Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Arie Benichou * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package matching.edmonds1; import graph.UndirectedGraph; import graph.WeightedEdge; import; import; import graph.features.shortestPath.PathInterface; import graph.features.shortestPath.ShortestPathFeature; import graph.features.shortestPath.ShortestPathInterface; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import matching.Matches; import matching.MatchingAlgorithmInterface; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Minimum Weight Perfect Matching Algorithm */ public final class Matching implements MatchingAlgorithmInterface { private static <T> Map<T, T> buildMatchingMap(final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> maximumMatching) { final Builder<T, T> builder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<T, T>(); final Set<T> set = Sets.newHashSet(); for (final T endPoint1 : maximumMatching) { final T endPoint2 = maximumMatching.getEndPoints(endPoint1).iterator().next(); if (!set.contains(endPoint2)) { set.add(endPoint1); set.add(endPoint2); builder.put(endPoint1, endPoint2); } } return; } private static <T> double computeCost(final UndirectedGraph<T> originalGraph, final Map<T, T> matching) { if (matching.isEmpty()) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; final ShortestPathInterface<T> pathFeature = originalGraph.fetch(ShortestPathFeature.class).up(); double cost = 0; for (final Entry<T, T> entry : matching.entrySet()) cost += pathFeature.getShortestPath(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()).getWeight(); return cost; } private static <T> boolean isPerfect(final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> maximumMatching) { for (final T MazeNode : maximumMatching) if (maximumMatching.getEndPoints(MazeNode).size() != 1) return false; return true; } private UndirectedGraph<?> originalGraph; private static <T> Map<WeightedEdge<T>, Integer> buildMap(final UndirectedGraph<T> originalGraph) { final Set<WeightedEdge<T>> edges = Sets.newHashSet(); for (final T vertex : originalGraph) edges.addAll(originalGraph.getEdgesFrom(vertex)); final Map<WeightedEdge<T>, Integer> map = Maps.newHashMap(); for (final WeightedEdge<T> edge : edges) map.put(edge, 1); final DegreeInterface<T> degreeInterface = originalGraph.fetch(DegreeFeature.class).up(); final Set<T> nodesWithDegree1 = degreeInterface.getNodesHavingDegree(1).keySet(); for (final T t : nodesWithDegree1) { final WeightedEdge<T> endWayEdge = originalGraph.getEdgesFrom(t).iterator().next(); map.put(endWayEdge, 2); } return map; } private static <T> Map<WeightedEdge<T>, Integer> eulerize(final UndirectedGraph<T> originalGraph, final Map<T, T> matching) { final Map<WeightedEdge<T>, Integer> map = buildMap(originalGraph); /* for (final Entry<WeightedEdge<T>, Integer> t : map.entrySet()) { System.out.println(t); } */ final ShortestPathInterface<T> pathFeature = originalGraph.fetch(ShortestPathFeature.class).up(); for (final Entry<T, T> entry : matching.entrySet()) { final T endPoint1 = entry.getKey(); final T endPoint2 = entry.getValue(); final PathInterface<T> path = pathFeature.getShortestPath(endPoint1, endPoint2); for (final WeightedEdge<T> edge : path.getEdges()) { map.put(edge, (map.get(edge) + 1) % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1); //map.put(edge, 2); } } return map; } private static <T> double computeCost(final Map<WeightedEdge<T>, Integer> edgeInstances) { double cost = 0; for (final Entry<WeightedEdge<T>, Integer> entry : edgeInstances.entrySet()) { final WeightedEdge<T> edge = entry.getKey(); final Integer k = entry.getValue(); cost += k * edge.getWeight(); } return cost; } private <T> MutableUndirectedGraph<T> copyGraph(final UndirectedGraph<T> residualGraph) { final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> mutableResidualGraph = new MutableUndirectedGraph<T>(); for (final T endPoint : residualGraph) mutableResidualGraph.addEndPoint(endPoint); for (final T endPoint1 : residualGraph) for (final T endPoint2 : residualGraph.getConnectedEndPoints(endPoint1)) mutableResidualGraph.addEdge(endPoint1, endPoint2); return mutableResidualGraph; } private <T> UndirectedGraph<T> copyGraph(final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> graph) { final UndirectedGraph.Builder<T> residualGraphBuilder = new UndirectedGraph.Builder<T>(graph.getOrder(), UndirectedGraph.SUPERVISER_MODE); final Set<WeightedEdge<T>> edges = Sets.newHashSet(); for (final T endPoint1 : graph) for (final T endPoint2 : graph) if (!endPoint1.equals(endPoint2)) { // TODO contains(u, v, w) final WeightedEdge<T> edge = WeightedEdge.from(endPoint1, endPoint2, 1); if (!edges.contains(edges)) edges.add(edge); } final List<WeightedEdge<T>> sortedEdges = Lists.newArrayList(edges); Collections.sort(sortedEdges); for (final WeightedEdge<T> weightedEdge : sortedEdges) residualGraphBuilder.addEdge(weightedEdge); return; } // TODO ? pouvoir donner un traversal by edge en option @Override public <T> Matches<T> from(final UndirectedGraph<T> residualGraph) { final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> mutableResidualGraph = this.copyGraph(residualGraph); return this.bestMatching(residualGraph, mutableResidualGraph, new Matches<T>(new HashMap<T, T>(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0); } public <T> void enumeration(final UndirectedGraph<T> residualGraph, final int i) { System.out.println(i); final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> mutableResidualGraph = this.copyGraph(residualGraph); MutableUndirectedGraph<T> maximumMatching; maximumMatching = EdmondsAlgorithm.maximumMatching(mutableResidualGraph); if (!isPerfect(maximumMatching)) return; final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> mutableUndirectedGraph = new MutableUndirectedGraph<T>( mutableResidualGraph); final T node = maximumMatching.iterator().next(); mutableUndirectedGraph.removeEdge(node, maximumMatching.getEndPoints(node).iterator().next()); final UndirectedGraph<T> nextResidualGraph = this.copyGraph(mutableUndirectedGraph); this.enumeration(nextResidualGraph, i + 1); } private <T> Matches<T> _bestMatching( // TODO revoir... final UndirectedGraph<T> residualGraph, final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> mutableResidualGraph, Matches<T> bestMatch, final int level) { //System.out.println(level); final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> maximumMatching = EdmondsAlgorithm.maximumMatching(mutableResidualGraph); if (!isPerfect(maximumMatching)) return bestMatch; /* System.out.println(); System.out.println("Perfect Matching"); for (final T t : maximumMatching) { System.out.println(t + " - " + maximumMatching.getEndPoints(t).iterator().next()); } System.out.println(); */ final Map<T, T> matching = buildMatchingMap(maximumMatching); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Perfect Matching"); for (final Entry<T, T> entry : matching.entrySet()) { System.out.println(entry); } System.out.println(); //final double cost = computeCost(residualGraph, matching); //System.out.println(cost); final double cost = computeCost(eulerize((UndirectedGraph<T>) this.originalGraph, matching)); //System.err.println(cost + " |" + bestMatch.getCost()); if (, bestMatch.getCost()) == -1) bestMatch = new Matches<T>(matching, cost); for (final Entry<T, T> entry : matching.entrySet()) { final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> nextMutableResidualGraph = new MutableUndirectedGraph<T>( mutableResidualGraph); nextMutableResidualGraph.removeEdge(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); bestMatch = this.bestMatching(residualGraph, nextMutableResidualGraph, bestMatch, level + 1); } /* final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> nextMutableResidualGraph = new MutableUndirectedGraph<T>(mutableResidualGraph); for (final Entry<T, T> entry : matching.entrySet()) { nextMutableResidualGraph.removeEdge(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } bestMatch = this.bestMatching(residualGraph, nextMutableResidualGraph, bestMatch, level + 1); */ /* System.out.println("ok"); final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> nextMutableResidualGraph = new MutableUndirectedGraph<T>(mutableResidualGraph); for (final Entry<T, T> entry : matching.entrySet()) nextMutableResidualGraph.removeEdge(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); bestMatch = this.bestMatching(residualGraph, nextMutableResidualGraph, bestMatch, level + 1); */ return bestMatch; } private <T> Matches<T> bestMatching(final UndirectedGraph<T> residualGraph, final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> mutableResidualGraph, Matches<T> bestMatch, final int level) { final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> maximumMatching = EdmondsAlgorithm.maximumMatching(mutableResidualGraph); if (!isPerfect(maximumMatching)) return bestMatch; final Map<T, T> matching = buildMatchingMap(maximumMatching); //final double cost = computeCost(residualGraph, matching); final double cost = computeCost(eulerize((UndirectedGraph<T>) this.originalGraph, matching)); if (, bestMatch.getCost()) == -1) bestMatch = new Matches<T>(matching, cost); final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> nextMutableResidualGraph = new MutableUndirectedGraph<T>( mutableResidualGraph); for (final Entry<T, T> entry : matching.entrySet()) { //final MutableUndirectedGraph<T> nextMutableResidualGraph = new MutableUndirectedGraph<T>(mutableResidualGraph); nextMutableResidualGraph.removeEdge(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); //bestMatch = this.bestMatching(residualGraph, nextMutableResidualGraph, bestMatch, level + 1); } bestMatch = this.bestMatching(residualGraph, nextMutableResidualGraph, bestMatch, level + 1); return bestMatch; } @Override public <T> void setOriginalGraph(final UndirectedGraph<T> graph) { this.originalGraph = graph; } }