Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2015, by the Authors: Antonio Sanchez (UBC)
 * This software is freely available under a 2-clause BSD license. Please see
 * the LICENSE file in the ArtiSynth distribution directory for details.

package maspack.fileutil;

import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject;

 * Interface for class responsible for monitoring one or more file transfers by
 * examining the destination file. It is associated with a set of
 * {@link FileTransferListener} objects that listen to transfer events fired by
 * this monitor.
 * @author "Antonio Sanchez" Creation date: 17 Nov 2012
public interface FileTransferMonitor extends Runnable {

     * Adds a listener object to respond to transfer events
     * @param listener listener to add
    public void addListener(FileTransferListener listener);

     * Removes a listener object
     * @param listener listener to remove
    public void removeListener(FileTransferListener listener);

     * @return the set of all listeners
    public FileTransferListener[] getListeners();

     * Time in milliseconds between polls when checking for an update
     * in the transfer status.
     * @return the polling period
    public long getPollSleep();

     * Sets the polling period
    public void setPollSleep(long period);

     * Fires the supplied event to all listeners associated with this monitor
    public void fireEvent(FileTransferEvent event);

     * Convenience function for firing a "start" event for the transfer
     * @param destFile The destination file for the transfer to uniquely
     *    identify the FileTransferMonitorAgent responsible for firing events
    public void fireStartEvent(FileObject destFile);

     * Convenience function for firing a "complete" event for the transfer
     * @param destFile The destination file for the transfer to uniquely
     *    identify the FileTransferMonitorAgent responsible for firing events
    public void fireCompleteEvent(FileObject destFile);

     * Informs this monitor object to monitor a file transfer.  If the monitor
     * supports multiple files, adds this to a list of monitored files.  Otherwise,
     * sets the current transfer to monitor.
     * @param destFile transfer destination
     * @param srcFile transfer source
    public void monitor(FileObject destFile, FileObject srcFile);

     * Informs this monitor object to monitor a file transfer.  If the monitor
     * supports multiple files, adds this to a list of monitored files.  Otherwise,
     * sets the current transfer to monitor.
     * @param destFile transfer destination
     * @param srcFile transfer source
     * @param size the size of the source file (total transfer size).  If < 0, then we determine
     *        the transfer size from srcFile
     * @param displayName the name associated with the transfer (may be different than 
     *    destFile if .part is used)
    public void monitor(FileObject destFile, FileObject srcFile, long size, String displayName);

     * Informs this monitor object to monitor a file transfer.  If the monitor
     * supports multiple files, adds this to a list of monitored files.  Otherwise,
     * sets the current one.
     * @param destFile transfer destination
     * @param size Total transfer size
    public void monitor(FileObject destFile, long size);

     * Discontinues monitoring a file transfer based on the supplied
     * destination file.
     * @param destFile destination file
    public void release(FileObject destFile);

     * Starts the monitoring thread
    public void start();

     * Stops the monitoring thread
    public void stop();
