Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package mains; import com.rabbitmq.client.*; import controllerStuff.ControllerPublisher; import controllerStuff.LCD_Controller; import controllerStuff.LED_Controller; import raspisensormodule.BusRMIConnector; import raspisensormodule.NodeSensorHandler; // /** * * @author thor */ public class RaspiSensorModule_0 { //++++++++++++ Hosts ++++++++++++++++++ // static String host = "localhost"; static String host = ""; // static String host = ""; // static String host = ""; // static String host = ""; // static String host = ""; // static String thisIp = ""; static String thisIp = ""; // static String thisIp = ""; // static String thisIp = ""; // static String thisIp = ""; //------------------------------------- public static final String SENSOR_EXCHANGE = "sensorExchange"; public static final String SENSOR_ROUT_KEY_BASE = "sensor."; public static final String NODE_ID = "node_frontTruckSection"; public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { //________ Basic subscribe direct (Routing) __________ ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost(host); factory.setUsername("piadmin"); factory.setPassword("3828"); Connection connection = factory.newConnection(); System.setProperty("java.rmi.server.hostname", thisIp); ControllerPublisher conPub = new ControllerPublisher(connection, NODE_ID); LED_Controller ledCon = new LED_Controller("ledControllerRealTest"); LCD_Controller lcdCon = new LCD_Controller("lcdController_messeges"); // NodeController ledCon1 = new NodeController("ledControllerFloor"); // NodeController ledCon2 = new NodeController("ledControllerCabin"); conPub.publishController(ledCon); conPub.publishController(lcdCon); // conPub.publishController(ledCon1); // conPub.publishController(ledCon2); NodeSensorHandler nodeSensors = new NodeSensorHandler(connection, SENSOR_EXCHANGE, SENSOR_ROUT_KEY_BASE + NODE_ID); System.out.println("Sensors up"); // BusRMIConnector rmiConnection = new BusRMIConnector(connection, SENSOR_EXCHANGE, SENSOR_ROUT_KEY_BASE + NODE_ID); // System.out.println("RMI up");; connection.close(); } }