Java tutorial
package mat.server.service.impl; import; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import mat.dao.ListObjectDAO; import mat.dao.clause.MeasureExportDAO; import mat.model.Code; import mat.model.CodeList; import mat.model.GroupedCodeList; import mat.model.ListObject; import mat.model.MatConcept; import mat.model.MatValueSet; import mat.model.clause.MeasureExport; import mat.shared.ConstantMessages; import mat.shared.DateUtility; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.SummaryInformation; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import; /** The Class XLSGenerator. */ public abstract class XLSGenerator { /** The Class RowCacheItem. */ protected class RowCacheItem implements Comparable<RowCacheItem> { /** The style. */ public HSSFCellStyle style; /** The values. */ public String[] values; /** * Compare two RowCacheItems based on OID first. if they match on OID, * then compare on Code. * @param o - RowCacheItem. * @return int. */ @Override public final int compareTo(final RowCacheItem o) { DotCompare dc = new DotCompare(); int ret; ret = dc.dotNotationCompare(values[oid], o.values[oid]); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } return dc.dotNotationCompare(values[code], o.values[code]); } } /** The author. */ protected final String AUTHOR = "eMeasureTool"; /** The code. */ protected final int code = 6; /** The codedescription. */ protected final int codedescription = 7; /** * WorkBook Header. * **/ private final String[] HEADER_STRINGS = { "Value Set Developer", "Value Set OID", "Revision Date", "Value Set Name", "Code System", "Code System Version", "Code", "Descriptor" }; /** The keywords. */ protected final String KEYWORDS = "Value Set, OID, Export, Measure, Code, Descriptor"; /** The measuredeveloper. */ protected final int measuredeveloper = 0; /** * WorkBook Content. * **/ private final String[] NAME_STRINGS = { "ValueSetDeveloper", "ValueSetOID", "RevisionDate", "ValueSetName", "QDMCategory", "CodeSystem", "CodeSystemVersion", "Code", "Descriptor" }; /** The oid. */ protected final int oid = 1; /** The revision date. */ protected final int revisionDate = 2; /** The row cache. */ protected ArrayList<RowCacheItem> rowCache = new ArrayList<RowCacheItem>(); /** The standardconcept. */ protected final int standardconcept = 3; /* protected final int standardcategory = 4; */ /** The standardtaxonomy. */ protected final int standardtaxonomy = 4; /** The standardtaxonomyversion. */ protected final int standardtaxonomyversion = 5; /** The subject. */ protected final String SUBJECT = "Value Set Export"; /** The title. */ protected final String TITLE = "Value Set Export"; /** Adds the disclaimer. * * @param wkbk - HSSFWorkbook. * */ protected final void addDisclaimer(final HSSFWorkbook wkbk) { String disclaimerText = "The codes that you are exporting directly reflect the codes you entered into the " + "Measure Authoring Tool. These codes may be owned by a third party and " + "subject to copyright or other intellectual property restrictions. Use of these " + "codes may require permission from the code owner or agreement to a license. " + "It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of any third party code is " + "permissible and that you have fulfilled any notice or license requirements " + "imposed by the code owner. Use of the Measure Authoring Tool does not " + "confer any rights on you with respect to these codes other than those codes that may " + "be available from the code owner."; HSSFSheet wkst = wkbk.createSheet("Disclaimer"); HSSFRow row = wkst.createRow(0); row.createCell(0, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING).setCellValue(disclaimerText); wkst.setColumnWidth(0, (75 * 256)); HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(0); HSSFCellStyle style = wkbk.createCellStyle(); style.setWrapText(true); cell.setCellStyle(style); } /** Cache row. * * @param values - String array. * @param style - HSSFCellStyle. * */ protected final void cacheRow(final String[] values, final HSSFCellStyle style) { RowCacheItem row = new RowCacheItem(); row.values = values.clone(); = style; rowCache.add(row); } /** Cache xls row. * * @param lo - ListObject. * @param listObjectDAO - ListObjectDAO. * @param vsPackageDate - Time stamp. * * * */ protected abstract void cacheXLSRow(ListObject lo, ListObjectDAO listObjectDAO, Timestamp vsPackageDate); /** Cache xls row. * * @param lo - MatValueSet. * * * */ protected abstract void cacheXLSRow(MatValueSet lo); /** Creates the header row. * * @param wkst - HSSFSheet. * @param values - String Array. * @param names - String Array. * @param rownum - Integer. * @param style -HSSFCellStyle. * @return HSSFRow. * */ public final HSSFRow createHeaderRow(final HSSFSheet wkst, final String[] values, final String[] names, final int rownum, final HSSFCellStyle style) { HSSFRow headerRow = createXLSRow(wkst, values, rownum, style); HSSFWorkbook wkbk = wkst.getWorkbook(); generateName(wkbk, names[measuredeveloper], "'" + wkst.getSheetName() + "'!$A$1"); generateName(wkbk, names[oid], "'" + wkst.getSheetName() + "'!$B$1"); generateName(wkbk, names[revisionDate], "'" + wkst.getSheetName() + "'!$C$1"); generateName(wkbk, names[standardconcept], "'" + wkst.getSheetName() + "'!$D$1"); /* * generateName(wkbk, names[standardcategory], "'" + wkst.getSheetName() * + "'!$E$1"); */ generateName(wkbk, names[standardtaxonomy], "'" + wkst.getSheetName() + "'!$E$1"); generateName(wkbk, names[standardtaxonomyversion], "'" + wkst.getSheetName() + "'!$F$1"); generateName(wkbk, names[code], "'" + wkst.getSheetName() + "'!$G$1"); generateName(wkbk, names[codedescription], "'" + wkst.getSheetName() + "'!$H$1"); return headerRow; } /** Creates the meta data. * * @param wkbk - HSSFWorkbook. * * * */ public final void createMetaData(final HSSFWorkbook wkbk) { // Author: eMeasureTool, Title: Value Set Export, Subject: Value Set // Export, Keywords: Value Set, OID, Export, Measure, Code, Descriptor wkbk.createInformationProperties(); SummaryInformation si = wkbk.getSummaryInformation(); si.setAuthor(AUTHOR); si.setTitle(TITLE); si.setSubject(SUBJECT); si.setKeywords(KEYWORDS); } /** Creates the sheet. * * @param wkbk -HSSFWorkbook. * @param style -HSSFCellStyle. * @param sheetName - String. * @return HSSFSheet. * */ protected final HSSFSheet createSheet(final HSSFWorkbook wkbk, final HSSFCellStyle style, final String sheetName) { HSSFSheet wkst = wkbk.createSheet(sheetName); int heightPoint = 10; HSSFFont font = wkbk.createFont(); font.setFontName(HSSFFont.FONT_ARIAL); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) heightPoint); font.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); font.setColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); style.setFont(font); style.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); style.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); style.setBorderBottom((short) 1); return wkst; } /** Creates the xls row. * * @param wkst - HSSFSheet. * @param values - String Array. * @param style - HSSFCellStyle. * @return HSSFRow. * */ protected final HSSFRow createXLSRow(final HSSFSheet wkst, final String[] values, final HSSFCellStyle style) { return createXLSRow(wkst, values, wkst.getLastRowNum() + 1, style); } /** Creates the xls row. * * @param wkst - HSSFSheet. * @param values - String Array. * @param rownum - Integer. * @param style - HSSFCellStyle. * @return HSSFRow. * */ protected final HSSFRow createXLSRow(final HSSFSheet wkst, final String[] values, final int rownum, final HSSFCellStyle style) { HSSFRow row = wkst.createRow(rownum); row.createCell(measuredeveloper, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING).setCellValue(values[measuredeveloper]); row.createCell(oid, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING).setCellValue(values[oid]); row.createCell(revisionDate, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING).setCellValue(values[revisionDate]); row.createCell(standardconcept, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING).setCellValue(values[standardconcept]); /* * row.createCell(standardcategory, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) * .setCellValue(values[standardcategory]); */ row.createCell(standardtaxonomy, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING).setCellValue(values[standardtaxonomy]); row.createCell(standardtaxonomyversion, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) .setCellValue(values[standardtaxonomyversion]); row.createCell(code, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING).setCellValue(values[code]); row.createCell(codedescription, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING).setCellValue(values[codedescription]); if (style != null) { row.getCell(measuredeveloper).setCellStyle(style); row.getCell(oid).setCellStyle(style); row.getCell(revisionDate).setCellStyle(style); row.getCell(standardconcept).setCellStyle(style); /* row.getCell(standardcategory).setCellStyle(style); */ row.getCell(standardtaxonomy).setCellStyle(style); row.getCell(standardtaxonomyversion).setCellStyle(style); row.getCell(code).setCellStyle(style); row.getCell(codedescription).setCellStyle(style); } return row; } /** Generate name. * * @param wkbk - HSSFWorkbook. * @param nameStr - String. * @param referenceStr - String. * */ protected final void generateName(final HSSFWorkbook wkbk, final String nameStr, final String referenceStr) { // names are required for 508 testing Name name = wkbk.createName(); name.setNameName(nameStr); name.setRefersToFormula(referenceStr); } /** Gets the error xls. * * @return HSSFWorkbook. * */ public HSSFWorkbook getErrorXLS() { HSSFWorkbook wkbk = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet wkst = wkbk.createSheet("Sheet 1"); wkst.createRow(0).createCell(0).setCellValue("Measure must be re-packaged to capture the Value Set export." + " Please re-package and try again."); return wkbk; } /** Gets the header strings. * * @return the hEADER_STRINGS */ public String[] getHEADER_STRINGS() { return HEADER_STRINGS; } /** * NOTE: there is an error in the POI API that keeps us from using. * HSSFWorkbook.getBytes() * * @param wkbk -HSSFWorkbook. * @return byte array from workbook * @throws IOException - IOException. */ public final byte[] getHSSFWorkbookBytes(final HSSFWorkbook wkbk) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wkbk.write(baos); byte[] barr = baos.toByteArray(); baos.close(); return barr; } /** Gets the name strings. * * @return the nAME_STRINGS */ public String[] getNAME_STRINGS() { return NAME_STRINGS; } /** Gets the xls. * * @param measureId - String. * @param measureExportDAO - MeasureExportDAO. * @return HSSFWorkbook. * */ public final HSSFWorkbook getXLS(final String measureId, final MeasureExportDAO measureExportDAO) { MeasureExport me = measureExportDAO.findForMeasure(measureId); me.getCodeListBarr(); try { byte[] barr = me.getCodeListBarr(); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(barr); HSSFWorkbook wkbk = new HSSFWorkbook(bais); return wkbk; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** Process xls row. * * @param lo - ListObject. * @param listObjectDAO - ListObjectDAO. * @param vsPackageDate - Timestamp. * * * */ protected final void processXLSRow(final ListObject lo, final ListObjectDAO listObjectDAO, final Timestamp vsPackageDate) { String measureDeveloper = ""; // US 178, Using steward organization name for SDE !!. if ((lo.getSteward() != null) && !lo.getSteward().getOrgName().equalsIgnoreCase("Other")) { measureDeveloper = lo.getSteward().getOrgName(); } else if (lo.getStewardOther() != null) { measureDeveloper = lo.getStewardOther(); } String standardConcept = lo.getName(); // String category = lo.getCategory().getDescription(); String taxonomy = lo.getCodeSystem().getDescription(); String taxonomyVersion = lo.getCodeSystemVersion(); String oid = lo.getOid(); String valueSetLastModified = DateUtility.convertDateToString(lo.getLastModified()); if (lo instanceof CodeList) { if (((CodeList) lo).getCodes().isEmpty()) { String code = ""; String description = ""; cacheRow(new String[] { measureDeveloper, oid, valueSetLastModified, standardConcept, taxonomy, taxonomyVersion, code, description }, null); } Set<Code> codeSet = new HashSet<Code>(); for (Code c : ((CodeList) lo).getCodes()) { codeSet.add(c); } for (Code c : codeSet) { String code = c.getCode(); String description = c.getDescription(); cacheRow(new String[] { measureDeveloper, oid, valueSetLastModified, standardConcept, taxonomy, taxonomyVersion, code, description }, null); } } else { if (lo.getCodesLists().isEmpty()) { String code = ""; String description = ""; cacheRow(new String[] { measureDeveloper, oid, valueSetLastModified, standardConcept, taxonomy, taxonomyVersion, code, description }, null); } for (GroupedCodeList gcl : lo.getCodesLists()) { String code = gcl.getCodeList().getOid(); String description = gcl.getDescription(); cacheRow(new String[] { measureDeveloper, oid, valueSetLastModified, standardConcept, taxonomy, taxonomyVersion, code, description }, null); cacheXLSRow(gcl.getCodeList(), listObjectDAO, vsPackageDate); } } } /** Process xls row. * * @param lo - MatValueSet. * * * */ protected final void processXLSRow(final MatValueSet lo) { String measureDeveloper = ""; measureDeveloper = lo.getSource(); String standardConcept = lo.getDisplayName(); String code = ""; String oid = lo.getID(); String valueSetLastModified = lo.getRevisionDate(); if (ConstantMessages.GROUPING_CODE_SYSTEM.equalsIgnoreCase(lo.getType())) { String taxonomy = ConstantMessages.GROUPING_CODE_SYSTEM; String taxonomyVersion = ""; String description = ""; if (lo.getGroupedValueSet().get(0).getConceptList().getConceptList() != null) { taxonomyVersion = lo.getGroupedValueSet().get(0).getConceptList().getConceptList().get(0) .getCodeSystemVersion(); } if (lo.getGroupedValueSet().size() == 0) { cacheRow(new String[] { measureDeveloper, oid, valueSetLastModified, standardConcept, taxonomy, taxonomyVersion, code, description }, null); } for (MatValueSet gcl : lo.getGroupedValueSet()) { code = gcl.getID(); // description = gcl.getDescription(); cacheRow(new String[] { measureDeveloper, oid, valueSetLastModified, standardConcept, taxonomy, taxonomyVersion, code, description }, null); cacheXLSRow(gcl); } } else { String taxonomyVersion = ""; String taxonomy = ""; String description = ""; if (lo.getConceptList().getConceptList() != null) { taxonomy = lo.getConceptList().getConceptList().get(0).getCodeSystemName(); taxonomyVersion = lo.getConceptList().getConceptList().get(0).getCodeSystemVersion(); if ((lo.getConceptList().getConceptList().size() == 0)) { cacheRow(new String[] { measureDeveloper, oid, valueSetLastModified, standardConcept, taxonomy, taxonomyVersion, code, description }, null); } for (MatConcept concept : lo.getConceptList().getConceptList()) { code = concept.getCode(); description = concept.getDisplayName(); cacheRow(new String[] { measureDeveloper, oid, valueSetLastModified, standardConcept, taxonomy, taxonomyVersion, code, description }, null); } } } } /** Size column. * * @param wkst - HSSFSheet. * @param col - Short. * */ private void sizeColumn(final HSSFSheet wkst, final short col) { try { wkst.autoSizeColumn(col); } catch (Exception e) { wkst.setColumnWidth(col, (256 * 255)); } } /** Size columns. * * @param wkst - HSSFSheet. * */ protected final void sizeColumns(final HSSFSheet wkst) { sizeColumn(wkst, (short) measuredeveloper); sizeColumn(wkst, (short) oid); sizeColumn(wkst, (short) revisionDate); sizeColumn(wkst, (short) standardconcept); /* sizeColumn(wkst, (short) standardcategory); */ sizeColumn(wkst, (short) standardtaxonomy); sizeColumn(wkst, (short) standardtaxonomyversion); sizeColumn(wkst, (short) code); sizeColumn(wkst, (short) codedescription); } /** Strip invalid chars. * * @param repStr - String. * @return String. * */ protected final String stripInvalidChars(final String repStr) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String acceptableStr = " `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&89(0)-_=+qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM,<.>{}|"; for (char c : repStr.toCharArray()) { if (acceptableStr.indexOf(c) >= 0) { sb.append(c); } } if (sb.length() == 0) { return "temp"; } return sb.toString(); } /** Write row cache. * * @param wkst - HSSFSheet. * */ protected final void writeRowCache(final HSSFSheet wkst) { Collections.sort(rowCache); for (RowCacheItem row : rowCache) { createXLSRow(wkst, row.values,; } } }