Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import mase.controllers.AgentController; import mase.controllers.GroupController; import mase.mason.generic.SmartAgentProvider; import mase.mason.generic.systematic.EntityGroup; import mase.mason.generic.systematic.TaskDescription; import mase.mason.generic.systematic.TaskDescriptionProvider; import mase.mason.MasonSimState; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import sim.engine.SimState; import sim.engine.Steppable; import sim.field.continuous.Continuous2D; import sim.portrayal.FieldPortrayal2D; import sim.portrayal.continuous.ContinuousPortrayal2D; import sim.util.Double2D; /** * * @author jorge */ public class Indiana extends MasonSimState implements TaskDescriptionProvider, SmartAgentProvider { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected IndianaParams par; protected List<IndianaAgent> agents; protected List<IndianaAgent> activeAgents; protected Continuous2D field; protected MultilineObject walls; protected Gate gate; protected TaskDescription td; @Override public TaskDescription getTaskDescription() { return td; } protected enum AgentPlacement { LINE, CIRCLES } public Indiana(long seed, IndianaParams par, GroupController gc) { super(gc, seed); this.par = par; } @Override public FieldPortrayal2D createFieldPortrayal() { return new ContinuousPortrayal2D(); } @Override public void setupPortrayal(FieldPortrayal2D port) { port.setField(field); } @Override public List<? extends SmartAgent> getSmartAgents() { return agents; } @Override public void start() { super.start(); this.field = new Continuous2D(par.discretization, par.size, par.size); this.walls = new MultilineObject(field, new Double2D(0, par.size / 2 + par.gateSize / 2), new Double2D(0, par.size), new Double2D(par.size, par.size), new Double2D(par.size, 0), new Double2D(0, 0), new Double2D(0, par.size / 2 - par.gateSize / 2)); this.walls.filled = false; this.walls.paint = Color.BLACK; this.walls.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2f)); this.gate = new Gate(this, field); schedule.scheduleRepeating(gate); field.setObjectLocation(gate, new Double2D(0.5, 0)); field.setObjectLocation(walls, new Double2D(0, 0)); placeAgents(); = new TaskDescription(new EntityGroup(activeAgents, 0, agents.size(), false), new EntityGroup(Collections.singletonList(gate), 1, 1, true), new EntityGroup(Collections.singletonList(walls), 1, 1, true)); } protected void placeAgents() { agents = new ArrayList<IndianaAgent>(par.numAgents); AgentController[] acs = gc.getAgentControllers(par.numAgents); double agentSeparation = (par.size - IndianaAgent.RADIUS) / par.numAgents; if (par.agentPlacement == AgentPlacement.LINE) { for (int i = 0; i < par.numAgents; i++) { IndianaAgent ag = new IndianaAgent(this, field, acs[i].clone()); Double2D p = new Double2D((i + 1) * agentSeparation, par.size / 2); ag.setLocation(p); ag.setOrientation(Math.PI); ag.setStopper(schedule.scheduleRepeating(ag)); agents.add(ag); } } else if (par.agentPlacement == AgentPlacement.CIRCLES) { for (int i = 0; i < par.numAgents; i++) { IndianaAgent ag = new IndianaAgent(this, field, acs[i].clone()); double radius = (i + 1) * agentSeparation; Double2D p = null; while (p == null) { double randAngle = this.random.nextDouble() * Math.PI * 2; Double2D candidate = new Double2D(FastMath.cos(randAngle) * radius, gate.getCenter().y + FastMath.sin(randAngle) * radius); if (ag.checkInsideArena(candidate)) { p = candidate; } } ag.setLocation(p); ag.setOrientation(random.nextDouble() * Math.PI * 2 - Math.PI); ag.setStopper(schedule.scheduleRepeating(ag)); agents.add(ag); } } activeAgents = new ArrayList<IndianaAgent>(agents); } protected static class Gate extends MultilineObject implements Steppable { protected long openTime = -1; protected boolean closed = false; protected Double2D center; protected Gate(Indiana sim, Continuous2D field) { super(field, new Multiline(new Double2D(-0.1, sim.par.size / 2 - sim.par.gateSize / 2), new Double2D(-0.1, sim.par.size / 2 + sim.par.gateSize / 2))); this.paint = Color.BLUE; this.filled = false; this.setStroke(new BasicStroke(3)); = new Double2D(0, sim.par.size / 2); } @Override public void step(SimState state) { Indiana ind = (Indiana) state; boolean anyInside = false; for (IndianaAgent a : ind.agents) { if (!a.escaped) { anyInside = true; if (a.passingGate && a.getLocation().x < 0) { if (openTime == -1) { this.paint = Color.RED; openTime = ind.schedule.getSteps(); } a.stop(); a.escaped = true; ind.field.remove(a); ind.activeAgents.remove(a); } } } if (!anyInside || (openTime != -1 && ind.schedule.getSteps() - openTime > ind.par.gateInterval)) { closed = true; state.kill(); } } @Override public double[] getStateVariables() { return new double[] { openTime == -1 ? 0 : 1 }; } protected Double2D getCenter() { return center; } } }