Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import sim.engine.SimState; import sim.field.continuous.Continuous2D; import sim.portrayal.simple.OvalPortrayal2D; import sim.util.Double2D; /** * * @author jorge */ public class FlyingEffector extends AbstractEffector { public static final double MIN_SCALE = 10; private double maxLinearAcc; private double maxAngularAcc; private double xVelocity; private double yVelocity; private double rVelocity; private double zVelocity; private double height; private double maxHeight; private double linearDragCoeff = 0; private double rotationDragCoeff = 0; private boolean enableAltitude; private double noise = 0; public FlyingEffector(SimState state, Continuous2D field, EmboddiedAgent ag) { super(state, field, ag); } public void setAccelerationLimits(double linear, double turn) { this.maxLinearAcc = linear; this.maxAngularAcc = turn; } /* * Always call setAccelerationLimits first. */ public void calculateDragCoefficients(double maxLinearVelocity, double maxAngularVelocity) { this.linearDragCoeff = maxLinearAcc / maxLinearVelocity; this.rotationDragCoeff = maxAngularAcc / maxAngularVelocity; this.xVelocity = 0; this.yVelocity = 0; this.rVelocity = 0; this.zVelocity = 0; } @Override public int valueCount() { return enableAltitude ? 4 : 3; } public void enableAltitude(boolean enable) { this.enableAltitude = enable; } public void setMaxHeight(double h) { this.maxHeight = h; } public void setHeight(double h) { this.height = h; } /** * @param linearNoise In percentage, relative to max linear speed * @param turnNoise In percentage, relative to max turn speed * @param type Uniform (0) or Gaussian (1) */ public void setNoise(double noise) { this.noise = noise; } @Override public void action(double[] values) { if (height > 0.1) { // PLANAR MOVEMENT double xThrust = (values[1] * 2 - 1) * maxLinearAcc; // left -- right double yThrust = (values[0] * 2 - 1) * maxLinearAcc; // forward -- backwards if (noise > 0) { xThrust += xThrust * (state.random.nextDouble() * 2 - 1) * noise; yThrust += yThrust * (state.random.nextDouble() * 2 - 1) * noise; } double xDrag = xVelocity * linearDragCoeff; double yDrag = yVelocity * linearDragCoeff; xVelocity = xVelocity + xThrust - xDrag; yVelocity = yVelocity + yThrust - yDrag; Double2D velocity = new Double2D(xVelocity, yVelocity); velocity = velocity.rotate(ag.orientation2D()); Double2D newLoc = ag.getLocation().add(velocity); ag.setLocation(newLoc); ag.setSpeed(velocity.length()); // ROTATION double rThrust = (values[2] * 2 - 1) * maxAngularAcc; // left -- right// rotation around the axis if (noise > 0) { rThrust += rThrust * (state.random.nextDouble() * 2 - 1) * noise; } double rDrag = /*FastMath.pow2*/ (rVelocity) * rotationDragCoeff; double rAcc = rThrust - rDrag; rVelocity = rVelocity + rAcc; ag.setOrientation(EmboddiedAgent.normalizeAngle(ag.orientation2D() + rVelocity)); } else { xVelocity = 0; yVelocity = 0; ag.setSpeed(0); rVelocity = 0; } // VERTICAL MOVEMENT if (enableAltitude) { double zThrust = (values[3] * 2 - 1) * maxLinearAcc; if (noise > 0) { zThrust += zThrust * (state.random.nextDouble() * 2 - 1) * noise; } double zDrag = zVelocity * linearDragCoeff; zVelocity = zVelocity + zThrust - zDrag; if (height + zVelocity < 0) { zVelocity = -height; } height += zVelocity; // Altitude changed, change sensors if (zVelocity > 0.01 || zVelocity < 0.01) { updateHeight(); } } } public void updateHeight() { ForagingTask ft = (ForagingTask) super.state; // Update flying bot sensors double vr = height > maxHeight ? 0 : height * FastMath.tan(ft.par.flyingVisionAngle / 2); for (Sensor sens : ((SmartAgent) ag).getSensors()) { if (sens instanceof DistanceSensorArcs) { DistanceSensorArcs dsa = (DistanceSensorArcs) sens; dsa.setRange(vr); } } // Update land bot sensors double lr = height > maxHeight ? 0 : height * FastMath.tan(ft.par.landVisionAngle / 2); DistanceSensorArcs sens = (DistanceSensorArcs) ft.landBot.getSensors().get(1); sens.setRange(lr); // Update apperance double newScale = MIN_SCALE + (ft.par.flyingRadius * 2 - MIN_SCALE) * ((-Math.min(height, maxHeight) + maxHeight) / maxHeight); OvalPortrayal2D child = (OvalPortrayal2D) ag.getChild(null); child.scale = newScale; if (height < 0.1) { child.paint = Color.BLACK; } else if (height > maxHeight) { child.paint = Color.ORANGE; } else { child.paint = FlyingRobot.COLOR; } if (height < 5) { ag.setCollidableTypes(EmboddiedAgent.class); ft.landBot.setCollidableTypes(EmboddiedAgent.class); } else { ag.setCollidableTypes(); ft.landBot.setCollidableTypes(); } } public double getHeight() { return height; } public double getMaxHeight() { return maxHeight; } }