Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Ron * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package matrix; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex; /** * * @author ron */ public class SquareMatrix extends Matrix { private static LUPDecomposition LUP; //I wanted to use asserts instead of exceptions but I found out through testing //that assert(expression) is not as meaninful to the java compiler/runtime as //it is in c/c++ => i'm using an unchecked exception, because I *really* //don't want client code to continue execution after that exception is thrown public SquareMatrix() { super(); if (rows != columns) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input matrix must have equal rows and columns."); } //this one is only necessary if //i change the default ctor on super and forget to change this here //, so it's more of a reminder } public SquareMatrix(int[][] matrix) { super(matrix); if (rows != columns) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input matrix must have equal rows and columns."); } } public SquareMatrix(float[][] matrix) { super(matrix); if (rows != columns) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input matrix must have equal rows and columns."); } } public SquareMatrix(double[][] matrix) { super(matrix); if (rows != columns) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input matrix must have equal rows and columns."); } } public SquareMatrix(SquareMatrix square) { super(square); //no check since it's copying an existing square } public SquareMatrix(Matrix maybe) { this(maybe.getMatrix()); //no check since it's going to be checked in the other ctor } /** * * @param A a square matrix to calculate the determinant of, which is * returned * @return */ public static BigDecimal determinant(SquareMatrix A) { try { LUP = new LUPDecomposition(); LUP.decompose(A); } catch (NonInvertibleMatrixException ex) { LUP = null; return new BigDecimal(0.0); } BigDecimal det = new BigDecimal(1); double[][] u = LUP.U.getMatrix(); /* System.out.println("\nA:\n" + A + "\nL:\n" + L + "\nU:\n" + U + "\nP:\n" + P + "\nperms:\n" + perms); try { System.out.println("Result of P.mult(A):\n" + P.mult(A)); System.out.println("Result of L.mult(U):\n" + L.mult(U)); } catch (DimensionMismatchException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); exit(-1);//this really shouldn't happen so i'm going to bail here }*/ //still need to account for P matrix. --done //L matrix is not used because it is a unit lower triangular matrix, //and its main diagonal entries are all 1 for (int i = 0; i < LUP.U.getRows(); ++i) { det = det.multiply(new BigDecimal(u[i][i])); } if (LUP.permutations % 2 != 0) { det = det.multiply(new BigDecimal(-1)); } return det; } /** * * @return Determinant of matrix in class */ public BigDecimal determinant() { return determinant(this); } public static SquareMatrix invert(SquareMatrix A) throws NonInvertibleMatrixException { BigDecimal detA = determinant(A); if (detA == new BigDecimal(0)) { throw new NonInvertibleMatrixException("Cannot invert matrix, determinant is 0."); } int n = A.getRows(); double[][] inverse = new double[n][n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double[] columnSolved = solve(i); for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { inverse[j][i] = columnSolved[j]; } } return new SquareMatrix(inverse); } //internal helper method used in invert() private static double[] solve(int column) { int n = LUP.L.getRows(); double[] result = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { result[i] = LUP.P.getMatrix()[i][column]; } for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { double s = result[i]; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { s -= result[j] * LUP.L.getMatrix()[i][j]; } result[i] = s; } result[n - 1] /= LUP.U.getMatrix()[n - 1][n - 1]; for (int i = n - 2; i >= 0; --i) { double s = result[i]; for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) { s -= result[j] * LUP.U.getMatrix()[i][j]; } result[i] = s / LUP.U.getMatrix()[i][i]; } return result; } public Complex[] eigenvalues() { return eigenvalues(this); } public static Complex[] eigenvalues(SquareMatrix A) { Complex[] e = new Complex[A.getRows()]; QRDecomposition qr = new QRDecomposition(); qr.iterations = 0; int total_iter = 0; int num_eigen_found = 0; //in general, QR decomposition will converge faster from an upper //Hessenberg matrix. so, first things first, we bring QRIterator to that form SquareMatrix QRIterator = new SquareMatrix(qr.hessenberg(A)); //SquareMatrix QRIterator = new SquareMatrix(A); int max = MAX_ITERATIONS; double lastElement; SquareMatrix ScaledIdentity; do { System.out.println("Pre-decompose: QRIterator (Iteration#" + (qr.iterations + 1) + "):\n" + QRIterator); if (QRIterator.getRows() == 1) { //very last 1x1 element in matrix e[num_eigen_found++] = new Complex(QRIterator.getMatrix()[0][0]); break; } else { lastElement = QRIterator.getMatrix()[QRIterator.getRows() - 1][QRIterator.getColumns() - 1]; ScaledIdentity = new SquareMatrix(Matrix.IdentityMatrix(QRIterator.getRows()).scale(lastElement)); try { QRIterator = new SquareMatrix(QRIterator.subtract(ScaledIdentity)); } catch (DimensionMismatchException ex) { System.out.println("Unexpected execption during QRIterator -= I*alpha, bailing."); System.exit(-1); } qr.decompose(QRIterator); } try { QRIterator = new SquareMatrix(qr.R.mult(qr.Q)/*.add(ScaledIdentity)*/); } catch (DimensionMismatchException ex) { System.out.println("An unexpected exception occurred during QRIterator = R*Q, bailing."); System.exit(-1); } qr.iterations++; //testing indicates that MAX_ITERATIONS iterations should be more than sufficient to converge, if its going to at all if (qr.iterations == max || Math.abs(QRIterator.getMatrix()[QRIterator.getRows() - 1][QRIterator.getColumns() - 2]) < CONVERGENCE_CHECK) { System.out.println("QRIterator (at max iteration or converged) (Iteration#" + qr.iterations + "):\n" + QRIterator + "\nlastElement value:\t" + lastElement); if (Math.abs(QRIterator.getMatrix()[QRIterator.getRows() - 1][QRIterator.getColumns() - 2]) < CONVERGENCE_CHECK) { //then the value at M[n][n] is an eigenvalue and it is real e[num_eigen_found++] = new Complex( QRIterator.getMatrix()[QRIterator.getRows() - 1][QRIterator.getColumns() - 1]); //System.out.println("e[" + (num_eigen_found - 1) + "]:\t" + e[num_eigen_found - 1] + "\nQRIterator before deflation:\n" + QRIterator); double[][] deflatedMatrix = deflate(QRIterator.getMatrix(), 1); QRIterator = new SquareMatrix(deflatedMatrix); total_iter += qr.iterations; qr.iterations = 0; //reset the iterations counter to find the next eigenvalue //System.out.println("\nQRIterator after deflation:\n" + QRIterator); /*if (2 <= QRIterator.getRows()) { total_iter += qr.iterations; qr.iterations = 0; //reset the iterations counter to find the next eigenvalue } else { if (QRIterator.getRows() == 2) { //i'm on the last 2x2 set and it's converged, so i'm going to pull the eigenvalues off the diagonal e[num_eigen_found++] = new Complex( QRIterator.getMatrix()[QRIterator.getRows() - 1][QRIterator.getColumns() - 1] ); e[num_eigen_found++] = new Complex( QRIterator.getMatrix()[QRIterator.getRows() - 2][QRIterator.getColumns() - 2] ); } else if (QRIterator.getRows() == 1) { //i'm on the very last 1x1 submatrix and it contains the last eigenvalue e[num_eigen_found++] = new Complex( QRIterator.getMatrix()[QRIterator.getRows() - 1][QRIterator.getColumns() - 1] ); } break; }*/ } else { //this is a 2x2 matrix with either real or complex roots. need to find them. //characteristic equation of 2x2 array => E^2 - (w + z)E + (wz - xy) = 0 where E = eigenvalue (possibly pair, possibly singular, possibly real, possibly complex) // and the matrix {{w, x}, {y, z}} is the input array, the task is to calculate the root(s) of that equation //that is a quadratic equation => (root = (-b +- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac))/2a) //determinant b^2 - 4ac will determine behavior of roots => positive means 2 real roots, 0 means 1 repeated real root, negative means conjugate pair of imaginary roots //first, get the wxyz from the (possibly bigger) matrix int n = QRIterator.getRows(); double w = QRIterator.getMatrix()[n - 2][n - 2]; double x = QRIterator.getMatrix()[n - 2][n - 1]; double y = QRIterator.getMatrix()[n - 1][n - 2]; double z = QRIterator.getMatrix()[n - 1][n - 1]; //a not used since it's = 1 double b = -(w + z); double c = (w * z - x * y); //calculate determinant of quadratic equation double determ = b * b - 4 * c; if (determ >= 0) { //one or two real roots double sqrt_determ_real = Math.sqrt(determ); e[num_eigen_found++] = new Complex((-b + sqrt_determ_real) / 2.0); e[num_eigen_found++] = new Complex((-b - sqrt_determ_real) / 2.0); //in the zero determinant case that's simply going to add the same eigenvalue to the list twice. I'm ok with that for now. } else if (determ < 0) { //conjugate pair of complex roots double sqrt_determ_imag = Math.sqrt(-determ); e[num_eigen_found++] = new Complex(-b / 2.0, sqrt_determ_imag / 2.0); e[num_eigen_found++] = new Complex(-b / 2.0, -sqrt_determ_imag / 2.0); } if (QRIterator.getRows() > 2) { total_iter += qr.iterations; qr.iterations = 0; //reset the iterations counter to find the next eigenvalue double[][] deflatedMatrix = deflate(QRIterator.getMatrix(), 2); QRIterator = new SquareMatrix(deflatedMatrix); } } } //QRIterator = new SquareMatrix(qr.hessenberg(QRIterator)); } while (qr.iterations < max); //used for debugging here /*System.out.println("Finished iterating. Iterations:\t" + qr.iterations + "\nFinal value of qr.Q:\n" + qr.Q + "\nFinal value of qr.R:\n" + qr.R + "\nFinal value of QRIterator:\n" + QRIterator + "\nOriginal SquareMatrix A:\n" + A); */ return e; } //internal helper method called from eigenvalues function private static boolean hasConverged(SquareMatrix A) { double[][] a = A.getMatrix().clone();//do not want to modify it here for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) { if (MatrixConstants.CONVERGENCE_CHECK < Math.abs(a[i][j])) { return false; } } } return true; } private static double[][] deflate(double[][] matrix, int numToDelete) { double[][] deflated = new double[matrix.length - numToDelete][matrix[0].length - numToDelete]; for (int i = 0; i < deflated.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < deflated[0].length; ++j) { deflated[i][j] = matrix[i][j]; } } return deflated; } }