * DelaunayFast is a method of finding an imperfect triangulation or * tetrahedralization of a set of samples of R^2 or R^3. It provides a * substantial speed increase over the true Delaunay triangulation algorithms. * <P> */ public class DelaunayFast extends Delaunay { // <<< Modified quick sort routine >>> private final void qsort(int[] array, double[][] samples, int sIndex, int lo, int hi) { if (lo < hi) { int pivot = (lo + hi) / 2; int swap = array[lo]; array[lo] = array[pivot]; array[pivot] = swap; pivot = lo; for (int i = lo + 1; i <= hi; i++) if (samples[sIndex][array[i]] < samples[sIndex][array[lo]]) { swap = array[i]; array[i] = array[++pivot]; array[pivot] = swap; } swap = array[lo]; array[lo] = array[pivot]; array[pivot] = swap; if (lo < pivot - 1) qsort(array, samples, sIndex, lo, pivot - 1); if (pivot + 1 < hi) qsort(array, samples, sIndex, pivot + 1, hi); } } /** Number of radians to rotate points before triangulating */ public static final double ROTATE = Math.PI / 18; // (10 degrees) /** * construct an approximate Delaunay triangulation of the points in the * samples array using Curtis Rueden's algorithm * * @param samples * locations of points for topology - dimensioned * float[dimension][number_of_points] * @throws VisADException * a VisAD error occurred */ public DelaunayFast(double[][] samples) { if (samples.length < 2 || samples.length > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DelaunayFast: dimension must be 2 or 3"); } if (samples.length == 3) { throw new NotImplementedException("DelaunayFast: " + "only two dimensions for now"); } int numpts = Math.min(samples[0].length, samples[1].length); if (numpts < 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "DelaunayFast: triangulation is " + "futile with less than 3 samples"); } double[][] samp = new double[2][numpts]; System.arraycopy(samples[0], 0, samp[0], 0, numpts); System.arraycopy(samples[1], 0, samp[1], 0, numpts); double[] samp0 = samp[0]; double[] samp1 = samp[1]; // rotate samples by ROTATE radians to avoid colinear axis-parallel // points double cosrot = Math.cos(ROTATE); double sinrot = Math.sin(ROTATE); for (int i = 0; i < numpts; i++) { double x = samp0[i]; double y = samp1[i]; samp0[i] = (float) (x * cosrot - y * sinrot); samp1[i] = (float) (y * cosrot + x * sinrot); } // misc. variables int ntris = 0; int tsize = (int) (2f / 3f * numpts) + 10; int[][][] tris = new int[tsize][3][]; int tp = 0; int[] nverts = new int[numpts]; for (int i = 0; i < numpts; i++) nverts[i] = 0; // set up the stack int ssize = 20; // "stack size" int[] ss = new int[ssize + 2]; // "stack start" int[] se = new int[ssize + 2]; // "stack end" boolean[] vh = new boolean[ssize + 2]; // "vertical/horizontal" boolean[] mp = new boolean[ssize + 2]; // "merge points" int sp = 0; // "stack pointer" int hsize = 10; // "hull stack size" int[][] hs = new int[hsize + 2][]; // "hull stack" int hsp = 0; // "hull stack pointer" // set up initial conditions int[] indices = new int[numpts]; for (int i = 0; i < numpts; i++) indices[i] = i; // add initial conditions to stack sp++; ss[0] = 0; se[0] = numpts - 1; vh[0] = false; mp[0] = false; // stack loop variables int css; int cse; boolean cvh; boolean cmp; // stack loop while (sp != 0) { if (hsp > hsize) { // expand hull stack if necessary hsize += hsize; int newhs[][] = new int[hsize + 2][]; System.arraycopy(hs, 0, newhs, 0, hs.length); hs = newhs; } if (sp > ssize) { // expand stack if necessary ssize += ssize; int[] newss = new int[ssize + 2]; int[] newse = new int[ssize + 2]; boolean[] newvh = new boolean[ssize + 2]; boolean[] newmp = new boolean[ssize + 2]; System.arraycopy(ss, 0, newss, 0, ss.length); System.arraycopy(se, 0, newse, 0, se.length); System.arraycopy(vh, 0, newvh, 0, vh.length); System.arraycopy(mp, 0, newmp, 0, mp.length); ss = newss; se = newse; vh = newvh; mp = newmp; } // pop action from stack sp--; css = ss[sp]; cse = se[sp]; cvh = vh[sp]; cmp = mp[sp]; if (!cmp) { // division step if (cse - css >= 3) { // sort step qsort(indices, samp, cvh ? 0 : 1, css, cse); // push merge action onto stack ss[sp] = css; se[sp] = cse; vh[sp] = cvh; mp[sp] = true; sp++; // divide, and push two halves onto stack int mid = (css + cse) / 2; ss[sp] = css; se[sp] = mid; vh[sp] = !cvh; mp[sp] = false; sp++; ss[sp] = mid + 1; se[sp] = cse; vh[sp] = !cvh; mp[sp] = false; sp++; } else { // connect step, also push hulls onto hull stack int[] hull; if (cse - css + 1 == 3) { hull = new int[3]; hull[0] = indices[css]; hull[1] = indices[css + 1]; hull[2] = indices[cse]; double a0x = samp0[hull[0]]; double a0y = samp1[hull[0]]; if ((samp0[hull[1]] - a0x) * (samp1[hull[2]] - a0y) - (samp1[hull[1]] - a0y) * (samp0[hull[2]] - a0x) > 0) { // adjust step, hull must remain clockwise hull[1] = indices[cse]; hull[2] = indices[css + 1]; } tris[tp][0] = new int[1]; tris[tp][1] = new int[1]; tris[tp][2] = new int[1]; tris[tp][0][0] = hull[0]; tris[tp][1][0] = hull[1]; tris[tp][2][0] = hull[2]; tp++; ntris++; nverts[indices[css]]++; nverts[indices[cse]]++; nverts[indices[css + 1]]++; } else { hull = new int[2]; hull[0] = indices[css]; hull[1] = indices[cse]; } hs[hsp++] = hull; } } else { // merge step int coord = cvh ? 1 : 0; // pop hull arrays from stack int[] hull1, hull2; hsp -= 2; hull2 = cvh ? hs[hsp + 1] : hs[hsp]; hull1 = cvh ? hs[hsp] : hs[hsp + 1]; hs[hsp + 1] = null; hs[hsp] = null; // find upper and lower convex hull additions int upp1 = 0; int upp2 = 0; int low1 = 0; int low2 = 0; // find initial upper and lower hull indices for later // optimization for (int i = 1; i < hull1.length; i++) { if (samp[coord][hull1[i]] > samp[coord][hull1[upp1]]) upp1 = i; if (samp[coord][hull1[i]] < samp[coord][hull1[low1]]) low1 = i; } for (int i = 1; i < hull2.length; i++) { if (samp[coord][hull2[i]] > samp[coord][hull2[upp2]]) upp2 = i; if (samp[coord][hull2[i]] < samp[coord][hull2[low2]]) low2 = i; } // hull sweep must be performed thrice to ensure correctness for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++) { // optimize upp1 int bob = (upp1 + 1) % hull1.length; double ax = samp0[hull2[upp2]]; double ay = samp1[hull2[upp2]]; double bamx = samp0[hull1[bob]] - ax; double bamy = samp1[hull1[bob]] - ay; double camx = samp0[hull1[upp1]] - ax; double camy = samp1[hull1[upp1]] - ay; float u = (cvh) ? (float) (bamy / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)) : (float) (bamx / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)); float v = (cvh) ? (float) (camy / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)) : (float) (camx / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)); boolean plus_dir = (u < v); if (!plus_dir) { bob = upp1; u = 0; v = 1; } while (u < v) { upp1 = bob; bob = plus_dir ? (upp1 + 1) % hull1.length : (upp1 + hull1.length - 1) % hull1.length; bamx = samp0[hull1[bob]] - ax; bamy = samp1[hull1[bob]] - ay; camx = samp0[hull1[upp1]] - ax; camy = samp1[hull1[upp1]] - ay; u = (cvh) ? (float) (bamy / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)) : (float) (bamx / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)); v = (cvh) ? (float) (camy / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)) : (float) (camx / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)); } // optimize upp2 bob = (upp2 + 1) % hull2.length; ax = samp0[hull1[upp1]]; ay = samp1[hull1[upp1]]; bamx = samp0[hull2[bob]] - ax; bamy = samp1[hull2[bob]] - ay; camx = samp0[hull2[upp2]] - ax; camy = samp1[hull2[upp2]] - ay; u = (cvh) ? (float) (bamy / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)) : (float) (bamx / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)); v = (cvh) ? (float) (camy / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)) : (float) (camx / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)); plus_dir = (u < v); if (!plus_dir) { bob = upp2; u = 0; v = 1; } while (u < v) { upp2 = bob; bob = plus_dir ? (upp2 + 1) % hull2.length : (upp2 + hull2.length - 1) % hull2.length; bamx = samp0[hull2[bob]] - ax; bamy = samp1[hull2[bob]] - ay; camx = samp0[hull2[upp2]] - ax; camy = samp1[hull2[upp2]] - ay; u = (cvh) ? (float) (bamy / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)) : (float) (bamx / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)); v = (cvh) ? (float) (camy / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)) : (float) (camx / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)); } // optimize low1 bob = (low1 + 1) % hull1.length; ax = samp0[hull2[low2]]; ay = samp1[hull2[low2]]; bamx = samp0[hull1[bob]] - ax; bamy = samp1[hull1[bob]] - ay; camx = samp0[hull1[low1]] - ax; camy = samp1[hull1[low1]] - ay; u = (cvh) ? (float) (bamy / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)) : (float) (bamx / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)); v = (cvh) ? (float) (camy / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)) : (float) (camx / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)); plus_dir = (u > v); if (!plus_dir) { bob = low1; u = 1; v = 0; } while (u > v) { low1 = bob; bob = plus_dir ? (low1 + 1) % hull1.length : (low1 + hull1.length - 1) % hull1.length; bamx = samp0[hull1[bob]] - ax; bamy = samp1[hull1[bob]] - ay; camx = samp0[hull1[low1]] - ax; camy = samp1[hull1[low1]] - ay; u = (cvh) ? (float) (bamy / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)) : (float) (bamx / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)); v = (cvh) ? (float) (camy / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)) : (float) (camx / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)); } // optimize low2 bob = (low2 + 1) % hull2.length; ax = samp0[hull1[low1]]; ay = samp1[hull1[low1]]; bamx = samp0[hull2[bob]] - ax; bamy = samp1[hull2[bob]] - ay; camx = samp0[hull2[low2]] - ax; camy = samp1[hull2[low2]] - ay; u = (cvh) ? (float) (bamy / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)) : (float) (bamx / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)); v = (cvh) ? (float) (camy / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)) : (float) (camx / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)); plus_dir = (u > v); if (!plus_dir) { bob = low2; u = 1; v = 0; } while (u > v) { low2 = bob; bob = plus_dir ? (low2 + 1) % hull2.length : (low2 + hull2.length - 1) % hull2.length; bamx = samp0[hull2[bob]] - ax; bamy = samp1[hull2[bob]] - ay; camx = samp0[hull2[low2]] - ax; camy = samp1[hull2[low2]] - ay; u = (cvh) ? (float) (bamy / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)) : (float) (bamx / Math.sqrt(bamx * bamx + bamy * bamy)); v = (cvh) ? (float) (camy / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)) : (float) (camx / Math.sqrt(camx * camx + camy * camy)); } } // calculate number of points in inner hull int nih1, nih2; int noh1, noh2; int h1ups, h2ups; if (low1 == upp1) { nih1 = hull1.length; noh1 = 1; h1ups = 0; } else { nih1 = low1 - upp1 + 1; if (nih1 <= 0) nih1 += hull1.length; noh1 = hull1.length - nih1 + 2; h1ups = 1; } if (low2 == upp2) { nih2 = hull2.length; noh2 = 1; h2ups = 0; } else { nih2 = upp2 - low2 + 1; if (nih2 <= 0) nih2 += hull2.length; noh2 = hull2.length - nih2 + 2; h2ups = 1; } // copy hull1 & hull2 info into merged hull array int[] hull = new int[noh1 + noh2]; int hullnum = 0; int spot; // go clockwise until upp1 is reached for (spot = low1; spot != upp1; hullnum++, spot = (spot + 1) % hull1.length) { hull[hullnum] = hull1[spot]; } // append upp1 hull[hullnum++] = hull1[upp1]; // go clockwise until low2 is reached for (spot = upp2; spot != low2; hullnum++, spot = (spot + 1) % hull2.length) { hull[hullnum] = hull2[spot]; } // append low2 hull[hullnum++] = hull2[low2]; // now push the new, completed hull onto the hull stack hs[hsp++] = hull; // stitch a connection between the two triangulations int base1 = low1; int base2 = low2; int oneUp1 = (base1 + hull1.length - 1) % hull1.length; int oneUp2 = (base2 + 1) % hull2.length; // when both sides reach the top the merge is complete int ntd = (noh1 == 1 || noh2 == 1) ? nih1 + nih2 - 1 : nih1 + nih2 - 2; tris[tp][0] = new int[ntd]; tris[tp][1] = new int[ntd]; tris[tp][2] = new int[ntd]; for (int t = 0; t < ntd; t++) { // special case if side 1 has reached the top if (h1ups == nih1) { oneUp2 = (base2 + 1) % hull2.length; tris[tp][0][t] = hull2[base2]; tris[tp][1][t] = hull1[base1]; tris[tp][2][t] = hull2[oneUp2]; ntris++; nverts[hull1[base1]]++; nverts[hull2[base2]]++; nverts[hull2[oneUp2]]++; base2 = oneUp2; h2ups++; } // special case if side 2 has reached the top else if (h2ups == nih2) { oneUp1 = (base1 + hull1.length - 1) % hull1.length; tris[tp][0][t] = hull2[base2]; tris[tp][1][t] = hull1[base1]; tris[tp][2][t] = hull1[oneUp1]; ntris++; nverts[hull1[base1]]++; nverts[hull2[base2]]++; nverts[hull1[oneUp1]]++; base1 = oneUp1; h1ups++; } // neither side has reached the top yet else { boolean d; int hb1 = hull1[base1]; int ho1 = hull1[oneUp1]; int hb2 = hull2[base2]; int ho2 = hull2[oneUp2]; double ax = samp0[ho2]; double ay = samp1[ho2]; double bx = samp0[hb2]; double by = samp1[hb2]; double cx = samp0[ho1]; double cy = samp1[ho1]; double dx = samp0[hb1]; double dy = samp1[hb1]; double abx = ax - bx; double aby = ay - by; double acx = ax - cx; double acy = ay - cy; double dbx = dx - bx; double dby = dy - by; double dcx = dx - cx; double dcy = dy - cy; double Q = abx * acx + aby * acy; double R = dbx * abx + dby * aby; double S = acx * dcx + acy * dcy; double T = dbx * dcx + dby * dcy; boolean QD = abx * acy - aby * acx >= 0; boolean RD = dbx * aby - dby * abx >= 0; boolean SD = acx * dcy - acy * dcx >= 0; boolean TD = dcx * dby - dcy * dbx >= 0; boolean sig = (QD ? 1 : 0) + (RD ? 1 : 0) + (SD ? 1 : 0) + (TD ? 1 : 0) < 2; if (QD == sig) d = true; else if (RD == sig) d = false; else if (SD == sig) d = false; else if (TD == sig) d = true; else if (Q < 0 && T < 0 || R > 0 && S > 0) d = true; else if (R < 0 && S < 0 || Q > 0 && T > 0) d = false; else if ((Q < 0 ? Q : T) < (R < 0 ? R : S)) d = true; else d = false; if (d) { tris[tp][0][t] = hull2[base2]; tris[tp][1][t] = hull1[base1]; tris[tp][2][t] = hull2[oneUp2]; ntris++; nverts[hull1[base1]]++; nverts[hull2[base2]]++; nverts[hull2[oneUp2]]++; // use diagonal (base1, oneUp2) as new base base2 = oneUp2; h2ups++; oneUp2 = (base2 + 1) % hull2.length; } else { tris[tp][0][t] = hull2[base2]; tris[tp][1][t] = hull1[base1]; tris[tp][2][t] = hull1[oneUp1]; ntris++; nverts[hull1[base1]]++; nverts[hull2[base2]]++; nverts[hull1[oneUp1]]++; // use diagonal (base2, oneUp1) as new base base1 = oneUp1; h1ups++; oneUp1 = (base1 + hull1.length - 1) % hull1.length; } } } tp++; } } // build Tri component Tri = new int[ntris][3]; int tr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tp; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tris[i][0].length; j++) { Tri[tr][0] = tris[i][0][j]; Tri[tr][1] = tris[i][1][j]; Tri[tr][2] = tris[i][2][j]; tr++; } } // build Vertices component Vertices = new int[numpts][]; for (int i = 0; i < numpts; i++) { Vertices[i] = new int[nverts[i]]; nverts[i] = 0; } int a, b, c; for (int i = 0; i < ntris; i++) { a = Tri[i][0]; b = Tri[i][1]; c = Tri[i][2]; Vertices[a][nverts[a]++] = i; Vertices[b][nverts[b]++] = i; Vertices[c][nverts[c]++] = i; } // call more generic method for constructing Walk and Edges arrays finish_triang(samples); } /** * Illustrates the speed increase over other Delaunay algorithms * * @param argv * command line arguments * @throws VisADException * a VisAD error occurred */ public static void main(String[] argv) { // argv = new String[] { "5000" }; boolean problem = false; int points = 0; if (argv.length < 1) problem = true; else { try { points = Integer.parseInt(argv[0]); if (points < 3) problem = true; } catch (NumberFormatException exc) { problem = true; } } if (problem) { System.out.println("Usage:\n" + " java visad.DelaunayFast points\n" + "points = the number of points to triangulate.\n"); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Generating " + points + " random points..."); double[][] samples = new double[2][points]; double[] samp0 = samples[0]; double[] samp1 = samples[1]; for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) { samp0[i] = (float) (500 * Math.random()); samp1[i] = (float) (500 * Math.random()); } System.out.println("\nTriangulating points with Clarkson algorithm..."); long start1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); DelaunayClarkson dc = new DelaunayClarkson(samples); long end1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); float time1 = (end1 - start1) / 1000f; System.out.println("Triangulation took " + time1 + " seconds."); System.out.println("\nTriangulating points with Watson algorithm..."); long start2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); DelaunayWatson dw = new DelaunayWatson(samples); long end2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); float time2 = (end2 - start2) / 1000f; System.out.println("Triangulation took " + time2 + " seconds."); System.out.println("\nTriangulating points with Fast algorithm..."); long start3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); DelaunayFast df = new DelaunayFast(samples); long end3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); float time3 = (end3 - start3) / 1000f; System.out.println("Triangulation took " + time3 + " seconds."); float ratio1 = (time1 / time3); System.out.println("\nAt " + points + " points:"); System.out.println(" Fast is " + ratio1 + " times faster than Clarkson."); float ratio2 = (time2 / time3); System.out.println(" Fast is " + ratio2 + " times faster than Watson."); } /* * Here's the output of the main method: * * C:\java\visad>java visad.DelaunayFast 10000 Generating 10000 random * points... * * Triangulating points with Clarkson algorithm... Triangulation took 11.406 * seconds. * * Triangulating points with Watson algorithm... Triangulation took 63.063 * seconds. * * Triangulating points with Fast algorithm... Triangulation took 1.234 * seconds. * * At 10000 points: Fast is 9.243113 times faster than Clarkson. Fast is * 51.104538 times faster than Watson. * * C:\java\visad> * */ }